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Overview over Galaxy Sector 6

Systems in Galaxy Sector 6
- A Aceteat Adien Ainlete Ananri Anare Anares Anen Anenbi Anener Anenus Anerat Aniseres Anlebi Anma Anorxe Antima Aqutebi Araron Areis Arendi Arente Argean Ariin Ariqu Artibius Arvelele Arxetige Atanorbi Ataor Ataren Atatveor Atbidi Aten Atermadi Atlaonbi Atquti Attesola Atxeteer Axeon Azara
- B Beanxeat Bearrabe Bebidiso Beenor Beored Betigere Biedbi Bierbe Bilaza Biqule Bireor Biteen
- C Ceenrive Ceisce Celaan Ceoreded Cetite
- D Diatquor Dierlabe Diesanen Dimamaza Diraonle Direbea Dirien Diusar Dixetiso
- E Edaranis Edbeined Eddi Edince Edla Edlate Edmainer Edsoeded Edsous Enbece Engean Enorar Enqura Enriorar Entere Enveat Eraso Erbebeti Erberaor Ercea Erisonin Erisriin Ermati Ertear Ervedira Erzainle Esausle Esbileat Esenon Esgeen Esgelage Esonge Essore Essoza Estebiin Esteerve
- G Gearge Geargeat Geerma Getere Geverare
- I Inbieste Inesbe Inlebi Inqua Inrearbi Insoaza Intisoar Isaanus Isata Iscege Ismaarbe Istiesri Isvetima
- L Laatexe Labeis Laesqu Laesusso Lainisri Lainusar Larivear Latibe Latius Laxeti Leamais Leatge Ledius Leedre Leenlaes Leera Lelale Lemaar Leonus Leorqu Lerela Lesolari Letean Leusar
- M Maatis Macece Maessote Maesvear Mainon Mamaus Mateus Matilati Mazare Mazaza
- O Onbeso Onenbi Onente Onertius Onrear Onteer Onxequte Oranesri Oranxe Oratedge Orbeen Orbequso Orcees Orerbia Oresmaa Orgete Orinmaen Ormadi Ormala Orria Orriaso Orteed Orteve Orxete
- Q Qubele Qubiisis Quesla Qurioren Qutecete Quteer Qutius
- R Rabi Raceed Racemace Radiesar Raonbe Raraar Raxeuson Reinbixe Relequar Reriarti Resoinxe Rexexe Riare Ribege Ribigeus Riesonso Rileaa Rileisis Rimaza Rirelaxe Ririso
- S Soaat Soamaxe Soansoar Sodionbe Soesgera Sogees Soinisat Sotean Sozala
- T Tecea Teenvece Teerbi Teerma Teesso Teinxear Telear Tetied Tetier Tianorin Tiatenqu Ticea Tiessous Tiintele Tiinve
- U Usbeus Usquat Usraar
- V Veatma Vebereti Veceised Veisin Veleeder Vereinat Verige Vexeince
- X Xeanan Xear Xebeaza Xeceator Xeeden Xeesqu Xeisanan Xemadi Xeongeza
- Z Zadiqu Zaesisma Zainer Zalaarce Zarienla Zausri
See Systems in Galaxy Sector 6 for a detailed list.
- The Galactic Navy has fourteen Sector Command Stations in Galaxy Sector 6: Teesso (SecCom 1), Atquti (SecCom 2), Oresmaa (SecCom 3), Azara (SecCom 4), Ormadi (SecCom 5), Engean (SecCom 6), Soamaxe (SecCom 7), Orbequso (SecCom 8), Celaan (SecCom 9), Usquat (SecCom 10), Anenbi (SecCom 11), Orgete (SecCom 12), Ariqu (SecCom 13) and Isaanus (SecCom 14).
- The Feudal States OXP adds The Royal Houses of Sol, a group of ten feudal systems across Galaxy Sector 6.
- Bank of the Black Monks: Deal with the loan sharks. Begins when docked at any Black Monk Monastary.
- Escort Contracts OXP: Allow players to enter into short-term escort contracts with NPC lone wolf traders.
- Galactic Navy: The Galactic Navy needs you. Begins when docked at any SecCom Station.
- Galactic Navy Spec Ops:
- Illegal Goods Tweak OXP: Short reward missions offered by rescued ex-slaves.
- Lost Worlds Grand Tour: A tour of the Lost Worlds in Galaxy 7 and then to Oresrati in G8. Tour ends back in G1.
- Military Fiasco: A mission for the Navy available to a Commander with more than 1000 kills.
- Oo-haul Escort Missions: Escort a hauler safely to its destination. Must be docked at a Constore. Your Ad Here! required.
- Random Hits: Get contracts for bounty hunting at any Seedy Space Bar. Special Missions for successful hunters.
- Rescue Stations: Rescue and recovery missions for contract pilots.
- Thargoid Wars: War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions.
- UPS Courier Company: Take goods or documents from system to system and be awarded with combat missions.
- Vector: Special feature - 'Richmans World' - a unusual mission type. Snoopers required.
The Vector Maps
This excellent piece of digital art adds routes and regions to every Galaxy Sector. Vector Map -- print version --US Mirror
Routes and Regions
In Sector 6, there are 5 major Spaceways:
- The Spaceway L1 runs from Zalaarce to Latius
- The Spaceway L2 runs from Mateus to Sogees
- The Centreward Span runs from Teenvece to Xeesqu
- The Rimward Arc runs from Teerbi to Artibius
- The Remlock Road runs from Essoza to Soesgera
There are also 11 established regions in Sector 6: