Difference between revisions of "OXP"

From Elite Wiki
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| [http://oosat.alioth.net/files/ferdepai.oxp_.zip ''Ferdepai'']
| [http://oosat.alioth.net/files/ferdepai.oxp_.zip ''Ferdepai'']
| [[Ferdepai]]
| [[Ferdepai]]
| | Ships. Adds a new fighter / trader to Galaxy 2.
| Ships. Adds a new fighter / trader to Galaxy 2.
| [http://oosat.alioth.net/files/FighterHud.zip ''Fighter HUD'']
| [http://oosat.alioth.net/files/FighterHud.zip ''Fighter HUD'']
Line 552: Line 551:
|Ships. A large collection of ships from ArchElite and Elite-A.
|Ships. A collection of ships from ArcElite and Elite-A.
|-valign="top" bgcolor="#e7e7ff"
|-valign="top" bgcolor="#e7e7ff"
| [http://sancho.dk/oolite/Oo-Haul.zip ''Oo-Haul'']
| [http://sancho.dk/oolite/Oo-Haul.zip ''Oo-Haul'']
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| |-valign="top" bgcolor="#e7e7ff"
|-valign="top" bgcolor="#e7e7ff"
| [http://capnhack.com/hosting/oolite/Oolite/OXPs/RVandGS.zip ''Renegade Viper + Grass Snake]
| [http://capnhack.com/hosting/oolite/Oolite/OXPs/RVandGS.zip ''Renegade Viper + Grass Snake]

Revision as of 22:33, 12 July 2007

OXP icon

An OXP (Oolite eXpansion Pack) is an enhancement to the game Oolite. Typically, an OXP is downloaded as a ZIP file, which is expanded and placed in Oolite's AddOns folder. On the Mac the OXP itself is a folder which takes the form of the icon shown here. On Windows the OXP appears as a normal folder ending ".oxp". An OXP could be a new game object (such as a ship, space station or a moon), a mission, or a combination of several elements. OXPs can use all of the facilities of Oolite, including some that are not used in the standard, unexpanded game. Oolite will only read an OXP if you place the .oxp folder in Oolite's AddOns folder.

Downloading OXPs

On this page you will find download links to all the OXPs. Most OXPs can also be found at The Oolite Satellite Resource Site or the older Captain Hack OoSat Site).

Please note however that neither of these sites have been updated for a long time, nor will they be. All updating is now done on this page of the Wiki, so you should use the link shown on this page to get the latest version of the OXP. For example, the versions of Assassins.oxp, Ionics.oxp and Spyhunter.oxp on the Captain Hack site are old versions (and contain bugs). The links on this page will take you to the latest versions.

The download will create a .ZIP file. Unzip it and a new folder will appear. Open this folder and you will see a folder ending .oxp and usually a README file. Move the folder ending .oxp into the Oolite AddOns folder. Next time you load up Oolite the new features added by the OXP will be added to the game. Do read the README file, as this will tell you what the OXP does.

Below you will see a table giving download links to all the OXPs set out in alphabetical order. The links in the next column will take you to Wiki Pages giving information on ships or stations added by the OXP. Many of the Mission OXPs will contain lots of other ships, stations or weapons that are not listed here. The Wiki only gives information on the Ships listed in the galaxy wide "Jane's Spacecraft". Many military, criminal and corporate powers do not make information on the craft they build or use available to the galactic public! Listed below the table are all the OXPs broken down by category.

List of known OXPs

Download Ships Stations Other Information
Aegidian's Specials Mussurana

Asp Mk I Special

Ships. The powerful Mussurana and an improved Asp.
Aegidian's X-Ships Python ET Special

Cobra Mk II


Ships. An improved Python, the experimental Cobra Mk II and the fearsome Taipan.
Amiga Replacement Sounds Sound Set.
Anarchies V 0.1 Customised Anarchy systems. Hackers can be found in the higher tech anarchy systems, willing to clear a fugitive's legal record. For a price of course!
Aphid Escort Service Ships. Adds the stylish Aphid escort service.
Armoured Transport Type 1 Gaundlet Armoured Transport Type 1

Gaundlet Armoured Escort Viper

Ships. Convoys of well armed craft ferry gold and other valuables through the space lanes. Only a pirate with an Iron Ass would dream of attempting a robbery!
Assassins Guild V1.2 Deamon Cruiser



