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(Galaxy 1: Inines is a 13 TL instead of 12)
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[[File:Oolite info 3D (Maaarcooose).png|thumb|right|320px|OOliteInfo 3D from Maaarcooose]]
== Overview ==
== Overview ==
Although this list was taken from Oolite the data applies equally well to the BBC version of Classic Elite (and some other versions).
Although this list was taken from Oolite the data applies well to the [[BBC_Micro|BBC Micro]] version of Classic Elite, and some other versions.
Each entry shows the system number, name, coordinates, tech level, inhabitants, government and a comment on the system.
The format of the entries is:
Note that references to a particular galaxy in [[Oolite]] (in a [[Planetinfo.plist]] entry for example), should '''subtract 1 from the galaxy number'''.
: # {system ID}. '''{name}''' ({coordinates}), { {IDs of nearby systems} } within 7.0 LY. Radius {radius of main planet} km.
:: {government}, {economy}. Pop. {population} B, Prod. {productivity} MCr. HC: {hub count}, TL: {tech level}, {inhabitant description}.
:: ''{system comments}''
=== Where do these crazy names come from? ===
for example
If you read through the source code and/or binary for either Elite or Oolite, you will not find any text containing the list of planets and their properties. The entire universe (including the famous [http://www.frontier.co.uk/games/elite/faq.html edible poet]) is constructed programmatically (using a truncated Fibonacci function) from a handful of seed numbers and the string "ABOUSEITILETSTONLONUTHNOALLEXEGEZACEBISOUSESARMAINDIREA'ERATENBERALAVETIEDORQUANTEISRION". The algorithm was reverse-engineered from the original BBC disk by [[Christian Pinder]], and implemented in Objective-C for Oolite.
: # 7. '''Lave''' (20,173), {39,46,55,129,147,255} within 7.0 LY. Radius 4116 km.
:: Dictatorship, Rich Agri. Pop. 2.5 B, Prod. 7000 MCr. HC: 6, TL: 5, Human Colonials.
:: ''Lave is most famous for its vast rain forests and the Laveian tree grub. ''
== Galaxy 1 ==
* Downloadable vector graphic PDF's of the 8 charts have also been created and can be downloaded from the [[#Galaxies | ''links below'']].
0. '''Tibedied''', (2,90), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is most notable for Tibediedian Arma brandy but scourged by deadly edible grubs.''
* Online interactive maps.
** [http://bit.ly/OoliteInteractiveMap2 OOlite Interactive Map] courtesy of PhantorGorth. It does 2D & 3D modes for displaying the planet map and the planet data. Also there is a superb jump route calculator.
** [http://theramist.co.uk/ooliteinfo/oo.php OOliteInfo] from Maaarcooose is also available which not only displays the galaxy maps and all planet data, but also allows modification of the seed numbers used to generate the galaxy data. '''Note: The economy descriptions for a lot of planets are not accurately described on this resource.'''
1. '''Qube''', (152,205), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Qube is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but scourged by deadly civil war.''
* A spreadsheet of all galaxies can be downloaded in [[Media:Galaxies.zip|Excel format]] or [[Media:Galaxies_Ods.zip|Open Document format]].
2. '''Leleer''', (77,243), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Leleer is very noted for its pink Leleerian Er plant plantations but beset by frequent civil war.''
=== Notes on values ===
3. '''Biarge''', (83,208), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is very fabled for the Biargeian edible poet.''
* For OXP writers, note that references to a particular galaxy in [[Oolite]] (in a [[Planetinfo.plist]] entry for example), should ''subtract 1 from the galaxy number'' – Galaxy 1 is referred to as 0, etc. The Technology Level numbers shown in the lists are the numbers displayed to the player (range 1-15), and again ''subtract 1 from this number'' (range 0-14) to get the value entered into planetinfo.plist.
4. '''Xequerin''', (180,131), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Xequerin is fabled for its weird volcanoes and the Xequerinian mountain lobstoid.''
* The "hub count" is the number of systems reachable from this system in a single jump: it will always match the number of systems in the "IDs of nearby systems" list.
5. '''Tiraor''', (172,176), TL: 9, Blue Fat Insects, Communist, ''Tiraor is a revolting little planet.''
* The radius of the main planet as an in-game object is 1/100th of that listed by the system description.
6. '''Rabedira''', (69,249), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Rabedira is well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
* The coordinates are in X, Y format, ranging from 0,0 (top left corner) to 255,255 (bottom right corner). When translated to the galactic maps, because they are rectangular rather than square, this means that an X coordinate step is 0.4 LY, but a Y coordinate step is only 0.2 LY
7. '''Lave''', (20,173), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Lave is most famous for its vast rain forests and the Laveian tree grub.''
=== Where do these crazy names come from? ===
8. '''Zaatxe''', (236,0), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Zaatxeian deadly Ouenbeoid but plagued by lethal spotted craboids.''
9. '''Diusreza''', (216,98), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but beset by deadly edible moths.''
10. '''Teaatis''', (4,238), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Teaatis is mildly well known for Teaatisian vicious brew.''
11. '''Riinus''', (93,49), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and the Riinusian tree grub.''
12. '''Esbiza''', (244,40), TL: 8, Small Yellow Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The planet Esbiza is most famous for its vast rain forests.''
13. '''Ontimaxe''', (84,164), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
14. '''Cebetela''', (194,11), TL: 6, Fierce Red Bug-Eyed Lizards, Anarchy, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous Cebetelaian lethal brandy but scourged by killer mountain Esbionoids.''
15. '''Ceedra''', (245,220), TL: 7, Fierce Bug-Eyed Lizards, Confederacy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly civil war.''
16. '''Rizala''', (178,84), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Rizala is mildly notable for Rizalaian lethal brandy.''
17. '''Atriso''', (55,245), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Atriso is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
18. '''Teanrebi''', (214,7), TL: 6, Bug-Eyed Frogs, Corporate State, ''This planet is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
19. '''Azaqu''', (6,110), TL: 6, Red Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''The planet Azaqu is most famous for its pink oceans and Zero-G cricket.''
20. '''Retila''', (175,218), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
21. '''Sotiqu''', (123,149), TL: 3, Fierce Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Sotiqu is famous for its exotic goat soup but ravaged by a killer disease.''
22. '''Inleus''', (186,26), TL: 10, Harmless Slimy Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Inleus is most famous for the Inleusian spotted wolf.''
23. '''Onrira''', (22,232), TL: 13, Blue Frogs, Corporate State, ''The world Onrira is mildly noted for the Onriraian deadly Esonatoid but plagued by lethal spotted yaks.''
24. '''Ceinzala''', (18,20), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is most notable for vicious Inzalodi gargle blasters but scourged by unpredictable earthquakes.''
25. '''Biisza''', (245,132), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Biisza is most famous for its vast rain forests.''
26. '''Legees''', (4,253), TL: 5, Large Bug-Eyed Lizards, Confederacy, ''This planet is most notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
27. '''Quator''', (14,137), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Quator is scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
28. '''Arexe''', (164,89), TL: 9, Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Arexe is fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms.''
29. '''Atrabiin''', (96,130), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Atrabiin is cursed by killer edible Nuatoids.''
30. '''Usanat''', (108,230), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Usanat is a boring world.''
31. '''Xeesle''', (53,209), TL: 6, Large Blue Fat Felines, Feudal, ''The world Xeesle is a boring planet.''
32. '''Oreseren''', (206,1), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Oreseren is a revolting little planet.''
33. '''Inera''', (82,16), TL: 13, Blue Horned Lizards, Corporate State, ''This planet is noted for its exotic fish meat.''
34. '''Inus''', (204,143), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is reasonably well known for the Inusian tree wolf but scourged by unpredictable earthquakes.''
35. '''Isence''', (52,128), TL: 8, Red Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The world Isence is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by a evil disease.''
36. '''Reesdice''', (149,101), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Reesdice is reasonably famous for the Reesdiceian deadly lobstoid.''
37. '''Terea''', (69,109), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very fabled for the Tereaian edible poet.''
38. '''Orgetibe''', (26,47), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a dull world.''
39. '''Reorte''', (19,151), TL: 5, Black Fat Felines, Dictatorship, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
40. '''Ququor''', (164,220), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Ququor is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
41. '''Geinona''', (143,153), TL: 8, Large Blue Frogs, Feudal, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
42. '''Anarlaqu''', (111,127), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy night life and its exotic night life.''
43. '''Oresri''', (58,85), TL: 6, Rodents, Communist, ''The planet Oresri is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
44. '''Esesla''', (65,190), TL: 3, Small Black Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G hockey.''
45. '''Socelage''', (104,85), TL: 5, Fierce Yellow Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic goat meat.''
46. '''Riedquat''', (3,181), TL: 3, Harmless Rodents, Anarchy, ''This planet is most notable for its fabulous cuisine but beset by occasional civil war.''
47. '''Gerege''', (113,58), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Gerege is reasonably famous for the Geregeian spotted wolf.''
48. '''Usle''', (85,99), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very notable for the Usleian tree ant and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
49. '''Malama''', (234,32), TL: 11, Small Yellow Horned Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''The planet Malama is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
50. '''Aesbion''', (45,139), TL: 9, Green Frogs, Corporate State, ''The planet Aesbion is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
51. '''Alaza''', (223,6), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Alaza is scourged by a evil disease.''
52. '''Xeaqu''', (104,36), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Xeaqu is a dull place.''
53. '''Raoror''', (11,58), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is very fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
54. '''Ororqu''', (102,57), TL: 11, Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Ororqu is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
55. '''Leesti''', (13,186), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Leesti is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and Leestiian evil juice.''
56. '''Geisgeza''', (162,87), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is notable for its unusual oceans and the Geisgezaian mountain slug.''
57. '''Zainlabi''', (164,163), TL: 7, Fierce Yellow Insects, Confederacy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
58. '''Uscela''', (70,117), TL: 7, Small Yellow Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''The world Uscela is a boring world.''
59. '''Isveve''', (227,149), TL: 3, Blue Insects, Anarchy, ''The planet Isveve is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
60. '''Tioranin''', (202,86), TL: 6, Green Fat Insects, Democracy, ''This world is most notable for Tioraninian vicious brew but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
61. '''Learorce''', (108,27), TL: 5, Large Rodents, Multi-Government, ''Learorce is reasonably notable for its great dense forests but scourged by deadly edible poets.''
62. '''Esusti''', (133,121), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos and the Esustiian spotted cat.''
63. '''Ususor''', (168,23), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and the Ususorian edible poet.''
64. '''Maregeis''', (73,121), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is fabled for its ancient Maregeisian Bidial tulip plantations.''
65. '''Aate''', (253,35), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Aate is scourged by killer mountain lobstoids.''
66. '''Sori''', (251,252), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Sori is beset by a evil disease.''
67. '''Cemave''', (6,0), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Cemave is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
68. '''Arusqudi''', (39,22), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
69. '''Eredve''', (205,250), TL: 8, Insects, Communist, ''This planet is beset by a evil disease.''
70. '''Regeatge''', (159,54), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Regeatge is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but scourged by frequent civil war.''
71. '''Edinso''', (3,81), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is mildly noted for its pink Edinsoian Maarleil Maarleilweed plantations but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
72. '''Ra''', (12,135), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Ra is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
73. '''Aronar''', (53,160), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Aronar is most famous for the Aronarian deadly goat and its hoopy casinos.''
74. '''Arraesso''', (138,223), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is notable for its unusual oceans and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
75. '''Cevege''', (7,73), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
76. '''Orteve''', (63,35), TL: 8, Black Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This world is fabled for its fabulous vicious Gezabeza gargle blasters.''
77. '''Geerra''', (108,214), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic goat soup.''
78. '''Soinuste''', (244,48), TL: 5, Fierce Harmless Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
79. '''Erlage''', (220,104), TL: 10, Green Fat Birds, Confederacy, ''This world is reasonably well known for the Erlageian tree ant but cursed by vicious mountain goats.''
80. '''Xeaan''', (169,67), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
81. '''Veis''', (140,27), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Veis is a boring world.''
82. '''Ensoreus''', (52,224), TL: 11, Black Fat Felines, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
83. '''Riveis''', (168,110), TL: 4, Harmless Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Riveis is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
84. '''Bivea''', (210,61), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
85. '''Ermaso''', (139,175), TL: 3, Red Fat Birds, Anarchy, ''This planet is very notable for the Ermasoian edible grub and the Ermasoian tree ant.''
86. '''Velete''', (195,39), TL: 6, Yellow Fat Felines, Democracy, ''Velete is a revolting dump.''
87. '''Engema''', (244,92), TL: 7, Black Slimy Lizards, Corporate State, ''The world Engema is beset by a evil disease.''
88. '''Atrienxe''', (226,107), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Atrienxe is a n unremarkable dump.''
89. '''Beusrior''', (66,146), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Beusrior is a dull world.''
90. '''Ontiat''', (57,190), TL: 5, Green Lizards, Confederacy, ''The planet Ontiat is scourged by a evil disease.''
91. '''Atarza''', (168,113), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
92. '''Arazaes''', (160,36), TL: 6, Green Fat Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is very notable for the Arazaesian tree ant and Arazaesian wolf meat.''
93. '''Xeeranre''', (105,132), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Xeeranre is cursed by killer mountain Reetaboids.''
94. '''Quzadi''', (78,219), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Quzadi is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
95. '''Isti''', (12,45), TL: 1, Red Bug-Eyed Lizards, Feudal, ''The planet Isti is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and Zero-G hockey.''
96. '''Digebiti''', (117,192), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Digebiti is cursed by killer mountain Seoids.''
97. '''Leoned''', (151,6), TL: 8, Large Black Bug-Eyed Lizards, Corporate State, ''Leoned is reasonably well known for the Leonedian tree snake but scourged by unpredictable earthquakes.''
98. '''Enzaer''', (217,56), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Enzaer is a revolting dump.''
99. '''Teraed''', (199,80), TL: 11, Yellow Insects, Multi-Government, ''Teraed is a n unremarkable dump.''
100. '''Vetitice''', (105,152), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very well known for Vetiticeian lethal brandy and its great parking meters.''
101. '''Laenin''', (69,87), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Laenin is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms but cursed by a killer disease.''
102. '''Beraanxe''', (212,12), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Beraanxe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its unusual oceans.''
103. '''Atage''', (226,219), TL: 8, Red Bug-Eyed Lizards, Dictatorship, ''Atage is a n unremarkable planet.''
104. '''Veisti''', (35,3), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Veisti is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and Zero-G cricket.''
105. '''Zaerla''', (203,119), TL: 4, Large Black Fat Birds, Feudal, ''The planet Zaerla is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
106. '''Esredice''', (85,16), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Esredice is a boring planet.''
107. '''Beor''', (197,13), TL: 5, Large Blue Slimy Rodents, Communist, ''Beor is a n unremarkable dump.''
108. '''Orso''', (237,89), TL: 8, Blue Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The world Orso is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
109. '''Usatqura''', (97,39), TL: 4, Small Yellow Felines, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
110. '''Erbiti''', (148,122), TL: 5, Large Felines, Anarchy, ''The world Erbiti is most well known for its great dense forests.''
111. '''Reinen''', (55,102), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
112. '''Ininbi''', (173,242), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Ininbi is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
113. '''Erlaza''', (30,230), TL: 5, Blue Slimy Rodents, Dictatorship, ''The world Erlaza is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by a lethal disease.''
114. '''Celabile''', (235,4), TL: 10, Fierce Blue Rodents, Corporate State, ''The planet Celabile is most famous for the Celabileian evil poet and Zero-G hockey.''
115. '''Ribiso''', (97,166), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting vacuum cricket.''
116. '''Qudira''', (236,39), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Qudira is reasonably fabled for Qudiraian Bima water and its great volcanoes.''
117. '''Isdibi''', (251,244), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Isdibi is scourged by deadly tree ants.''
118. '''Gequre''', (208,230), TL: 4, Large Red Frogs, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably well known for the Gequreian tree ant but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
119. '''Rarere''', (203,206), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Rarere is mildly notable for Rarereian lethal brandy.''
120. '''Aerater''', (209,78), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Aerater is a revolting little planet.''
121. '''Atbevete''', (208,81), TL: 9, Blue Bug-Eyed Lizards, Confederacy, ''The planet Atbevete is mildly well known for killer A'erin gargle blasters.''
122. '''Bioris''', (220,214), TL: 4, Fierce Yellow Horned Birds, Confederacy, ''Bioris is very fabled for the Biorisian edible poet.''
123. '''Raale''', (93,29), TL: 1, Blue Slimy Rodents, Anarchy, ''This world is very fabled for the Raaleian edible poet.''
124. '''Tionisla''', (38,193), TL: 11, Lizards, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
125. '''Encereso''', (85,189), TL: 4, Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''Encereso is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
126. '''Anerbe''', (199,14), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Anerbe is reasonably fabled for its exciting vacuum karate and its great volcanoes.''
127. '''Gelaed''', (95,19), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Gelaed is very noted for its pink Gelaedian So Soweed plantations but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
128. '''Onusorle''', (81,216), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is mildly well known for Onusorleian vicious brew and Onusorleian wolf cutlet.''
129. '''Zaonce''', (33,185), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
130. '''Diquer''', (104,69), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Diquer is a dull place.''
131. '''Zadies''', (120,112), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Zadies is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
132. '''Entizadi''', (91,233), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Entizadi is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
133. '''Esanbe''', (173,132), TL: 6, Small Blue Bug-Eyed Lizards, Communist, ''Esanbe is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
134. '''Usralaat''', (184,179), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
135. '''Anlere''', (177,53), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Anlere is reasonably well known for the Anlereian spotted shrew but plagued by evil tree leopards.''
136. '''Teveri''', (235,78), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Teveri is reasonably fabled for Teveriian evil juice and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
137. '''Sotiera''', (81,30), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Sotiera is mildly fabled for the Sotieraian mountain poet but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
138. '''Ededleen''', (207,16), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Ededleen is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
139. '''Inonri''', (114,161), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very well known for Inonriian wolf meat and its weird volcanoes.''
140. '''Esbeus''', (75,94), TL: 5, Small Red Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Esbeus is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
141. '''Lerelace''', (69,72), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is a dull place.''
142. '''Eszaraxe''', (229,149), TL: 1, Small Blue Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Eszaraxe is most famous for the Eszaraxeian spotted shrew and the Eszaraxeian mountain poet.''
143. '''Anbeen''', (130,52), TL: 8, Black Frogs, Confederacy, ''Anbeen is reasonably notable for its great tropical forests but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
144. '''Biorle''', (97,114), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Biorle is a dull world.''
145. '''Anisor''', (160,129), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
146. '''Usrarema''', (81,249), TL: 11, Small Black Slimy Rodents, Corporate State, ''This world is very notable for the Usraremaian edible poet.''
147. '''Diso''', (11,174), TL: 7, Black Furry Felines, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Ouza tulip plantations but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
148. '''Riraes''', (182,224), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Riraes is fabled for its weird rock formations and its pink oceans.''
149. '''Orrira''', (92,9), TL: 4, Furry Felines, Anarchy, ''The planet Orrira is cursed by killer edible talking treeoids.''
150. '''Xeer''', (141,116), TL: 7, Large Yellow Bug-Eyed Frogs, Democracy, ''This world is very well known for Xeerian wolf meat and its fabulous cuisine.''
151. '''Ceesxe''', (147,16), TL: 14, Fierce Bony Birds, Corporate State, ''The world Ceesxe is most well known for its vast rain forests.''
152. '''Isatre''', (113,2), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Isatre is a boring planet.''
153. '''Aona''', (78,224), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very well known for Aonaian lethal brandy and its great volcanoes.''
154. '''Isinor''', (47,191), TL: 6, Harmless Slimy Frogs, Confederacy, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
155. '''Uszaa''', (3,153), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Uszaa is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists and the Uszaaian tree grub.''
156. '''Aanbiat''', (91,47), TL: 6, Blue Fat Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its ancient Aanbiatian Alinet banana plantations.''
157. '''Bemaera''', (49,198), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Bemaera is most noted for the Bemaeraian deadly Noseoid and the Bemaeraian evil Noseoid.''
158. '''Inines''', (239,16), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
159. '''Edzaon''', (162,201), TL: 7, Yellow Bony Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is most notable for Edzaonian lethal water but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
160. '''Leritean''', (221,191), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Leritean is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
161. '''Veale''', (155,60), TL: 10, Frogs, Corporate State, ''The world Veale is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
162. '''Edle''', (167,33), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Edle is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders but scourged by frequent civil war.''
163. '''Anlama''', (25,96), TL: 9, Harmless Bug-Eyed Birds, Multi-Government, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
164. '''Ribilebi''', (252,11), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Ribilebi is most famous for its vast oceans and its fabulous goat soup.''
165. '''Relaes''', (6,129), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
166. '''Dizaoner''', (77,41), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Dizaoner is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
167. '''Razaar''', (112,95), TL: 2, Green Insects, Dictatorship, ''The world Razaar is a dull place.''
168. '''Enonla''', (99,106), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Enonla is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
169. '''Isanlequ''', (200,149), TL: 1, Furry Felines, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by a evil disease.''
170. '''Tibecea''', (250,225), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Tibecea is very fabled for the Tibeceaian edible poet.''
171. '''Sotera''', (15,5), TL: 7, Fierce Green Horned Humanoids, Communist, ''Sotera is mildly notable for Soteraian lethal brandy.''
172. '''Esveor''', (88,52), TL: 4, Small Harmless Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''Esveor is mildly famous for its pink oceans and Zero-G hockey.''
173. '''Esteonbi''', (25,57), TL: 10, Small Black Slimy Frogs, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
174. '''Xeesenri''', (230,127), TL: 2, Large Yellow Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Anarchy, ''Xeesenri is mildly notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
175. '''Oresle''', (190,210), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
176. '''Ervein''', (196,193), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Ervein is a revolting little planet.''
177. '''Larais''', (19,236), TL: 8, Rodents, Dictatorship, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
178. '''Anxebiza''', (104,189), TL: 6, Furry Rodents, Corporate State, ''The planet Anxebiza is a n unremarkable dump.''
179. '''Diedar''', (164,134), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
180. '''Eninre''', (47,106), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Eninre is cursed by deadly civil war.''
181. '''Bibe''', (172,238), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is most fabled for Bibeian lethal brandy but beset by a evil disease.''
182. '''Diquxe''', (249,211), TL: 8, Harmless Horned Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
183. '''Sorace''', (74,34), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Sorace is cursed by deadly civil war.''
184. '''Anxeonis''', (193,133), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Anxeonis is most famous for its vast rain forests.''
185. '''Riantiat''', (189,63), TL: 4, Horned Birds, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for the Riantiatian edible grub and the Riantiatian spotted wolf.''
186. '''Zarece''', (49,119), TL: 4, Fierce Black Felines, Confederacy, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
187. '''Maesin''', (152,229), TL: 0, Small Harmless Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''The planet Maesin is a n unremarkable dump.''
188. '''Tibionis''', (65,108), TL: 7, Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''Tibionis is most noted for the Tibionisian deadly goat and its vast rain forests.''
189. '''Gelegeus''', (253,159), TL: 2, Large Red Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''Gelegeus is mildly notable for Gelegeusian Di water.''
190. '''Diora''', (200,227), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Diora is a n unremarkable planet.''
191. '''Rigeti''', (213,79), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Rigeti is a revolting dump.''
192. '''Begeabi''', (24,119), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Begeabi is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness.''
193. '''Orrere''', (6,143), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Orrere is mildly well known for Orrereian vicious brew.''
194. '''Beti''', (150,206), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is fabled for its weird volcanoes and the Betiian mountain lobstoid.''
195. '''Gerete''', (171,32), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is most fabled for Zero-G cricket but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
196. '''Qucerere''', (78,252), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
197. '''Xeoner''', (78,78), TL: 5, Large Yellow Slimy Lizards, Communist, ''The world Xeoner is a dull world.''
198. '''Xezaor''', (146,112), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Xezaor is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
199. '''Ritila''', (32,89), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Ritila is very famous for its hoopy casinos but beset by a evil disease.''
200. '''Edorte''', (139,85), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Edorte is a n unremarkable dump.''
201. '''Zaalela''', (46,220), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is noted for its fabulous goat soup.''
