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[hide]Overview over Galaxy Sector 5

Systems in Galaxy Sector 5
- A Anatma Anbedi Anbiat Andiso Anerma Anisat Anisis Anlala Anleis Anraer Anrati Anrige Antiaxe Aquti Aquxein Arbe Arbean Aroratla Arriti Artear Arzaquar Ataton Atbiarxe Atdice Atenrile Atmaa Atrare Atredi Axeed Axeus Azaenbi
- B Beatza Bebeleus Bedixe Beesve Beis Beorle Bequen Bereed Beveinve Bexe Bian Bianmadi Biarra Biceenon Biceri Biesmaan Bigeve Bilecedi Bilera Biradi Bisoaton Bisoge Bizaar Bizalein
- C Ceatrece Cebiledi Cecear Ceedra Ceenbion Ceenge Ceered Ceinan Celearen Cemaaran Ceorge Cesousla Cetege Cetiisqu Ceused Ceuses Cexece
- D Diesdi Diis Dioris Diriis Divees
- E Edanma Edbeis Edceon Edorza Edquonen Edre Edrebi Edreered Edrive Edxebere Edxexe Edzadiar Enatce Encein Enedso Enerte Engeatso Enlaonus Enonedar Enonis Entexe Entizare Enuserin Ereddive Eresceon Ergeso Erorle Erremaar Ervele Erxearis Erxesoan Esbeena Esed Esenma Esmain Esqube Esrexe Esveri Eszaan
- G Geceveon Gediesqu Geerbi Geerin Geesla Geison Geonbi Gesoed Gesolaon Getius
- I Inbe Inbior Ineddien Inenares Ingeisdi Ingequ Inmaarxe Inonin Inquveri Inriisus Intedi Isatanar Isbianon Isrion Isrite Issodien Istela Isvequre Isxevela
- L Ladigeso Ladila Laesinma Lalale Laquused Larionra Latile Lausmaes Lavema Lazaso Leatrien Leerte Leonrala Lequso Leteisan
- M Maera Maeser Maesqua Maleve Masoen Matere Matira
- O Onarsoat Onditi Onenceve Ongequ Onrace Onrequus Onsoor Ontiteen Orbeat Orerle Orgein Orlaed Ororbe Orrigean Ortema Orusge
- Q Quinmabe Qulecele Quleraat Quusanri
- R Raanre Raatzama Rabea Rabeer Rainte Raleor Rareat Rateisre Reedated Reraxe Reriveza Reriza Rianin Ribiinat Riraed Riratea Ririor Ririqu Rizace
- S Sobean Solaerin Somate Soteri Sotidi
- T Teatriin Tebeor Tecexe Teesbi Teisarza Tetiri Teusatve Tezabi Tiison Tileer Tionis Tiqu Tirizaan Tiuson Tiusriri
- U Usaorer Usenat Usinribe Uslain Uslaon Usorbela Usreus
- V Vebi Veedri Veonquat Veoror Vereen Vetele Veveesve
- X Xeaten Xebees Xele Xemageat Xevera
- Z Zaaner Zabe Zaenza Zaeredre Zagearbe Zaisra Zalexe Zaonesdi Zaquesso Zavexe Zaxeed
See Systems in Galaxy Sector 5 for a detailed list.
- The Galactic Navy has fourteen Sector Command Stations in Galaxy Sector 5: Gesolaon (SecCom 1), Usorbela (SecCom 2), Issodien (SecCom 3), Ririqu (SecCom 4), Xevera (SecCom 5), Usaorer (SecCom 6), Atenrile (SecCom 7), Onrace (SecCom 8), Bisoge (SecCom 9), Veedri (SecCom 10), Tiusriri (SecCom 11), Rareat (SecCom 12), Qulecele (SecCom 13) and Diis (SecCom 14).
- The Feudal States OXP adds The Royal Houses of Proximus, a group of six feudal systems across Galaxy Sector 5.
- Cloaking Device (Native):
- Bank of the Black Monks: Deal with the loan sharks. Begins when docked at any Black Monk Monastary.
- Coyote's Run: Cloaking Device
- Escort Contracts OXP: Allow players to enter into short-term escort contracts with NPC lone wolf traders.
- Galactic Navy: The Galactic Navy needs you. Begins when docked at any SecCom Station.
- Illegal Goods Tweak OXP: Short reward missions offered by rescued ex-slaves.
- Localhero: Support the local police to find, destroy and capture ex-general Harkov and his group.
- Military Fiasco: A mission for the Navy available to a Commander with more than 1000 kills.
- Oo-haul Escort Missions: Escort a hauler safely to its destination. Must be docked at a Constore. Your Ad Here! required.
- Random Hits: Get contracts for bounty hunting at any Seedy Space Bar. Special Missions for successful hunters.
- Rescue Stations: Rescue and recovery missions for contract pilots.
- Resistance Commander: Engage in a long campaign against the Biesmaan Dictatorship and command a small squadron.
- Runner G5 Challenge: Complete a non-stop 50LY journey from Rianin to Ceered in Galaxy 5. On the way you have to collect 750T cargo and 100 kills.
- Thargoid Wars: War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions.
- UPS Courier Company: Take goods or documents from system to system and be awarded with combat missions.
- Vector: Special feature - 'Richmans World' - a unusual mission type. Snoopers required.
- Xeptatl's Sword: A mission taking you around the 'Eight' twice in a bid to thwart the Thargoids evil plans.
The Vector Maps
This excellent piece of digital art adds routes and regions to every Galaxy Sector. Vector Map -- print version --US Mirror
Routes and Regions
In Sector 5, there are 7 major Spaceways:
- The Spaceway L1 runs from Ririor to Xebees
- The Spaceway L2 runs from Edzadiar to Riraed
- The Spaceway L3 "The Great Wheel" runs from Zalexe to Vetele
- The Lesser Wheel runs from Beis to Inriisus
- The Extrinsic Reach runs from Usinribe to Entizare
- The Serenic Arc runs from Gesolaon to Gesoed
- The Zalexe Loop runs from Cexece to Raatzama
There are also 6 established regions in Sector 5:
- The Gates of Damocles
- The Seige Worlds
- Galcenter G5
- Galcon Bombard
- The Steel Halo
- The Tetiri Conclave
- The Eight for a disquisition on the 8 galaxies
- See Systems in Galaxy Sector 5 for a more detailed list.
- See Oolite planet list/Galaxy 5 for charts mapping government type against Tech Level, economy & number of systems within 7ly.
- Maps for a detailed list of these