Twin Plasma Cannon
Some say this is an outdated technology as plasma travels at sub-light speed, and current laser systems are more powerful. Plasma projectors are compact and easily cooled, but suffer from slow cycle rates and are resistent to upscaling in size. Plasma projector technology is still used extensively by the Navy in turretted anti-fighter defence systems.
Sparkler is a Slang term for a plasma cannon.
Cost: 200.0 ₢ Techlevel: 2
From Cim's post in 2014 (see link below):
Virtually nothing has twin plasma cannon, because they don't have "available_to_all" set in Equipment.plist, and they're not in the "optional_equipment" list of any core ship either, so most player ships can't equip them except those that went looking for them.
NPCs don't generally have them because they're pretty bad weapons at the best of times, and as a relatively slow projectile, need shots to be led to stand any chance of hitting ... which the NPCs aren't yet programmed to be able to do.
If you want to try them out, the Porcupine from the Z-ships OXP is cheap and available in most systems, and does allow fitting them. They have several major disadvantages:
- you have to lead your shots and they're relatively slow projectiles
- they're really short ranged (not that you'd hit anything moving at longer range anyway)
- they overheat fairly quickly (much faster than a pulse laser)
- they use a ridiculous amount of energy per shot: getting them to the overheated state will go through most of three energy banks
- they do about 40% of the damage per hit of a pulse laser (though the rate of fire is a bit better)
The plasma turret weapons fitted to capital ships and sometimes smaller OXP ships are quite different:
- automatic shot leading makes them reasonably accurate
- they're turrets, so you don't also have to point the ship more than vaguely in the right direction
- no overheating
- no energy use
- still low damage per hit, though
- still short range
- Recent BB thread (2021)
- Older Thread (2015)
- Start of discussion in thread leading to Cim's post above (2014)
- Discussion (2007)
- Discussion (2007)
- Equipment by Ship Class by Redspear still features them
Oolite Equipment