202. '''Biisorte''', (213,129), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous Biisorteian lethal water but beset by a lethal disease.''
203. '''Beesor''', (156,57), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
204. '''Oresqu''', (22,217), TL: 9, Rodents, Multi-Government, ''Oresqu is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
205. '''Xeququti''', (221,250), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
206. '''Maises''', (151,58), TL: 8, Small Blue Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''Maises is reasonably notable for its fabulous Maisesian lethal water but beset by a lethal disease.''
207. '''Bierle''', (233,64), TL: 11, Fierce Blue Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Confederacy, ''The planet Bierle is most famous for the Bierleian deadly Diusoid and the Bierleian evil arts graduate.''
208. '''Arzaso''', (216,225), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Arzaso is a n unremarkable planet.''
209. '''Teen''', (117,39), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Teen is cursed by deadly civil war.''
210. '''Riredi''', (47,82), TL: 12, Harmless Furry Insects, Corporate State, ''This world is very fabled for the Rirediian mountain slug.''
211. '''Teorge''', (45,46), TL: 5, Black Bony Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
212. '''Vebege''', (89,195), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Vebege is mildly fabled for the Vebegeian mountain lobstoid but beset by deadly solar activity.''
213. '''Xeenle''', (236,163), TL: 4, Large Frogs, Anarchy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by a lethal disease.''
214. '''Arxeza''', (22,1), TL: 11, Small Blue Frogs, Democracy, ''The world Arxeza is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
215. '''Edreor''', (241,4), TL: 8, Blue Furry Humanoids, Corporate State, ''The world Edreor is reasonably fabled for its fabulous killer Abususlo juice and its ancient Abususlo plant plantations.''
216. '''Esgerean''', (193,217), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
217. '''Ditiza''', (27,110), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Ditiza is reasonably fabled for Ditizaian evil juice and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
218. '''Anle''', (228,0), TL: 10, Black Fat Insects, Confederacy, ''The world Anle is notable for its great tropical forests and Anleian evil brandy.''
219. '''Onisqu''', (29,1), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is a dull place.''
220. '''Aleusqu''', (215,122), TL: 11, Green Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but ravaged by vicious vicious shrews.''
221. '''Zasoceat''', (186,72), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Zasoceat is a revolting dump.''
222. '''Rilace''', (81,133), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Rilace is a dull world.''
223. '''Beenri''', (249,165), TL: 2, Harmless Fat Insects, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Beenriian mountain A'oid but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
224. '''Laeden''', (4,254), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Laeden is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
225. '''Mariar''', (96,178), TL: 9, Small Blue Horned Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This world is fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
226. '''Riiser''', (52,74), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Riiser is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
227. '''Qutiri''', (44,176), TL: 8, Yellow Fat Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Qutiri is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
228. '''Biramabi''', (80,190), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Biramabi is a dull world.''
229. '''Soorbi''', (134,235), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Soorbi is a n unremarkable dump.''
230. '''Solageon''', (135,134), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is very well known for Solageonian lethal water and the Solageonian tree wolf.''
231. '''Tiquat''', (191,35), TL: 9, Red Fat Insects, Dictatorship, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great parking meters but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
232. '''Rexebe''', (98,17), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy night life and its exotic cuisine.''
233. '''Qubeen''', (132,243), TL: 5, Blue Frogs, Feudal, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
234. '''Cetiisqu''', (96,242), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Cetiisquian evil Stoid.''
235. '''Rebia''', (26,61), TL: 6, Frogs, Communist, ''Rebia is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
236. '''Ordima''', (132,79), TL: 1, Green Bony Birds, Multi-Government, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic goat soup.''
237. '''Aruszati''', (146,139), TL: 9, Small Green Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G cricket.''
238. '''Zaleriza''', (247,196), TL: 4, Fierce Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
239. '''Zasoer''', (4,126), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Zasoer is mildly well known for its exotic night life.''
240. '''Raleen''', (156,208), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for the Raleenian tree grub and its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
241. '''Qurave''', (199,50), TL: 10, Blue Furry Insects, Dictatorship, ''The planet Qurave is mildly notable for Quraveian Aron water.''
242. '''Atrebibi''', (166,182), TL: 7, Slimy Frogs, Corporate State, ''The world Atrebibi is most famous for the Atrebibiian deadly monkey.''
243. '''Teesdi''', (166,166), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Teesdi is famous for Teesdiian shrew cutlet but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
244. '''Ararus''', (51,237), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Ararus is most famous for its pink Stalbien plant plantations and its unusual dense forests.''
245. '''Ara''', (28,40), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Ara is scourged by a evil disease.''
246. '''Tianve''', (227,0), TL: 13, Blue Bony Felines, Democracy, ''The planet Tianve is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders and Zero-G cricket.''
247. '''Quorte''', (136,182), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Quorte is well known for the Quorteian tree wolf but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
248. '''Soladies''', (112,252), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting Soladiesian evil brandy.''
249. '''Maxeedso''', (105,109), TL: 6, Small Black Fat Insects, Confederacy, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and the Maxeedsoian tree wolf.''
250. '''Xexedi''', (71,88), TL: 13, Large Green Frogs, Confederacy, ''The planet Xexedi is scourged by a deadly disease.''
251. '''Xexeti''', (146,237), TL: 2, Large Red Frogs, Anarchy, ''This planet is notable for the Xexetiian edible arts graduate and its great volcanoes.''
252. '''Tiinlebi''', (29,87), TL: 4, Green Horned Humanoids, Democracy, ''The planet Tiinlebi is most noted for the Tiinlebiian mountain slug and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
253. '''Rateedar''', (102,193), TL: 9, Harmless Insects, Multi-Government, ''Rateedar is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
254. '''Onlema''', (138,248), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
255. '''Orerve''', (12,203), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is a dull place.''
== Galaxy 2 ==
0. '''Ausis''', (4,180), TL: 4, Blue Slimy Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''The world Ausis is scourged by deadly tree ants.''
1. '''Andiri''', (53,157), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Andiri is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
2. '''Beedbeon''', (199,254), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Beedbeon is most famous for its vast oceans.''
3. '''Maisso''', (159,179), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Maisso is a boring planet.''
4. '''Ladibe''', (240,71), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Ladibe is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
5. '''Veriar''', (53,147), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Veriar is very famous for Veriarian shrew steak but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
6. '''Esbete''', (159,106), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for its unusual oceans and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
7. '''Esrilees''', (217,188), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Esrilees is notable for its unusual tropical forests and its fabulous Esrileesian lethal water.''
8. '''Esrasoce''', (169,193), TL: 10, Small Harmless Slimy Frogs, Democracy, ''The planet Esrasoce is a boring world.''
9. '''Lerela''', (37,103), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
10. '''Eszara''', (197,245), TL: 5, Small Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
11. '''Anenat''', (226,84), TL: 4, Frogs, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Anenatian mountain poet but scourged by frequent civil war.''
12. '''Zalaqura''', (192,209), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Zalaqura is most famous for the Zalaquraian spotted wolf.''
13. '''Cerare''', (116,154), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is fabled for its ancient Cerareian Lonuce tulip plantations.''
14. '''Inzaquma''', (169,14), TL: 3, Green Insects, Feudal, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions and its exotic night life.''
15. '''Aratusza''', (75,122), TL: 10, Small Black Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is fabled for its ancient mountains.''
16. '''Isarin''', (4,40), TL: 8, Blue Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The world Isarin is beset by a lethal disease.''
17. '''Esesbi''', (83,44), TL: 9, Small Red Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Esesbi is a boring planet.''
18. '''Armaaza''', (249,38), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is most notable for Armaazaian lethal water but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
19. '''Rienla''', (100,175), TL: 3, Bony Humanoids, Confederacy, ''The planet Rienla is very noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by a lethal disease.''
20. '''Diuste''', (134,117), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Diuste is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
21. '''Vezadi''', (178,156), TL: 3, Yellow Rodents, Anarchy, ''Vezadi is reasonably well known for the Vezadiian tree ant but cursed by killer edible Aroids.''
22. '''Quaen''', (168,173), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for its unusual oceans and its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists.''
23. '''Ridiusla''', (60,242), TL: 9, Blue Rodents, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
24. '''Maesaron''', (149,104), TL: 11, Small Harmless Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Maesaron is a n unremarkable dump.''
25. '''Berien''', (63,234), TL: 9, Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''Berien is mildly famous for its pink oceans and its unusual casinos.''
26. '''Ramaza''', (228,18), TL: 7, Felines, Dictatorship, ''This world is most notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
27. '''Beanen''', (164,196), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is most fabled for Beanenian lethal brandy but scourged by deadly tree ants.''
28. '''Ercetidi''', (193,178), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is reasonably notable for its weird tropical forests but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
29. '''Esrece''', (109,151), TL: 3, Small Harmless Horned Lobsters, Communist, ''Esrece is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
30. '''Atrazama''', (29,197), TL: 2, Black Slimy Frogs, Feudal, ''This planet is a dull world.''
31. '''Zaragete''', (43,36), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
32. '''Bebege''', (220,3), TL: 5, Lizards, Multi-Government, ''This world is most fabled for Zero-G hockey but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
33. '''Diti''', (105,163), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Diti is famous for Ditiian shrew steak but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
34. '''Escebele''', (4,55), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Escebele is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
35. '''Qurear''', (33,147), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Qurear is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and mud tennis.''
36. '''Dimadi''', (243,10), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most fabled for Zero-G cricket but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
37. '''Onenti''', (38,141), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most notable for Onentiian Cea'allo water but beset by a evil disease.''
38. '''Beraer''', (137,215), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Beraer is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but beset by deadly tree grubs.''
39. '''Tezaeded''', (151,16), TL: 14, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Tezaeded is famous for its exotic fish cutlet but beset by evil spotted cats.''
40. '''Labilaen''', (88,120), TL: 10, Green Slimy Frogs, Democracy, ''The world Labilaen is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
41. '''Reveve''', (82,85), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is very notable for the Reveveian tree grub.''
42. '''Soorte''', (219,22), TL: 6, Fierce Red Furry Rodents, Dictatorship, ''Soorte is a revolting little planet.''
43. '''Eninte''', (93,28), TL: 3, Black Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
44. '''Zateteis''', (155,252), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Zateteis is a n unremarkable dump.''
45. '''Veerge''', (93,124), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Veerge is a boring planet.''
46. '''Ridivexe''', (106,99), TL: 7, Harmless Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''Ridivexe is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
47. '''Cerisoma''', (2,182), TL: 5, Fierce Yellow Fat Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''The planet Cerisoma is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders and its exciting sit coms.''
48. '''Atzaxe''', (139,71), TL: 4, Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The planet Atzaxe is a boring planet.''
49. '''Rieda''', (120,2), TL: 8, Green Horned Birds, Democracy, ''The world Rieda is reasonably famous for the Riedaian evil Zanuoid.''
50. '''Ersoonve''', (231,47), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Ersoonve is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
51. '''Isbeus''', (214,95), TL: 5, Bug-Eyed Lizards, Confederacy, ''This world is most fabled for Isbeusian Onablo brandy but scourged by killer mountain goats.''
52. '''Latibi''', (57,8), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is a dull place.''
53. '''Ausar''', (146,102), TL: 3, Harmless Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''The planet Ausar is a n unremarkable dump.''
54. '''Rave''', (65,234), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Rave is most famous for the Raveian spotted shrew and the Raveian edible arts graduate.''
55. '''Legeara''', (234,22), TL: 7, Large Green Fat Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
56. '''Soinuste''', (244,239), TL: 3, Fierce Bony Felines, Democracy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
57. '''Erlage''', (92,168), TL: 8, Fat Birds, Multi-Government, ''Erlage is cursed by vicious mountain bisons.''
58. '''Xeate''', (169,3), TL: 7, Large Black Horned Birds, Dictatorship, ''Xeate is a n unremarkable dump.''
59. '''Qucedi''', (14,92), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but ravaged by a killer disease.''
60. '''Anesce''', (77,173), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Anesce is well known for its inhabitants' unusual silliness but cursed by deadly civil war.''
61. '''Arorar''', (69,73), TL: 9, Small Black Fat Felines, Communist, ''This world is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
62. '''Bedierat''', (143,234), TL: 9, Black Furry Rodents, Feudal, ''Bedierat is well known for the Bedieratian spotted leopard but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
63. '''Aatenbe''', (209,48), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous vicious Soa' gargle blasters but scourged by unpredictable earthquakes.''
64. '''Tiises''', (19,242), TL: 9, Green Bug-Eyed Birds, Multi-Government, ''Tiises is most famous for its vast rain forests and the Tiisesian tree grub.''
65. '''Ceiner''', (126,73), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Ceiner is a boring planet.''
66. '''Onatbeza''', (162,16), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Onatbeza is reasonably notable for its exotic cuisine but plagued by a vicious disease.''
67. '''Esdi''', (132,19), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Esdi is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
68. '''Cearso''', (87,109), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Cearso is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by a lethal disease.''
69. '''Usceza''', (246,39), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
70. '''Israza''', (210,228), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Israza is notable for the Israzaian edible grub and the Israzaian tree snake.''
71. '''Aesaus''', (54,4), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is very fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
72. '''Leorgeri''', (104,207), TL: 3, Large Red Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Leorgeri is a dull place.''
73. '''Anisti''', (94,227), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly famous for its unusual sit coms and the Anistiian spotted wolf.''
74. '''Cediza''', (80,215), TL: 2, Fierce Green Rodents, Dictatorship, ''The planet Cediza is famous for Cedizaian wolf meat but scourged by deadly civil war.''
75. '''Esceso''', (183,132), TL: 5, Small Blue Bony Birds, Feudal, ''Esceso is a revolting dump.''
76. '''Zaxerice''', (215,199), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Zaxerice is a n unremarkable dump.''
77. '''Somaed''', (37,254), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Somaed is most noted for the Somaedian evil poet and Somaedian Ilrebedi brandy.''
78. '''Erlaened''', (140,88), TL: 6, Green Fat Birds, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably noted for mud tennis.''
79. '''Inbibe''', (152,146), TL: 7, Large Red Horned Lizards, Dictatorship, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness and its fabulous cuisine.''
80. '''Ceoned''', (115,6), TL: 5, Fierce Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''The planet Ceoned is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but cursed by dreadful civil war.''
81. '''Beused''', (124,120), TL: 10, Red Fat Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting Zero-G cricket.''
82. '''Vezaaes''', (52,216), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Vezaaes is very famous for Vezaaesian shrew steak but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
83. '''Telaan''', (41,175), TL: 4, Green Felines, Confederacy, ''The planet Telaan is cursed by deadly civil war.''
84. '''Isceer''', (77,59), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
85. '''Usmaso''', (83,208), TL: 8, Small Red Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The world Usmaso is a boring planet.''
86. '''Reerqu''', (59,199), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Reerqu is mildly fabled for the Reerquian edible moth but plagued by a vicious disease.''
87. '''Zaedvera''', (121,218), TL: 10, Fierce Harmless Bony Lobsters, Corporate State, ''Zaedvera is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
88. '''Gerebied''', (180,22), TL: 4, Large Horned Humanoids, Democracy, ''The world Gerebied is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
89. '''Didira''', (88,6), TL: 2, Insects, Multi-Government, ''The planet Didira is well known for its inhabitants' weird silliness but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
90. '''Errara''', (207,148), TL: 8, Harmless Bony Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''The world Errara is fabled for its fabulous cuisine and its ancient mountains.''
91. '''Lereus''', (89,148), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Lereus is very famous for its hoopy night life but scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
92. '''Erenanri''', (56,72), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a dull place.''
93. '''Macea''', (254,155), TL: 8, Small Black Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The world Macea is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
94. '''Laceteed''', (96,175), TL: 1, Red Rodents, Feudal, ''The world Laceteed is a dull place.''
95. '''Qualema''', (88,220), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
96. '''Anusa''', (171,129), TL: 10, Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The world Anusa is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat soup.''
97. '''Arines''', (114,143), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Arines is a dull world.''
98. '''Laribebi''', (159,137), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
99. '''Edater''', (198,51), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Edater is a n unremarkable dump.''
100. '''Isusle''', (26,112), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
101. '''Atorat''', (167,97), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Atorat is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
102. '''Solaed''', (124,145), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Solaed is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
103. '''Xeabiti''', (180,152), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Xeabiti is fabled for its weird rock formations and the Xeabitiian deadly monkey.''
104. '''Dimaatma''', (215,198), TL: 7, Bug-Eyed Lizards, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
105. '''Usceed''', (75,17), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Usceed is most noted for the Usceedian deadly lobstoid and its pink Usceedian Benulobi Benulobiweed plantations.''
106. '''Gexein''', (38,56), TL: 11, Large Black Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is a dull world.''
107. '''Onen''', (242,140), TL: 4, Large Blue Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Onen is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its weird volcanoes.''
108. '''Zaesre''', (114,50), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
109. '''Edsodi''', (206,32), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
110. '''Xerirea''', (13,237), TL: 2, Large Green Slimy Lizards, Feudal, ''Xerirea is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
111. '''Anorcequ''', (15,14), TL: 6, Green Bug-Eyed Birds, Dictatorship, ''Anorcequ is most famous for its vast dense forests and its great volcanoes.''
112. '''Ororre''', (186,101), TL: 5, Yellow Rodents, Multi-Government, ''Ororre is a revolting little planet.''
113. '''Ustile''', (97,142), TL: 5, Small Blue Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
114. '''Teonan''', (226,33), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Teonan is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
115. '''Anvere''', (91,159), TL: 6, Yellow Fat Insects, Confederacy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat soup.''
116. '''Ceraqu''', (192,14), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is most fabled for Ceraquian lethal brandy but scourged by frequent civil war.''
117. '''Leaza''', (243,218), TL: 8, Large Bug-Eyed Lizards, Anarchy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Leazaian mountain poet but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
118. '''Usleri''', (148,68), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
119. '''Soreisbe''', (231,62), TL: 8, Fierce Blue Bug-Eyed Birds, Corporate State, ''The planet Soreisbe is most famous for the Soreisbeian deadly goat and its hoopy casinos.''
120. '''Onatzala''', (211,221), TL: 8, Red Frogs, Democracy, ''Onatzala is a revolting dump.''
121. '''Arzace''', (53,4), TL: 5, Small Red Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''The planet Arzace is scourged by a evil disease.''
122. '''Riedin''', (84,197), TL: 4, Blue Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
123. '''Usedge''', (131,108), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Usedge is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
124. '''Usdive''', (132,131), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Usdive is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
125. '''Inerra''', (150,141), TL: 6, Harmless Bony Lobsters, Communist, ''The planet Inerra is a n unremarkable dump.''
126. '''Tiriusri''', (146,20), TL: 4, Blue Frogs, Feudal, ''Tiriusri is reasonably notable for its fabulous cuisine but plagued by a lethal disease.''
127. '''Ceinerxe''', (190,40), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
128. '''Onenla''', (162,176), TL: 10, Red Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
129. '''Amaxe''', (71,117), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Amaxe is a dull world.''
130. '''Maarbees''', (253,162), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Maarbeesian mountain lobstoid but beset by deadly earthquakes.''
131. '''Sogebe''', (233,243), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Sogebe is a n unremarkable planet.''
132. '''Lasoan''', (62,19), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Lasoan is a dull world.''
133. '''Quinri''', (55,59), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Quinri is scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
134. '''Atlain''', (133,222), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Atlain is a dull place.''
135. '''Laraisso''', (19,204), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Laraisso is reasonably noted for mud tennis and its ancient mountains.''
136. '''Orrionti''', (167,93), TL: 8, Green Horned Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
137. '''Lainor''', (23,223), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Lainor is most famous for its pink oceans and its exciting sit coms.''
138. '''Levera''', (91,57), TL: 11, Large Harmless Horned Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast dense forests and its unusual dense forests.''
139. '''Tiedis''', (12,52), TL: 2, Blue Slimy Lobsters, Feudal, ''The world Tiedis is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
140. '''Zaaxeve''', (110,61), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very notable for the Zaaxeveian tree wolf and its unusual sit coms.''
141. '''Esxexe''', (86,226), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a dull place.''
142. '''Rabiarce''', (239,34), TL: 9, Black Furry Humanoids, Feudal, ''The world Rabiarce is scourged by a deadly disease.''
143. '''Vesozaxe''', (101,42), TL: 8, Red Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Vesozaxeian spotted shrew.''
144. '''Diraza''', (98,100), TL: 6, Black Insects, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and vicious Mare brew.''
145. '''Issoar''', (37,68), TL: 7, Harmless Bug-Eyed Lizards, Democracy, ''This world is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
146. '''Xeisare''', (239,10), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Xeisare is very fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
147. '''Quedle''', (110,47), TL: 5, Harmless Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Confederacy, ''Quedle is cursed by killer edible talking treeoids.''
148. '''Dixeza''', (148,129), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Dixeza is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
149. '''Quenle''', (116,132), TL: 1, Blue Slimy Lizards, Anarchy, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and its great dense forests.''
150. '''Xeatxe''', (78,97), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Xeatxe is very noted for its ancient Xeatxeian Onin banana plantations but cursed by deadly civil war.''
151. '''Argezabe''', (54,66), TL: 11, Small Yellow Fat Felines, Corporate State, ''The world Argezabe is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
152. '''Anbexeat''', (83,68), TL: 9, Yellow Lizards, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
153. '''Soteve''', (241,162), TL: 7, Fierce Black Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Soteve is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
154. '''Inisza''', (58,150), TL: 5, Fat Birds, Dictatorship, ''Inisza is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its unusual oceans.''
155. '''Aleri''', (142,228), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is very notable for the Aleriian tree snake and its unusual casinos.''
156. '''Eronona''', (47,94), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Eronona is scourged by a evil disease.''
157. '''Diteor''', (15,31), TL: 5, Slimy Frogs, Communist, ''This world is very fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
158. '''Orverace''', (35,25), TL: 8, Yellow Horned Lobsters, Feudal, ''The world Orverace is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by a lethal disease.''
159. '''Eraronqu''', (5,20), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is most fabled for mud hockey but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
160. '''Geisan''', (250,127), TL: 3, Large Yellow Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''The planet Geisan is most famous for its pink oceans and Zero-G hockey.''
161. '''Ramaan''', (251,251), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Ramaanian edible moth but beset by evil tree wolfs.''
162. '''Letibema''', (186,91), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Letibema is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
163. '''Verave''', (235,83), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Verave is a revolting dump.''
164. '''Dicela''', (193,86), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Dicela is a n unremarkable planet.''
165. '''Gema''', (168,181), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Gema is reasonably noted for mud tennis and the Gemaian evil poet.''
166. '''Anve''', (239,203), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
167. '''Usqurave''', (81,160), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is mildly well known for its exotic night life and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
168. '''Ceerdiza''', (214,148), TL: 8, Fierce Green Horned Lobsters, Democracy, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous vicious Geer brew but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
169. '''Xeraqu''', (196,77), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Xeraqu is mildly notable for Xeraquian lethal water.''
170. '''Onmate''', (241,218), TL: 8, Yellow Bony Felines, Dictatorship, ''The planet Onmate is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos and the Onmateian spotted wolf.''
171. '''Reenus''', (7,124), TL: 5, Harmless Bony Humanoids, Feudal, ''This planet is most notable for Reenusian Thitle brandy but scourged by deadly edible moths.''
172. '''Zavezaon''', (201,232), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
173. '''Quriti''', (191,68), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Quriti is most well known for its great parking meters.''
174. '''Biabite''', (48,247), TL: 1, Fierce Frogs, Feudal, ''This world is very notable for the Biabiteian tree snake.''
175. '''Atragees''', (156,230), TL: 3, Blue Horned Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''Atragees is reasonably notable for its great tropical forests but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
176. '''Lerequ''', (105,3), TL: 6, Large Blue Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very notable for the Lerequian edible poet and Zero-G cricket.''
177. '''Envebe''', (202,154), TL: 10, Red Slimy Lizards, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably well known for the Envebeian spotted shrew but plagued by evil tree wolfs.''
178. '''Usoron''', (93,147), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is very well known for Usoronian lethal brandy and its exotic night life.''
179. '''Ororra''', (96,95), TL: 3, Red Rodents, Confederacy, ''This planet is a dull place.''
180. '''Laatre''', (199,148), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Laatre is a n unremarkable dump.''
