From Elite Wiki
The daring Dybal breezed in from São Paulo, Brazil in February 2020. In just a few months he has undertaken a magnificent mission to revitalise the glories of Oolite, burnishing them up to a new functionality and bringing them back to glittering life! Both he and Montana05 have trudged through the dull and dusty archives, locating ancient and rusty spaceships, HUDs, MFDs and other vital items from the glorious past and with a flash of the featherdusters, a swirl of the screwdrivers and a stab of the soldering iron, they have together revitalised and revivified many loved OXPs of the past.
[hide]List of Achievements/Oxp's maintained
- Barrel Roll this supremely defensive oxp renders one untargetable by inimical laser fire (Warning: do not hold a cup of tea when you engage it!) - written by Dybal
- Cargo Spotter OXP
- HyperCargo OXP
- ILS (Instrument Landing System) - helped temper the kamikaze nature of this one just a little!
- NavalGrid OXP
- Repair Bots
- Shield Cycler Next
- Shield Equalizer & Capacitors OXP
- SniperLock Fix fixes a pressing problem involving long distance travel
- Tracker OXP
- Coluber HUD CH01
- Combat MFD
- Useful MFDs - added in a Solar Wind Flux monitor for Strangers World
- Vimana HUD - fixed typos and split off the ship improvements (more energy banks/missile slots/cargo capacity) into a separate OXZ
- Rock Hermit Beacons OXP
- Towbar - updated with improved economics:
- Towbar Payout - Medium was devised to give options for users of the newly reworked Towbar OXP
- Arachnid Mark 1 Fix
- Chimera Gunship (author Shipbuilder, publisher Dybal)
- Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser (author Shipbuilder, publisher Dybal)
- Cylon Raider Mark 1 (author Shipbuilder, publisher Dybal)
- Fireball Fix
- GalTech Escort Fighter Fix
- Serpent Class Cruiser Fix
Concluding Unscientific Postscript
This page was definitely not written by Dybal in November 2020!