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[hide]Overview over Galaxy Sector 1

Systems in Galaxy Sector 1
- A Aanbiat Aate Aerater Aesbion Alaza Aleusqu Anarlaqu Anbeen Anerbe Anisor Anlama Anlere Anle Anxebiza Anxeonis Aona Ararus Arazaes Ara Arexe Aronar Arraesso Arusqudi Aruszati Arxeza Arzaso Atage Atarza Atbevete Atrabiin Atrebibi Atrienxe Atriso Azaqu
- B Beenri Beesor Begeabi Bemaera Beor Beraanxe Beti Beusrior Biarge Bibe Bierle Biisorte Biisza Bioris Biorle Biramabi Bivea
- C Cebetela Ceedra Ceesxe Ceinzala Celabile Cemave Cetiisqu Cevege
- D Diedar Digebiti Diora Diquer Diquxe Diso Ditiza Diusreza Dizaoner
- E Ededleen Edinso Edle Edorte Edreor Edzaon Encereso Engema Eninre Enonla Ensoreus Entizadi Enzaer Erbiti Eredve Erlage Erlaza Ermaso Ervein Esanbe Esbeus Esbiza Esesla Esgerean Esredice Esteonbi Esusti Esveor Eszaraxe
- G Geerra Geinona Geisgeza Gelaed Gelegeus Gequre Gerege Gerete
- I Inera Ininbi Inines Inleus Inonri Inus Isanlequ Isatre Isdibi Isence Isinor Isti Isveve
- L Laeden Laenin Larais Lave Learorce Leesti Legees Leleer Leoned Lerelace Leritean
- M Maesin Maises Malama Maregeis Mariar Maxeedso
- O Onisqu Onlema Onrira Ontiat Ontimaxe Onusorle Ordima Orerve Oreseren Oresle Oresqu Oresri Orgetibe Ororqu Orrere Orrira Orso Orteve
- Q Quator Qubeen Qube Qucerere Qudira Quorte Ququor Qurave Qutiri Quzadi
- R Raale Rabedira Raleen Raoror Rarere Rateedar Razaar Ra Rebia Reesdice Regeatge Reinen Relaes Reorte Retila Rexebe Riantiat Ribilebi Ribiso Riedquat Rigeti Riinus Riiser Rilace Riraes Riredi Ritila Riveis Rizala
- S Socelage Soinuste Soladies Solageon Soorbi Sorace Sori Sotera Sotiera Sotiqu
- T Teaatis Teanrebi Teen Teesdi Teorge Teraed Terea Teveri Tianve Tibecea Tibedied Tibionis Tiinlebi Tionisla Tioranin Tiquat Tiraor
- U Usanat Usatqura Uscela Usle Usralaat Usrarema Ususor Uszaa
- V Veale Vebege Veisti Veis Velete Vetitice
- X Xeaan Xeaqu Xeenle Xeeranre Xeer Xeesenri Xeesle Xeoner Xequerin Xeququti Xexedi Xexeti Xezaor
- Z Zaalela Zaatxe Zadies Zaerla Zainlabi Zaleriza Zaonce Zarece Zasoceat Zasoer
- See Systems in Galaxy Sector 1 for a detailed list.
- See Oolite planet list/Galaxy 1 for charts mapping government type against Tech Level, economy & number of systems within 7ly.
- The Famous Planets OXP enhances the experience of a number of systems in the Galaxy Sector 1. F7 descriptions & music.
- Diso: Diso OXP adds planets and a nebula effect. Asteroid Storm OXP adds a mission.
- Lave: 6 OXPs! Lave OXP adds the famous "Lave Moon", trainee pilots etc; Monument adds a monument to deceased commanders. See Sector1/Lave for the full list.
- Leesti: The P.A. Groove Stations OXP adds the first Dodo station in Leesti.
- Lerelace: Taranis OXP adds a phenomenal station and a mission.
- Onrira: Torus station adds the renowned Obnoxicorp orbital station to Onrira.
- Riredi: Riredi OXP adds a phenomenal station and a planet texture.
- Tianve: Tianve OXP adds the famous Pulsar & tourism to Tianve.
- Tionisla: Tionisla Orbital Graveyard adds the famous graveyard to the Tionisla system. Tionisla Chronicle Array adds the array. Tionisla Reporter adds a mission.
- The Lave Academy OXP adds an Academy Station to Lave. Also extra (optional) stations to Esteonbi, Enonla, Esanbe, and Xequerin.