181. '''Beveri''', (212,206), TL: 1, Yellow Horned Humanoids, Anarchy, ''Beveri is a n unremarkable planet.''
182. '''Texebi''', (103,30), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very well known for vicious Numaoudi brew and its exotic fish cutlet.''
183. '''Diormaen''', (100,230), TL: 5, Yellow Horned Lobsters, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic goat meat.''
184. '''Tivere''', (50,75), TL: 9, Green Bug-Eyed Birds, Democracy, ''The planet Tivere is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
185. '''Zabeso''', (142,224), TL: 10, Fierce Green Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Zabeso is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
186. '''Qulete''', (127,7), TL: 5, Slimy Lizards, Dictatorship, ''The world Qulete is a dull place.''
187. '''Vemaor''', (120,252), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Vemaor is a boring world.''
188. '''Laatso''', (59,217), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
189. '''Resori''', (103,81), TL: 11, Yellow Rodents, Communist, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G cricket.''
190. '''Anama''', (21,190), TL: 3, Bony Felines, Feudal, ''This world is noted for its exciting lethal Zamaon water.''
191. '''Ansoreat''', (43,160), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is a dull world.''
192. '''Sosole''', (177,238), TL: 3, Fierce Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The world Sosole is fabled for its weird rock formations and the Sosoleian deadly goat.''
193. '''Orarra''', (144,33), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is very well known for vicious Zast brew and its exotic goat soup.''
194. '''Tigebere''', (216,180), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Tigebere is most famous for its vast rain forests.''
195. '''Cebior''', (206,83), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by vicious vicious wolfs.''
196. '''Cezaa''', (165,57), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
197. '''Inbeed''', (248,207), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most notable for Inbeedian lethal brandy but beset by a evil disease.''
198. '''Cevera''', (184,88), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Cevera is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
199. '''Anonmabi''', (112,20), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic goat soup.''
200. '''Atgeaner''', (102,107), TL: 9, Black Furry Felines, Democracy, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast oceans and its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
201. '''Aanan''', (80,91), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Aanan is very famous for its hoopy night life but scourged by killer edible Onzaoids.''
202. '''Isonza''', (230,27), TL: 8, Harmless Furry Felines, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
203. '''Cemabe''', (225,100), TL: 3, Fierce Green Furry Felines, Feudal, ''This world is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by vicious vicious wolfs.''
204. '''Zatebiso''', (133,51), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Zatebiso is most famous for the Zatebisoian spotted shrew.''
205. '''Maorin''', (7,70), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Maorin is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
206. '''Edtixeen''', (210,108), TL: 4, Black Felines, Feudal, ''The world Edtixeen is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists and the Edtixeenian tree snake.''
207. '''Inxexeat''', (178,66), TL: 9, Slimy Rodents, Dictatorship, ''The world Inxexeat is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
208. '''Laeser''', (209,66), TL: 7, Bony Birds, Multi-Government, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
209. '''Sobite''', (78,144), TL: 12, Fierce Frogs, Democracy, ''Sobite is most noted for the Sobiteian mountain lobstoid and the Sobiteian evil poet.''
210. '''Reveabe''', (42,188), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
211. '''Edanso''', (51,47), TL: 6, Fat Birds, Confederacy, ''Edanso is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and Edansoian It water.''
212. '''Isoned''', (91,71), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Isoned is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
213. '''Inoran''', (21,184), TL: 6, Yellow Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The planet Inoran is scourged by killer edible talking treeoids.''
214. '''Veenar''', (225,123), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Veenar is most famous for the Veenarian evil arts graduate and its fabulous Be juice.''
215. '''Erreenen''', (115,42), TL: 12, Blue Bug-Eyed Frogs, Corporate State, ''This world is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and Erreenenian Enleno brandy.''
216. '''Beedriar''', (114,242), TL: 10, Blue Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''This world is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and Beedriarian lethal brandy.''
217. '''Lemaed''', (10,190), TL: 4, Large Harmless Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
218. '''Usbira''', (37,24), TL: 10, Small Harmless Furry Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
219. '''Israra''', (67,180), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Israra is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders and its exciting sit coms.''
220. '''Eringe''', (166,244), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Eringe is well known for its inhabitants' unusual silliness but cursed by deadly civil war.''
221. '''Abege''', (160,35), TL: 6, Bony Felines, Communist, ''The world Abege is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
222. '''Issoinen''', (102,3), TL: 7, Furry Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Issoinen is very noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
223. '''Biceises''', (50,204), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Biceises is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but beset by deadly tree snakes.''
224. '''Maenso''', (201,253), TL: 4, Small Red Fat Insects, Multi-Government, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but scourged by killer mountain Ilinataroids.''
225. '''Riardi''', (4,231), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
226. '''Dierbeer''', (85,173), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Dierbeer is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
227. '''Ratite''', (144,243), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
228. '''Isxees''', (232,188), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Isxees is reasonably fabled for Zero-G hockey and Isxeesian Atlethma brandy.''
229. '''Lasoce''', (41,137), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
230. '''Atius''', (226,133), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is most notable for Atiusian lethal brandy but beset by deadly tree wolfs.''
231. '''Recexela''', (110,40), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Recexela is very noted for its ancient Innu tulip plantations but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
232. '''Islaesis''', (85,226), TL: 9, Harmless Rodents, Democracy, ''Islaesis is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
233. '''Tegete''', (189,9), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Tegete is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
234. '''Anrain''', (60,252), TL: 5, Harmless Slimy Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and its fabulous Noal brandy.''
235. '''Teceri''', (156,236), TL: 2, Blue Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''Teceri is well known for the Teceriian spotted leopard but plagued by lethal lethal yaks.''
236. '''Zageuser''', (160,30), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Zageuser is most well known for its exotic cuisine.''
237. '''Telale''', (48,232), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
238. '''Arries''', (211,129), TL: 8, Small Green Horned Birds, Feudal, ''This world is most notable for vicious Za brew but ravaged by vicious vicious shrews.''
239. '''Soaleed''', (169,62), TL: 4, Fierce Yellow Lizards, Dictatorship, ''This world is most fabled for Soaleedian Atonilno water but scourged by a evil disease.''
240. '''Esgebi''', (152,33), TL: 7, Small Bug-Eyed Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The world Esgebi is reasonably famous for the Esgebiian evil Atthoid.''
241. '''Telace''', (179,38), TL: 7, Blue Furry Humanoids, Democracy, ''Telace is a n unremarkable dump.''
242. '''Raenonce''', (88,133), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Raenonce is a dull world.''
243. '''Titequ''', (229,159), TL: 4, Black Horned Humanoids, Confederacy, ''The world Titequ is notable for its great volcanoes and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
244. '''Cerexe''', (78,154), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Cerexe is well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
245. '''Ceised''', (53,66), TL: 6, Fierce Blue Rodents, Anarchy, ''This planet is a dull world.''
246. '''Ergere''', (186,120), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
247. '''Bezaorat''', (97,14), TL: 6, Harmless Lizards, Corporate State, ''Bezaorat is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
248. '''Aanteso''', (17,57), TL: 10, Blue Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''The world Aanteso is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
249. '''Rixees''', (103,60), TL: 7, Yellow Bony Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This planet is fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
250. '''Vearin''', (42,201), TL: 10, Bony Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''Vearin is most famous for its pink Vearinian A'stou A'stouweed plantations and its exciting Vearinian evil juice.''
251. '''Zaria''', (237,12), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous cuisine but plagued by evil spotted cats.''
252. '''Xelaed''', (114,175), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Xelaed is a boring world.''
253. '''Errius''', (184,149), TL: 4, Blue Furry Humanoids, Communist, ''Errius is a n unremarkable dump.''
254. '''Oneded''', (24,232), TL: 6, Harmless Slimy Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
255. '''Atxein''', (24,152), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Atxein is very famous for its unusual sit coms but ravaged by lethal spotted batoids.''
== Galaxy 3 ==
0. '''Riave''', (8,105), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
1. '''Esgeer''', (99,54), TL: 7, Small Furry Felines, Confederacy, ''The planet Esgeer is famous for Esgeerian shrew steak but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
2. '''Enerza''', (61,208), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is noted for Zero-G hockey.''
3. '''Laarzace''', (164,112), TL: 5, Harmless Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The planet Laarzace is a boring world.''
4. '''Raried''', (165,36), TL: 7, Black Bug-Eyed Frogs, Democracy, ''The planet Raried is a n unremarkable dump.''
5. '''Lezaer''', (138,152), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Lezaer is cursed by vicious vicious shrews.''
6. '''Mabelala''', (214,176), TL: 12, Small Red Frogs, Confederacy, ''Mabelala is a revolting little planet.''
7. '''Riarribi''', (149,181), TL: 4, Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The world Riarribi is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat.''
8. '''Rebees''', (38,222), TL: 3, Yellow Slimy Lizards, Anarchy, ''The world Rebees is very famous for its fabulous goat burgers but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
9. '''Usteer''', (107,201), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and its great dense forests.''
10. '''Gearzaen''', (245,176), TL: 12, Large Blue Furry Rodents, Corporate State, ''The planet Gearzaen is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat and its exciting sit coms.''
11. '''Vees''', (210,100), TL: 7, Large Yellow Felines, Communist, ''Vees is a revolting dump.''
12. '''Lemadior''', (64,137), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Lemadior is mildly fabled for the Lemadiorian mountain Atetoid but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
13. '''Enedza''', (217,141), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Enedza is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
14. '''Dileon''', (111,36), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is very well known for Dileonian lethal water and the Dileonian tree wolf.''
15. '''Aisqu''', (78,223), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Aisqu is a boring planet.''
16. '''Onleuses''', (103,218), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Onleuses is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
17. '''Bezaed''', (105,232), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Bezaedian spotted leopard.''
18. '''Islama''', (216,32), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Islama is most famous for the Islamaian spotted shrew.''
19. '''Onusbi''', (190,203), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
20. '''Isenrire''', (206,70), TL: 6, Black Slimy Frogs, Democracy, ''The world Isenrire is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry and its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
21. '''Rimaedxe''', (110,30), TL: 7, Red Slimy Lizards, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat.''
22. '''Bixein''', (130,120), TL: 12, Fierce Horned Birds, Confederacy, ''The planet Bixein is a n unremarkable dump.''
23. '''Zabion''', (149,12), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
24. '''Aorbete''', (106,255), TL: 2, Blue Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
25. '''Esorza''', (252,179), TL: 5, Small Black Rodents, Feudal, ''The world Esorza is beset by a evil disease.''
26. '''Rigebi''', (132,192), TL: 11, Blue Fat Felines, Corporate State, ''Rigebi is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
27. '''Enanre''', (8,198), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient A'et tulip plantations but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
28. '''Arbema''', (238,251), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Arbema is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
29. '''Soaniner''', (232,107), TL: 6, Fierce Black Bony Felines, Dictatorship, ''The world Soaniner is reasonably fabled for its fabulous cuisine and its ancient Soaninerian Sestloxe banana plantations.''
30. '''Edraisar''', (176,76), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Edraisar is reasonably noted for Zero-G hockey and Edraisarian Usenbiza brandy.''
31. '''Teceinre''', (10,93), TL: 7, Red Insects, Democracy, ''The planet Teceinre is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry and the Teceinreian tree wolf.''
32. '''Anar''', (206,236), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Anar is a n unremarkable planet.''
33. '''Iniser''', (198,74), TL: 10, Red Fat Birds, Confederacy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great parking meters but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
34. '''Usenlaer''', (154,48), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous cuisine and the Usenlaerian mountain Beoid.''
35. '''Edriuson''', (80,117), TL: 0, Black Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
36. '''Birera''', (63,72), TL: 13, Fierce Frogs, Democracy, ''Birera is most noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists and the Bireraian tree grub.''
37. '''Inar''', (233,148), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is most notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
38. '''Leorendi''', (151,64), TL: 13, Large Yellow Rodents, Confederacy, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
39. '''Orqulela''', (77,242), TL: 7, Yellow Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
40. '''Ersodi''', (53,65), TL: 5, Green Fat Birds, Anarchy, ''The planet Ersodi is cursed by killer mountain monkeys.''
41. '''Anreer''', (102,205), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Anreer is cursed by deadly civil war.''
42. '''Orzaedve''', (186,16), TL: 13, Harmless Horned Lobsters, Corporate State, ''The world Orzaedve is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
43. '''Bexein''', (54,248), TL: 11, Harmless Frogs, Communist, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
44. '''Begeorer''', (99,204), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Begeorer is a boring planet.''
45. '''Divera''', (16,185), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Divera is mildly well known for Diveraian shrew cutlet.''
46. '''Geama''', (216,244), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Geama is fabled for its fabulous cuisine and its weird volcanoes.''
47. '''Quceri''', (254,235), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Quceri is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and vicious Le brew.''
48. '''Leistean''', (61,158), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Leistean is well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms but ravaged by vicious vicious wolfs.''
49. '''Vereza''', (123,92), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Vereza is a n unremarkable dump.''
50. '''Betia''', (132,0), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is fabled for its unusual dense forests and its exotic cuisine.''
51. '''Xeines''', (90,111), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for the Xeinesian tree snake and its exotic goat soup.''
52. '''Aenqute''', (248,41), TL: 9, Blue Bug-Eyed Birds, Democracy, ''The world Aenqute is reasonably fabled for its fabulous cuisine and the Aenquteian mountain slug.''
53. '''Esleusbe''', (252,250), TL: 9, Small Black Insects, Corporate State, ''The world Esleusbe is beset by a evil disease.''
54. '''Teedus''', (19,8), TL: 13, Black Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is most notable for Teedusian Dier water but beset by a lethal disease.''
55. '''Onbige''', (190,104), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is notable for the Onbigeian tree grub and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
56. '''Atistiso''', (136,163), TL: 4, Red Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''This planet is notable for the Atistisoian edible poet and Atistisoian evil brandy.''
57. '''Teaned''', (167,23), TL: 4, Green Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
58. '''Radiqu''', (152,160), TL: 11, Green Slimy Rodents, Corporate State, ''This planet is notable for its unusual oceans and its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
59. '''Ceteri''', (92,250), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Ceteri is mildly famous for its pink oceans and its exciting sit coms.''
60. '''Teanti''', (160,254), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Teanti is a n unremarkable dump.''
61. '''Xeesanus''', (79,119), TL: 5, Large Green Slimy Lizards, Dictatorship, ''The planet Xeesanus is well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
62. '''Reenesma''', (232,27), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Reenesmaian mountain lobstoid but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
63. '''Soiserla''', (43,137), TL: 12, Fierce Black Horned Humanoids, Democracy, ''This planet is a dull place.''
64. '''Xesoon''', (181,240), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Xesoon is fabled for its weird exuberant forests and its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry.''
65. '''Atia''', (136,31), TL: 3, Red Lizards, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for the Atiaian edible poet and Atiaian In brandy.''
66. '''Rizaoris''', (150,143), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Rizaoris is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat.''
67. '''Anenmaqu''', (221,185), TL: 5, Harmless Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''The world Anenmaqu is beset by a evil disease.''
68. '''Edriat''', (250,235), TL: 9, Red Bug-Eyed Frogs, Democracy, ''Edriat is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
69. '''Tiera''', (167,81), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
70. '''Tionrebi''', (247,207), TL: 6, Slimy Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This world is most notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
71. '''Raarcege''', (230,110), TL: 4, Slimy Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is reasonably notable for its weird tropical forests but scourged by deadly civil war.''
72. '''Enanen''', (99,37), TL: 3, Rodents, Anarchy, ''The planet Enanen is well known for the Enanenian tree grub but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
73. '''Rea''', (192,146), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Rea is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
74. '''Aridian''', (30,111), TL: 6, Black Bug-Eyed Birds, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull world.''
75. '''Bireer''', (123,205), TL: 7, Fierce Blue Rodents, Communist, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy night life and vicious Le brew.''
76. '''Ceanbibi''', (165,144), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Ceanbibi is reasonably noted for its exotic goat soup.''
77. '''Usrage''', (166,166), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Usrage is reasonably well known for the Usrageian tree ant but ravaged by vicious vicious wolfs.''
78. '''Orised''', (224,195), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Orised is mildly well known for killer Geceouso juice.''
79. '''Cedile''', (143,56), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Cedile is a boring planet.''
80. '''Georatre''', (52,225), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is noted for its unusual sit coms.''
81. '''Oredonat''', (238,145), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Oredonat is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
82. '''Esorra''', (209,223), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Esorra is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
83. '''Ceerdi''', (215,84), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Ceerdi is a n unremarkable planet.''
84. '''Leentima''', (67,141), TL: 8, Large Yellow Insects, Democracy, ''The world Leentima is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
85. '''Ratitige''', (235,151), TL: 7, Black Fat Birds, Corporate State, ''The world Ratitige is scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
86. '''Enrece''', (67,151), TL: 6, Fat Felines, Confederacy, ''The planet Enrece is cursed by deadly civil war.''
87. '''Qubibi''', (198,5), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Qubibi is most famous for the Qubibiian spotted shrew.''
88. '''Beleteat''', (199,198), TL: 4, Bug-Eyed Birds, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
89. '''Aisondi''', (177,60), TL: 3, Blue Furry Rodents, Feudal, ''Aisondi is a revolting little planet.''
90. '''Artia''', (77,127), TL: 5, Small Red Horned Birds, Corporate State, ''The world Artia is mildly fabled for the Artiaian mountain lobstoid but plagued by occasional civil war.''
91. '''Ededxebe''', (145,111), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Ededxebe is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
92. '''Regeza''', (115,130), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Regeza is a boring planet.''
93. '''Istimale''', (21,68), TL: 6, Red Bug-Eyed Lizards, Dictatorship, ''The planet Istimale is cursed by deadly civil war.''
94. '''Zaervema''', (193,235), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Zaervema is well known for the Zaervemaian spotted cat but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
95. '''Enlabean''', (43,246), TL: 7, Green Furry Insects, Democracy, ''The planet Enlabean is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
96. '''Zabebe''', (187,115), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Zabebe is a revolting dump.''
97. '''Enata''', (171,179), TL: 10, Slimy Lizards, Confederacy, ''This planet is fabled for its unusual tropical forests and its exciting Zero-G cricket.''
98. '''Raveries''', (51,239), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is a dull world.''
99. '''Ribiara''', (73,62), TL: 2, Green Frogs, Anarchy, ''The world Ribiara is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by deadly earthquakes.''
100. '''Arredi''', (212,15), TL: 3, Small Black Bony Humanoids, Democracy, ''The planet Arredi is most famous for the Arrediian evil poet and Zero-G hockey.''
101. '''Xeveon''', (198,205), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
102. '''Dicemari''', (248,95), TL: 3, Rodents, Confederacy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
103. '''Aquusen''', (94,43), TL: 7, Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''Aquusen is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
104. '''Raave''', (178,136), TL: 7, Black Horned Lizards, Anarchy, ''The planet Raave is a boring world.''
105. '''Leena''', (123,22), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is mildly well known for Leenaian shrew cutlet and the Leenaian tree wolf.''
106. '''Ceedleon''', (35,207), TL: 7, Fierce Fat Humanoids, Corporate State, ''Ceedleon is mildly notable for Ceedleonian Erzaaler water.''
107. '''Orqube''', (159,225), TL: 11, Yellow Insects, Communist, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
108. '''Tibeenis''', (8,211), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is most notable for its fabulous It brandy but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
109. '''Geenbe''', (157,82), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Geenbe is famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but cursed by vicious killer cats.''
110. '''Amaza''', (137,147), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Amaza is reasonably notable for its great parking meters but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
111. '''Erlace''', (255,196), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Erlace is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
112. '''Celace''', (74,165), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Celace is very noted for its pink Celaceian Ondiab Ondiabweed plantations but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
113. '''Texeonis''', (192,133), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Texeonis is a revolting dump.''
114. '''Onaned''', (189,191), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
115. '''Usraer''', (51,120), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Usraer is very noted for its pink oceans but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
116. '''Beenbeor''', (173,112), TL: 11, Green Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
117. '''Ondisora''', (57,243), TL: 9, Yellow Horned Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull world.''
118. '''Uszale''', (20,39), TL: 3, Small Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
119. '''Labiar''', (175,225), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Labiar is a boring planet.''
120. '''Lacete''', (37,106), TL: 6, Harmless Rodents, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
121. '''Xeononle''', (28,32), TL: 6, Large Black Fat Felines, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but ravaged by a killer disease.''
122. '''Lege''', (161,95), TL: 5, Large Felines, Corporate State, ''The planet Lege is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
123. '''Maracece''', (165,35), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Maracece is a n unremarkable dump.''
124. '''Maer''', (101,133), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
125. '''Edcequor''', (60,208), TL: 9, Red Fat Birds, Dictatorship, ''The world Edcequor is very noted for its pink oceans but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
126. '''Qurexein''', (57,186), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Qurexein is very famous for its unusual sit coms but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
127. '''Isditixe''', (12,162), TL: 8, Insects, Democracy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
128. '''Bionus''', (226,119), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by frequent civil war.''
129. '''Lamare''', (45,8), TL: 11, Blue Furry Felines, Confederacy, ''This planet is a dull world.''
130. '''Arusxeve''', (111,78), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions and its vast dense forests.''
131. '''Lequena''', (150,2), TL: 7, Large Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The planet Lequena is a boring planet.''
132. '''Teriar''', (207,178), TL: 11, Furry Humanoids, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
133. '''Ditere''', (68,10), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and its exotic cuisine.''
134. '''Gemasoti''', (152,238), TL: 4, Large Black Frogs, Confederacy, ''Gemasoti is well known for the Gemasotiian spotted leopard but plagued by lethal spotted batoids.''
135. '''Ararin''', (183,39), TL: 4, Small Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''This planet is notable for the Ararinian tree snake and its fabulous monkey burgers.''
136. '''Vegean''', (32,108), TL: 1, Yellow Fat Felines, Anarchy, ''The world Vegean is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
137. '''Razare''', (149,91), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Razare is a dull place.''
138. '''Anenveza''', (199,46), TL: 8, Harmless Bug-Eyed Birds, Corporate State, ''The world Anenveza is fabled for its fabulous lethal Dilose water and the Anenvezaian tree wolf.''
139. '''Inbiti''', (164,54), TL: 3, Black Horned Lizards, Communist, ''Inbiti is a n unremarkable dump.''
140. '''Esmaonbe''', (138,151), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Esmaonbe is reasonably notable for its weird exuberant forests but cursed by a killer disease.''
141. '''Rierxe''', (243,191), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Rierxe is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders and its exciting sit coms.''
142. '''Ceorat''', (209,98), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Ceorat is a revolting dump.''
143. '''Anisus''', (80,145), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
144. '''Soatqube''', (129,232), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Soatqube is well known for the Soatqubeian spotted wolf but beset by frequent civil war.''
145. '''Oninriar''', (243,58), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Oninriar is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
146. '''Laisis''', (74,158), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is a dull place.''
147. '''Maedra''', (112,221), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
148. '''Ceenerus''', (56,212), TL: 6, Fierce Fat Humanoids, Democracy, ''Ceenerus is most noted for the Ceenerusian deadly lobstoid and the Ceenerusian spotted shrew.''
149. '''Argeveza''', (232,16), TL: 11, Small Slimy Lizards, Corporate State, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous cuisine but beset by occasional civil war.''
150. '''Riquri''', (132,182), TL: 4, Green Horned Birds, Confederacy, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G hockey.''
151. '''Erbidi''', (119,254), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Erbidi is very famous for its hoopy night life but scourged by deadly edible moths.''
152. '''Tiescebi''', (164,141), TL: 0, Blue Bug-Eyed Birds, Anarchy, ''Tiescebi is famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
153. '''Lalerive''', (230,197), TL: 3, Yellow Bony Birds, Feudal, ''The planet Lalerive is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
154. '''Vemaed''', (150,62), TL: 7, Slimy Lizards, Corporate State, ''The world Vemaed is most well known for its exotic night life.''
155. '''Rieresed''', (154,24), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
156. '''Enbeis''', (120,9), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Enbeis is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
157. '''Bebearen''', (194,29), TL: 6, Lizards, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
158. '''Erinain''', (82,138), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Erinain is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and its great dense forests.''
