Guide to Unlisted OXPs
Here are some links to over 200 OXPs which are not in the in-game Expansions Manager. Maybe 150 work fully with Oolite v.1.90!
[hide]- 1 Note on Dates
- 2 List of Lists of .oxp's
- 3 List of .oxp's
- 3.1 Activities
- 3.2 Ambience
- 3.3 Dockables
- 3.4 Equipment
- 3.5 HUDs & MFDs
- 3.6 Mechanics
- 3.7 Miscellaneous
- 3.8 Missions
- 3.9 Retextures
- 3.10 Ships
- 3.11 Systems
- 3.12 Weapons
- 3.13 Don't ask!
- 3.14 Named Collections
- 3.14.1 Phkb (2014-21)
- 3.14.2 Montana05 (2021)
- 3.14.3 Rustem (2018-9)
- 3.14.4 Svengali (2012-18)
- 3.14.5 Griff (2009-18)
- 3.14.6 Stormrider (2014-17)
- 3.14.7 Norby (2013-17)
- 3.14.8 Keeper (2013-7)
- 3.14.9 SMax (2016)
- 3.14.10 Spara (2015)
- 3.14.11 Amah (2014)
- 3.14.12 Zireael (2014)
- 3.14.13 Eric Walch (2010-14)
- 3.14.14 Thargoid (2009-14)
- 3.14.15 JazHaz's BackUps
- 3.14.16 Simon B (2011-13)
- 3.14.17 Okti (2011-12)
- 3.14.18 Ramirez (2007-12)
- 3.14.19 Commander Cheyd (Deep Horizon) (2011)
- 3.14.20 Charlie (2006-8)
- 3.14.21 Sabre (2007)
- 3.14.22 Oosat 1 (2006)
- 4 Stuff for Programmers
- 5 Oddities
- 6 GalCop Health Warnings
- 7 Links
Note on Dates
- 2004 First versions of Oolite come out. OXPs all written in legacy script. Ships, HUDs, missions, sounds, systems (Lave, Diso) etc all increasingly scriptable.
- 2006 Linux & Windows versions come out in 2006 with the first stable release (v.1.65). Oosat hosts 70 OXPs (mostly ships).
- 2007 v.1.67: Shaders. Initial introduction of Javascript.
- 2011 v.1.76: First stable version since 2006 (Monkeyspider Javascript engine integrated for better OXPs). Solar systems more modifiable. Now well over 250 OXPs including TOGY.
- 2014 v.1.80: Major Rejig: First "modern" version: OXZ's & Expansions Manager, better AI for NPCs (tough pirates!), many changes to core game (eg MFDs introduced).
- 2015 v.1.82: New trading/commodities scripting deprecates older markets, but allows more tweaking. F3-F8 pages increasingly modifiable. Scenarios introduced (nobody writes one!)
- The majority of changes since v.1.82 have focused on major improvements in graphics, not radical changes to gameplay.
- Eg multiple lasers & mobile cameras were introduced with v.1.84, v.1.86 had better HUDs, v.1.88 had better fleeing AI, v.1.90 has more sophistication for weaponry & commerce.
List of Lists of .oxp's
- Expansion Manager OXZ list - orderable
- OXP List - orderable
- This list overlaps with the more obscure elements of the OXP list. The OXZ list also overlaps with the updated versions of the OXP List.
- For older lists (almost entirely of older versions of the oxp's listed above) see the bottom of this page. These may be needed if you are playing older versions of Oolite.
- Brilliant but broken... great ideas that need updating/fixing... (do you have the skills?)
- List of Lost OXP's
List of .oxp's
- Naval Academies - Dr Beeb's 2009 tweak on User:Thargoid's civilian Lave Academy - 8 lore-ridden academies in each galaxy
- Astronaut - put on a spacesuit, jump out of the orbital and see where you end up (hint: needs Planetfall)!
- GalCop Rewards - Phantorgorth's lottery reward system to cut down on minor misdemeanours (2012)
- Gas Giant Skimming: (Requirement: Ore Processor OXP by Eric Walch) Allows players to skim fuel, and possibly other commodities, from gas giant-type planets. See Deep Horizon collection below (2011)
- Hermitage (Phkb, 2019) gives you the opportunity to own and manage your own Rock Hermit.
- LaveInitialShipyard.oxz by Phkb (2020) - ensures that there will always be an Adder & a Cobra MkI on sale in the Lave shipyard.
- Mining OXP by DocWild (2010) - mining in space (Download)
- Penalize Death.oxp Making death hurt (2012). By Spara.
- Pirate Player.oxp by Phkb (2018) - one of his many experimental OXPs.
- PirateTraps by popsch (2006 or earlier: see under other OXPs) - no license. No BB thread. Makes the game tougher.
