From Elite Wiki

Removed all oxp's but this & planetfall - and added Extended Shipyards
A Space suit you can dive out of the orbital station in, down to the Planet below (Planetfall OXP required)
- Silly little OXP as a tribute to the bravery of both Nasa and Felix Baumgartner:
- A Space suit you can dive out of the space station from to the Planet below (planetfall oxp required)
- Also added as an NPC shuttle, and a minimal HUD
- As Planetfall requires Docking computers, these are equipped as standard (hence silly)
- Be careful as you leave the station, you'll be in the way of other traffic and slow to get out of their way
- Complex: See documentation & BB Thread below
- By Knotty
Boxcn (2012) Download, unzip and bung in the AddOns folder (see OXP if more detail is needed)!
- BB Thread: [limited release] Astronaut-Felix Baumgartner (2012-4)
- Felix's freefall captured from cameras on his suit (YouTube)
- Knotty's other OXPs:
- Marziani verdi Martelli Veloce e Appuntita - out-Fer's the Fer-de-Lance for luxury & style
- Realistic Stars - makes Oolite skies more similar to what we know (star density, brightness, nebulae, sun distance etc)
- Gigantophis v0.1 - heavy cargo vessel (2018)