159. '''Uscequus''', (204,143), TL: 3, Small Bony Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
160. '''Usmate''', (40,250), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Usmate is mildly fabled for the Usmateian mountain A'oid but ravaged by lethal vicious wolfs.''
161. '''Edcere''', (16,28), TL: 6, Harmless Fat Birds, Confederacy, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
162. '''Qusoxe''', (76,174), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Qusoxe is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
163. '''Zarevees''', (194,7), TL: 2, Fierce Harmless Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The world Zarevees is most famous for the Zareveesian spotted cat.''
164. '''Rerebi''', (233,214), TL: 5, Red Frogs, Democracy, ''Rerebi is very fabled for the Rerebiian mountain Renuiloid.''
165. '''Edxeri''', (35,6), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Edxeri is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat soup and Zero-G cricket.''
166. '''Oratzaa''', (217,126), TL: 5, Black Rodents, Confederacy, ''The world Oratzaa is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
167. '''Cequaa''', (239,100), TL: 7, Fierce Yellow Bony Birds, Multi-Government, ''The planet Cequaa is mildly well known for its exotic night life.''
168. '''Edtion''', (175,207), TL: 3, Green Slimy Rodents, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
169. '''Sovere''', (16,95), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Sovere is mildly well known for Sovereian lethal water.''
170. '''Atinarus''', (12,142), TL: 5, Green Horned Lobsters, Corporate State, ''Atinarus is mildly well known for killer Enesso juice.''
171. '''Onenqu''', (136,202), TL: 7, Horned Humanoids, Communist, ''The world Onenqu is most famous for the Onenquian spotted shrew.''
172. '''Angemaar''', (45,218), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Angemaar is mildly noted for the Angemaarian deadly Enaboid but plagued by lethal spotted batoids.''
173. '''Orreen''', (170,235), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is notable for its great tropical forests and Zero-G cricket.''
174. '''Ansois''', (186,50), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Ansois is a n unremarkable planet.''
175. '''Bicein''', (128,157), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Bicein is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
176. '''Esdirece''', (215,172), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Esdirece is a revolting little planet.''
177. '''Xeverive''', (133,174), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Xeverive is a boring world.''
178. '''Maonle''', (118,126), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Maonle is a dull place.''
179. '''Reteti''', (140,129), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat.''
180. '''Tieninve''', (226,183), TL: 5, Harmless Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
181. '''Laorbila''', (246,236), TL: 9, Red Horned Lobsters, Corporate State, ''Laorbila is mildly well known for Laorbilaian wolf meat.''
182. '''Raerqu''', (149,70), TL: 5, Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''The world Raerqu is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
183. '''Mabiat''', (32,90), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Mabiat is scourged by a evil disease.''
184. '''Ordiesat''', (66,49), TL: 6, Red Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''The world Ordiesat is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
185. '''Usgeriar''', (17,41), TL: 6, Small Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''This world is very fabled for its ancient mountains.''
186. '''Inlain''', (42,30), TL: 7, Blue Fat Birds, Corporate State, ''The world Inlain is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
187. '''Atininar''', (110,76), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very well known for vicious Outh gargle blasters and its unusual casinos.''
188. '''Zaanes''', (170,12), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Zaanes is reasonably noted for Zero-G cricket and its fabulous cuisine.''
189. '''Releorar''', (169,41), TL: 9, Blue Slimy Lizards, Dictatorship, ''Releorar is famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but cursed by vicious killer cats.''
190. '''Biarandi''', (10,89), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly edible poets.''
191. '''Beisria''', (109,187), TL: 8, Red Frogs, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
192. '''Artiat''', (143,254), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Artiat is most well known for its great dense forests.''
193. '''Anondi''', (82,241), TL: 11, Harmless Bony Felines, Confederacy, ''Anondi is most noted for the Anondiian deadly goat and its pink oceans.''
194. '''Veinmaa''', (200,13), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by a evil disease.''
195. '''Soxeorza''', (207,75), TL: 7, Fierce Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''The world Soxeorza is notable for the Soxeorzaian tree wolf and its exciting sit coms.''
196. '''Rige''', (36,121), TL: 9, Large Black Furry Humanoids, Democracy, ''This planet is most notable for Rigeian Ala' water but scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
197. '''Geusdi''', (97,195), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Geusdiian evil talking treeoid.''
198. '''Atius''', (185,13), TL: 6, Red Fat Insects, Confederacy, ''This world is most fabled for Atiusian evil brandy but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
199. '''Arbeis''', (8,224), TL: 8, Large Slimy Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
200. '''Qumaza''', (93,179), TL: 5, Rodents, Anarchy, ''The planet Qumaza is scourged by deadly edible moths.''
201. '''Quusdi''', (234,36), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious place.''
202. '''Sobiondi''', (240,237), TL: 6, Fierce Furry Rodents, Corporate State, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great volcanoes but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
203. '''Enriri''', (77,159), TL: 3, Harmless Horned Birds, Communist, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy night life and its exotic cuisine.''
204. '''Dianed''', (239,158), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Dianed is very notable for the Dianedian edible grub.''
205. '''Rainle''', (192,216), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Rainle is a revolting little planet.''
206. '''Atlaar''', (66,1), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Atlaar is very noted for its pink oceans but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
207. '''Atdia''', (145,234), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Atdia is most famous for the Atdiaian spotted leopard.''
208. '''Maesgeed''', (78,239), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
209. '''Ceisge''', (120,227), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is fabled for its weird tropical forests and Zero-G cricket.''
210. '''Lelebi''', (67,93), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Lelebi is mildly fabled for the Lelebiian edible moth but beset by a evil disease.''
211. '''Atan''', (137,102), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Atan is a boring planet.''
212. '''Esenesce''', (173,27), TL: 8, Small Black Insects, Democracy, ''The planet Esenesce is a n unremarkable planet.''
213. '''Alace''', (101,137), TL: 11, Large Yellow Fat Birds, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
214. '''Arbiti''', (69,213), TL: 6, Small Yellow Slimy Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Arbiti is a dull world.''
215. '''Bibira''', (168,247), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very notable for the Bibiraian tree wolf and its pink oceans.''
216. '''Anatrean''', (1,84), TL: 2, Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
217. '''Anceison''', (155,78), TL: 5, Red Furry Rodents, Feudal, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
218. '''Xeonle''', (95,253), TL: 9, Large Black Horned Birds, Corporate State, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and its exotic cuisine.''
219. '''Zauseris''', (35,193), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is noted for its exciting Zauserisian evil brandy.''
220. '''Vegeve''', (253,144), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Vegeve is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
221. '''Esaesge''', (239,246), TL: 6, Small Harmless Bug-Eyed Lizards, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
222. '''Teususdi''', (99,41), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Teususdi is a boring world.''
223. '''Rilalela''', (237,40), TL: 11, Harmless Furry Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Rilalelaian Loenstet banana plantations but cursed by dreadful civil war.''
224. '''Ingece''', (21,129), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Ingece is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
225. '''Riordi''', (245,133), TL: 6, Blue Slimy Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Riordi is scourged by killer edible talking treeoids.''
226. '''Inrieran''', (229,109), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Inrieran is mildly notable for Inrieranian lethal water.''
227. '''Arveisri''', (187,208), TL: 8, Small Red Bony Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This world is most fabled for Arveisriian Norest brandy but scourged by deadly civil war.''
228. '''Enreon''', (126,157), TL: 7, Bony Humanoids, Democracy, ''The planet Enreon is a n unremarkable dump.''
229. '''Rereis''', (0,63), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Rereis is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
230. '''Ceisis''', (58,157), TL: 7, Fierce Yellow Rodents, Confederacy, ''The world Ceisis is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
231. '''Anquvein''', (0,157), TL: 3, Harmless Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This planet is most notable for Anquveinian evil juice but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
232. '''Teonus''', (44,22), TL: 1, Black Horned Lizards, Anarchy, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
233. '''Diqudi''', (37,168), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
234. '''Isbeat''', (117,77), TL: 7, Red Slimy Frogs, Corporate State, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting sit coms.''
235. '''Cearle''', (241,179), TL: 7, Fierce Harmless Horned Lobsters, Communist, ''The world Cearle is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
236. '''Onbezati''', (210,225), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly civil war.''
237. '''Aarat''', (55,132), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is a dull world.''
238. '''Sogeve''', (107,209), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is very notable for the Sogeveian tree snake and its hoopy casinos.''
239. '''Telabe''', (129,118), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Telabe is reasonably notable for its great tropical forests but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
240. '''Dicetiar''', (228,179), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Dicetiar is a n unremarkable dump.''
241. '''Usarisa''', (202,215), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Usarisa is a n unremarkable planet.''
242. '''Tigear''', (175,61), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is notable for the Tigearian tree grub and its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
243. '''Razari''', (101,138), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Razari is well known for the Razariian tree wolf but beset by deadly solar activity.''
244. '''Anencebe''', (151,254), TL: 7, Yellow Bug-Eyed Birds, Democracy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
245. '''Maceceve''', (51,229), TL: 9, Small Green Frogs, Corporate State, ''The planet Maceceve is cursed by deadly civil war.''
246. '''Tebe''', (150,101), TL: 7, Large Red Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is very notable for the Tebeian tree snake and its exotic goat meat.''
247. '''Lebied''', (17,211), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Lebied is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
248. '''Islaenbi''', (223,248), TL: 8, Harmless Rodents, Anarchy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
249. '''Resoisbe''', (134,50), TL: 8, Yellow Fat Felines, Feudal, ''This world is very well known for Resoisbeian shrew cutlet and its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
250. '''Edesla''', (51,221), TL: 9, Green Felines, Corporate State, ''The planet Edesla is cursed by killer mountain Leoids.''
251. '''Tizabea''', (183,117), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Tizabea is famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
252. '''Usmaxe''', (111,147), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
253. '''Zaisedan''', (150,130), TL: 9, Fierce Harmless Fat Birds, Dictatorship, ''The planet Zaisedan is a n unremarkable dump.''
254. '''Enbirare''', (91,248), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Enbirare is mildly noted for the Enbirareian deadly Ilreendioid but ravaged by a killer disease.''
255. '''Esdicete''', (78,212), TL: 8, Small Black Horned Lobsters, Democracy, ''This world is fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
== Galaxy 4 ==
0. '''Isrema''', (16,210), TL: 5, Harmless Horned Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
1. '''Qubeor''', (203,110), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
2. '''Lavebe''', (167,185), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Lavebe is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
3. '''Arriesen''', (64,243), TL: 4, Small Green Bony Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The planet Arriesen is scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
4. '''Qulaxe''', (210,137), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Qulaxe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
5. '''Esisor''', (241,98), TL: 9, Small Yellow Bony Birds, Democracy, ''The planet Esisor is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
6. '''Edbedi''', (193,217), TL: 8, Red Slimy Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is reasonably well known for its vast rain forests but beset by a lethal disease.''
7. '''Teceteis''', (218,205), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Teceteis is most famous for the Teceteisian spotted shrew.''
8. '''Riedra''', (29,124), TL: 2, Harmless Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
9. '''Tiveorso''', (75,52), TL: 7, Lizards, Multi-Government, ''Tiveorso is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
10. '''Edorqu''', (167,121), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Edorqu is famous for Edorquian wolf cutlet but beset by evil spotted cats.''
11. '''Bien''', (204,186), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its weird tropical forests but scourged by frequent civil war.''
12. '''Beoninon''', (89,146), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very well known for vicious Enoube brew and Beoninonian shrew steak.''
13. '''Mavelege''', (127,108), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
14. '''Ante''', (3,65), TL: 10, Black Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Anteian Enxeleer tulip plantations but cursed by dreadful civil war.''
15. '''Isanla''', (252,128), TL: 9, Yellow Fat Humanoids, Communist, ''The planet Isanla is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and Isanlaian lethal brandy.''
16. '''Onzaenve''', (110,53), TL: 2, Blue Bony Felines, Anarchy, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy casinos and its vast oceans.''
17. '''Dilaor''', (182,18), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is notable for the Dilaorian tree snake and Dilaorian shrew steak.''
18. '''Mausra''', (252,89), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Mausra is very fabled for its ancient mountains.''
19. '''Isquinza''', (212,104), TL: 5, Black Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The world Isquinza is reasonably noted for Zero-G hockey and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
20. '''Inisre''', (196,76), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
21. '''Zamaes''', (152,174), TL: 4, Fierce Yellow Felines, Democracy, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
22. '''Reatqu''', (57,105), TL: 8, Red Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The world Reatqu is very famous for its fabulous monkey burgers but beset by deadly solar activity.''
23. '''Soisonza''', (59,58), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Soisonza is mildly noted for the Soisonzaian mountain lobstoid but beset by deadly earthquakes.''
24. '''Zaus''', (68,63), TL: 0, Large Yellow Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The world Zaus is mildly fabled for the Zausian edible moth but beset by a lethal disease.''
25. '''Querorza''', (77,72), TL: 9, Yellow Furry Insects, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
26. '''Remari''', (228,153), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Remari is most famous for the Remariian evil Ernolooid and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
27. '''Gequve''', (152,62), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Gequve is a boring world.''
28. '''Ceausis''', (84,246), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Ceausis is cursed by killer edible talking treeoids.''
29. '''Veteerza''', (125,104), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Veteerza is reasonably famous for the Veteerzaian evil Usa'geoid.''
30. '''Atbitela''', (164,144), TL: 8, Red Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
31. '''Edmaor''', (213,60), TL: 6, Blue Bug-Eyed Frogs, Communist, ''The planet Edmaor is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
32. '''Leedtier''', (221,217), TL: 5, Large Yellow Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''Leedtier is a n unremarkable planet.''
33. '''Soed''', (80,23), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Soedian evil talking treeoid.''
34. '''Lequteor''', (160,120), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Lequteor is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
35. '''Erbierso''', (89,124), TL: 2, Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''Erbierso is cursed by deadly civil war.''
36. '''Rilaan''', (71,208), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Rilaan is mildly famous for its hoopy casinos and its great dense forests.''
37. '''Onesed''', (110,219), TL: 9, Green Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Onesed is a dull place.''
38. '''Zaonbi''', (130,248), TL: 10, Fierce Horned Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The world Zaonbi is a boring world.''
39. '''Encegequ''', (11,198), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Encegequ is most noted for the Encegequian evil talking treeoid and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
40. '''Xeis''', (122,67), TL: 6, Large Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The planet Xeis is famous for Xeisian wolf meat but beset by frequent civil war.''
41. '''Isqueder''', (0,189), TL: 3, Red Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''The planet Isqueder is most famous for its pink Ou plant plantations and its unusual dense forests.''
42. '''Zadige''', (112,56), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Zadige is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
43. '''Birior''', (85,99), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Birior is very famous for its exotic fish meat but beset by frequent civil war.''
44. '''Tiacein''', (222,25), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Tiacein is beset by a evil disease.''
45. '''Leenra''', (172,69), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Leenra is a boring world.''
46. '''Soteoris''', (20,224), TL: 8, Fierce Black Fat Insects, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Soteorisian mountain Stoid but plagued by lethal spotted craboids.''
47. '''Bemate''', (29,25), TL: 9, Harmless Fat Insects, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
48. '''Geteanan''', (91,188), TL: 4, Large Green Lizards, Anarchy, ''The planet Geteanan is very noted for its unusual sit coms but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
49. '''Beesed''', (155,123), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
50. '''Tizaatdi''', (149,24), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Tizaatdi is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
51. '''Gexebeor''', (205,49), TL: 5, Large Harmless Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''The world Gexebeor is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat burgers and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
52. '''Erisso''', (89,19), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Erisso is very noted for its ancient A' tulip plantations but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
53. '''Qutius''', (117,231), TL: 4, Horned Birds, Democracy, ''The planet Qutius is very noted for its exciting sit coms but ravaged by vicious mountain goats.''
54. '''Quisbe''', (154,136), TL: 10, Yellow Horned Birds, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
55. '''Isisbile''', (76,115), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Isisbile is a boring world.''
56. '''Zainat''', (193,134), TL: 2, Fierce Yellow Insects, Anarchy, ''Zainat is reasonably well known for the Zainatian spotted cat but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
57. '''Raeddi''', (98,145), TL: 9, Large Black Bony Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions and its vast rain forests.''
58. '''Quonso''', (77,88), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Quonso is very noted for its exciting sit coms but ravaged by vicious mountain beasts.''
59. '''Esenis''', (1,39), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
60. '''Esonlear''', (249,253), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Esonlear is a revolting dump.''
61. '''Inedala''', (10,1), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Inedala is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
62. '''Isxelave''', (85,47), TL: 2, Black Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly well known for Isxelaveian shrew cutlet and the Isxelaveian edible moth.''
63. '''Rean''', (214,21), TL: 6, Green Bony Humanoids, Communist, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic night life but cursed by deadly civil war.''
64. '''Ceerla''', (234,224), TL: 7, Fierce Horned Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
65. '''Bianti''', (149,64), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
66. '''Diriceen''', (217,55), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Diriceen is a n unremarkable planet.''
67. '''Veretite''', (50,133), TL: 2, Green Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Veretite is cursed by killer mountain monkeys.''
68. '''Xelara''', (252,23), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
69. '''Lalati''', (171,212), TL: 9, Blue Rodents, Democracy, ''Lalati is a revolting little planet.''
70. '''Ermaon''', (131,23), TL: 4, Black Fat Birds, Multi-Government, ''Ermaon is cursed by vicious mountain beasts.''
71. '''Uscearti''', (252,63), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Uscearti is reasonably fabled for its fabulous vicious Innoilza gargle blasters and its exciting sit coms.''
72. '''Biusbi''', (23,10), TL: 8, Fierce Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
73. '''Geritior''', (117,198), TL: 3, Large Red Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Geritior is reasonably famous for the Geritiorian deadly Nuthoid.''
74. '''Erlein''', (121,247), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Erlein is very noted for its unusual sit coms but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
75. '''Inve''', (158,140), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Inve is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but plagued by lethal spotted snails.''
76. '''Anonrior''', (163,160), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Anonrior is reasonably famous for the Anonriorian evil poet.''
77. '''Tireonce''', (153,158), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
78. '''Beedenri''', (101,127), TL: 2, Blue Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness and its fabulous cuisine.''
79. '''Esange''', (254,50), TL: 9, Small Black Fat Humanoids, Communist, ''The world Esange is beset by a lethal disease.''
80. '''Soraza''', (136,67), TL: 4, Fierce Black Bony Felines, Anarchy, ''Soraza is cursed by vicious killer cats.''
81. '''Oristi''', (64,100), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Oristi is cursed by deadly civil war.''
82. '''Geusqubi''', (110,215), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Geusqubi is very noted for its unusual casinos but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
83. '''Esarqure''', (134,122), TL: 7, Small Red Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This planet is fabled for its ancient Esarqureian Eninarxe tulip plantations and its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
84. '''Rais''', (46,218), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Rais is scourged by a evil disease.''
85. '''Ergeso''', (18,160), TL: 12, Horned Lizards, Democracy, ''Ergeso is very fabled for the Ergesoian edible arts graduate.''
86. '''Biesin''', (59,167), TL: 4, Fierce Black Fat Felines, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
87. '''Beisdiri''', (29,44), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
88. '''Usraqu''', (126,205), TL: 2, Small Yellow Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This planet is very notable for the Usraquian tree snake and Usraquian shrew cutlet.''
89. '''Biedtive''', (55,90), TL: 9, Fierce Red Furry Insects, Multi-Government, ''The planet Biedtive is scourged by a evil disease.''
90. '''Bibeer''', (246,23), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is most fabled for mud hockey but ravaged by a killer disease.''
91. '''Aarza''', (42,144), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
92. '''Diaquti''', (222,4), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Diaquti is a revolting dump.''
93. '''Xerarebi''', (87,26), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for the Xerarebiian edible arts graduate.''
94. '''Esrireti''', (70,206), TL: 4, Small Green Slimy Frogs, Multi-Government, ''The planet Esrireti is scourged by a deadly disease.''
95. '''Zamaso''', (151,110), TL: 6, Fierce Red Bug-Eyed Frogs, Communist, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
96. '''Esusesqu''', (55,231), TL: 3, Small Yellow Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''The world Esusesqu is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
97. '''Inave''', (154,233), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Inave is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
98. '''Orxerema''', (82,246), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Orxerema is most famous for its pink Us tulip plantations and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
99. '''Teveriat''', (203,14), TL: 4, Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
100. '''Biladi''', (241,94), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
101. '''Maleve''', (168,77), TL: 5, Small Yellow Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''This world is most fabled for Maleveian lethal brandy but scourged by deadly tree ants.''
102. '''Tetied''', (196,54), TL: 2, Red Horned Lizards, Multi-Government, ''Tetied is reasonably well known for the Tetiedian spotted leopard but plagued by a vicious disease.''
103. '''Riceatra''', (173,56), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
104. '''Arera''', (244,209), TL: 4, Small Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but beset by deadly tree grubs.''
105. '''Esxevexe''', (170,79), TL: 3, Small Black Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''The planet Esxevexe is a n unremarkable dump.''
106. '''Telala''', (194,182), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
107. '''Enreso''', (167,53), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its fabulous vicious Nore brew but ravaged by lethal vicious ants.''
108. '''Onatibi''', (168,39), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Onatibiian edible arts graduate and its weird tropical forests.''
109. '''Diarrive''', (70,119), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is fabled for its exciting lethal Lesooues water.''
110. '''Onramaon''', (246,30), TL: 4, Yellow Slimy Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''The planet Onramaon is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
111. '''Onmaar''', (159,203), TL: 9, Fat Insects, Communist, ''The world Onmaar is reasonably famous for the Onmaarian evil talking treeoid.''
112. '''Maindice''', (245,202), TL: 6, Small Green Lizards, Anarchy, ''Maindice is a revolting dump.''
113. '''Onatve''', (165,205), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
114. '''Aingeon''', (135,150), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Aingeon is a boring planet.''
115. '''Aenlege''', (255,67), TL: 7, Red Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''Aenlege is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
116. '''Edisor''', (67,161), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a dull world.''
117. '''Biabi''', (111,217), TL: 12, Fierce Black Rodents, Democracy, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
118. '''Enlace''', (28,198), TL: 2, Harmless Horned Birds, Multi-Government, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
119. '''Esisraan''', (174,101), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Esisraan is mildly notable for vicious Cein gargle blasters.''
120. '''Intege''', (123,20), TL: 4, Yellow Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is very notable for the Integeian tree ant and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms.''
121. '''Inteveon''', (204,163), TL: 5, Yellow Insects, Multi-Government, ''Inteveon is a revolting dump.''
122. '''Ensoor''', (223,214), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Ensoor is most famous for the Ensoorian spotted leopard.''
123. '''Laxema''', (19,121), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
124. '''Atonbeza''', (3,11), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Atonbeza is reasonably fabled for Zero-G hockey and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
125. '''Ederditi''', (100,179), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
126. '''Laqusoed''', (119,109), TL: 6, Blue Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and the Laqusoedian tree wolf.''
127. '''Quanre''', (24,71), TL: 2, Harmless Frogs, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
128. '''Dienon''', (196,238), TL: 1, Horned Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The world Dienon is notable for its great volcanoes and its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry.''
129. '''Engela''', (95,18), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Engela is very famous for its fabulous monkey burgers but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
130. '''Cebitiza''', (11,181), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Cebitiza is most famous for its vast oceans and its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
131. '''Xericebi''', (36,23), TL: 0, Large Red Bony Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The planet Xericebi is cursed by deadly civil war.''
132. '''Arlabi''', (38,165), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Arlabi is cursed by killer mountain monkeys.''
133. '''Ledila''', (101,70), TL: 5, Large Harmless Bony Birds, Democracy, ''Ledila is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
134. '''Usgeat''', (69,85), TL: 4, Small Slimy Rodents, Multi-Government, ''Usgeat is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
135. '''Raceedat''', (30,177), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Raceedat is beset by a evil disease.''
136. '''Reeded''', (17,152), TL: 6, Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
137. '''Abilama''', (159,88), TL: 11, Blue Lizards, Multi-Government, ''Abilama is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but scourged by frequent civil war.''
138. '''Usesri''', (75,117), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Usesri is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
139. '''Edbire''', (112,94), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Edbire is cursed by killer edible talking treeoids.''
140. '''Geonerbe''', (237,174), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Geonerbe is a n unremarkable planet.''