- Safe Docking - laws for docking and fines for transgressions by Phantorgorth (2012)
- Solar Harvest (downloaded 83 times) by Ocz (2016): Skimming thread. The .oxp has tweaks such as preprocessed and processed plasmas!
- Station Spotter OXP - an add-on to Stations for Extra Planets (and mentioned there) which tallies other stations visited in-system. (2017?).
Space InvadersAsteroids3D OXP - shoot-em up (but beware of the flying saucers). Thanks to Maik, our wiki-wizard, for a better link.- TrumbleTreats by Arexack Heretic (2010) - take the role of trumblepusher, breed the fluffy little blighters and sell them to unsuspecting locals and seasoned commanders who should know better. Buggy, alas!
• Economics & Trade
- AI Trading Assistant helped navigate the older markets (before v.1.81)
- First Finance (downloaded 77 times) by Ocz: Beginning the game with a loan to pay off - the loan! (2014)
- In-System Traders by Spara (2014) adds in-system traders to a system with such stations (eg other planets with stations).
- Loan Repayment (downloaded 86 times) - the lenders! by Ocz as above (2014)
- New Deal - Vincentz's attempt to rework the economics. Very nice icons! Unfinished (2015).
- Real-Life Economics - Phasted's attempt to rework the economics. Dynamic & logical. Buggy (2014).
- Risky Business.oxz (Phkb's collection below, 2020) aims to make Multi-Gov, Feudal and Anarchy systems more rewarding for traders, by tweaking prices on a few goods. Goods that are already over the average could be increased. Goods that are below the average could be reduced. Not all goods will be impacted at all locations.
- Ye Olde Hermit markets - Spara's rejig of the newer sparser rock hermit markets (just miners!) back to the older more profitable version (2015&17).
- Asteroids.oxp 2008 by Charlie and then Eric Walch. See BB Thread
- BPlanets a 2.54 Gb .oxp (2020) detailing the 119 earth-like planets in Galaxy 1 using the new v.1.90 graphics capabilities
- Cloud City OXP (2009) for gas giant planets by DrBeeb (unfinished)
- Customise your ship by Amah (2014): new paint-jobs for cobras, anacondas & adders.
- Darker Planets.oxp (2020) by Vaxon (If the planet colors are darker, the original planets look better. This makes land/sea darker and sets random land % for all planets)
- DarkSoul Nebulae a collection of some 10 nebulae from NASA for your skies
- Deep Horizon - Systems v2.0.8 (Beta) Add additional planets and moons to your Ooniverse. Replaces the procedurally drawn planet textures with amazingly detailed custom textures. Also changes the appearance of the central star within each system. See Deep Horizon collection below
- Low Resolution Texture Pack - 3/2/2011 (11.6 MB)
- Standard Resolution Texture Pack - 3/2/2011 (22 MB)
- Diso OXP by Murgh (2006) adds nebulae, planets, moons & a second orbital station (the first OXP to do any of this).
- FarPlanets by Norby (2014) Your new pursuit is to deliver contracts to far planets, very far from the witchpoint. New Torus drives.
- Halsis by Ovvldc now has a 2018 BGS2 version remastered by Svengali
- Ice asteroid by Griff - see here for discussion.
- KeeperSky more realistic skies (inspired by Frontier) - adjustable (by Keeper, pre-2016).
- Lave OXP Learner pilots practice in Trinket ships near the station under the command of an instructor, Restaurant Junks ply their trade, Ad-Droids broadcast Ads, a small moon is added and more! (Murgh - before Feb 2006)
- Lights Down: Lower the ambient light within the game for a more spacious feel. Also increases the ambient star count, and the intensity of nebulae within the game. See Deep Horizon collection below (2011)
- Monument adds a monument to deceased commanders at the Lave system (Dajt, 2005).
- Passenger Coms v0.5 by BryonArn (2014) - see here: talking to your passengers! This was later included by Phkb in his Enhanced Passenger Contracts.
- PlanetForests.oxp & PlanetOceans.oxp for the Vanilla game: restores the image of the planet to match its description on the F7 page. Phkb (2019).
- Random Docking Music OXP by Frame (2010).
- Silent Asteroid Tweaks is an add-on to Asteroid Tweaks by Phkb which moves the interface screen to a less immersion-breaking location.
- Tetiri Planet Ring: artificial ring for Tetiri (2011-14) devised by P.A. Groove & Thargoid.
- Povray Planets a set of mapped systems for each galaxy (2012). Currently being updated for v.1.90 as BPlanets (see end of this BB thread).
