From Elite Wiki
Giles Williams, the original author of Oolite (on Mac OS X). His final version - 1.65 - debuted in 2007.
Aging enthusiast and father of three.
Fons et origo of all of this!.
See his web page.
Giles also designed these Ossuary Dice together with a lot of other natty stuff which can be seen here.
See Get Giles on his bike! for important events in 2016.
His views in this thread on .oxz's are worth noting.
Post by aegidian » Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:19 am
I hesitate to post this, but I've been reminded recently of the value of candour, and I therefore ought to. I have come to the conclusion I do not like the concept of OXZs. Oolite's chief advantage has been that it is easy to mod and edit, ideally with the simplest of text editors and graphics editors. OXZs seem only to get in the way of doing that. I like the expansion manager, and appreciate the ease it allows new users to download mods, but in my opinion the OXZ format (in hiding information from users) hinders those new users who want to peek and poke behind the curtain - and they are our most important new users. So my answer to the question posed in the Opinion Poll is a reluctant, but forthright, NO, OXZs are a mistep and should probably be quietly deprecated. Sorry. The expansion manager however, is a positive step, but should be rewritten to handle OXP folder hierarchies instead of OXZs, and check, mark and note when a managed folder has been changed (by consulting a checksum or hash) and warning the user in the manager that the OXP and its dependents may no longer work as intended, with the option of downloading and re-installing to fix any issue.
List of .oxp's
- Ringpod for the racing fraternity.
- CompactHUD now incorporated into HUDSelector: updated version available on the in-game Expansions Manager as part of HUDSelector
- Mega-Walnut Dashboard OXP for the luxurious Fer-de-Lance.
- LongWay OXP - an easy mission in Galaxy 1: updated version available on the in-game Expansions Manager
Smivs updated a number of Aegidian's ships for the newer versions of Oolite.
- Behemoth - the original Oolite battleship: updated version available on the in-game Expansions Manager
- Aegidian's Specials This expansion pack adds two ships: the Mussurana and the Asp Mk II.
- The Mussurana is available on the in-game Expansions Manager as The Classic Mussurana
- An updated version of the Asp Mk II is available on the in-game Expansions Manager in Classic X-ships
- Aegidian's Newships containing the Naga, Hamadryad, Josher and Ringhals.
- Aegidian's X-Ships adds three new ships: the Python ET Special, and the prototype Cobra Mk II.
- The Python ET Special is available on the in-game Expansions Manager in Classic Super-Pythons
- An updated version of the Cobra Mk II is available on the in-game Expansions Manager in Classic X-ships
- Cobra 3.5 a fighter-interceptor.
- Griffin Two (Oolite) - the ship from Frontier.
- Pelamis, an amphibious cargo carrier.
- Python Class Cruiser - larger and faster than the Python, preferred by some to the newer Boa. An updated version is available on the in-game Expansions Manager in Classic Super-Pythons.
- Weeviloid containing Weeviloid Scoutship & Weeviloid Hunter.
- Freaky Thargoids OXP examines shading effects.
- Smiv's The Classic Ships contains the freaky retextures for Thargoids etc.
Of Note
- Oolite - see the section on Aegidian (2003-6) (under A little History & some important early Versions)
- Church of Giles the Creator