141. '''Gebiisso''', (179,208), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic cuisine but plagued by a lethal disease.''
142. '''Maerza''', (199,189), TL: 6, Small Yellow Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''Maerza is a revolting little planet.''
143. '''Laanat''', (0,228), TL: 5, Harmless Fat Humanoids, Communist, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
144. '''Azavear''', (162,81), TL: 6, Black Bony Felines, Anarchy, ''Azavear is a n unremarkable dump.''
145. '''Cecela''', (202,182), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but beset by a lethal disease.''
146. '''Anerined''', (224,85), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
147. '''Laquused''', (56,140), TL: 1, Harmless Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for the Laquusedian edible moth.''
148. '''Teisen''', (152,104), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Teisen is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by lethal spotted craboids.''
149. '''Teance''', (140,146), TL: 8, Black Felines, Democracy, ''Teance is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
150. '''Rileri''', (61,229), TL: 4, Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''Rileri is most noted for the Rileriian deadly Ardigenuoid and the Rileriian mountain slug.''
151. '''Onisaned''', (255,30), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Onisaned is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
152. '''Erzain''', (184,91), TL: 4, Yellow Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''Erzain is reasonably well known for the Erzainian spotted shrew but plagued by evil tree snakes.''
153. '''Enlaus''', (33,108), TL: 5, Furry Insects, Multi-Government, ''Enlaus is mildly well known for Enlausian shrew cutlet and the Enlausian edible moth.''
154. '''Rianxe''', (8,149), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Rianxe is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
155. '''Anquen''', (188,226), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Anquen is a revolting little planet.''
156. '''Laainat''', (104,18), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions and its great parking meters.''
157. '''Reininus''', (49,204), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Reininus is most famous for its pink Ceerle tulip plantations and the Reininusian edible arts graduate.''
158. '''Leveor''', (232,12), TL: 4, Large Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''This planet is most fabled for Leveorian A'erin brandy but scourged by killer edible A'erinoids.''
159. '''Ermala''', (89,160), TL: 10, Bug-Eyed Frogs, Communist, ''Ermala is cursed by deadly civil war.''
160. '''Atedanza''', (145,245), TL: 1, Yellow Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
161. '''Edtira''', (228,187), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Edtira is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its weird volcanoes.''
162. '''Ataris''', (4,116), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Ataris is very famous for its unusual sit coms but ravaged by lethal spotted snails.''
163. '''Usbiinan''', (61,160), TL: 6, Small Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''Usbiinan is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders and its weird rock formations.''
164. '''Relaon''', (155,236), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
165. '''Tiorra''', (226,191), TL: 5, Blue Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Tiorra is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms and Tiorraian wolf meat.''
166. '''Raaar''', (6,116), TL: 6, Black Horned Lizards, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for its pink Inresoxe tulip plantations but plagued by a vicious disease.''
167. '''Arceonre''', (79,170), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Arceonre is very famous for Arceonreian wolf cutlet but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
168. '''Enle''', (110,95), TL: 2, Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The planet Enle is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
169. '''Laarrara''', (84,225), TL: 7, Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''Laarrara is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
170. '''Raisso''', (20,52), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Raisso is scourged by a deadly disease.''
171. '''Ririla''', (249,7), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Ririla is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
172. '''Soaes''', (114,53), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous Lole juice.''
173. '''Orxeteed''', (224,169), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Orxeteed is most noted for the Orxeteedian evil arts graduate and its exotic night life.''
174. '''Tiinisle''', (216,92), TL: 4, Red Fat Insects, Multi-Government, ''Tiinisle is a revolting dump.''
175. '''Mamaed''', (33,125), TL: 5, Small Green Fat Insects, Communist, ''Mamaed is most famous for the Mamaedian deadly lobstoid and the Mamaedian spotted shrew.''
176. '''Beteona''', (143,216), TL: 8, Green Lizards, Anarchy, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting sit coms.''
177. '''Maorra''', (175,31), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
178. '''Soralaat''', (121,20), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Soralaat is reasonably notable for its unusual oceans but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
179. '''Anxeadi''', (49,85), TL: 1, Harmless Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
180. '''Isma''', (45,47), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
181. '''Ensoza''', (105,203), TL: 8, Red Horned Birds, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Ensozaian spotted cat.''
182. '''Arditi''', (158,4), TL: 6, Small Green Horned Birds, Multi-Government, ''This planet is notable for its great volcanoes and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
183. '''Laisxela''', (16,87), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Laisxela is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and its exotic cuisine.''
184. '''Rainla''', (53,162), TL: 6, Yellow Insects, Anarchy, ''The world Rainla is mildly fabled for the Rainlaian mountain slug but ravaged by a killer disease.''
185. '''Edzaraat''', (54,181), TL: 5, Green Bony Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''The planet Edzaraat is scourged by killer edible poets.''
186. '''Arama''', (113,84), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Arama is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but ravaged by lethal spotted craboids.''
187. '''Leenor''', (37,203), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most notable for Leenorian evil juice but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
188. '''Oronceri''', (13,25), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
189. '''Zausmaor''', (190,101), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness and its fabulous cuisine.''
190. '''Dienorqu''', (153,171), TL: 6, Yellow Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
191. '''Biante''', (90,121), TL: 10, Fierce Blue Bony Humanoids, Communist, ''This planet is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
192. '''Laerzaes''', (158,252), TL: 3, Horned Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The world Laerzaes is most well known for its vast oceans.''
193. '''Rimabe''', (41,228), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a dull world.''
194. '''Isreesve''', (61,51), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Isreesve is cursed by deadly civil war.''
195. '''Rerebeer''', (22,169), TL: 6, Red Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Rerebeer is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat soup and mud tennis.''
196. '''Enlaed''', (80,51), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is noted for mud hockey.''
197. '''Dicebe''', (31,184), TL: 13, Rodents, Democracy, ''This world is fabled for its ancient Erouat plant plantations.''
198. '''Ange''', (7,147), TL: 8, Large Yellow Fat Birds, Multi-Government, ''The planet Ange is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists and the Angeian tree grub.''
199. '''Cebima''', (64,35), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Cebima is mildly fabled for the Cebimaian mountain lobstoid but plagued by occasional civil war.''
200. '''Veusar''', (11,38), TL: 4, Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
201. '''Anrebeis''', (201,234), TL: 7, Harmless Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Anrebeis is fabled for its fabulous Bith juice and its unusual dense forests.''
202. '''Ater''', (29,243), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but ravaged by a killer disease.''
203. '''Zavete''', (66,48), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Zavete is scourged by killer edible poets.''
204. '''Maonxedi''', (55,188), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a dull world.''
205. '''Arianes''', (205,2), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably well known for the Arianesian spotted leopard but plagued by a vicious disease.''
206. '''Geusvexe''', (41,251), TL: 6, Large Red Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The planet Geusvexe is cursed by vicious mountain monkeys.''
207. '''Leanon''', (2,150), TL: 5, Large Fat Humanoids, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
208. '''Tirausra''', (188,95), TL: 0, Black Bony Felines, Anarchy, ''The planet Tirausra is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
209. '''Atdibe''', (84,8), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Atdibe is very noted for its exciting Zero-G hockey but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
210. '''Beedriar''', (82,211), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness and its weird rock formations.''
211. '''Learvexe''', (234,158), TL: 3, Large Yellow Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''Learvexe is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
212. '''Zaisza''', (2,246), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is most notable for its exotic cuisine but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
213. '''Usbege''', (6,132), TL: 8, Small Yellow Horned Lizards, Democracy, ''The planet Usbege is reasonably noted for mud tennis and its ancient A'ce tulip plantations.''
214. '''Veorer''', (63,35), TL: 8, Red Fat Felines, Multi-Government, ''The world Veorer is very noted for its pink Veorerian Cenureit Cenureitweed plantations but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
215. '''Maisesen''', (225,16), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Maisesen is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and its fabulous vicious Th brew.''
216. '''Edrari''', (242,233), TL: 6, Yellow Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The planet Edrari is most famous for the Edrariian deadly goat and its pink oceans.''
217. '''Riusbequ''', (11,126), TL: 5, Harmless Furry Insects, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
218. '''Vegera''', (26,19), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Vegera is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by a vicious disease.''
219. '''Soar''', (78,52), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Soar is mildly noted for the Soarian mountain lobstoid but beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
220. '''Isarima''', (242,32), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Isarimaian mountain lobstoid but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
221. '''Quzaarar''', (11,126), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Quzaarar is scourged by killer mountain Iloids.''
222. '''Orreenan''', (138,74), TL: 8, Harmless Slimy Frogs, Multi-Government, ''The planet Orreenan is a n unremarkable dump.''
223. '''Temage''', (27,210), TL: 10, Blue Bug-Eyed Frogs, Communist, ''The world Temage is mildly fabled for the Temageian mountain slug but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
224. '''Orusdire''', (235,3), TL: 7, Yellow Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Orusdire is most famous for its vast oceans.''
225. '''Zaonen''', (46,141), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Zaonen is most noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
226. '''Esenena''', (182,242), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Esenena is a revolting little planet.''
227. '''Ravequce''', (175,50), TL: 8, Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This planet is notable for the Ravequceian edible arts graduate and its great volcanoes.''
228. '''Velaat''', (69,122), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
229. '''Geaten''', (28,49), TL: 9, Large Harmless Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
230. '''Insote''', (72,178), TL: 6, Horned Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The planet Insote is cursed by deadly civil war.''
231. '''Vecedius''', (241,28), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
232. '''Querbe''', (232,237), TL: 0, Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
233. '''Leenenbi''', (254,115), TL: 7, Large Red Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''Leenenbi is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
234. '''Inceor''', (102,178), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Inceor is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
235. '''Arrege''', (75,217), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Arrege is cursed by vicious killer cats.''
236. '''Aaanqu''', (60,67), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is noted for its exotic goat soup.''
237. '''Cequququ''', (122,219), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is mildly well known for Cequququian shrew steak and Cequququian wolf meat.''
238. '''Azaage''', (186,154), TL: 8, Green Slimy Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
239. '''Timabi''', (163,47), TL: 5, Red Fat Insects, Communist, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
240. '''Aninator''', (41,230), TL: 2, Green Lizards, Anarchy, ''The planet Aninator is cursed by deadly civil war.''
241. '''Tileen''', (185,113), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Tileen is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but ravaged by lethal spotted craboids.''
242. '''Ontesoge''', (107,146), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and Ontesogeian lethal brandy.''
243. '''Soenisti''', (99,103), TL: 3, Fierce Yellow Fat Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
244. '''Usisis''', (23,189), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very fabled for the Usisisian edible poet.''
245. '''Rionxe''', (99,189), TL: 8, Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Rionxe is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
246. '''Xecees''', (32,66), TL: 6, Large Blue Horned Birds, Multi-Government, ''The world Xecees is very noted for its unusual sit coms but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
247. '''Leisera''', (114,73), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is mildly famous for its pink oceans and mud tennis.''
248. '''Teteso''', (239,48), TL: 8, Yellow Insects, Anarchy, ''The planet Teteso is most famous for the Tetesoian deadly goat and its hoopy casinos.''
249. '''Zainenge''', (160,199), TL: 1, Fierce Insects, Multi-Government, ''The world Zainenge is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
250. '''Xetiis''', (3,210), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Xetiis is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
251. '''Dixeso''', (55,29), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Dixeso is mildly noted for the Dixesoian mountain lobstoid but beset by deadly solar activity.''
252. '''Leontied''', (23,39), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
253. '''Eresan''', (24,23), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Eresan is scourged by a deadly disease.''
254. '''Cearmate''', (187,233), TL: 10, Fierce Red Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly edible poets.''
255. '''Enanar''', (156,171), TL: 6, Green Frogs, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Enanarian edible moth and its great dense forests.''
== Galaxy 5 ==
0. '''Anleis''', (32,165), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but plagued by a lethal disease.''
1. '''Edre''', (153,221), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Edre is a boring planet.''
2. '''Tionis''', (103,128), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Tionis is a boring world.''
3. '''Erxesoan''', (147,125), TL: 9, Green Felines, Corporate State, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous Sebese juice and its ancient mountains.''
4. '''Ceuses''', (251,199), TL: 4, Fierce Fat Humanoids, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
5. '''Esmain''', (23,137), TL: 7, Small Yellow Insects, Anarchy, ''The planet Esmain is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
6. '''Orusge''', (129,76), TL: 8, Harmless Furry Felines, Corporate State, ''The planet Orusge is famous for Orusgeian shrew steak but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
7. '''Ereddive''', (4,195), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Ereddive is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and vicious Soa'xenu gargle blasters.''
8. '''Isxevela''', (214,109), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Isxevela is mildly notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
9. '''Dioris''', (213,214), TL: 4, Yellow Bony Birds, Dictatorship, ''Dioris is a n unremarkable planet.''
10. '''Anisis''', (100,29), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and its exotic cuisine.''
11. '''Axeus''', (85,221), TL: 6, Red Slimy Lobsters, Confederacy, ''The world Axeus is a boring world.''
12. '''Biesmaan''', (123,232), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Biesmaan is famous for its exotic goat soup but cursed by a killer disease.''
13. '''Ervele''', (91,107), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Ervele is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
14. '''Arbe''', (168,1), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Arbe is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but scourged by deadly edible moths.''
15. '''Andiso''', (126,19), TL: 8, Black Furry Rodents, Communist, ''Andiso is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
16. '''Zaaner''', (16,71), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Zaaner is mildly noted for its pink Zaanerian Alusabus plant plantations but beset by frequent civil war.''
17. '''Teisarza''', (208,112), TL: 6, Green Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great volcanoes but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
18. '''Intedi''', (196,74), TL: 8, Blue Felines, Democracy, ''Intedi is a n unremarkable planet.''
19. '''Ongequ''', (150,173), TL: 6, Harmless Bony Felines, Dictatorship, ''The planet Ongequ is a boring planet.''
20. '''Anbedi''', (29,90), TL: 9, Blue Lizards, Confederacy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Anbediian mountain poet but scourged by deadly civil war.''
21. '''Onarsoat''', (253,141), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Onarsoat is scourged by a evil disease.''
22. '''Zaisra''', (17,135), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is most notable for Zaisraian vicious water but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
23. '''Usenat''', (214,244), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous cuisine but beset by occasional civil war.''
24. '''Erremaar''', (140,177), TL: 9, Green Furry Humanoids, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for Zero-G hockey.''
25. '''Zaquesso''', (74,235), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is fabled for its exciting Zaquessoian evil juice.''
26. '''Matere''', (199,137), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
27. '''Cetege''', (150,46), TL: 4, Large Red Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''This planet is very notable for the Cetegeian tree snake and Cetegeian shrew steak.''
28. '''Bisoaton''', (163,156), TL: 10, Fierce Red Frogs, Corporate State, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
29. '''Tiusriri''', (191,49), TL: 10, Yellow Frogs, Multi-Government, ''Tiusriri is a revolting little planet.''
30. '''Cexece''', (254,94), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
31. '''Laesinma''', (77,165), TL: 1, Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Laesinma is scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
32. '''Lequso''', (11,44), TL: 4, Large Red Rodents, Anarchy, ''Lequso is most famous for its vast dense forests and its exotic night life.''
33. '''Ceered''', (3,135), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
34. '''Vetele''', (173,88), TL: 9, Blue Furry Insects, Multi-Government, ''Vetele is a revolting little planet.''
35. '''Enuserin''', (148,161), TL: 10, Harmless Furry Insects, Corporate State, ''The planet Enuserin is a n unremarkable planet.''
36. '''Bigeve''', (204,48), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
37. '''Edrebi''', (95,150), TL: 4, Bug-Eyed Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Edrebi is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
38. '''Getius''', (173,6), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Getius is a n unremarkable dump.''
39. '''Zaeredre''', (35,104), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is noted for its exciting vacuum karate.''
40. '''Tirizaan''', (78,56), TL: 10, Frogs, Multi-Government, ''Tirizaan is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
41. '''Ririor''', (187,132), TL: 8, Black Frogs, Dictatorship, ''The planet Ririor is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
42. '''Reriza''', (182,57), TL: 10, Frogs, Communist, ''The world Reriza is reasonably noted for Zero-G cricket and Rerizaian evil brandy.''
43. '''Ladila''', (210,68), TL: 8, Insects, Confederacy, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
44. '''Quusanri''', (88,149), TL: 4, Furry Insects, Dictatorship, ''The planet Quusanri is cursed by killer mountain lobstoids.''
45. '''Geison''', (158,251), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Geison is reasonably notable for its fabulous cuisine but plagued by evil tree fishs.''
46. '''Isrite''', (96,255), TL: 1, Yellow Rodents, Feudal, ''This planet is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
47. '''Beesve''', (152,124), TL: 5, Fat Insects, Communist, ''The world Beesve is most well known for its exotic night life.''
48. '''Entexe''', (19,86), TL: 6, Yellow Furry Insects, Communist, ''The world Entexe is scourged by deadly edible grubs.''
49. '''Atbiarxe''', (50,34), TL: 8, Green Slimy Frogs, Feudal, ''The planet Atbiarxe is cursed by deadly civil war.''
50. '''Raleor''', (34,170), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Raleor is scourged by killer edible Leilcearoids.''
51. '''Esenma''', (143,89), TL: 11, Small Insects, Dictatorship, ''The world Esenma is most well known for its great dense forests.''
52. '''Zavexe''', (7,75), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Zavexe is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
53. '''Veveesve''', (61,162), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Veveesve is a dull world.''
54. '''Lalale''', (86,201), TL: 10, Yellow Rodents, Dictatorship, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Lalaleian evil Reoid.''
55. '''Zaenza''', (237,33), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Zaenza is fabled for its ancient Zaenzaian Us banana plantations and its hoopy casinos.''
56. '''Bebeleus''', (27,4), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
57. '''Issodien''', (40,161), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
58. '''Biceri''', (50,45), TL: 2, Fierce Frogs, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
59. '''Reedated''', (10,30), TL: 4, Yellow Fat Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Reedated is reasonably fabled for its exciting Reedatedian evil brandy and its fabulous lethal Ildi brew.''
60. '''Gediesqu''', (152,209), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Gediesqu is most famous for the Gediesquian spotted wolf.''
61. '''Entizare''', (250,201), TL: 9, Green Bony Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''Entizare is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
62. '''Arriti''', (206,228), TL: 8, Small Black Horned Birds, Confederacy, ''The planet Arriti is most famous for its pink oceans.''
63. '''Ladigeso''', (96,151), TL: 0, Red Rodents, Anarchy, ''The world Ladigeso is a dull place.''
64. '''Edxexe''', (39,195), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Edxexe is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
65. '''Xele''', (93,66), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is mildly famous for its pink oceans and mud hockey.''
66. '''Biarra''', (36,64), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
67. '''Zaonesdi''', (133,212), TL: 8, Fierce Blue Bug-Eyed Frogs, Corporate State, ''This world is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
68. '''Vereen''', (205,169), TL: 6, Red Fat Felines, Feudal, ''Vereen is a revolting little planet.''
69. '''Tileer''', (151,178), TL: 8, Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''The world Tileer is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
70. '''Tetiri''', (10,208), TL: 13, Green Horned Lizards, Corporate State, ''Tetiri is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
71. '''Usorbela''', (50,30), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Usorbela is very noted for its pink oceans but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
72. '''Xemageat''', (245,19), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Xemageat is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
73. '''Onrace''', (145,67), TL: 7, Blue Horned Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''Onrace is reasonably notable for its unusual tropical forests but scourged by frequent civil war.''
74. '''Enerte''', (57,101), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Enerte is most noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry and its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
75. '''Masoen''', (63,188), TL: 9, Small Black Bony Felines, Confederacy, ''This planet is noted for mud tennis.''
76. '''Ontiteen''', (101,82), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
77. '''Biradi''', (210,156), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Biradi is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
78. '''Maleve''', (72,13), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Maleve is very noted for its ancient Biso tulip plantations but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
79. '''Anlala''', (163,246), TL: 6, Green Furry Rodents, Communist, ''This planet is very well known for vicious Lolees brew and its exotic goat meat.''
80. '''Atdice''', (70,117), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
81. '''Veonquat''', (132,229), TL: 1, Black Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''Veonquat is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but plagued by lethal spotted yaks.''
82. '''Matira''', (177,26), TL: 9, Small Bony Felines, Democracy, ''The world Matira is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
83. '''Geerin''', (119,20), TL: 8, Large Red Bony Felines, Dictatorship, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
84. '''Teesbi''', (32,76), TL: 6, Green Fat Birds, Confederacy, ''The planet Teesbi is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and Teesbiian evil juice.''
85. '''Isatanar''', (109,198), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Isatanar is cursed by killer edible talking treeoids.''
86. '''Tiison''', (202,27), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by a evil disease.''
87. '''Ergeso''', (243,95), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Ergeso is a revolting dump.''
88. '''Cesousla''', (218,103), TL: 5, Fierce Harmless Furry Felines, Democracy, ''The world Cesousla is notable for its weird tropical forests and Cesouslaian evil juice.''
89. '''Bizalein''', (245,104), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Bizalein is most famous for its vast rain forests.''
90. '''Enonis''', (204,225), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Enonis is a n unremarkable dump.''
91. '''Inquveri''', (111,29), TL: 4, Black Horned Lizards, Feudal, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
92. '''Azaenbi''', (190,22), TL: 7, Slimy Lobsters, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
93. '''Isvequre''', (38,114), TL: 8, Yellow Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The world Isvequre is very noted for its pink oceans but cursed by a deadly disease.''
94. '''Esed''', (206,122), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Esed is a revolting little planet.''
95. '''Celearen''', (99,152), TL: 8, Fierce Black Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''This world is mildly well known for Celearenian wolf meat and its ancient Celearenian Beitse banana plantations.''
96. '''Rianin''', (114,106), TL: 7, Yellow Slimy Lizards, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness and its weird rock formations.''
97. '''Axeed''', (166,12), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Axeed is fabled for its exciting Zero-G cricket and its fabulous vicious Alab gargle blasters.''
98. '''Ceused''', (202,56), TL: 10, Fierce Harmless Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''The world Ceused is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
99. '''Biceenon''', (102,24), TL: 13, Fierce Red Rodents, Corporate State, ''The world Biceenon is a dull place.''
100. '''Tiuson''', (255,50), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious place.''
101. '''Bizaar''', (191,223), TL: 3, Fierce Harmless Slimy Lizards, Anarchy, ''The planet Bizaar is most famous for the Bizaarian spotted shrew.''
102. '''Bisoge''', (150,170), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Bisoge is well known for the Bisogeian spotted shrew but plagued by evil tree leopards.''
103. '''Teatriin''', (49,227), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Teatriin is mildly well known for its exotic night life and Teatriinian Oubeab brandy.''
104. '''Teusatve''', (204,254), TL: 2, Harmless Horned Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The world Teusatve is notable for its weird exuberant forests and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
105. '''Erorle''', (86,17), TL: 10, Insects, Dictatorship, ''The planet Erorle is well known for its inhabitants' weird silliness but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
106. '''Ceenge''', (235,161), TL: 11, Fierce Horned Lobsters, Communist, ''This world is most notable for its fabulous cuisine but beset by occasional civil war.''
107. '''Ataton''', (155,67), TL: 10, Yellow Slimy Frogs, Confederacy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
108. '''Beveinve''', (162,31), TL: 4, Furry Rodents, Dictatorship, ''The world Beveinve is fabled for its exciting sit coms and its fabulous monkey steak.''
109. '''Ortema''', (246,76), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
110. '''Uslaon''', (97,43), TL: 6, Small Horned Lizards, Feudal, ''Uslaon is cursed by vicious mountain beasts.''
111. '''Beatza''', (158,127), TL: 4, Blue Bug-Eyed Birds, Communist, ''Beatza is reasonably well known for the Beatzaian tree grub but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
112. '''Onditi''', (169,164), TL: 6, Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The world Onditi is reasonably noted for mud tennis and its ancient mountains.''
113. '''Maesqua''', (197,183), TL: 2, Small Harmless Horned Humanoids, Feudal, ''The world Maesqua is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists and the Maesquaian edible grub.''
114. '''Beis''', (111,154), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
115. '''Diriis''', (80,224), TL: 9, Blue Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is noted for its fabulous goat soup.''
