Final Capital
ship name::Final Capital | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 280m×ship height::223m×ship length::998m |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::0 |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::15 |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.250 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 0.15 Pitch: 0.15 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::4250 |
Energy recharge rate |
Excellent (ship energy recharge::7.0) |
Gun mounts | None |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::12 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::? |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::? |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::? |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::No |
Base price | ship base price::n/a |
Final Capital: Model by Rigz This ship was provided as free for use by: TurboSquid:
Original in Blender and 3ds format. Now converted with Wings3d for use in Oolite.
Textures are the original ones.
In Oolite it needs the BigShips OXP to add the ship into the game.
Found on Eric Walch's website, he did the Wings3D conversion. Okay, so I converted it further to work in Oolite. Interestingly was the ship set up to fly along the x-axis. With what rotating, modifying and adding the light maps, the ship starts so look much better in Oolite. And trying to give it an aft plasma cannon, I noticed this is not working correct in oolite. The plasma bolts of an aft cannon were still flying forwards. Its fixed in trunk now.
EW was thinking of it as a Liner. In that case the current Cargo Capacity seems nonsensical.
- Author: Rigz (2003)
- Transmogrifier: Eric Walch (2011)?
- License: 3D Model License: Standard
- Eric Walch's Box Download, unzip, and pop the .oxp into your AddOns folder.
- BB mentions from here to here (2011).
- Eric Walch