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[hide]Overview over Galaxy Sector 4

Systems in Galaxy Sector 4
- A Aaanqu Aarza Abilama Aenlege Aingeon Anerined Ange Aninator Anonrior Anquen Anrebeis Ante Anxeadi Arama Arceonre Arditi Arera Arianes Arlabi Arrege Arriesen Ataris Atbitela Atdibe Atedanza Ater Atonbeza Azaage Azavear
- B Beedenri Beedriar Beesed Beisdiri Bemate Beoninon Beteona Biabi Biante Bianti Bibeer Biedtive Bien Biesin Biladi Birior Biusbi
- C Cearmate Ceausis Cebima Cebitiza Cecela Ceerla Cequququ
- D Diaquti Diarrive Dicebe Dienon Dienorqu Dilaor Diriceen Dixeso
- E Edbedi Edbire Ederditi Edisor Edmaor Edorqu Edrari Edtira Edzaraat Enanar Encegequ Engela Enlace Enlaed Enlaus Enle Enreso Ensoor Ensoza Erbierso Eresan Ergeso Erisso Erlein Ermala Ermaon Erzain Esange Esarqure Esenena Esenis Esisor Esisraan Esonlear Esrireti Esusesqu Esxevexe
- G Geaten Gebiisso Geonerbe Gequve Geritior Geteanan Geusqubi Geusvexe Gexebeor
- I Inave Inceor Inedala Inisre Insote Intege Inteveon Inve Isanla Isarima Isisbile Isma Isqueder Isquinza Isreesve Isrema Isxelave
- L Laainat Laanat Laarrara Laerzaes Laisxela Lalati Laqusoed Laquused Lavebe Laxema Leanon Learvexe Ledila Leedtier Leenenbi Leenor Leenra Leisera Leontied Lequteor Leveor
- M Maerza Maindice Maisesen Maleve Mamaed Maonxedi Maorra Mausra Mavelege
- O Onatibi Onatve Onesed Onisaned Onmaar Onramaon Ontesoge Onzaenve Oristi Oronceri Orreenan Orusdire Orxerema Orxeteed
- Q Quanre Qubeor Querbe Querorza Quisbe Qulaxe Quonso Qutius Quzaarar
- R Raaar Raceedat Raeddi Rainla Rais Raisso Ravequce Rean Reatqu Reeded Reininus Relaon Remari Rerebeer Rianxe Riceatra Riedra Rilaan Rileri Rimabe Rionxe Ririla Riusbequ
- S Soaes Soar Soed Soenisti Soisonza Soralaat Soraza Soteoris
- T Teance Teceteis Teisen Telala Temage Teteso Tetied Teveriat Tiacein Tiinisle Tileen Timabi Tiorra Tirausra Tireonce Tiveorso Tizaatdi
- U Usbege Usbiinan Uscearti Usesri Usgeat Usisis Usraqu
- V Vecedius Vegera Velaat Veorer Veretite Veteerza Veusar
- X Xecees Xeis Xelara Xerarebi Xericebi Xetiis
- Z Zadige Zainat Zainenge Zaisza Zamaes Zamaso Zaonbi Zaonen Zaus Zausmaor Zavete
See Systems in Galaxy Sector 4 for a detailed list.
- The Galactic Navy has fourteen Sector Command Stations in Galaxy Sector 4: Encegequ (SecCom 1), Quzaarar (SecCom 2), Oronceri (SecCom 3), Biesin (SecCom 4), Tiveorso (SecCom 5), Raeddi (SecCom 6), Arama (SecCom 7), Cequququ (SecCom 8), Beesed (SecCom 9), Riceatra (SecCom 10), Cearmate (SecCom 11), Diriceen (SecCom 12), Geonerbe (SecCom 13) and Onramaon (SecCom 14).
- Nova (Native):
- Bank of the Black Monks: Deal with the loan sharks. Begins when docked at any Black Monk Monastary.
- Deposed:
- Escort Contracts OXP: Allow players to enter into short-term escort contracts with NPC lone wolf traders.
- Galactic Navy: The Galactic Navy needs you. Begins when docked at any SecCom Station.
- Illegal Goods Tweak OXP: Short reward missions offered by rescued ex-slaves.
- Localhero: Support the local police to find, destroy and capture ex-general Harkov and his group.
- Love Cats:
- Military Fiasco: A mission for the Navy available to a Commander with more than 1000 kills.
- Oo-haul Escort Missions: Escort a hauler safely to its destination. Must be docked at a Constore. Your Ad Here! required.
- Random Hits: Get contracts for bounty hunting at any Seedy Space Bar. Special Missions for successful hunters.
- Rescue Stations: Rescue and recovery missions for contract pilots.
- Thargoid Wars: War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions.
- Trident Down: Investigate a vicious attack on an Trident Shuttle operated by Executive SpaceWays.
- UPS Courier Company: Take goods or documents from system to system and be awarded with combat missions.
- Vector: Special feature - 'Richmans World' - a unusual mission type. Snoopers required.
The Vector Maps
This excellent piece of digital art adds routes and regions to every Galaxy Sector. Vector Map -- print version --US Mirror
Routes and Regions
In Sector 4, there are 6 major Spaceways:
- The Sunspan Pass runs from Edisor to Raaar
- The Sanctuary's Way runs from Onzaenve to Leenenbi
- The Spaceway L1 runs from Tizaatdi to Inave
- The Supply Line 1 "Freedom" runs from Atdibe to Zaonbi
- The Supply Line 2 "Unity" runs from Uscearti to Geonerbe
- The Esonlear Cakewalk runs from Teceteis to Esonlear
There are also 4 established regions in Sector 4:
- The Eight for a disquisition on the 8 galaxies
- See Systems in Galaxy Sector 4 for a more detailed list.
- See Oolite planet list/Galaxy 4 for charts mapping government type against Tech Level, economy & number of systems within 7ly.
- Maps for a detailed list of these