Scorpion Frigate

Navy Station Mission. 21 missions involving murder to order in Galaxy 7. More Information is given by clicking the download link. Can you hear the drums?
Asteroid Storm Mission. A well known station in Galaxy 1 comes under threat from an asteroid strike. Also adds new types of asteroids to the universe.
Bandersnatch Bandersnatch Ships. Adds a pirate capital vessel armed with plasma turrets.
Bank of the Black Monks Black Monk Gunship Black Monk Monastary Mission. Monks aboard well armed stations appear in advanced systems. Loans are offered, defaulters will be executed.
Behemoth Behemoth Ships. Adds a powerful Navy Cruiser.
Boomslang Boomslang Ships. Adds a mid-range multi-role ship. Used by pirates and traders alike.
Capisastra Capisastra Defender

Capisastra Hauler

Capisastra Warrior

Ships. Capisatra pirates appear in Galaxy 4.
Cargo & Wrecks Cargo. Adds lots of different types of cargo canisters.
Clear Skies Utility. Reduces nebula effects. Handy if your system is finding it hard to run Oolite.
Cobra 3.5 (chopped Cobra) Cobra Mk 3.5 Ships. A variation on the Classic Cobra Mk III.
Cobra Clipper SAR Cobra Clipper SAR Ships. A custom Cobra Mk III to rescue stranded Commanders.
Cobra Mk III Njx Cobra III NjX Ships. A faster, tougher variation on the Classic Cobra Mk III.
Commies Ray Mk I

Giant Ray

Mining Pods

Scavenger Rays

Sturgeon Mk I

Worker's Commuter

Astro Mines

Collective Zero-G Factory

Solar Laboratory and Production Unit

Ships / Stations. Commie systems have their own police forces, stations and miners.
Compact HUD Alternative HUD.
Condor Condor Ships. A very powerful police and Navy Cruiser.
Custom Sounds Sound Set.
Custom Paint Jobs Ships. Classic Elite Ships appear with custom paint jobs.
Dark Wheel Cobra -

(alternative lo-end version)

Ships. A custom Cobra Mk III model, as seen on the cover of the Elite Manual.
Deposed Mission. A series of missions set in Galaxy 4 for an experienced Commander.
Diso Planets. Extra planets and stations are added to the Diso system.
Dr HUD Cobra Mk III version, Custom version Alternative HUD.
Deep Space Dredger Sabre Deep Space Dredger Ships / Stations. Adds dockable Space Dredgers to the space lanes, defended by a squad of Saber fighters.
Dictators Imperial Censor

Imperial Freighter

Imperial Lictor

Imperial Quaestor

Imperial Tanker

Junta Enforcer

Revolutionary Guard

Imperial AstroFactory Ships / Stations. Dictatorship systems gain their own police forces, supply craft and stations.
Eagle Mk II Eagle Mk II Ships. Adds the Eagle Long Range Fighter in several versions.
ETT Homing Beacon Equipment. Mark a position in space by deploying a pylon mounted beacon.
Executive Spaceways Delta Long-Range Escort

Gemini Escort

Starseeker Personal Shuttle

Strelka Cruise Liner

Trident Executive Shuttle

Ships. Adds the Executive SpaceWays fleet of ships. More Information Here.
External Views Utility. Adds better outside views to all the Classic Elite Ships.
Falcon Falcon Ships. Adds the powerful Falcon, used by pirates and traders alike.
Far Star Far Star Murderer Ships. A mid-range fighter / trader.
Fer de Lance NG Ships. Adds a more powerful version of the Fer de Lance with several custom paint jobs.
Ferdepai Ferdepai Ships. Adds a new fighter / trader to Galaxy 2.
Fighter HUD Alternative HUD.
Firewasp Firewasp Ships. A fast interceptor.
Freaky Thargoids Shader example, requires Oolite 1.69. Thargoids will use the new Shaders.
Frog Space Rickshaw Frog Space Rickshaw Ships. Adds a chatty space taxi service to the safer systems.
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Equipment. Mounts in place of a missile, to top up 3 light years of fuel.
Generation Ships Ships. The mythical Generation Ships appear from time to time.
Globe Station Globe Station Stations. A new type of station appears at advanced systems.
Greek Ships Penelope Class Freighter