- The Feudal States OXP adds The Royal Houses of Santaari, a group of eleven feudal systems in this sector.
- The Darkside Moonshine Distillery enhances the Tortuga Expanse region.
- The Galactic Navy has fourteen Sector Command Stations in Galaxy Sector 1: Ceinzala (SecCom 1), Orrere (SecCom 2), Isinor (SecCom 3), Tibionis (SecCom 4), Encereso (SecCom 5), Usatqura (SecCom 6), Maxeedso (SecCom 7), Xeer (SecCom 8), Xeaan (SecCom 9), Oresle (SecCom 10), Areater (SecCom 11), Aleusqu (SecCom 12), Inines (SecCom 13), and Ceedra (SecCom 14).
Note that many other missions exist which are not specific to Galaxy 1!
- Asteroid Storm
- Galactic Navy includes a range of missions
- Local Hero (broken)
- Long Way Around - written by Aegidian!
- Scourge of the Black Baron (sequel to Long Way Around)
- Spy Hunter
- Taranis OXP
- The Collector
- Tionisla Reporter
Maps & Spreadsheets
The Vector Maps
By Clym Angus. This excellent piece of digital art adds routes and regions to every Galaxy Sector. Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror
- BB Discussion Thread is here (2009-13). These maps standardised the naming of many of the regions.
Marcooose's Maps
By Marcooose. See Oolite planet list
Galaxy Maps
Opens in your web browser, very swoosh, you can make notes on it! By Phkb (2017) - you need a browser which supports HTML 5.0 or better.
- See this BB Link for details.
- The zip package can be downloaded from here:
Interactive Maps
By Phantorgorth. Oolite Interactive Map. You can change the galaxy seed and generate a different galaxy.
Solo's Maps
By CaptSolo - see the bottom of that page: he has different regions and regional names from Clym Angus's.
Galaxies Spreadsheet
By Phantorgorth. See here - it is in OpenDocument format.
Trading Spreadsheet
By Phantorgorth. A related spreadsheet analysing useful trading routes is also available for download.
The Rough Guide to the Ooniverse
The Rough Guide to the Ooniverse is a series of articles that describes several systems of the first sector.
The Traders Almanach
The Traders Almanach gives trading advice and more.
Routes and Regions
In Sector 1, there are four major Spaceways:
- The Spaceway L1 from Lave to Xexedi and looping back to Aronar,
- The Spaceway L2 that also starts in Lave and follows the course of L1 up to Aronar, but then leads on to Zadies,
- The Spaceway L3 from Zadies to Teraed, and
- The Spaceway L4 from Teraed to Tianve.
There are also eight established regions in Sector 1:
- The Old Worlds around Lave in the far eight o'clock map area,
- The The Teraed Region around Teraed in the middle two o'clock area,
- The Devils Triangle, a group of three anarchies in the far five o'clock area,
- The Pulsar Worlds around Tianve in the far two o'clock corner,
- The Tortuga Expanse, a piracy-ridden poor to medium agricultural region around Xeenle at the far four o'clock end,
- The Iron Stars, some relatively high-tech systems at the seven o'clock edge of the sector,
- The Xexedi Cluster, a roughly circular area around Xexedi in the middle ten o'clock area, and finally
- The GalCenter G1 in the center of the sector.
The Dark Wheel
The Dark Wheel is the novella that was packaged with the original Elite. It features the systems Lave, Tionisla, and Xesaor in the first sector, and the fictional systems Raxxla and Cirac.
Status Quo and Mutabilis
Status Quo and Mutabilis are two novellas by Drew Wagar, and tell the story of Rebecca Weston, an elite combateer from Tianve. Other planets featured include: Zaonce, Tionisla, Lave, Onrira, Sotiqu and Oresrati.
Rise of The Kirin
Rise Of The Kirin is a PDF novella bundled with the kirin.oxp collaboratively written by Wyvern and Clym Angus. Features and describes several minor systems in Galaxy Sector one.
Calliope – a Captain Hesperus adventure
Calliope - a Captain Hesperus adventure is a PDF novella by Blaze O'Glory concerning the unorthodox activities of Captain Hesperus in several systems of Sector 1 – principally Inines, Qudira and Teen.
- The Eight for a disquisition on the 8 galaxies
- See Systems in Galaxy Sector 1 for a more detailed list.
- See Oolite planet list/Galaxy 1 for charts mapping government type against Tech Level, economy & number of systems within 7ly.
- Maps for a detailed list