Xeptatl's Sword
A new updated version of Xeptatl's sword is finally out. There are one or two more tweaks needed before publication on the in-game Expansions Manager.
Xeptatl's Sword is an Oolite mission OXP which will take you twice round the 'Eight' on an epic quest to avert a full-scale colonisation of GalCop space by the Thargoids. You will face fearsome foes and make, and lose, some good friends during this mission during which you will be tasked with helping the shadowy Xeptatl Society to thwart the Thargoids' most audacious plan yet.
Xeptatl's Sword has an information and resource website where you will find much more information and background for the mission. There is also a 'Help' section and a full Credits list. The website can be found at Xeptatl'sSword.com
This website was taken down by Smivs after Oolite v1.80 came out. See Wayback Machine for the various pages of it. Later dates have the other pages.
The promotional video is here
General Information
Xeptatl's Sword v2.3 requires Oolite v1.77.
Xeptatl's Sword is a mission OXP. It will start when you are in Galaxy Five, and have completed several jumps. This delay is to ensure that a player visiting G5 for the first time will have the opportunity to complete one of the 'default' missions before Xeptatl's Sword starts.
The mission has been designed so that it can be carried out with any of the commonly used 'core' ships. The only requirement is that the ship must have at least two pylons, and be able to scoop items.
The mission has also been designed to require only weapons and equipment provided by the 'core' game or this OXP. An experienced Commander will find Military lasers and Standard and ECM-hardened missiles will be sufficient to deal with all the situations you will encounter.
The original links are all broken.
- Xeptatl's Sword can now be downloaded from Sword.zip here (2021)
- Older Oolite versions for which this .oxp is not broken
Spara developed a newer version (v.3.0, 2015-16) for newer Oolite versions - but with a couple of the old graphics still in place. That is here. If you open it up you will see a list of his changes. It should work just fine with Oolite versions 1.81 - 1.90
Place the XeptatlsSword_v2.3.oxp in your AddOns folder. If you do not already have GalDrivePod OXP installed, also place GalDrivePodv1.3.oxp (supplied with this OXP) into your AddOns folder.
Version History
Version 2.3 Release date 7th June, 2014 (Minor scripting bugfix)
Version 2.2 Release date 1st February, 2014 Adds better dock graphics and BGS docking-tunnel effect for BGS users.
Version 2.1 (never actually existed - don't ask!)
Version 2.0 Release date 6th February, 2013. Oolite v1.77 compatible. Texture updates. Several bugfixes.
Version 1.0.3 Release date January 2013. Max_version 1.76.1 applied to 'requires.plist' pending update.
Version 1.0.2 Release date 17th December, 2011. Minor update to remove unwanted 'roles = none' in shipdata.
Version 1.0.1 Release date:- 11th November, 2011. Update to resolve a few minor issues.
Version 1.0 Release date:- 5th November, 2011
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
- Xeptatl's Sword (Organisations and Characters)
- Xeptatl's Sword (Ships, Stations and Objects)
- Xeptatl's Sword (Help)
- Xeptatl's Sword (Credits)
- Authors:
- Any questions, problems or bug reports should be posted on this OXP's BB thread here
- Discussion of brokenness with newer versions of Oolite (2015)
The updated links are from Commander_X here and here.