116. '''Ceinan''', (105,93), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very notable for the Ceinanian edible arts graduate and its unusual dense forests.''
117. '''Rateisre''', (140,251), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Rateisre is a n unremarkable dump.''
118. '''Uslain''', (110,125), TL: 6, Small Red Bony Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''The world Uslain is reasonably famous for the Uslainian spotted wolf.''
119. '''Ingequ''', (234,172), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Ingequ is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
120. '''Usinribe''', (202,218), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
121. '''Onenceve''', (179,62), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Onenceve is a n unremarkable dump.''
122. '''Diesdi''', (150,165), TL: 2, Harmless Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''The planet Diesdi is a n unremarkable dump.''
123. '''Quinmabe''', (196,45), TL: 1, Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' weird shyness and the Quinmabeian mountain Nusealoid.''
124. '''Inmaarxe''', (19,107), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Inmaarxe is scourged by killer mountain Abzazaaboids.''
125. '''Edceon''', (66,42), TL: 8, Red Slimy Rodents, Multi-Government, ''The world Edceon is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
126. '''Cecear''', (255,32), TL: 13, Fierce Rodents, Confederacy, ''This planet is most notable for its fabulous Soinalet brandy but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
127. '''Cebiledi''', (85,170), TL: 6, Fierce Rodents, Anarchy, ''The planet Cebiledi is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
128. '''Lazaso''', (237,33), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
129. '''Inbe''', (224,231), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
130. '''Lavema''', (160,64), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Lavema is reasonably well known for the Lavemaian spotted wolf but beset by deadly solar activity.''
131. '''Edanma''', (54,107), TL: 10, Furry Humanoids, Corporate State, ''Edanma is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
132. '''Sobean''', (96,203), TL: 5, Fierce Bony Felines, Feudal, ''Sobean is cursed by vicious killer cats.''
133. '''Ceedra''', (214,27), TL: 6, Fierce Furry Felines, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
134. '''Onsoor''', (82,148), TL: 9, Harmless Frogs, Corporate State, ''Onsoor is most noted for the Onsoorian evil arts graduate and its fabulous Zaleen juice.''
135. '''Ororbe''', (31,185), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
136. '''Solaerin''', (211,249), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is a tedious place.''
137. '''Atredi''', (12,240), TL: 9, Fat Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''This world is very fabled for its ancient mountains.''
138. '''Eszaan''', (205,237), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Eszaan is reasonably noted for Zero-G hockey and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
139. '''Somate''', (232,219), TL: 7, Fierce Red Bony Felines, Confederacy, ''Somate is a n unremarkable planet.''
140. '''Edzadiar''', (16,252), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Edzadiar is very notable for the Edzadiarian tree grub.''
141. '''Tebeor''', (10,13), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Tebeor is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
142. '''Veoror''', (169,89), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
143. '''Anrige''', (137,25), TL: 9, Slimy Lobsters, Communist, ''The planet Anrige is a boring world.''
144. '''Ririqu''', (61,227), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is fabled for its ancient Za plant plantations.''
145. '''Erxearis''', (247,154), TL: 9, Yellow Furry Humanoids, Feudal, ''The planet Erxearis is most famous for the Erxearisian deadly lobstoid and the Erxearisian spotted shrew.''
146. '''Arbean''', (93,42), TL: 9, Small Blue Frogs, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous cuisine.''
147. '''Soteri''', (25,187), TL: 7, Fierce Horned Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
148. '''Isrion''', (226,126), TL: 6, Fat Humanoids, Confederacy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great volcanoes but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
149. '''Antiaxe''', (156,63), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
150. '''Artear''', (66,239), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Artear is a boring planet.''
151. '''Edbeis''', (209,10), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Edbeis is a n unremarkable planet.''
152. '''Qulecele''', (233,93), TL: 6, Blue Fat Felines, Democracy, ''The planet Qulecele is reasonably fabled for Zero-G hockey and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
153. '''Usaorer''', (97,37), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
154. '''Orgein''', (144,121), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Orgein is a boring world.''
155. '''Edreered''', (9,76), TL: 3, Red Furry Humanoids, Feudal, ''The planet Edreered is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos and its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
156. '''Edxebere''', (152,208), TL: 11, Slimy Rodents, Corporate State, ''The world Edxebere is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat burgers.''
157. '''Geceveon''', (78,243), TL: 7, Large Harmless Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is very well known for Geceveonian lethal water and the Geceveonian tree grub.''
158. '''Anatma''', (95,214), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Anatma is a boring planet.''
159. '''Laquused''', (56,203), TL: 4, Yellow Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''The world Laquused is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
160. '''Anisat''', (152,232), TL: 5, Slimy Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The world Anisat is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
161. '''Orlaed''', (10,209), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Orlaed is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders and its exciting Orlaedian evil juice.''
162. '''Rabea''', (166,88), TL: 10, Green Felines, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very well known for Rabeaian vicious water and the Rabeaian spotted cat.''
163. '''Quleraat''', (247,207), TL: 7, Slimy Lizards, Corporate State, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great volcanoes but plagued by evil tree leopards.''
164. '''Usreus''', (241,116), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
165. '''Raanre''', (222,104), TL: 7, Harmless Felines, Anarchy, ''The world Raanre is beset by a evil disease.''
166. '''Esveri''', (62,142), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Esveri is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and its exotic cuisine.''
167. '''Raatzama''', (254,158), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Raatzama is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
168. '''Leatrien''', (11,4), TL: 7, Large Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
169. '''Xebees''', (178,222), TL: 5, Large Black Fat Felines, Dictatorship, ''The planet Xebees is a n unremarkable planet.''
170. '''Tecexe''', (223,73), TL: 11, Red Felines, Communist, ''Tecexe is a n unremarkable planet.''
171. '''Divees''', (37,130), TL: 9, Green Rodents, Confederacy, ''The planet Divees is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders and its weird rock formations.''
172. '''Ingeisdi''', (173,233), TL: 9, Yellow Fat Birds, Dictatorship, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic cuisine but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
173. '''Aquti''', (13,221), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
174. '''Bedixe''', (33,151), TL: 2, Blue Frogs, Feudal, ''The world Bedixe is mildly fabled for the Bedixeian mountain slug but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
175. '''Bequen''', (99,194), TL: 10, Yellow Bug-Eyed Birds, Communist, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G hockey.''
176. '''Inonin''', (0,50), TL: 7, Harmless Horned Lizards, Communist, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but beset by evil spotted craboids.''
177. '''Cemaaran''', (25,140), TL: 3, Fierce Black Furry Felines, Feudal, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
178. '''Enedso''', (123,202), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
179. '''Atmaa''', (210,167), TL: 4, Red Furry Felines, Dictatorship, ''Atmaa is a revolting little planet.''
180. '''Bilera''', (140,175), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Bilera is a dull place.''
181. '''Engeatso''', (156,148), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
182. '''Anrati''', (71,113), TL: 11, Red Frogs, Dictatorship, ''The world Anrati is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
183. '''Rabeer''', (168,119), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very well known for killer Ongearet gargle blasters and its exciting sit coms.''
184. '''Isbianon''', (56,240), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Isbianon is a boring world.''
185. '''Leteisan''', (255,27), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Eserce tulip plantations but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
186. '''Rainte''', (187,93), TL: 3, Felines, Anarchy, ''The world Rainte is fabled for its fabulous cuisine and the Rainteian edible poet.''
187. '''Bilecedi''', (61,124), TL: 3, Fierce Harmless Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
188. '''Lausmaes''', (77,69), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Lausmaes is scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
189. '''Riratea''', (73,203), TL: 6, Black Horned Birds, Multi-Government, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
190. '''Diis''', (239,156), TL: 9, Large Yellow Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''Diis is mildly well known for killer Ar juice.''
191. '''Larionra''', (11,253), TL: 3, Insects, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
192. '''Encein''', (116,191), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Encein is a dull place.''
193. '''Vebi''', (36,204), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Vebi is scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
194. '''Zalexe''', (221,128), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Zalexe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its unusual oceans.''
195. '''Ineddien''', (168,66), TL: 9, Horned Lizards, Corporate State, ''The world Ineddien is most famous for the Ineddienian spotted cat.''
196. '''Edorza''', (178,45), TL: 3, Black Insects, Feudal, ''The planet Edorza is a boring world.''
197. '''Bereed''', (214,196), TL: 3, Green Horned Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great tropical forests but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
198. '''Xevera''', (91,152), TL: 14, Large Harmless Bony Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and the Xeveraian tree wolf.''
199. '''Edquonen''', (205,148), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
200. '''Inriisus''', (114,31), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Inriisus is a n unremarkable planet.''
201. '''Geesla''', (72,221), TL: 4, Large Harmless Furry Rodents, Dictatorship, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness and its weird volcanoes.''
202. '''Tiqu''', (34,181), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
203. '''Geerbi''', (82,58), TL: 10, Large Green Slimy Lobsters, Confederacy, ''The planet Geerbi is famous for Geerbiian wolf cutlet but plagued by a vicious disease.''
204. '''Atenrile''', (122,230), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Atenrile is a boring world.''
205. '''Enatce''', (1,190), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Enatce is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
206. '''Leerte''', (201,229), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Leerte is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
207. '''Anbiat''', (46,124), TL: 7, Horned Humanoids, Communist, ''Anbiat is mildly well known for Anbiatian wolf meat and its unusual dense forests.''
208. '''Maera''', (243,145), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
209. '''Arzaquar''', (43,143), TL: 4, Small Yellow Fat Felines, Feudal, ''The world Arzaquar is very famous for its hoopy night life but scourged by frequent civil war.''
210. '''Esrexe''', (202,122), TL: 10, Small Yellow Slimy Frogs, Democracy, ''Esrexe is a revolting dump.''
211. '''Maeser''', (122,162), TL: 9, Small Harmless Slimy Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''Maeser is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by lethal spotted craboids.''
212. '''Riraed''', (101,240), TL: 11, Green Furry Insects, Confederacy, ''The world Riraed is a dull world.''
213. '''Orrigean''', (140,248), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Orrigean is most famous for the Orrigeanian spotted shrew.''
214. '''Istela''', (123,3), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Istela is a dull world.''
215. '''Zabe''', (110,245), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Zabe is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by a lethal disease.''
216. '''Aquxein''', (183,147), TL: 10, Black Fat Insects, Democracy, ''The planet Aquxein is a boring world.''
217. '''Aroratla''', (140,34), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Aroratla is reasonably notable for its great parking meters but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
218. '''Bian''', (21,81), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most notable for vicious Be gargle blasters but scourged by unpredictable earthquakes.''
219. '''Zagearbe''', (98,187), TL: 7, Fierce Red Bug-Eyed Frogs, Feudal, ''The world Zagearbe is a dull world.''
220. '''Leonrala''', (51,202), TL: 12, Large Yellow Bug-Eyed Lizards, Corporate State, ''The world Leonrala is very famous for its unusual casinos but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
221. '''Esbeena''', (53,180), TL: 5, Small Red Bug-Eyed Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The planet Esbeena is scourged by a evil disease.''
222. '''Veedri''', (175,114), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
223. '''Ceenbion''', (206,62), TL: 3, Fierce Blue Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''The planet Ceenbion is mildly notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
224. '''Edrive''', (127,166), TL: 4, Black Bug-Eyed Frogs, Anarchy, ''Edrive is cursed by vicious mountain monkeys.''
225. '''Gesoed''', (45,214), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very fabled for the Gesoedian edible poet.''
226. '''Geonbi''', (67,184), TL: 11, Large Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''Geonbi is mildly famous for its hoopy casinos and its great parking meters.''
227. '''Reriveza''', (73,198), TL: 6, Frogs, Corporate State, ''Reriveza is most noted for the Rerivezaian mountain lobstoid and the Rerivezaian evil poet.''
228. '''Orbeat''', (164,246), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Orbeat is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but plagued by occasional civil war.''
229. '''Xeaten''', (190,49), TL: 6, Large Green Frogs, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
230. '''Inbior''', (167,178), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is most fabled for Inbiorian evil juice but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
231. '''Inenares''', (140,153), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Inenares is a boring planet.''
232. '''Bianmadi''', (9,74), TL: 7, Fierce Yellow Bony Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The planet Bianmadi is reasonably fabled for mud hockey and the Bianmadiian edible moth.''
233. '''Rareat''', (205,235), TL: 7, Yellow Felines, Dictatorship, ''Rareat is a n unremarkable planet.''
234. '''Beorle''', (148,49), TL: 8, Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The world Beorle is a boring world.''
235. '''Esqube''', (110,1), TL: 11, Small Green Rodents, Confederacy, ''The world Esqube is a boring world.''
236. '''Ceatrece''', (119,243), TL: 9, Fierce Fat Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''The planet Ceatrece is a boring planet.''
237. '''Ceorge''', (229,174), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is most fabled for Ceorgeian Sous brandy but cursed by deadly civil war.''
238. '''Rizace''', (162,67), TL: 7, Yellow Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''Rizace is reasonably notable for its exotic cuisine but plagued by a lethal disease.''
239. '''Bexe''', (233,69), TL: 5, Blue Fat Insects, Communist, ''The planet Bexe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
240. '''Orerle''', (22,0), TL: 11, Harmless Insects, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
241. '''Onrequus''', (44,161), TL: 5, Black Furry Rodents, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
242. '''Atrare''', (72,58), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Atrare is cursed by vicious mountain monkeys.''
243. '''Latile''', (19,174), TL: 6, Red Furry Felines, Dictatorship, ''The planet Latile is reasonably fabled for mud tennis and the Latileian mountain slug.''
244. '''Sotidi''', (110,65), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Sotidi is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
245. '''Eresceon''', (107,109), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Eresceonian spotted cat.''
246. '''Reraxe''', (223,165), TL: 7, Black Horned Birds, Dictatorship, ''The world Reraxe is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and its exotic cuisine.''
247. '''Tezabi''', (37,130), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is noted for its unusual sit coms.''
248. '''Enonedar''', (103,70), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Enonedar is a boring world.''
249. '''Gesolaon''', (10,56), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Gesolaon is very notable for the Gesolaonian tree snake.''
250. '''Anerma''', (159,85), TL: 3, Red Horned Humanoids, Anarchy, ''This world is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
251. '''Enlaonus''', (119,11), TL: 8, Harmless Fat Felines, Feudal, ''Enlaonus is reasonably well known for the Enlaonusian tree grub but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
252. '''Ribiinat''', (72,95), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Ribiinat is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
253. '''Zaxeed''', (17,172), TL: 5, Fierce Yellow Furry Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The planet Zaxeed is cursed by deadly civil war.''
254. '''Anraer''', (160,88), TL: 10, Slimy Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous vicious On brew and Anraerian wolf cutlet.''
255. '''Cetiisqu''', (128,144), TL: 5, Fierce Green Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''The world Cetiisqu is most well known for its vast oceans.''
== Galaxy 6 ==
0. '''Veleeder''', (64,75), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Veleeder is cursed by deadly civil war.''
1. '''Arendi''', (48,184), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but beset by a lethal disease.''
2. '''Arxetige''', (170,237), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Arxetige is fabled for its exciting lethal Es water and the Arxetigeian spotted shrew.''
3. '''Tetied''', (131,23), TL: 6, Green Fat Birds, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat.''
4. '''Telear''', (44,88), TL: 5, Red Fat Birds, Anarchy, ''The world Telear is scourged by a evil disease.''
5. '''Laesusso''', (41,42), TL: 8, Green Bony Birds, Dictatorship, ''The planet Laesusso is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
6. '''Oresmaa''', (39,168), TL: 13, Red Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Oresmaa is scourged by a deadly disease.''
7. '''Zarienla''', (175,107), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
8. '''Soamaxe''', (117,18), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Soamaxe is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms but cursed by a deadly disease.''
9. '''Ismaarbe''', (162,139), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Ismaarbe is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
10. '''Essoza''', (243,202), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Essoza is reasonably noted for mud tennis and the Essozaian mountain lobstoid.''
11. '''Eddi''', (20,132), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
12. '''Dixetiso''', (70,45), TL: 7, Bony Birds, Democracy, ''Dixetiso is most famous for the Dixetisoian deadly monkey and its exotic cuisine.''
13. '''Leonus''', (103,87), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Leonus is a boring planet.''
14. '''Atxeteer''', (233,40), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Atxeteerian edible poet but scourged by frequent civil war.''
15. '''Erisriin''', (80,156), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Erisriin is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
16. '''Usbeus''', (108,222), TL: 4, Small Green Horned Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Usbeus is a boring world.''
17. '''Lerela''', (36,200), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Lerela is scourged by a evil disease.''
18. '''Esgeen''', (5,149), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is a tedious place.''
19. '''Raceed''', (94,50), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Raceed is very famous for its fabulous goat burgers but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
20. '''Aqutebi''', (82,216), TL: 11, Harmless Horned Humanoids, Communist, ''Aqutebi is mildly famous for its vast dense forests and its great parking meters.''
21. '''Iscege''', (102,220), TL: 9, Green Horned Lobsters, Corporate State, ''The world Iscege is a dull world.''
22. '''Esenon''', (99,229), TL: 6, Small Harmless Insects, Multi-Government, ''Esenon is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
23. '''Insoaza''', (155,255), TL: 7, Black Fat Birds, Corporate State, ''Insoaza is famous for Insoazaian wolf cutlet but beset by a evil disease.''
24. '''Anare''', (4,79), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Anare is beset by a evil disease.''
25. '''Veisin''', (152,78), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Veisin is a boring planet.''
26. '''Arvelele''', (64,236), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Arvelele is mildly famous for its unusual casinos and its vast oceans.''
27. '''Orteed''', (193,1), TL: 9, Harmless Slimy Frogs, Communist, ''The world Orteed is reasonably noted for mud tennis and the Orteedian mountain Seoid.''
28. '''Xeesqu''', (46,248), TL: 10, Large Harmless Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
29. '''Mainon''', (7,154), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Mainon is scourged by deadly tree snakes.''
30. '''Xeeden''', (247,127), TL: 3, Large Black Slimy Lizards, Anarchy, ''The world Xeeden is scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
31. '''Qutecete''', (238,114), TL: 8, Yellow Fat Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Qutecete is most famous for the Quteceteian spotted shrew and the Quteceteian edible poet.''
32. '''Rileisis''', (28,5), TL: 1, Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is very fabled for the Rileisisian edible poet.''
33. '''Tetier''', (221,253), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
34. '''Maatis''', (4,112), TL: 9, Small Red Fat Insects, Dictatorship, ''Maatis is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos and its vast oceans.''
35. '''Ariin''', (157,209), TL: 10, Green Fat Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is notable for the Ariinian edible arts graduate and its weird volcanoes.''
36. '''Soaat''', (187,44), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Soaat is a revolting dump.''
37. '''Esgelage''', (40,113), TL: 8, Small Bug-Eyed Lizards, Dictatorship, ''Esgelage is mildly well known for its exotic night life and Esgelageian Oubeouab brandy.''
38. '''Isvetima''', (3,149), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Isvetima is mildly well known for vicious Erma brew.''
39. '''Orteve''', (171,215), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
40. '''Bearrabe''', (150,160), TL: 13, Frogs, Corporate State, ''The world Bearrabe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
41. '''Beanxeat''', (211,180), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Beanxeat is notable for its unusual oceans and the Beanxeatian evil poet.''
42. '''Rexexe''', (177,194), TL: 7, Harmless Bony Humanoids, Feudal, ''The planet Rexexe is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
43. '''Tiinve''', (83,130), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Tiinve is well known for its inhabitants' weird silliness but cursed by dreadful civil war.''
44. '''Teinxear''', (217,22), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Teinxear is beset by a evil disease.''
45. '''Orcees''', (170,66), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Orcees is a n unremarkable planet.''
46. '''Edmainer''', (232,201), TL: 8, Red Bug-Eyed Frogs, Communist, ''Edmainer is very notable for the Edmainerian tree grub.''
47. '''Esbileat''', (48,12), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Esbileat is scourged by a deadly disease.''
48. '''Ormala''', (81,193), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting vacuum karate.''
49. '''Anma''', (90,85), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Anma is a dull place.''
50. '''Enqura''', (166,128), TL: 13, Green Rodents, Corporate State, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos and the Enquraian evil Beabbeaboid.''
51. '''Azara''', (65,244), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
52. '''Xemadi''', (104,84), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Xemadiian edible poet and mud tennis.''
53. '''Orbequso''', (109,235), TL: 9, Blue Insects, Corporate State, ''This world is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
54. '''Latibe''', (7,186), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Latibeian Zainnu tulip plantations but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
55. '''Estebiin''', (223,243), TL: 11, Small Red Fat Humanoids, Corporate State, ''Estebiin is a revolting dump.''
56. '''Axeon''', (44,6), TL: 3, Red Horned Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''The planet Axeon is scourged by a deadly disease.''
57. '''Racemace''', (82,191), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
58. '''Tiessous''', (69,75), TL: 8, Green Frogs, Confederacy, ''The planet Tiessous is very famous for Tiessousian wolf cutlet but plagued by a lethal disease.''
59. '''Edsous''', (200,7), TL: 2, Blue Insects, Communist, ''The planet Edsous is mildly notable for Edsousian Lo water.''
60. '''Ormadi''', (73,136), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Ormadi is very famous for its exotic goat meat but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
61. '''Mamaus''', (82,77), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is very notable for the Mamausian edible moth.''
62. '''Enorar''', (190,8), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
63. '''Aniseres''', (23,106), TL: 9, Red Furry Rodents, Feudal, ''The planet Aniseres is cursed by deadly civil war.''
64. '''Tiatenqu''', (9,16), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
65. '''Rimaza''', (154,210), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
66. '''Isaanus''', (237,196), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Isaanus is reasonably fabled for its exciting Isaanusian lethal brandy and its exotic night life.''
67. '''Enveat''', (72,155), TL: 7, Green Bony Humanoids, Democracy, ''The planet Enveat is famous for Enveatian wolf meat but beset by deadly edible moths.''
68. '''Ledius''', (90,81), TL: 6, Large Harmless Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''This world is mildly famous for its unusual sit coms and the Lediusian spotted shrew.''
69. '''Direbea''', (55,72), TL: 12, Rodents, Dictatorship, ''Direbea is mildly well known for Direbeaian wolf meat and its unusual oceans.''
70. '''Erbebeti''', (111,83), TL: 10, Green Fat Birds, Democracy, ''The world Erbebeti is a dull world.''
71. '''Riesonso''', (55,83), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Riesonso is a boring planet.''
72. '''Ervedira''', (199,127), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by vicious killer cats.''
73. '''Oranesri''', (20,109), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Oranesri is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
74. '''Zainer''', (254,137), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Zainer is very fabled for its ancient Thinsea' tulip plantations.''
75. '''Riare''', (33,144), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Riare is scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
76. '''Qubiisis''', (124,78), TL: 4, Harmless Horned Birds, Democracy, ''The planet Qubiisis is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
77. '''Letean''', (253,189), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Letean is most famous for its pink Noge plant plantations and its unusual oceans.''
78. '''Erzainle''', (120,59), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Erzainle is reasonably well known for the Erzainleian tree grub but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
79. '''Enbece''', (161,140), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Enbece is a n unremarkable dump.''
80. '''Orbeen''', (69,243), TL: 8, Insects, Confederacy, ''The planet Orbeen is cursed by killer mountain lobstoids.''
81. '''Cetite''', (159,114), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
82. '''Inlebi''', (216,60), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Inlebi is mildly well known for its exotic night life.''
83. '''Qubele''', (179,198), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and its fabulous cuisine.''
84. '''Zalaarce''', (143,33), TL: 11, Fierce Red Felines, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Zalaarceian edible poet and Zalaarceian evil juice.''
85. '''Celaan''', (133,138), TL: 10, Fierce Rodents, Corporate State, ''The world Celaan is a boring world.''
86. '''Ermati''', (59,96), TL: 11, Black Bony Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This planet is noted for its fabulous goat soup.''
87. '''Vexeince''', (179,247), TL: 7, Fat Felines, Corporate State, ''The world Vexeince is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
88. '''Rabi''', (101,12), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Rabi is very noted for its unusual sit coms but ravaged by vicious vicious Alzaats.''
89. '''Xeisanan''', (27,192), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Xeisanan is scourged by killer edible poets.''