- Wrex by Arexack Heretic, and then Eric Walch (2006-8): Space wreckage
- Graffiti Asteroids has a download for vandalised asteroids
- Laser Art (Testing) (2015) - download link broken
- Respray for Griffs for respraying Griff's ships (Capt. Murphy, 2012)
- Ship Respray OXP for respraying ship.oxp's (Phkb, 2018)
Music for playing the game to (these three need Library to function):
- Lib Music Orchestral Demo: Svengali's original music .oxp (2016: 22Mb)
- Contextual Jukebox OXP by Arquebus of YouTube fame (2021: 115Mb)
- Dangerous Background Music OXP: Tsoj's DIY kit! (2021)
- Busy Ports download by Griff (2007): Trader outposts & other goodies (see BB thread here)
- Colonization, Okti (2012, CC BY-SA 3.0). Your colony! Eventually to be a mission.
- Gsagostinho's station experiments. (2017, unfinished, see pictures on right).
- Hermit Tweaks by Spara to identify the variety of Rock Hermit you have docked at (2016).
- Famous Planets Liners (Download) - 2009 by Thargoid & P.A. Groove - liners running along SpaceWays L1-4
- MandotechStation Shipyard by Mandoman (2012). A shipyard with lots of twiddly bits!
- P.A. Groove Stations OXP - original orbital variants (2008) now included in Stations for Extra Planets
- SothisTC - Sothis.oxp by KillerWolf (2010) with newer markets added by Diziet Sma (2017); SothisTC.oxp by Spara (2013) - an "override oxp" for Sothis.oxp
- Station Options by cag (2021): modify multi-option OXPs while docked (currently just Telescope, the most complex of all).
- Stationrotation OXP by Commander McLane (2011) - different station types rotate at different rates
- SunKyota download (downloaded 322 times) - adds 2- and 4- disk variants of the Kiota habitat station (Astrobe, 2017)
- Zieman's Habitat Orbital Station. Zieman (2013). Only appears at the higher Tech Level systems.
- Additional Cargo Space Adjustments (ACSA) - extra cargo space (by ocz, 2015). Originally broken, but may now work...
- Buyable map - you now have to buy the F6 maps (partial or complete). Spara (2012).
- External Repair System for subentities. GGShinobi (2013) Alpha.
- Galactic Hyperdrive OXP - allows a choice of destinations in the next galaxy
- Long Range Scanner - see everything in the system - and jump where you like! A "cheat" oxp. Okti (2011).
- Maintenance TuneUp.oxz (Phkb's collection below, 2019) provides the ability to do a maintenance tune up, even when the normal overhaul is not available.
- MilitaryTargettingSystemv1.oxp. CommonSenseOTB (2012).
- Missile Warning Download (2015) by Anonymissimus - a continual warning sound while there is still one on-coming missile. BB thread. Earlier version of Missile Beep.
- Multiple Front Lasers (2011) by CommonSenseOTB. You sacrifice your rear laser for a second front one.
- NPC Equipment damage helps balance NPC Energy Units & N-Shields (109 downloads). See NPC equipment damage OXP and the discussion here.
- Quantum Drive OXP by Switeck (2021). Varies destination in the next galaxy when you hyperjump there.
- Scanner target selection (downloaded 80 times)- by Ngalo (2016): Select target from scanner
- Sec Com Finder (Galactic Navy) (downloaded 41 times) marks Sector Comms in each F6 Galaxy chart. By Runghold, 2017.
- Ship Condition.oxp by Spara (2014+) Shows ship maintenance on F5 page.
- Thargoid Witchspace Drive by Capt. Murphy (2012)
- Timewarp Machine by Tsoj (2016) - needs Oolite developer version. BB post & YouTube video
- Torus Field Monitor warns of approaching Mass Lock by Alaric (2016). Not quite finished
- Traders' Almanach - see bottom of that page: another book for the Ship's Library OXP. By Zireael (2014).
- Updating TSC - an alternative to Talkative Space Compass. By Spara & GGShinobi (2013).
- Variable Jump Drive OXP by Switeck (2021). Varies destination in interstellarspace/witchspace when you "misjump" there.
- WEBS System: WEBS is the last line of defence when shields are down. Airbags in the equipment bay. (Goop bags, actually.) Gave you about 1 or 2 seconds extra to hit the escape pod. A silly OXP but looked surprisingly good in game. Wildeblood (2012)
- Beige Default HUD by SusuKacangSoya (Reddit, 2020).
- ChupacabraHUD - (2011) by CommonSenseOTB as seen here.
- CRR-HUD (Coluber Red Racer) - 2012 by Captain Beatnik as seen here. Image on right.
- Deep Space HUD ( - from PHkb's archives. By Deepspace (2009).
- Deeper Space HUD - (2017) by Pleiadian with Current Location Display and Current Risk notifier. GitHub site download. Image on right.