Telemachus Class Escort

Ulysses Class Interceptor

Ships. A collection of large trade ships and escorts. Sometimes also used by pirates.
Griffin Mk.II Griffin Two Ships. Adds the Griffin Mk II from ArchElite.
Gritty Coriolis Stations. The Corolis Station gets a more detailed texture.
Hal's Hot Sister Sound Set, featuring a female cockpit voice.
Hatchling Boyracers Boy Racer Ships. The talkative (and often insulting) boyracers appear in the more advanced systems.
Herald Herald Military Gunboat Ships. A powerful police and Navy interceptor.
Hognose Tugships Hognose Ships. The chatty tug ships can be seen towing broken down ships.
HOopy Casino Stations. HoOpy Casinos appear near the station in advanced systems. Commanders who chose to dock can win or lose credits in games of chance.
Illicit Unlock Utility. Allows the player to fly all the Classic Elite Ships.
Imperial Courier Imperial Courier Ships. The powerful Imperial Courier from Frontier. Use the Wiki link for the updated version.
Ionics Ionics Funnelweb

Ionics Huntsman

Ionics Redback

Ionics Whitetail

Mission. A series of missions set in Galaxy 2 featuring the Ionics Company of Zaria. More Information here.
Ixian Omnibus Ixian Battle Cruiser

Ixian Bezerka

Ixian Freighter Mk I

Ixian Gunship

Ixian No-Ship Mk I

Ships. A set of ships from Dune. Used by pirates and traders alike.
Jabberwocky Ships. Adds the powerful Jabberwocky fighter / trader.
JavaScript test JavaScript scripting example, requires Oolite 1.68.
Kestrel Kestrel Ships. An interceptor used by the Police and Navy, but also available on the open market.
Klepto-HUD Alternative HUD.
Lave Planets. Gives the Lave System a make-over adding all the features described in The Dark Wheel to the game.
Llama Llama Ships. Adds the Llama fighter / trader.
Long Way Mission. A transport mission well suited to the novice Commander in Galaxy 1.
Longshot Longshot Ships. Adds the Longshot fighter / trader, regarded by many as a cheaper alternative to the Cobra Mk III.
Lovecats Mission. Love and betrayal amongst the feline races of Galaxy 4.
M-Pack (rusties) Ships. Adds rusty versions of all the Classic Elite ships. Bargain basement prices, although these old bangers are usually in less good condition than a brand new model.
Manta Manta Ships. Adds the Manta escort craft.
Marett Space Corporation Adder Mk II

Mosquito Trader

Mosquito Sport

Ships. A collection of fighters and traders from Marett Space Corps.
Mega-Walnut Dashboard Alternative HUD.
Merlin Merlin Ships. An interceptor used by the Police and Navy, but also available on the open market.
MildAudio Sound Set.
Military Fiasco Basilisk



Rattle Cutter

Mission. A mission for the Navy for the Commander with more than 1,000 kills. Also equips the Navy with powerful cruisers.
Military Station Military Station Stations. Well armed Military Stations appear in the more advanced systems.
Military Stingray Stingray Ships. Adds the Military Stingray to the GalCop Navy fleet. Second hand versions are sometimes available on the open market.
Milspec HUD Alternative HUD.
Missionaries Happy Eye Pulpit Pod Ships. Clerics of four faiths are added to the Universe, spamming Commanders with requests to worship their Gods.
Monument Feature. A monument to famous Commanders can sometimes be seen near the Sun.
Morrigan Ships. Adds a vast trade ship to the Universe.
Murgh's Replacement Sounds Sound Set.
Murgh's X-Ships Bandy-Bandy


Eel Rapier

Ships. A fast courier craft and two light escort ships are added.
Navy Starships Ships. Arms the Navy with powerful cruisers including a docakable Star Trek style Starship.
New Ships Hamadryad




Ships. Adds a variety of mining and trade ships seen in previous versions of Elite.
NG HUD Alternative HUD.
Nu Vipers GalCop Viper Mark II

GalCop Viper Cruiser

Ships. Increases the types of Viper patrol ships appearing in the space lanes and defending Stations.
Nuclear Torpedo Equipment. Adds a powerful, but slow moving, missile.
Old Ships Bushmaster Miner