90. '''Lainisri''', (219,123), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Lainisri is most famous for its pink oceans.''
91. '''Sogees''', (94,29), TL: 6, Fierce Yellow Bony Felines, Communist, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Sogeesian evil Stoid.''
92. '''Onteer''', (115,105), TL: 10, Black Horned Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''Onteer is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
93. '''Anorxe''', (173,144), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Anorxe is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
94. '''Ataren''', (22,98), TL: 7, Blue Fat Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The world Ataren is very famous for its unusual casinos but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
95. '''Inrearbi''', (207,114), TL: 9, Red Furry Humanoids, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious place.''
96. '''Onertius''', (6,106), TL: 8, Fat Insects, Feudal, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
97. '''Eraso''', (104,55), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Eraso is very noted for its exciting sit coms but ravaged by vicious killer cats.''
98. '''Rirelaxe''', (103,231), TL: 5, Slimy Lizards, Dictatorship, ''The planet Rirelaxe is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms but cursed by a deadly disease.''
99. '''Ceisce''', (130,117), TL: 7, Fierce Red Rodents, Democracy, ''This planet is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
100. '''Inqua''', (9,197), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
101. '''Leusar''', (86,175), TL: 4, Large Bug-Eyed Lizards, Dictatorship, ''Leusar is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
102. '''Raonbe''', (106,224), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Raonbe is a dull world.''
103. '''Bebidiso''', (83,223), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
104. '''Teenvece''', (7,173), TL: 9, Blue Horned Lizards, Corporate State, ''The world Teenvece is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
105. '''Ainlete''', (101,182), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is noted for mud hockey.''
106. '''Essore''', (220,33), TL: 5, Small Blue Furry Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Essore is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
107. '''Laxeti''', (127,174), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Laxeti is cursed by vicious killer shrews.''
108. '''Esausle''', (47,215), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
109. '''Orxete''', (97,200), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Orxete is very noted for its unusual sit coms but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
110. '''Tiintele''', (152,124), TL: 5, Red Fat Insects, Communist, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
111. '''Maesvear''', (161,28), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for the Maesvearian edible moth and its great dense forests.''
112. '''Araron''', (74,118), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is fabled for its ancient Araronian Re tulip plantations.''
113. '''Onbeso''', (244,31), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Onbeso is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its unusual dense forests.''
114. '''Latius''', (154,199), TL: 6, Furry Felines, Corporate State, ''The world Latius is most well known for its great parking meters.''
115. '''Labeis''', (181,168), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Labeis is a boring world.''
116. '''Tianorin''', (198,61), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
117. '''Lesolari''', (172,185), TL: 10, Large Blue Furry Felines, Corporate State, ''Lesolari is reasonably well known for the Lesolariian spotted wolf but beset by frequent civil war.''
118. '''Teerma''', (254,213), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for its exciting its exotic fish cutlet but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
119. '''Betigere''', (23,11), TL: 11, Black Fat Insects, Corporate State, ''This planet is most fabled for Betigereian Es brandy but cursed by deadly civil war.''
120. '''Usquat''', (174,99), TL: 8, Small Furry Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''The world Usquat is reasonably famous for the Usquatian evil arts graduate.''
121. '''Biqule''', (244,81), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Biqule is very fabled for the Biquleian mountain poet.''
122. '''Xeongeza''', (1,122), TL: 9, Large Bony Humanoids, Confederacy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
123. '''Bireor''', (132,67), TL: 6, Fierce Red Frogs, Communist, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting Zero-G cricket.''
124. '''Verige''', (174,153), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
125. '''Antima''', (24,99), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Antima is mildly well known for Antimaian vicious brew.''
126. '''Lemaar''', (254,139), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
127. '''Dierlabe''', (23,138), TL: 9, Red Furry Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Dierlabe is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat soup and mud tennis.''
128. '''Edince''', (19,21), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Edince is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
129. '''Engean''', (69,44), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is fabled for its ancient Engeanian On banana plantations.''
130. '''Erisonin''', (113,219), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is fabled for its unusual tropical forests and its exciting sit coms.''
131. '''Usraar''', (76,95), TL: 3, Small Yellow Bony Lobsters, Democracy, ''The world Usraar is a dull world.''
132. '''Biedbi''', (199,138), TL: 8, Fierce Yellow Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''Biedbi is a revolting little planet.''
133. '''Ceenrive''', (134,166), TL: 5, Fierce Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''The planet Ceenrive is a n unremarkable dump.''
134. '''Sotean''', (246,62), TL: 6, Fierce Red Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''Sotean is mildly notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
135. '''Edbeined''', (0,123), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is a tedious place.''
136. '''Orriaso''', (88,44), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Orriaso is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
137. '''Lainusar''', (199,143), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Lainusar is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and its fabulous cuisine.''
138. '''Onente''', (74,136), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Onente is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
139. '''Tecea''', (109,220), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Tecea is a boring planet.''
140. '''Soesgera''', (241,175), TL: 4, Fierce Frogs, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great tropical forests but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
141. '''Leedre''', (212,99), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Leedre is beset by a evil disease.''
142. '''Aceteat''', (72,142), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Aceteat is most noted for the Aceteatian evil poet and Aceteatian lethal brandy.''
143. '''Raxeuson''', (49,188), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
144. '''Arente''', (95,72), TL: 13, Small Red Frogs, Confederacy, ''The world Arente is a dull world.''
145. '''Esonge''', (89,92), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness and its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
146. '''Ariqu''', (236,35), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Ariqu is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
147. '''Xear''', (71,154), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Xear is a boring planet.''
148. '''Oratedge''', (13,170), TL: 8, Rodents, Communist, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
149. '''Diesanen''', (227,120), TL: 14, Bony Birds, Corporate State, ''This world is most notable for Diesanenian lethal brandy but beset by a evil disease.''
150. '''Ticea''', (82,27), TL: 7, Harmless Bug-Eyed Birds, Multi-Government, ''Ticea is mildly famous for its pink Ticeaian Indi Indiweed plantations and its exciting sit coms.''
151. '''Teesso''', (12,47), TL: 4, Large Blue Bony Lobsters, Corporate State, ''The world Teesso is scourged by deadly tree ants.''
152. '''Dirien''', (7,9), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is most fabled for Dirienian Bein brandy but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
153. '''Reriarti''', (221,114), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by a killer disease.''
154. '''Leorqu''', (183,74), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Leorqu is a revolting little planet.''
155. '''Laesqu''', (58,121), TL: 10, Green Bony Birds, Communist, ''The planet Laesqu is scourged by a deadly disease.''
156. '''Teerbi''', (249,26), TL: 7, Bony Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is a tedious place.''
157. '''Macece''', (148,198), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
158. '''Anen''', (118,133), TL: 2, Large Harmless Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''Anen is cursed by deadly civil war.''
159. '''Rileaa''', (239,178), TL: 9, Red Furry Insects, Feudal, ''Rileaa is mildly well known for vicious Thal gargle blasters.''
160. '''Aten''', (47,15), TL: 4, Large Red Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''The planet Aten is scourged by killer edible talking treeoids.''
161. '''Zausri''', (50,177), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Zausri is very famous for its unusual casinos but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
162. '''Atanorbi''', (11,158), TL: 6, Furry Felines, Dictatorship, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
163. '''Ananri''', (166,89), TL: 11, Blue Lizards, Democracy, ''Ananri is famous for Ananriian wolf cutlet but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
164. '''Atbidi''', (150,158), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Atbidi is a n unremarkable planet.''
165. '''Orinmaen''', (197,45), TL: 5, Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' weird shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
166. '''Maessote''', (18,107), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Maessote is scourged by killer mountain goats.''
167. '''Diatquor''', (60,39), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Diatquor is very famous for its exotic goat meat but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
168. '''Ceoreded''', (185,250), TL: 10, Fierce Yellow Bony Birds, Corporate State, ''This world is reasonably well known for its vast oceans but ravaged by lethal spotted yaks.''
169. '''Mateus''', (56,248), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Mateus is very famous for Mateusian wolf meat but scourged by frequent civil war.''
170. '''Zadiqu''', (72,192), TL: 6, Fierce Blue Slimy Rodents, Feudal, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
171. '''Beored''', (236,26), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Beored is reasonably noted for its exotic fish meat and its exciting sit coms.''
172. '''Vebereti''', (196,216), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly civil war.''
173. '''Orria''', (87,142), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is mildly well known for Orriaian wolf cutlet and its unusual oceans.''
174. '''Vereinat''', (135,111), TL: 5, Blue Slimy Lizards, Communist, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
175. '''Dimamaza''', (81,108), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Dimamaza is a boring planet.''
176. '''Anares''', (132,107), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Anares is a boring planet.''
177. '''Getere''', (207,41), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Getere is notable for the Getereian tree grub and its inhabitants' weird silliness.''
178. '''Edlate''', (205,78), TL: 6, Bony Lobsters, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
179. '''Anlebi''', (106,156), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Anlebi is a boring planet.''
180. '''Intisoar''', (99,102), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Intisoar is cursed by killer edible talking treeoids.''
181. '''Esteerve''', (42,199), TL: 6, Small Black Furry Felines, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull place.''
182. '''Gearge''', (54,48), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Gearge is most famous for its pink oceans and its exciting sit coms.''
183. '''Isata''', (144,99), TL: 8, Red Bony Birds, Corporate State, ''This world is very well known for Isataian shrew cutlet and the Isataian tree grub.''
184. '''Leatge''', (111,0), TL: 12, Large Harmless Rodents, Dictatorship, ''Leatge is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
185. '''Inbieste''', (215,35), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic night life but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
186. '''Diraonle''', (252,233), TL: 9, Furry Felines, Confederacy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
187. '''Raraar''', (129,191), TL: 3, Green Felines, Communist, ''The world Raraar is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
188. '''Beenor''', (84,234), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness and Beenorian Itusmaal brandy.''
189. '''Mazare''', (31,185), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
190. '''Ertear''', (125,78), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness and Ertearian Le water.''
191. '''Onxequte''', (88,234), TL: 6, Yellow Horned Humanoids, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its fabulous monkey steak.''
192. '''Orerbia''', (92,90), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat burgers.''
193. '''Biteen''', (47,198), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Biteen is reasonably noted for mud tennis and its unusual sit coms.''
194. '''Geargeat''', (52,50), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Geargeat is a boring planet.''
195. '''Ribege''', (145,99), TL: 8, Harmless Horned Birds, Democracy, ''The planet Ribege is a n unremarkable planet.''
196. '''Mazaza''', (117,3), TL: 5, Small Red Frogs, Anarchy, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
197. '''Istiesri''', (20,68), TL: 5, Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''Istiesri is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions.''
198. '''Ribigeus''', (190,105), TL: 11, Blue Frogs, Democracy, ''The planet Ribigeus is a boring world.''
199. '''Enriorar''', (8,227), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is mildly noted for its pink Bi plant plantations but plagued by a lethal disease.''
200. '''Xeceator''', (42,25), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is very fabled for its weird tropical forests.''
201. '''Attesola''', (185,241), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Attesola is most famous for the Attesolaian spotted shrew.''
202. '''Qutius''', (213,199), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly civil war.''
203. '''Quteer''', (250,104), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
204. '''Radiesar''', (167,80), TL: 13, Yellow Insects, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its fabulous cuisine but plagued by evil spotted cats.''
205. '''Lelale''', (234,73), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Lelale is reasonably fabled for its exciting Zero-G cricket and its fabulous cuisine.''
206. '''Resoinxe''', (87,33), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Resoinxe is a boring world.''
207. '''Veceised''', (2,44), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
208. '''Anenbi''', (184,221), TL: 5, Black Furry Rodents, Confederacy, ''The planet Anenbi is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
209. '''Diusar''', (84,134), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Diusar is very noted for its unusual sit coms but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
210. '''Entere''', (63,74), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
211. '''Bierbe''', (28,174), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
212. '''Reinbixe''', (202,115), TL: 8, Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Reinbixeian tree wolf and its pink oceans.''
213. '''Larivear''', (130,166), TL: 7, Red Fat Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This planet is fabled for its unusual tropical forests and its exciting Larivearian evil brandy.''
214. '''Ririso''', (170,22), TL: 4, Green Fat Felines, Multi-Government, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
215. '''Artibius''', (164,167), TL: 4, Small Red Bony Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
216. '''Bilaza''', (232,70), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Bilaza is beset by a evil disease.''
217. '''Qurioren''', (224,100), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
218. '''Matilati''', (210,89), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Matilati is most famous for the Matilatiian deadly lobstoid.''
219. '''Geerma''', (87,21), TL: 7, Large Red Horned Humanoids, Communist, ''The world Geerma is a boring planet.''
220. '''Orgete''', (190,11), TL: 7, Yellow Furry Felines, Multi-Government, ''Orgete is a revolting little planet.''
221. '''Anenus''', (186,60), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
222. '''Adien''', (21,232), TL: 6, Green Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''Adien is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos and its vast dense forests.''
223. '''Erberaor''', (80,50), TL: 6, Black Horned Lizards, Feudal, ''This world is very notable for the Erberaorian tree grub.''
224. '''Leamais''', (153,244), TL: 3, Large Harmless Furry Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Leamais is a n unremarkable dump.''
225. '''Edla''', (61,107), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Edla is most famous for its pink Edlaian Thno Thnoweed plantations and Zero-G hockey.''
226. '''Zaesisma''', (238,149), TL: 6, Fierce Green Bony Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
227. '''Atquti''', (11,125), TL: 8, Green Insects, Democracy, ''Atquti is mildly well known for killer Xeones gargle blasters.''
228. '''Veatma''', (100,183), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Veatma is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
229. '''Atatveor''', (115,235), TL: 9, Red Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
230. '''Xebeaza''', (249,54), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is most fabled for mud hockey but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
231. '''Soansoar''', (100,175), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Soansoar is a boring planet.''
232. '''Relequar''', (170,135), TL: 6, Yellow Furry Insects, Corporate State, ''This world is reasonably notable for its fabulous cuisine but beset by evil tree snakes.''
233. '''Sodionbe''', (74,122), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Sodionbe is a dull world.''
234. '''Onenbi''', (243,159), TL: 4, Black Fat Insects, Feudal, ''The world Onenbi is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
235. '''Ataor''', (152,198), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Ataor is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders but scourged by frequent civil war.''
236. '''Geverare''', (154,25), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Geverare is a n unremarkable dump.''
237. '''Oranxe''', (142,148), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Oranxe is cursed by vicious vicious ants.''
238. '''Laatexe''', (183,162), TL: 10, Furry Felines, Communist, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms.''
239. '''Areis''', (66,252), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
240. '''Inesbe''', (253,160), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Inesbe is scourged by killer mountain monkeys.''
241. '''Sozala''', (233,115), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Sozala is most famous for the Sozalaian deadly Inonbeoid and the Sozalaian deadly monkey.''
242. '''Anener''', (65,21), TL: 7, Green Fat Insects, Corporate State, ''The planet Anener is famous for Anenerian wolf meat but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
243. '''Leera''', (94,208), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly famous for its pink oceans and its exotic fish meat.''
244. '''Leenlaes''', (65,207), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Leenlaes is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its unusual tropical forests.''
245. '''Atermadi''', (233,21), TL: 7, Fat Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This world is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
246. '''Argean''', (173,203), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Argean is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
247. '''Soinisat''', (72,251), TL: 8, Fierce Red Bony Felines, Corporate State, ''The world Soinisat is very noted for its pink oceans but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
248. '''Quesla''', (113,221), TL: 5, Harmless Fat Felines, Dictatorship, ''Quesla is reasonably well known for the Queslaian tree grub but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
249. '''Edsoeded''', (249,53), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Edsoeded is mildly well known for its hoopy night life.''
250. '''Edaranis''', (56,152), TL: 10, Red Slimy Rodents, Confederacy, ''The world Edaranis is very famous for its unusual casinos but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
251. '''Xeanan''', (189,123), TL: 7, Large Yellow Rodents, Communist, ''This world is reasonably well known for the Xeananian tree ant but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
252. '''Ercea''', (57,123), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Ercea is very famous for its fabulous monkey burgers but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
253. '''Anerat''', (101,79), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Anerat is ravaged by frequent solar activity.''
254. '''Onrear''', (61,81), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Onrear is most noted for the Onrearian deadly Gestesoid and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms.''
255. '''Atlaonbi''', (216,138), TL: 6, Horned Lobsters, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
== Galaxy 7 ==
0. '''Dizaen''', (128,150), TL: 2, Insects, Multi-Government, ''The world Dizaen is a boring world.''
1. '''Anenen''', (100,114), TL: 8, Frogs, Confederacy, ''The planet Anenen is well known for its inhabitants' weird silliness but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
2. '''Ceor''', (128,242), TL: 9, Fierce Red Horned Lobsters, Corporate State, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G cricket.''
3. '''Ededer''', (255,64), TL: 12, Insects, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
4. '''Artesore''', (225,240), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most fabled for mud hockey but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
5. '''Enususge''', (46,135), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull world.''
6. '''Raedre''', (99,200), TL: 13, Yellow Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G cricket.''
7. '''Sorezaan''', (14,56), TL: 12, Fierce Frogs, Democracy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
8. '''Aaored''', (187,228), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The world Aaored is most famous for the Aaoredian deadly monkey.''
9. '''Lebedixe''', (184,185), TL: 5, Large Bug-Eyed Lizards, Feudal, ''The world Lebedixe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists.''
10. '''Gebequat''', (162,173), TL: 6, Large Black Lizards, Dictatorship, ''Gebequat is famous for Gebequatian wolf cutlet but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
11. '''Onaran''', (81,250), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Onaran is very noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by a vicious disease.''
12. '''Inre''', (101,219), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Inre is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
13. '''Eszausve''', (154,0), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Eszausve is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but ravaged by lethal spotted craboids.''
14. '''Gexean''', (246,72), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Gexean is reasonably noted for mud tennis and its ancient mountains.''
15. '''Onteised''', (1,251), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but plagued by a lethal disease.''
16. '''Enusbe''', (120,61), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very notable for the Enusbeian tree snake and its unusual casinos.''
17. '''Esarxeve''', (45,211), TL: 8, Small Green Insects, Confederacy, ''The planet Esarxeve is reasonably fabled for mud tennis and its ancient mountains.''
18. '''Geteve''', (86,66), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy casinos and its hoopy casinos.''
19. '''Sobeer''', (21,54), TL: 4, Fierce Black Bony Felines, Communist, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Sobeerian mountain slug but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
20. '''Erdiares''', (204,112), TL: 5, Green Fat Birds, Anarchy, ''This world is most fabled for Erdiaresian evil juice but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
21. '''Xevexean''', (137,42), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Xevexean is reasonably famous for the Xevexeanian evil talking treeoid.''
22. '''Raatbi''', (251,66), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
23. '''Edoned''', (70,32), TL: 12, Black Felines, Democracy, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
24. '''Tiarice''', (120,223), TL: 3, Yellow Lizards, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
25. '''Betierte''', (133,126), TL: 3, Harmless Bony Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Betierte is famous for Betierteian shrew cutlet but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
26. '''Ceenrama''', (92,240), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Ceenrama is very noted for its exciting Zero-G cricket but cursed by deadly civil war.''
27. '''Enener''', (11,180), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Enener is mildly well known for killer Xeones gargle blasters.''
28. '''Veanso''', (212,240), TL: 9, Black Fat Felines, Communist, ''The world Veanso is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
29. '''Isriveen''', (186,199), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Isriveen is notable for its unusual oceans and its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists.''
30. '''Bireso''', (50,246), TL: 4, Fierce Black Fat Felines, Feudal, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
31. '''Raormaor''', (157,103), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Raormaor is a boring planet.''
32. '''Rigete''', (121,11), TL: 6, Red Horned Birds, Multi-Government, ''This planet is fabled for its ancient Rigeteian On banana plantations.''
33. '''Onanorra''', (127,124), TL: 9, Harmless Bony Felines, Confederacy, ''The planet Onanorra is famous for its fabulous monkey burgers but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
34. '''Usvera''', (116,249), TL: 10, Small Red Furry Humanoids, Corporate State, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
35. '''Ribior''', (243,52), TL: 8, Harmless Frogs, Communist, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Ribiorian mountain slug but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
36. '''Ontilain''', (63,153), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is mildly well known for killer A'a'arbi gargle blasters and its ancient Ontilainian A'a'arbi banana plantations.''
37. '''Qutegequ''', (236,149), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Qutegequ is a revolting dump.''
38. '''Anquerbi''', (90,163), TL: 9, Black Bug-Eyed Birds, Confederacy, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy night life and its fabulous cuisine.''
39. '''Ateslete''', (198,144), TL: 12, Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
40. '''Usbimaqu''', (60,1), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
41. '''Dirateri''', (218,139), TL: 7, Red Bug-Eyed Lizards, Feudal, ''Dirateri is a revolting dump.''
42. '''Reesvere''', (94,156), TL: 7, Black Horned Birds, Dictatorship, ''This world is mildly well known for Reesvereian wolf cutlet and its unusual oceans.''
43. '''Diatin''', (142,118), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Diatin is reasonably well known for the Diatinian tree grub but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
44. '''Esleve''', (203,172), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but scourged by deadly civil war.''
45. '''Orermala''', (225,86), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
46. '''Enbean''', (53,139), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual dense forests.''
47. '''Atrexexe''', (129,91), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is very well known for Atrexexeian vicious brew and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
48. '''Betidi''', (130,2), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Betidi is famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
49. '''Isgeoror''', (88,109), TL: 5, Furry Felines, Confederacy, ''The planet Isgeoror is very famous for its fabulous goat soup but ravaged by lethal spotted snails.''
50. '''Veesqu''', (217,25), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Veesqu is scourged by a deadly disease.''
51. '''Isenes''', (154,58), TL: 9, Blue Slimy Frogs, Communist, ''Isenes is reasonably well known for the Isenesian tree wolf but scourged by dreadful earthquakes.''
52. '''Laorusti''', (57,105), TL: 5, Slimy Frogs, Anarchy, ''Laorusti is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
53. '''Quandixe''', (87,200), TL: 14, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Quandixe is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
54. '''Maanusre''', (130,237), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions and its great parking meters.''
55. '''Enarines''', (142,136), TL: 12, Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Enarines is a boring world.''
56. '''Veed''', (9,76), TL: 7, Large Yellow Furry Humanoids, Democracy, ''The planet Veed is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
57. '''Ausaso''', (184,224), TL: 6, Red Slimy Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is most fabled for Ausasoian Leth brandy but cursed by deadly civil war.''
58. '''Eded''', (167,175), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
59. '''Erusat''', (216,64), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Erusat is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
60. '''Geondi''', (74,17), TL: 10, Large Green Bony Felines, Communist, ''The planet Geondi is scourged by a deadly disease.''
61. '''Isanesle''', (16,173), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Isanesle is most famous for its vast oceans and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
62. '''Ceerti''', (1,9), TL: 6, Fierce Slimy Frogs, Feudal, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
63. '''Vetebe''', (174,215), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Vetebe is a revolting little planet.''
64. '''Agebi''', (147,32), TL: 11, Harmless Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''The planet Agebi is a n unremarkable dump.''
65. '''Gegeso''', (185,166), TL: 5, Large Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Gegeso is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat burgers and the Gegesoian evil poet.''
66. '''Maraus''', (135,160), TL: 14, Small Yellow Lizards, Corporate State, ''This world is very well known for Marausian shrew cutlet and the Marausian edible grub.''
67. '''Zalaxe''', (8,72), TL: 9, Fierce Slimy Rodents, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
68. '''Rabegema''', (188,226), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Rabegema is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos.''
69. '''Xeatrien''', (203,195), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
70. '''Xebeuson''', (114,30), TL: 6, Large Green Fat Felines, Confederacy, ''The world Xebeuson is a boring world.''
71. '''Angeriri''', (159,8), TL: 13, Red Lizards, Democracy, ''This world is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
72. '''Leriisis''', (222,190), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Leriisis is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders and its fabulous cuisine.''
73. '''Orramaor''', (29,125), TL: 2, Harmless Slimy Frogs, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
74. '''Orrienar''', (57,43), TL: 7, Harmless Horned Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
75. '''Antiis''', (234,18), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Antiis is a revolting dump.''