- Failing HUD - (2015) by Spara. As maintenance becomes more urgent, your HUD starts flickering!
- HoloNum HUD - (2012) by Rese249er: Fresh from the design board of 249th NRW R&D, the Holographic Numerical HUD is the latest in visual aid for navigation and dogfighting.
- MilHUD Refit - (2015) by Wolfsstar BH (Does not include broken glass screen overlay)
- Pie Chart Style HUDs - (2011) by CommonSenseOTB as seen here.
- Sniper Camera System HUD - (2011) by CommonSenseOTB as seen here. Image on right.
- Z-GrOovY MiLHUD (2013) by Dertien. Image on right.
- Configurable Populator makes some populator settings easily adjustable (requires Oolite 1.84 and Library OXP). 110 downloads. Discussion here (2016).
- Extended Shipyards by Capt. Murphy (2012). Allows test flights & ship hire. May no longer be compatible.
- Friend or Foe by Tricky (2012). Enhances ship-group interaction. Requires some tweaking of ship scripts.
- Pirate Ambushes: Introduces a new tactic for pirates in lower-government systems- Hijacking the Witchspace buoy and moving it to a more 'advantageous' position. See Deep Horizon collection below (2011).
- Population Control.oxz (Phkb's collection below, 2019) is intended to limit the size of pirate groups in safer systems. The number of police patrols is also increased slightly.
- Space Lane Adherance Bonus.oxz (Phkb's collection below, 2016) was intended as a way of dealing with the go off-lane to avoid pirates recommendation, normally given to new pilots who are struggling with combat in the early part of the game. It encourages staying on the witchpoint-to-planet spacelane by giving a small bonus to players who stay on or close to it.
- Station Options by cag: a comprehensible oxp for tampering with the preferences of other oxp's, but alas, only a beta version (2021)
- Autopause (BB Thread): lets the game run and then pause itself on red-alert (4 oxp's, 1st problematic: 2017, Hoqlinq & Astrobe) File:Autopause.oxz
- Bugs, glorious Bugs puts a bug on the F7 page when you inspect an insect-dominated system (BB thread 2010) by Another_Commander
- CargoWreck showroom (2010?) for displaying full-sized barrels (!)
- Cutscene (2012, Copyright: User:Svengali) a demo cutscene for v.1.77 trunk users
- Station Validator remembers the destruction of orbital stations, preventing their magical resurrection on one's next visit to the system. Spara (2014).
• Leaving the known Ooniverse
- Galactic Misjump OXP - what happens if you misjump between galaxies? By Cim (2012).
- Song of the Labyrinth: 2 new discovery games by Cim using the Oolite mechanism
- the first: SOTL Exploration features new ship, new galaxy, lethal witchspace travel... (2015).
- the second: SOTL Altmap features new ships, new galaxies with power blocks & unsettled systems, 40 commodities, NPC Torus drives... (2015) Unfinished.
- Template for a Galactic Hyperdrive XG to reach more galaxies (Wildeblood, 2012). You need to know how to manipulate the Galaxy Seeds, and rejig all sorts of gubbins.
- Antient Aliens Archaeological ruins by Stormrider (2015 mission, unfinished).
- Localhero OXP another broken mission by Svengali (2008).
- Oolite Internals (downloaded unknown times) 3 internal Oolite missions in JS by Eric Walch (2008)
- Recession OXP by JohnSmith (2006) - escort trader Othello Truss's Anaconda. Broken.
- Victim 11 is a mission written by Fatleaf (2011): You need to finish The Assassins Guild OXP first (Galaxy 7). Possibly broken.
Have you seen this page in the wiki: Installing multiple retexture OXPs?
- Another commander's upgrades (for v.1.88's improved graphics) of Gsagostinho's retextures for some of his Asps & FdLs:
- Griff's old pre-OXZ textures - see Spara's Collections below.
- No Shaders alternate or extra ships and accessories - collection: Griff, Z_Groovy, Staer9, ZygoUgo etc.
- Svengali's collection: Picks - WPB OXP (2013) Old Witchpoint Buoy
- Animated Ships (2010) - Butterflies - an experiment by Thargoid.
- Baakili Far Trader (from Zieman's collection below, 2010)
- Capisastra OXP - fleets of nasty low-tech marauding amphibians for Galaxy 4 by Selezen (2007) - also named Seosu.oxp
- Final Capital - big ship. Could be a liner. Or something else. Eric Walch (2011).
- Freaky Thargoids OXP - from 2011 to demonstrate use of shaders by Jens Ayrton
- Frog Space Rickshaw - by Murgh from 2006
- Freighttrain (2013) - Keeper's .oxp variant is at the end of the thread.
