Merlin (Oolite)
ship name::Merlin | |
Size (W×H×L) | 25 m×ship height::4 m×ship length::24 m |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::25 TC |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::N/A |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.555 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Pitch: 1.4 Roll: 1.6 Yaw: 1.4 Thrust: 55 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::6 |
Energy recharge rate |
Excellent (ship energy recharge::5.5) |
Gun mounts | Fore: 1x Rear: 1x |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::3 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::N/A |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::N/A |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::Yes |
Base price | ship base price::675,000 Cr |
An offspring of the Kestrel and same like that craft a synthesis between GalCop technology and the high tech from a mysterious Empire in the unknown regions. While nearly similar to the parent this craft offers a lot more space and therefore made it attractive to smugglers, couriers and pirates. Other careers preferred the Merlin as well, it felt good to be able to take a shower and sleep in a real bed while in space. A hyperjump only in the pilots chair could be exhausting.
Given the source, it didn't come as a surprise to many that the same stabilizer problems as with the Kestrel occurred, just more frequent. While Benulobiweed Inc. tried to downplay the issue GalCop Galactic Health and Safety Executive started their own investigation.
Overheard conversation in the Benulobiweed Inc. boardroom which was published by SPACE:
Q. "W.T.F. is that ?
A. "A customer said they wanted a Kestrel with more room for cargo."
Q. "Fat-F**ker looks like it's been on the chips !"
Q. "How much money is the R&D costing me ?"
A. "Nothing ..."
Q. "Nothing ?"
A. "Got one of the boys to take a lump-hammer & a welder to a Kestrel hull ..."
Q. "Those are expensive !"
A. "Not if you do it to a ship already sold to a customer moaning about the lack of space."
Q. "That's my boy. I see it now: 'Fat-f**ker by, hand-built by craftsmen'."
A. "Catchy ... There's more."
Q. "More ?"
A. "There's less metal and more room for parts in one of these; sooo, cheaper to make & fewer Tie-interceptor parts."
Q. "You know I come over all runny when you mention that !"
Q. "Slower ?"
A. "No."
Q. "Handles ok ?"
A. "Nearly as good as a Kestrel"
Q. "Cheaper to make ?"
A. "Cheaper ??"
Q. "What I said ..."
A. "Yes."
Q. "Anyone know ?"
A. "No."
Q. "Yes: 'Fat-f***ker, more space, more features, same price !'."
A. "Catchy... Boss ?"
Q. "Yes ?"
A. "Do you think it needs a better name ?"
Q. "No."
A. "I was thinking: 'Merlin'."
Q. "Merlin ?"
A. "A birdie a bit bigger than a Kestrel."
Q. "Ooo-yes & also that chap who did magic ! This could be the spell to get us out of the sh*t with GalCop - what ?"
A. "Very good Sir ..."
Q. "Benulobiweed ?"
A. "Don't mind if I do ..."
- Source: readme.txt Merlin.OXP
Compatible equipment for this ship. Factory standard equipment is marked in bold, all other equipment can be added by the player. | ||
Misc. Equipment | Fuel Scoops • Escape Capsule • Docking Computers • Witch Fuel Injectors • Scanner Targeting Enhancement • Multi-Targeting System • Galactic Hyperdrive • Advanced Space Compass | |
Weaponry | Pulse Laser • Beam Laser • Military Laser • Mining Laser • Energy Bomb | |
Defence | E.C.M. System • Extra Energy Unit • Naval Energy Unit • External Heat Shielding |
This ship/ships belong to the category Ubership, flying it will make you superior to most core-ships, but some opponents will be much stronger as well.
- Charlie (author)
- The Merlin is found in the Merlin OXP.
- OR try here: Guide to Unlisted OXPs - the link to Charlie's collection (2006-8) is further down the page
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license visit
- Kestrel (parent)
- Benulobiweed Inc. (manufacturer)
- Merlin (FFE)