Cat (Cougar)







Ships. A collection of ships from ArcElite and Elite-A.
Oo-Haul L-Crate Hauler Ships. Vast corporate bulk haulers can be seen in the space lanes.
Orb Orb Ships. Adds a new alien race, which may (or may not) help GalCop in the battle against the Thargoids.
Ore Processor Equipment. When mounted to a ships fuel scoop systems extracts valuable materials from asteroid fragments. A must for any Commander working as a miner.
Outrider Outrider Ships. A medium fighter produced by the Taranis Corporation.
Pallas Pallas Ships. A fast but lightly shielded fighter.
Pelamis Pelamis Ships. Adds the Pelamis trade ship.
Phoenix Phoenix Ships. A strange ship, built from salvaged parts from various Serpent Class ships.
Pirate Coves Mission. Some rock hermits in the more dangerous systems have been taken over by pirates. Traders coming too close are likely to be assaulted by scrambled pirates keen to relive them of their cargo.
Pirate Traps Feature. To combat piracy GalCop sometimes deploys dummies of trade ships. Pirates who fire on them have their details transmitted to the police and face large fines.
Pteradyne Technologies Ships - (bug fix) Excalibur


Ships. A powerful combat ship, the Excalibur is offered for sale on the open market. The Paladin is the even tougher Military version, although sometimes these ships fall into the wrong hands.
Python Class Cruiser Python Class Cruiser Ships. A powerful trade ship, which can also hold its own in battle.
Python Class Cruiser version 2.6 Shader example. Shaders require Oolite 1.69 or later.
Racing Rings
Remorse of Conscience Remorse Of Conscience
Renegade Pirates
Renegade Viper + Grass Snake
Saleza Aeronautics Bellatrix Cruiser

Rigel Bomber

Saiph Interceptor

Santa - (alternative lo-end version)
Scourge of the Black Baron Mission
Selezen's S-Ships GalCop SWAT Viper

Oresrian Trader

Shady Cobra Shader example, requires Oolite 1.69 or later.
Skrounk All-Stars Limited All Stars Large Freighter

Seymour Class Sled

Starbelly Class Sled

Star Hawk

Starwolf Mk I

Spearhead Interceptor Mk.I
Spy Hunter Mission
Star Wars Ships A-Wing


Lambda Shuttle





Sung's Detailed Textures
Supercobra SuperCobra
Swift Swift
Taranis Corporation HQ Taranis Corporation HQ Mission
Teretrurus Mk.I Teretrurus Mk I
Terrapin Trader Terrapin
Tesoura Tesoura
Thargoid Carrier Thargoid Carrier
Thargoid Wars Mission
Thorgorn Threat Terroriser Frigate

Thargoid Thargorn Battleship

Thargoid Thorgon Cruiser

Tianve Pulsar
Tiger Tiger Mark I
Tionisla Orbital Graveyard
Torus Station Torus Station
Trans-Hab Station Transhab Station
Transports CoachWhip



Urutu Mk.III Urutu Mk III
Urutu Mk.IV Urutu Mk IV
Weeviloid Weeviloid Hunter

Weeviloid Scoutship

Wiggy's Replacement Sounds Sound Set
Wolf Mk.II Wolf Mk II
Wolfwood's Variants Asp Mk I

Cobra Courier

Cobra Rapier


Drake Mk II

Xaotik's Replacement Sounds Sound Set
Your Ad Here! Pi-42

Tescoo Oxpress


OXPs by Category

Sound Sets

Amiga Replament Sounds
Custom Sounds
Hal's Hot Sister (female cockpit voice)
Murgh's Replacement Sounds
Wiggy's Replacement Sounds
Xaotik's Replacement Sounds

Alternative HUDs

Compact HUD
Dr HUD Cobra Mk.III version, Custom version
Mega-Walnut Dashboard
Fighter HUD
Milspec HUD

Dockable Objects

Bank of the Black Monks
Deep Space Dredger
Globe Station
Gritty Coriolis
HoOpy Casino
Military Station
Torus Station
Trans-Hab Station
Taranis Corporation HQ

More information on the Stations appearing in Oolite can be found here.

Customisations by Government

Anarchies V 0.1

Other System Objects

Pirate Coves
Pirate Traps
Tianve Pulsar
Tionisla Orbital Graveyard
Your Ad Here!