- Gigantophis v0.1 - heavy cargo vessel by Knotty (2018)
- Griff's Organic Thargoids - by Griff from 2009 - slightly tougher than the usual
- Odyssey by maaarcooose (2013) from Ulysses 31
- Orion by Rorschachhamster (2013) - German SciFi space ship
- D-class ships of the Outlanders v0.2 (2014) - by Hiasakite: from a little known, isolated sect of humanity, nicknamed the ‘Outlanders’
- Renegade Pirates OXP by LittleBear in 2006 and featuring Twin Plasma Cannons! - so probably utterly obsolescent
- Shady Deep Space Ships (downloaded 18 times) by Capt Solo (2012) - 57 Mb
- Seosu.oxp (see Capisastra.oxp above)
- SKS Ships by Sir Arian (2014): Light, Panther Clipper, Predator, Rhino, Spaceliner
- Starship Design Works - from 2012.oxp
- Stealth Raiders (by Rustem 2019) - nastier foes in safer systems (beta)
- WonderWorm adds 'Time Raiders' and a buyable version of their uber-ships. Not to be taken seriously! Smivs (2011)
- Wyvern Ladies adds armed long-range transports Wyvern Empress & Wyvern Queen, and the Wyvern Princess escort - by Wyvern Mommy (2011)
- Z-ships - 4 additional ships for the Ooniverse (2012)
- Z GrOovy HPC pack (2014) Dertien's Cobra & Sidewinder with lasers, landing gear and other bits you can shoot off!
- Simon B's collections
- Svengali's collection: Picks - Pallas (2012)
- Svengali's collection: Picks - RoC Remorse Of Conscience v2 (2013)
- Svengali's collection: Picks - RVandGS Renegade Viper and Grass Snake (2011)
- Dangerous Galaxies (Erick Costa 2020) changes politics in galaxies so that Galaxy 1 is more Corporate, and as one moves to Galaxy 8 they become more Anarchic.
- Factions OXP - For Multi-govt systems: a space-fight for control of the system
- Galactic Navy - the Galactic Navy OXP is here (thanks to Montana05).
- 249th Naval Reserve Wing OXP by Rese249er (2012)
- Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy alpha OXZ from a two year project to create a more modest alternative to the Galactic Navy (2014).
Based on GN & HIMSN:
- Galactic Navy Extend - 3 modules by Montana05 (2018-20): GNE, System Guard Navy & Mercenaries
Based on HIMSN:
- Material for potential "NVSecurity OXP" Keeper's transformation of his input to "NVSecurity OXP" (2017)
- Crybaby by Dr Tripsa (2012): mounts as a missile, looks like a cargo pod & blows pirates to Kingdom Come!
- MaegilsMissiles.oxp/Missiles Options oxp by Cmdr. Maegil (2007)
- Missiles (downloaded 423 times) improves function of ECM (Astrobe, 2017)
- Paint Missiles by Ngalo. Paint your target - or the Ooniverse generally - a lurid colour!
- Railgun by Commander McLane (2011): 4 different varieties.
- Thargoid Weaponry by Nexus-Hex (2017)
Don't ask!
Do not ask! Do not think about asking! Do not even think about thinking about it!
- Thanksgrooving Pack by GearsNSuch (2019)
Named Collections
Note on downloading from Box: if one cannot download individual oxp's from Box, try deselecting your desired oxp and clicking the "download" button in the top right corner of the page. You may be rewarded with a single bulky download of each and every file in that collection instead!
Alternatively, edit the name of the Box site, replacing with
- These are listed in an approximate date order of newest oxps in each collection, oldest (2006/7) at the bottom.
Phkb (2014-21)
- is a utility designed for OXP developers. Many OXP's use JSON to package up data into the save game file, and then extract it again when loading the game. JSON is a rather bulky format, though, and it doesn't take long for your data to start making your save game file quite large. Compressed JSON simply reduces the amount of space the JSON data takes up, thereby reducing your save game file. See the readme file inside the ZIP for details on how to use it.
- gives you the opportunity to own your own Rock Hermit.
- Maintenance TuneUp.oxz provides the ability to do a maintenance tune up, even when the normal overhaul is not available.
- Population Control.oxz is intended to limit the size of pirate groups in safer systems. The number of police patrols is also increased slightly.
- Risky Business.oxz aims to make Multi-Gov, Feudal and Anarchy systems more rewarding for traders, by tweaking prices on a few goods. Goods that are already over the average could be increased. Goods that are below the average could be reduced. Not all goods will be impacted at all locations.
- Space Lane Adherance Bonus.oxz was intended as a way of dealing with the go off-lane to avoid pirates recommendation, which is normally given to new pilots who are struggling with combat in the early part of the game. This OXP encourages players to stay on the witchpoint-to-planet spacelane by giving a small monetary bonus to players who stay on or close to it as much as possible.
