Switeck joined our community back in 2010. Starting off tweaking his oxp's, he moved to writing and publishing his own oxp's. Originally best known for his Switeck's Shipping oxp he is best known today for his Auto-ECM oxz.
- Auto-ECM automates use of ECM just the once after an enemy missile is fired
- Cargo Contract Mod OXP rejigs cargo contracts to make the normal ones a little more profitable
- Switeck's Shipping OXP reorganises NPCs (traders, pirates, Thargoids) & rejigs markets (especially Rock Hermit markets), making things more realistic
Newly Published OXP's
- Misjump Inducer
- Quantum Drive: a Galactic Hyperdrive mod
- Variable Jump Drive OXP: a Misjump mod
Quantum Drive OXP
An add-on for the Galactic Hyperdrive which allows different destinations, allowing you to reach "unreachable" systems.
Requires the presence of both a Galactic Hyperdrive and an Advanced Navigational Array to function!
The MODE key (b) works with the Quantum Drive equipment now to report the current status of the Galactic Hyperdrive -- whether it's normal, can jump to "unreachable" systems, or fixed coordinates (This should avoid issues of interfering with mission-induced changes to the Galactic Hyperdrive behavior)..
It's unpolished and is more like Hackers' equipment (from Anarchies OXP) than whatever the Galactic Navy uses to get around fast. It may stomp all over any mission/campaign OXPs that expect specific galactic jump behavior, but at least it reports what mode it's changing to...which hints what the mode was before.
...It seems the Galactic Hyperdrive behavior is not automatically reset after a Galactic Hyper-jump by Oolite's core logic, so a check has been added in this OXP's script to reset it back to normal after the galactic jump.
- Download v0.3
- Unzip and drop the oxp in your "AddOns" folder.
- For de-installation just remove the oxp from the AddOns folder.
Version history
- 0.1 Initial testing phase (pre-release)
- 0.2 Cleaned up logic and better reporting what target coordinates are set to.
- 0.3 Raised Oolite minimum requirement to v.1.79 to use Mode to check Galactic Hyperdrive current settings.
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
- BB Thread (2021)
- Based on ideas from this thread: "How does BEHAVIOUR_FIXED_COORDINATES work" (2011-2)
- Galactic Hyperdrive
- Geography
Variable Jump Drive OXP
Misjump a variable amount
- This is an add-on affecting the way in which misjumping works.
- It allows different destinations than the standard misjump and allows you to reach some "unreachable" systems.
- Variable Jump Drive v0.3 reports its X, Y Light-Year coordinates target in selected destination mode...although what those numbers mean may only be apparent through trial-and-error.
- Activating it (n) increases misjump percentage by 10%.
- Changing modes (b) reduces the increase in misjump percentage by 1%.
- Cycling all the way through the percent misjump distances disables it.
This equipment is similar to what the Galactic Navy uses to ambush Thargoids in interstellar space.
It may stomp all over any mission/campaign OXPs that expect specific misjump behavior, but at least it reports what mode it's changing to.
- Download Variable Jump Drive v0.3.oxp
- Unzip & drop the oxp in your "AddOns" folder.
- For de-installation just remove the oxp from the AddOns folder.
Version history
- 0.1 Initial testing phase (pre-release)
- 0.2 Cleaned up logic and better reporting what target coordinates are set to.
- 0.3 Made compatible with Oolite v1.79 and changed from 5% changes to 1% and 10% changes depending on whether using activation or mode change.
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
- BB Thread (2021)
- This was created from the discussion of... "Dark Wheel style misjumps!" (2012)
- Force Misjump
- Dark Wheel