Assassins Guild V1.2
Asteroid Storm
Ionics v.1.2.1
Long Way Around
Military Fiasco
Taranis Corporation HQ
Thargoid Wars
Scourge of the Black Baron
Spy Hunter

More information on the numerous Oolite Missions can be found here.

Ship Systems

ETT Homing Beacon
External Views
Fuel Tank
Nuclear Torpedo
Ore Processor

Ships and Ship Variants

More information on the Ships appearing in Oolite can be found here.

Aegidian's Specials
Aegidian's X-Ships
Aphid Escort Service
Armoured Transport Type 1
Cargo & Wrecks
Clear Skies
Cobra 3.5 (chopped Cobra)
Cobra Clipper SAR
Cobra Mk.III Njx
Custom Paint Jobs
Dark Wheel Cobra - (alternative lo-end version)
Eagle Mk.II
ETT Homing Beacon
Executive Spaceways
Far Star
Fer de Lance NG
Freaky Thargoids (shader example, requires Oolite 1.69)
Frog Space Rickshaw
Generation Ships
Greek Ships
Griffin Mk.II
Hatchling Boyracers
Hognose Tugships
Illicit Unlock
Imperial Courier
Ixian Omnubus
M-Pack (rusties)
Marett Space Corporation
Murgh's X-Ships
Navy Starships
New Ships
Nu Vipers
Old Ships
Pteradyne Technologies Ships - (bug fix)
Python Class Cruiser
Python Class Cruiser version 2.6 (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
Racing Rings
Remorse of Conscience
Renegade Pirates (Wait until you have an Iron Ass before installing this OXP!)
Renegade Viper + Grass Snake
Saleza Aeronautics
Santa - (alternative lo-end version)
Selezen's S-Ships
Shady Cobra
Skrounk All-Stars Limited
Spearhead Interceptor Mk.I
Star Wars Ships
Sung's Detailed Textures
Teretrurus Mk.I
Terrapin Trader
Thargoid Carrier
Thorgorn Threat
Urutu Mk.III
Urutu Mk.IV
Wolf Mk.II
Wolfwood's Variants

Installing an OXP

Unzip the OXP and place it in the folder named AddOns. Sometimes the zipped files contain several folders, make sure you only copy the folder -or file for Macintoshes- ending with .oxp into the AddOns folder. This folder is found in different locations, depending on the platform:

Mac OS X

Found in the folder that contains the Oolite application.

Troubleshooting: If you get an error saying "The item could not be moved because "AddOns" cannot be modified", that can happen if you weren't the user that installed Oolite. The solution is to put the OXP's of your choice in ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/ instead (you may need to create this folder). The error could also be triggered because you’re running from the disk image, you’ll need to copy the game somewhere else. Having done so, if you still get the error, use the Get Info command on the AddOns folder, open the Ownership & Permissions pane and check that it says You Can: Read & Write.


If the game was installed system-wide, it is in /usr/lib/Oolite/AddOns. If it was installed just for the currently logged in user, it will be in the user's home directory, in $HOME/.local/lib/Oolite/AddOns except Debian systems. Debian changes the folder locations to $HOME/.Oolite/Addons., $HOME/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/ and /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Applications/AddOns. This, hopefully, solves many a Debian users dilemma of where to put the OXPs.


If the installable package was used (post Jan 06) then the AddOns folder needs to be created in C:\Programs Files\Oolite. Note that this applies if the default installation location is used. If the install location is changed then use the path to the Oolite folder that correspnds to your installation. If the GNUStep dedicated versions (pre-Jan 2006) is used, then the AddOns folder must be created in the oolite.app folder.

After unzipping the file, make sure that it is the OXP folder that put into the AddOns directory - some zipped OXPs can contain a top level folder with a readMe file, and the actual OXP folder is a level further down. If this is the case, move the item with the .oxp extension into the AddOns folder.


If you purchase a ship that is an OXP ship and save the game, you will only be able to load that commander as long as this OXP is installed in AddOns. If it's not, Oolite will give you an error instead of trying to load the commander.

Creating an OXP

It is intended to be easy to create expansion packs. With a few simple tools, a player can make small or big changes, and customize the gaming experience.