- PlanetForests.oxp & PlanetOceans.oxp for the Vanilla game: restores the image of the planet to match its description on the F7 page.
Montana05 (2021)
- Montana05's collection of lost/mislaid oxp's is on Box. In many cases he has fixed/updated them. Most of these are now on the Expansions Manager.
Rustem (2018-9)
- Rustem's collection is on Box. Different versions of Orbits, with tweaks for some other oxps to align with Orbits. Also Norby's MicroGTorus. 11 oxp's.
- Not in either his collection or the Expansions Manager is Stealth Raiders (2019) - nastier foes in safer systems
Svengali (2012-18)
- Svengali's Collection on Box. 2016-8, but many from 2012. Seemingly a mix of stuff already posted for more general in-game use, with some more esoteric gubbins for .oxp programmers (for using Library, GNN etc). Over 120 files (some .oxps). His picks seem to be older files which he was maintaining.
- Picks - Pallas (ship)
- Picks - RoC Remorse Of Conscience v2 (2013) (ship)
- Picks - WPB (2013) Old Witchpoint Buoy
- Picks - RVandGS Renegade Viper and Grass Snake (2011)
- Tools - CCL Materials Finder (for Cabal Common Library)
- Developers Edge (Library) - Halsis2.oxp
- Developers Edge (Library) - Lib Animator Demo.oxp
- Developers Edge (Library) - Lib Music Orchestral Demo.oxp
- Developers Edge (Resources) - CCL Overlays (Empty)
- Developers Edge (Resources) - BGS i 15 files
- Developers Edge (Resources) - BGS images (4.1Mb)
- See also his GitHub collection (2012-18)
Griff (2009-18)
A note about Griff's collections: they are spread around. The box account linked below is the largest collection, but there are also Spara's collection of Griff's collections, in Ships above there is Griff's Organic Thargoids, and in Ambience, Ice Asteroid.
- Griff's own Collection: Griff is the official ship designer for Oolite: the vanilla game ships, stations etc are all his. It will probably be better to download his oxp's from the Expansion Manager... but if you are running an older version of Oolite, his collection may be helpful. If you are OXPing yourself, it should prove invaluable.
- It includes such oddities as a burning alloy movie!
- Spara's collection - Spara's & Griff's comments with link (to 2021 collection of 2012-14 .oxp's).
Stormrider (2014-17)
- Stormrider's original Darkside Moonshine Distillery with other projects: Here!
- Stormbrewer (various versions)
- Antient aliens
- Witchfire taproom resources
- Oogle Transporter
Norby (2013-17)
- Norby's collection of his own programming tips/fiction/analyses etc: a Treasure Trove!.
- Norby's collection of Isis Interstellar oxps: see Box for the downloads.
- Isis HUD: see Isis Interstellar
- vamp reduxed improved engine flame: see Isis Interstellar
- spectre: Isis Interstellar's Vampire Mk V, a secret military vessel fighting Thargoids in witch space. By Killer Wolf, last updated in 2011.
- phantom: a trader/fighter from Isis Interstellar with external missiles. By Killer Wolf, last updated in 2011.
- Cobra IV: Isis Interstellar's successor to the Cobra MkIII, available in trader and fighter variants. By Killer Wolf, last updated in 2011.
- SothisTC Mr Troomp's trading centres
- Wasps adds formation flying wasps, queen wasps, and wasp nests
- Isis Interstellar
- Diamondback: see Isis Interstellar
- Werewolf: see Isis Interstellar
- Venom: see Isis Interstellar
- Vamp3a: see Isis Interstellar
- Nuit Space Station OXP
- King Cobra
Keeper (2013-7)
- Keeper's collection includes his HUD, KeeperSky.oxp, Chrysopelea (a ship) & NVSecurity (see Systems above). There are also some BGS sounds (Keeper is a professional musician).
SMax (2016)
Spara (2015)
Spara has written some of the most crucial oxps dealing with trade, as well as a large number of others. But he also collects:
- Old OXP archive (2015)- other people's old OXP's
- Moccasin
- Shrike by CaptSolo - see here
- Fighter HUD
- Shuriken by Mandotech Industries
- Scimitar by Smivs & Griff
- Copperhead Yari - existed in 2012; on the wiki are only Copperhead & Copperhead Mk. II OXP
- Copperhead
- Isis HUD - Killer Wolf's HUD for his Isis ships
- vamp reduxed improved engine flame - (Vampire)
- Spectre - (Staer9 Spectre)
- Phantom - a trader/fighter from Isis Interstellar with external missiles by Killer Wolf
- Accipiter
- Old OXP archive (2021) - Griff's original textures from before v.1.80/2014 and the OXZ format: 3 files:
- Griff shipset resources
- Griff shipset addition
- Griff shipset replace
Amah (2014)
Amah's ocpc_custom_paintscheme_creation: the base OXP together with the retextures for the Cobras Mk I & III, the Anaconda and the Adder.
Zireael (2014)
- Zireael's Dropbox (2014). Most of these have been updated and are on the Expansions Manager. The exceptions seem to be
- Elite rank scanner - see how deadly your opponents are!
- Frontier style map.oxp
- Jameson Faces.oxp
- New Style Dates.oxp (currently incorporated into Useful MFDs.oxp).
Eric Walch (2010-14)
- Eric Walch's collections on box (2010-4).
Thargoid (2009-14)
- Thargoid's Collection in Thargoid's Box: (2009-14) 3 pages of over 50 OXPs mostly on the Expansions Manager
JazHaz's BackUps
JazHaz did a lot of the early work on this wiki. He also backed up many oxp's in his own collections:
- Captain Murphy's OXPs in Box
- Deepspace Ships OXP also in Box
Simon B (2011-13)
- Simon Bridges' re2dux ships collection in Box
- taniwha
- oolific.oxp - the Oolite Princess liner
- re2dux.oxp - his re2dux shipset
- sb-navy - carriers & ancillary ships
- wakapiko-redux
- sb-faves (cobra variants)
- re2dux-vipers
- constrictor
- sbdestroyer-pre2 - naval destroyer
- ubertharg-pre1
- katipo
- Simon Bridges' neolites ships collection in Box
- neotextures
- neolite
- wakatoro
- wakapiko
- typhoon
- galcop
- blade
- arachnid
- neolite-concepts
- neolite-companion - rejigs of ships from the non-BBC Elite games (Bushmaster, Ghavial, Iguana etc)
- neolite-wolfies - SB's rejig of Wolfwood's variants
Some of Simon B's ships were repackaged by CaptSolo for the Expansions Manager: see Simon B's Ships OXP
Okti (2011-12)
- Okti's Collection from 2011-2
- SafeJumps warns if target system's sun has gone nova
- Galaxy Info forerunner of Phkb's GalCop Galactic Registry & see BB thread here
- Primable Laser - adds a second primable laser for clobbering the McNasties with!
- Autoskim for automatic sunskimming
- PirateEBomb: - cheat - kills every pirate in the system and then calls you a cheat!
- Long Range Scanner - cheat - see everything in the star system
- CargoScanner: Since updated by Timer and now on the Expansions Manager as Cargo Scanner OXP
- OresratiChallenge: For getting to Sector8/Oresrati
- InterstellarRescue
- Pylon-based Equipment Remover Since rewritten by Phkb and now on the Expansions Manager as Remove Individual Pylon.
- Target Tracker - cheat - an infallible tracker for laser targets!
- Miner Pod OXP
- SunSkimmerPod
- OneWayTicket2Oresrati mentioned here. For getting to Sector8/Oresrati
- LinkG7 Links to the lost part of G7 (some two dozen systems in the bottom left corner of the map). For navigating The Great Rift
- Note this issue and the solution: (Problem, 2019)
- Not in the Collection:
- Colonization - massive dockable which you can fly through (also listed in Dockables, above)
Ramirez (2007-12)
Ramirez's original website has sundered ( but Wayback machine has preserved some pages.
Commander Cheyd (Deep Horizon) (2011)
- Deep Horizon Industries - Commander Cheyd (2011)
- Deep Horizon - Systems v2.0.8 (Beta) Add additional planets and moons to your Ooniverse. Replaces the procedurally drawn planet textures with amazingly detailed custom textures. Also changes the appearance of the central star within each system.
- Low Resolution Texture Pack - 3/2/2011 (11.6 MB)
- Standard Resolution Texture Pack - 3/2/2011 (22 MB)
- Lights Down: Lower the ambient light within the game for a more spacious feel. Also increases the ambient star count, and the intensity of nebulae within the game.
- Pirate Ambushes: Introduces a new tactic for pirates in lower-government systems- Hijacking the Witchspace buoy and moving it to a more 'advantageous' position.
- Gas Giant Skimming: (Requirement: Ore Processor OXP by Eric Walch) Allows players to skim fuel, and possibly other commodities, from gas giant-type planets.
- Deep Horizon - Systems v2.0.8 (Beta) Add additional planets and moons to your Ooniverse. Replaces the procedurally drawn planet textures with amazingly detailed custom textures. Also changes the appearance of the central star within each system.
- DH's 3 other OXPs are already on the Expansions Manager
Charlie (2006-8)
- Charlie's Collection in Box: (2006-8): link thanks to cbr
- Adds - 20 advertisements for Benulobiweed Inc. ships
- For Ahruman - cobra and orb demos
- Orb
- Ships - Condor, Falcon, Kestrel, Merlin, Navy Starships (Navy Interceptor & Constitution), Pallas & Swift (with older versions)
- Ordinance - empty
- Black Hole - empty (unfinished project)
- Beta - Asteroids & planets+moons (new skins - 2006): See plannets.oxp - is it still working? (2008)
- Benulobiweed text - more on the background of this great company.
- - Meshwork graphics (not a recommended package for post-v.1.65 Oolite).
Sabre (2007)
- Sabre's collection (2007): see Alphabetical Ship List (Oolite)
For some details on Sabre himself see here.
- 2007-07-05 10:29 1.9M The original Deep Space Dredger - includes the sabre ship.
- Tardis_screenshot.jpg 2007-07-06 22:32 118K Dr Who!
- 2007-07-05 10:29 321K BioSphere station
- 2007-07-23 23:35 857K Blake 7! Liberator 4 front mounted military lasers and 3 rear mounted turrets!
- liberator_screenshot.jpg 2007-07-23 23:35 78K Blake 7!
- 2007-07-05 10:27 433K Breakfast Cereals (2009)
- 2007-07-05 10:17 114K Dr Who! Tardis (2007)
- 2007-07-06 21:06 127K Dr Who!
- 2007-07-05 10:27 1.7M (Trader - has "a good death action")
- 2007-04-28 00:59 248K Velocity OXP - 3 different ships: trader, yacht & escape vessel
Oosat 1 (2006)
- Oosat 2 died twice losing all content!
Stuff for Programmers
- (Phkb's collection above, 2016) is a utility designed for OXP developers. Many OXP's use JSON to package up data into the save game file, and then extract it again when loading the game. JSON is a rather bulky format, though, and it doesn't take long for your data to start making your save game file quite large. Compressed JSON simply reduces the amount of space the JSON data takes up, thereby reducing your save game file. See the readme file inside the ZIP for details on how to use it.
- See Norby's, Svengali's & Phkb's collections above for a large assortment of tools
- cag's javascripts collection on Box (c. 2018) for reducing garbage collection.
- frames/second monitor by cag on DropBox.
- Planet rotation tester.oxp by Eric Walch (2010): BB thread.
- Mission Offering Protocol & Manual by Eric Walch (2007): BB thread.
- Griff's resources for those designing ships (2010-8).
- Legacy script comes in two versions: XML & OpenStep. Commander Jettison wrote 2 small programmes for translating the more opaque XML into OpenStep which you can find here (2011-17). The older version is on the first page, the newer on the third page of the thread.
- Debug OXP for Mac & other systems (Phkb, 2018) (The linked GitHub download is dated 2011, "for Windows XP and above").
- Debug Console for Python and Windows (cag, 2020)
- OXP Additional Cargo Space Workaround 0.1.0.oxz - by ocz (2015). See BB Thread
- Griffification.oxp - by Ahruman (2012) for importing Griff's ships into the then Vanilla game
- HUD requests .oxp - by Norby (2013) - part of his campaign to improve Oolite HUDs.
- MeasureRamp: Measures ramp up/dampening of flight controls by "cag" (2018): a one-off tool used when adding inertia to Norby's ReverseControl.oxp: It writes data to Latest.log file.
- Pilot models for ships (2009-10) ClymAngus's link still works (in 2021).
- Test Equipment.oxp by ocz (2015)
Not oxp's
- Galaxy Extruder (2011 - GitHub) Ahruman's "3D-er" for use with Oolite v.2.0
- File:Foo.oxz: the great Winston finally wrote an OXZ! And in 2018! Presumably Handwavium Foo! But if you open it up ...
GalCop Health Warnings
- The major rejigs of Oolite under Cim in 2014 (v.1.80) & 2015 (v.1.82) broke many unmaintained older .oxp's.
- Many early threads were lost due to the Great Deletion before Aug 2008.
- Recovering "Lost" OXPs (2020-1): Dybal & Montana's search though the archives and their salvation of older wrecked .oxp's
- Caracal's List of 10 wanted .oxps (2010) Humour!
- OXP's missing from Wiki OXP list (2009).
- Orphaned oxps! (2008)
- Gets you into an archived Oosat from where there is a link into the first page of archived Oosat2 (11th April 2006)
- Rebuilding Oosat2 (2006): List of what was on it.
- CapnHack's Oosat site (last updated Oct 15th, 2006 - just as Aegidian was stepping down). It works!
- CapnHack's Oolite Dropbox: 8 versions of Behemoth, 5 of Military Fiasco etc.
- History of the two Oosat sites (2007)
Legacy Scripting
- Legacy Scripting - the older OXPs (say 2006 vintage) are written in one of these two languages