76. '''Bilain''', (80,29), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is fabled for its unusual dense forests.''
77. '''Esisrela''', (71,204), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Esisrela is scourged by a evil disease.''
78. '''Lecean''', (149,110), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is very notable for the Leceanian tree ant and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of sit coms.''
79. '''Gelesoma''', (34,219), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Gelesoma is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
80. '''Rasoso''', (171,103), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
81. '''Ataneris''', (162,39), TL: 5, Green Furry Felines, Confederacy, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and the Atanerisian edible moth.''
82. '''Estiri''', (125,144), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Estiri is a boring world.''
83. '''Beerxe''', (62,94), TL: 5, Black Slimy Lobsters, Communist, ''This world is noted for its unusual sit coms.''
84. '''Quzabibi''', (199,2), TL: 8, Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
85. '''Enonedar''', (70,134), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is fabled for its ancient mountains.''
86. '''Xezaerti''', (42,56), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is very fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
87. '''Inlaoran''', (247,16), TL: 13, Red Insects, Democracy, ''Inlaoran is mildly notable for Inlaoranian evil juice.''
88. '''Esrixear''', (187,89), TL: 12, Small Yellow Horned Lobsters, Democracy, ''Esrixear is reasonably well known for the Esrixearian spotted wolf but beset by deadly solar activity.''
89. '''Maedrebe''', (10,98), TL: 8, Small Slimy Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious place.''
90. '''Anisinza''', (19,14), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Anisinza is scourged by a deadly disease.''
91. '''Reonen''', (196,236), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but plagued by lethal spotted batoids.''
92. '''Erxebe''', (223,210), TL: 10, Black Furry Humanoids, Communist, ''The world Erxebe is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
93. '''Istiteat''', (135,179), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Istiteat is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
94. '''Zaatso''', (241,188), TL: 3, Fierce Blue Furry Humanoids, Feudal, ''The planet Zaatso is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its great volcanoes.''
95. '''Edrilain''', (222,103), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Edrilain is mildly notable for Edrilainian lethal water.''
96. '''Xeer''', (204,213), TL: 3, Large Yellow Bug-Eyed Frogs, Multi-Government, ''Xeer is a revolting little planet.''
97. '''Soinsoan''', (20,240), TL: 10, Fierce Fat Insects, Confederacy, ''This world is very fabled for its unusual tropical forests.''
98. '''Reatte''', (187,231), TL: 7, Black Fat Felines, Corporate State, ''The planet Reatte is mildly notable for Reatteian lethal brandy.''
99. '''Argema''', (60,124), TL: 5, Small Slimy Lizards, Communist, ''Argema is most noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists and its great tropical forests.''
100. '''Esreates''', (90,203), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Esreates is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
101. '''Arceores''', (201,17), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Arceores is notable for the Arceoresian edible arts graduate and its great volcanoes.''
102. '''Esditi''', (169,57), TL: 10, Small Black Slimy Frogs, Confederacy, ''The planet Esditi is a n unremarkable dump.''
103. '''Cerianon''', (151,160), TL: 13, Fierce Harmless Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Cerianon is a n unremarkable dump.''
104. '''Qulaaon''', (159,27), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Qulaaon is a n unremarkable dump.''
105. '''Celaqula''', (127,143), TL: 4, Fierce Blue Slimy Frogs, Feudal, ''This world is mildly famous for its unusual sit coms and the Celaqulaian spotted wolf.''
106. '''Zarareso''', (53,90), TL: 8, Fierce Green Insects, Dictatorship, ''The planet Zarareso is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
107. '''Esrire''', (103,206), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Esrire is cursed by killer edible arts graduates.''
108. '''Geusxe''', (246,46), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Geusxe is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
109. '''Oresatra''', (206,98), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Oresatra is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine.''
110. '''Ervean''', (20,241), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
111. '''Labeinla''', (226,123), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
112. '''Lavele''', (245,108), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is most notable for its fabulous Rearce juice but plagued by a lethal disease.''
113. '''Ceraso''', (13,1), TL: 10, Fierce Yellow Fat Humanoids, Confederacy, ''The planet Ceraso is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
114. '''Tezaxe''', (64,167), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Tezaxe is mildly noted for the Tezaxeian mountain lobstoid but beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
115. '''Esaan''', (3,162), TL: 10, Small Bug-Eyed Lizards, Communist, ''This world is a tedious place.''
116. '''Onerzara''', (116,59), TL: 4, Green Lizards, Anarchy, ''The world Onerzara is reasonably famous for the Onerzaraian spotted shrew.''
117. '''Arzageat''', (84,100), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is very notable for the Arzageatian tree snake and Arzageatian shrew cutlet.''
118. '''Orreedon''', (241,35), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Orreedon is most famous for the Orreedonian deadly goat and its pink Orreedonian Re Reweed plantations.''
119. '''Bionbiin''', (127,184), TL: 13, Fierce Harmless Frogs, Democracy, ''Bionbiin is well known for the Bionbiinian tree ant but cursed by vicious mountain beasts.''
120. '''Encezais''', (140,6), TL: 4, Blue Horned Birds, Democracy, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
121. '''Soesdiri''', (125,4), TL: 3, Fierce Black Bug-Eyed Birds, Feudal, ''Soesdiri is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
122. '''Vegeedat''', (158,13), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Vegeedat is a boring world.''
123. '''Inlabe''', (209,184), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
124. '''Isbior''', (149,51), TL: 7, Red Insects, Communist, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
125. '''Israa''', (29,217), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Israa is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and Israaian lethal brandy.''
126. '''Gebeti''', (0,15), TL: 1, Large Green Lizards, Feudal, ''Gebeti is very fabled for its ancient Gebetiian Et banana plantations.''
127. '''Qulearbi''', (47,23), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Qulearbi is mildly noted for the Qulearbiian mountain lobstoid but beset by frequent solar activity.''
128. '''Atxequ''', (38,42), TL: 8, Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''Atxequ is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos and its exotic night life.''
129. '''Mararere''', (142,90), TL: 10, Small Red Fat Insects, Confederacy, ''This planet is very notable for the Mararereian edible grub and the Mararereian tree wolf.''
130. '''Ataer''', (14,206), TL: 7, Slimy Frogs, Corporate State, ''Ataer is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
131. '''Erenra''', (145,208), TL: 10, Red Bug-Eyed Frogs, Communist, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and vicious Mare brew.''
132. '''Riaronus''', (23,84), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Riaronus is mildly well known for vicious Iliton brew.''
133. '''Enqurale''', (232,127), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is mildly fabled for the Enquraleian mountain poet but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
134. '''Erbieder''', (1,244), TL: 7, Red Furry Humanoids, Confederacy, ''Erbieder is most famous for its vast dense forests and its fabulous cuisine.''
135. '''Aededle''', (176,88), TL: 10, Red Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
136. '''Bedilexe''', (129,24), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Bedilexe is a n unremarkable planet.''
137. '''Atlaeser''', (2,193), TL: 7, Red Bony Birds, Feudal, ''The planet Atlaeser is most famous for its vast dense forests and its great parking meters.''
138. '''Aesarge''', (80,41), TL: 8, Blue Bug-Eyed Birds, Dictatorship, ''This planet is noted for its exotic fish meat.''
139. '''Tizaon''', (3,170), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is mildly noted for its pink oceans but scourged by dreadful earthquakes.''
140. '''Teed''', (187,223), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Teedian edible moth and the Teedian edible arts graduate.''
141. '''Esverara''', (116,24), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Esverara is a dull world.''
142. '''Onusan''', (180,20), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Onusan is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of casinos but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
143. '''Sobiatri''', (195,59), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is reasonably notable for its fabulous cuisine but beset by evil tree snakes.''
144. '''Vebian''', (94,17), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly famous for its hoopy night life and its exotic cuisine.''
145. '''Orinriza''', (151,251), TL: 10, Black Fat Humanoids, Confederacy, ''Orinriza is famous for its exotic fish meat but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
146. '''Aenbi''', (36,94), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
147. '''Ondira''', (231,6), TL: 6, Green Bug-Eyed Birds, Communist, ''Ondira is a revolting dump.''
148. '''Zaanxege''', (66,20), TL: 3, Fierce Blue Felines, Anarchy, ''This planet is a dull place.''
149. '''Xeusreor''', (131,98), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Xeusreor is well known for the Xeusreorian tree wolf but scourged by deadly solar activity.''
150. '''Ertius''', (217,174), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but scourged by frequent civil war.''
151. '''Arberi''', (40,128), TL: 10, Large Yellow Slimy Rodents, Democracy, ''The world Arberi is scourged by a evil disease.''
152. '''Andibia''', (126,83), TL: 9, Harmless Furry Rodents, Democracy, ''The planet Andibia is famous for Andibiaian wolf meat but beset by deadly edible moths.''
153. '''Georinar''', (15,198), TL: 5, Large Blue Bug-Eyed Birds, Feudal, ''The world Georinar is scourged by a evil disease.''
154. '''Atuszais''', (74,172), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Atuszais is mildly fabled for the Atuszaisian mountain slug but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
155. '''Arinra''', (253,164), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most notable for its fabulous cuisine but plagued by lethal spotted batoids.''
156. '''Areson''', (106,52), TL: 7, Small Green Rodents, Communist, ''The world Areson is a boring world.''
157. '''Iserxeer''', (212,31), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Iserxeer is reasonably noted for Zero-G hockey and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
158. '''Xeraso''', (48,2), TL: 6, Large Horned Birds, Feudal, ''This world is very notable for the Xerasoian edible moth.''
159. '''Tegeonon''', (159,231), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Tegeonon is well known for its inhabitants' weird silliness but cursed by deadly civil war.''
160. '''Xeleza''', (159,31), TL: 4, Large Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The planet Xeleza is mildly notable for killer Nustza juice.''
161. '''Aislaxe''', (41,228), TL: 7, Black Furry Rodents, Confederacy, ''This planet is a tedious place.''
162. '''Rainza''', (130,85), TL: 8, Blue Insects, Corporate State, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
163. '''Veis''', (5,68), TL: 6, Black Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Communist, ''This planet is mildly noted for its pink Arit tulip plantations but plagued by a vicious disease.''
164. '''Becedibi''', (245,125), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Becedibi is most famous for the Becedibiian deadly lobstoid and its pink Inet plant plantations.''
165. '''Qureaed''', (38,13), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Qureaed is most famous for its vast oceans and its fabulous monkey burgers.''
166. '''Tierus''', (120,79), TL: 3, Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Tierus is a boring world.''
167. '''Orbelaxe''', (232,48), TL: 10, Slimy Frogs, Democracy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
168. '''Inzabeza''', (130,181), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous vicious Bi gargle blasters.''
169. '''Isveedin''', (164,19), TL: 5, Green Rodents, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
170. '''Quonbi''', (140,152), TL: 9, Fat Felines, Dictatorship, ''The world Quonbi is reasonably famous for the Quonbiian spotted leopard.''
171. '''Cemaer''', (192,166), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Cemaer is mildly notable for Cemaerian Arusno water.''
172. '''Isare''', (161,48), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Isare is mildly notable for killer Re gargle blasters.''
173. '''Orxetibe''', (59,238), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness.''
174. '''Reoran''', (115,215), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for food blenders.''
175. '''Oredveus''', (195,27), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Oredveus is a revolting dump.''
176. '''Tilala''', (232,86), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Tilala is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and Tilalaian Etonle brandy.''
177. '''Dicelaso''', (66,21), TL: 7, Green Rodents, Confederacy, ''The planet Dicelaso is scourged by a deadly disease.''
178. '''Xeonar''', (39,181), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Xeonar is scourged by a evil disease.''
179. '''Laindi''', (236,138), TL: 7, Black Insects, Communist, ''The world Laindi is scourged by deadly tree snakes.''
180. '''Essoat''', (47,141), TL: 3, Small Horned Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
181. '''Qudior''', (209,128), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
182. '''Soleuser''', (224,217), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
183. '''Quraa''', (240,104), TL: 10, Slimy Lizards, Democracy, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
184. '''Zarausxe''', (143,64), TL: 13, Fierce Red Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is notable for its great tropical forests and Zero-G hockey.''
185. '''Onarmala''', (194,168), TL: 8, Yellow Horned Humanoids, Feudal, ''Onarmala is a n unremarkable dump.''
186. '''Inreerar''', (21,235), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
187. '''Usxela''', (74,176), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Usxela is most noted for the Usxelaian deadly goat and its hoopy casinos.''
188. '''Tidice''', (96,213), TL: 4, Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The planet Tidice is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
189. '''Isdilaon''', (170,133), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Isdilaon is reasonably well known for its great dense forests but beset by deadly tree snakes.''
190. '''Leveti''', (127,149), TL: 4, Large Harmless Horned Lobsters, Feudal, ''Leveti is reasonably notable for its great tropical forests but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
191. '''Ribiraor''', (48,215), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is very fabled for the Ribiraorian edible poet.''
192. '''Belere''', (57,180), TL: 5, Harmless Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''This world is very notable for the Belereian edible moth.''
193. '''Becetela''', (227,142), TL: 7, Green Furry Rodents, Confederacy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
194. '''Tiared''', (21,124), TL: 8, Green Bug-Eyed Birds, Corporate State, ''Tiared is most famous for its pink Tiaredian Loa' Loa'weed plantations and Zero-G hockey.''
195. '''Teabi''', (154,216), TL: 11, Green Horned Lizards, Communist, ''This planet is very notable for the Teabiian tree wolf and its pink oceans.''
196. '''Usleance''', (242,70), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
197. '''Xegearer''', (133,187), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' weird shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry.''
198. '''Riorusle''', (16,74), TL: 8, Horned Birds, Confederacy, ''This world is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
199. '''Gedienza''', (65,40), TL: 11, Large Harmless Bug-Eyed Birds, Democracy, ''This world is very fabled for the Gedienzaian edible poet.''
200. '''Ceteceso''', (164,242), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Ceteceso is a boring planet.''
201. '''Esvesoso''', (103,133), TL: 4, Small Red Horned Lobsters, Feudal, ''The world Esvesoso is a dull place.''
202. '''Ceraxete''', (231,167), TL: 5, Fierce Harmless Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''The world Ceraxete is beset by a evil disease.''
203. '''Beatle''', (156,194), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Beatle is famous for its exotic fish meat but scourged by deadly civil war.''
204. '''Qugeza''', (166,33), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Qugeza is most well known for its exotic cuisine.''
205. '''Esaqube''', (33,228), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is a dull world.''
206. '''Ismaan''', (83,58), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Ismaan is mildly noted for its ancient mountains but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
207. '''Mamaanat''', (228,27), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Mamaanat is beset by a evil disease.''
208. '''Edcea''', (145,59), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Edcea is reasonably notable for its fabulous cuisine but plagued by evil tree wolfs.''
209. '''Leisinma''', (12,79), TL: 3, Large Harmless Bony Birds, Confederacy, ''This planet is most fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but beset by deadly edible grubs.''
210. '''Ladire''', (75,172), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Ladire is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
211. '''Maarbi''', (16,46), TL: 3, Small Red Frogs, Communist, ''The planet Maarbi is most noted for the Maarbiian mountain lobstoid and the Maarbiian evil talking treeoid.''
212. '''Reenri''', (61,166), TL: 2, Yellow Bony Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The world Reenri is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
213. '''Enatzaus''', (64,190), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Enatzaus is very noted for its pink oceans but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
214. '''Riareror''', (8,164), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is a revolting little planet.''
215. '''Raondile''', (217,112), TL: 11, Bug-Eyed Frogs, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
216. '''Ditearra''', (193,205), TL: 6, Harmless Fat Humanoids, Democracy, ''The world Ditearra is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of casinos.''
217. '''Anquarle''', (148,170), TL: 6, Blue Frogs, Feudal, ''Anquarle is reasonably notable for its weird tropical forests but scourged by frequent civil war.''
218. '''Sobeteve''', (1,202), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Sobeteve is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
219. '''Biorve''', (182,220), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is notable for the Biorveian edible poet and its exciting sit coms.''
220. '''Zaerma''', (117,22), TL: 4, Fierce Green Bony Lobsters, Communist, ''The world Zaerma is a dull world.''
221. '''Isesusa''', (161,11), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
222. '''Tiso''', (239,200), TL: 9, Large Harmless Insects, Feudal, ''The world Tiso is beset by a lethal disease.''
223. '''Usesen''', (224,231), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Usesen is a revolting little planet.''
224. '''Zaed''', (242,233), TL: 9, Fierce Bony Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists but beset by a lethal disease.''
225. '''Tiregees''', (190,88), TL: 12, Harmless Frogs, Confederacy, ''The world Tiregees is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and the Tiregeesian edible arts graduate.''
226. '''Qusoin''', (201,67), TL: 9, Horned Birds, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by a evil disease.''
227. '''Xeisa''', (78,140), TL: 7, Large Horned Birds, Communist, ''Xeisa is most noted for the Xeisaian deadly lobstoid and its pink Xeisaian Enst Enstweed plantations.''
228. '''Isteesge''', (16,175), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Isteesge is scourged by a deadly disease.''
229. '''Articeso''', (3,137), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry but plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
230. '''Cebeor''', (199,229), TL: 8, Fierce Horned Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
231. '''Diusace''', (185,64), TL: 11, Black Bug-Eyed Lizards, Democracy, ''The planet Diusace is mildly notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
232. '''Ribeties''', (229,207), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Ribeties is very notable for the Ribetiesian tree ant.''
233. '''Lativege''', (73,23), TL: 2, Yellow Insects, Feudal, ''This planet is a dull place.''
234. '''Erarrior''', (99,86), TL: 6, Blue Furry Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''This world is very notable for the Erarriorian edible grub and the Erarriorian tree grub.''
235. '''Leeden''', (153,254), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Leeden is a boring world.''
236. '''Tivequ''', (204,178), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
237. '''Oranisen''', (40,250), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is most notable for Oranisenian Enstilth brandy but scourged by deadly civil war.''
238. '''Intean''', (82,61), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Intean is a boring planet.''
239. '''Isisan''', (36,59), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Isisan is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
240. '''Orraes''', (91,192), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly well known for its hoopy night life and Orraesian lethal water.''
241. '''Lavegere''', (247,169), TL: 12, Yellow Insects, Confederacy, ''The planet Lavegere is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of sit coms and Lavegereian wolf cutlet.''
242. '''Usquen''', (142,67), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Usquen is a boring planet.''
243. '''Leeson''', (85,242), TL: 8, Large Rodents, Communist, ''The planet Leeson is cursed by killer mountain A'onsethoids.''
244. '''Beritere''', (106,95), TL: 2, Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''The planet Beritere is very noted for its ancient Arceon tulip plantations but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
245. '''Arveaa''', (206,28), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Arveaa is reasonably fabled for its exciting sit coms and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos.''
246. '''Laraedle''', (79,15), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Laraedle is scourged by a deadly disease.''
247. '''Reesquen''', (225,152), TL: 11, Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
248. '''Vegeinso''', (18,250), TL: 10, Yellow Slimy Lizards, Democracy, ''The world Vegeinso is scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
249. '''Timaesin''', (135,204), TL: 5, Harmless Bony Felines, Feudal, ''The planet Timaesin is very famous for its exotic fish cutlet but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
250. '''Xeorusge''', (12,73), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Xeorusge is scourged by deadly tree snakes.''
251. '''Zaati''', (67,40), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Zaati is very famous for its hoopy night life but scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
252. '''Atraat''', (171,247), TL: 5, Red Fat Humanoids, Communist, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
253. '''Isbianri''', (183,177), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic cuisine but ravaged by a vicious disease.''
254. '''Onorti''', (126,155), TL: 7, Harmless Furry Rodents, Feudal, ''The planet Onorti is famous for Onortiian shrew steak but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
255. '''Xemariin''', (177,23), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Xemariin is mildly notable for vicious Enetit brew.''
== Galaxy 8 ==
0. '''Anesbi''', (1,45), TL: 5, Fat Insects, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
1. '''Iseror''', (204,230), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Iseror is notable for its weird tropical forests and Iserorian Onenst brandy.''
2. '''Ererso''', (38,249), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull place.''
3. '''Leatanre''', (168,103), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Leatanre is most well known for its vast dense forests.''
4. '''Tebienla''', (206,59), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
5. '''Revequ''', (85,146), TL: 6, Frogs, Anarchy, ''Revequ is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
6. '''Eresorbe''', (95,218), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Eresorbe is famous for Eresorbeian shrew steak but ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
7. '''Vegedius''', (147,121), TL: 12, Red Horned Birds, Democracy, ''This planet is very well known for Vegediusian wolf meat and its weird volcanoes.''
8. '''Querbeis''', (136,13), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Querbeis is a boring world.''
9. '''Leater''', (29,211), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Leater is very famous for its hoopy night life but scourged by killer mountain monkeys.''
10. '''Bianbies''', (132,208), TL: 6, Fierce Harmless Fat Felines, Feudal, ''Bianbies is well known for the Bianbiesian spotted leopard but ravaged by frequent earthquakes.''
11. '''Maana''', (201,38), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
12. '''Biis''', (86,143), TL: 4, Large Bug-Eyed Frogs, Dictatorship, ''Biis is ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
13. '''Usmaedin''', (36,189), TL: 3, Small Black Bug-Eyed Frogs, Multi-Government, ''This planet is a dull world.''
14. '''Erlabeor''', (12,24), TL: 10, Black Fat Birds, Democracy, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Erlabeorian deadly Stoid but ravaged by lethal vicious ants.''
15. '''Xeerin''', (153,83), TL: 5, Large Harmless Horned Birds, Anarchy, ''The planet Xeerin is a n unremarkable dump.''
16. '''Teescear''', (255,204), TL: 4, Yellow Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''The planet Teescear is reasonably fabled for Teescearian evil juice and Teescearian evil brandy.''
17. '''Oresreat''', (10,133), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull world.''
18. '''Esusge''', (17,14), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Esusge is beset by a lethal disease.''
19. '''Lequatdi''', (245,3), TL: 8, Large Black Insects, Confederacy, ''The world Lequatdi is scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
20. '''Oredrier''', (237,241), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Oredrier is most famous for its pink Oredrierian Ce Ceweed plantations and its exciting sit coms.''
21. '''Soladiar''', (16,126), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
22. '''Inzaan''', (74,45), TL: 2, Insects, Anarchy, ''Inzaan is most noted for the Inzaanian evil poet and Inzaanian Nu brandy.''
23. '''Maenes''', (108,91), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Maenes is a boring world.''
24. '''Xebeis''', (39,73), TL: 10, Large Yellow Rodents, Multi-Government, ''The world Xebeis is scourged by a evil disease.''
25. '''Cetiat''', (20,29), TL: 1, Fierce Bug-Eyed Lizards, Feudal, ''This world is very fabled for its weird volcanoes.''
26. '''Titiridi''', (14,17), TL: 11, Red Lizards, Confederacy, ''The planet Titiridi is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry.''
27. '''Geale''', (45,158), TL: 6, Large Red Bony Felines, Corporate State, ''The planet Geale is scourged by killer edible Stleusoids.''
28. '''Ceanve''', (84,65), TL: 10, Fierce Black Furry Felines, Corporate State, ''This world is very notable for the Ceanveian edible poet.''
29. '''Esveti''', (151,246), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Esveti is a n unremarkable dump.''
30. '''Ceraerar''', (87,119), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Ceraerar is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by a evil disease.''
31. '''Aarzari''', (10,48), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Aarzari is mildly notable for Aarzariian lethal brandy.''
32. '''Dieranor''', (190,100), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Dieranor is a n unremarkable planet.''
33. '''Ceanquan''', (185,187), TL: 7, Fierce Green Horned Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
34. '''Enustien''', (187,58), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Enustien is a n unremarkable planet.''
35. '''Atanon''', (114,151), TL: 3, Blue Furry Felines, Feudal, ''This world is mildly well known for Atanonian shrew steak and vicious Stlogein brew.''
36. '''Biatge''', (76,95), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Biatge is very noted for its ancient Biatgeian Esbeusus tulip plantations but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
37. '''Aditira''', (58,67), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Aditira is mildly fabled for the Aditiraian edible moth but beset by a evil disease.''
38. '''Orbira''', (116,87), TL: 2, Black Bony Birds, Communist, ''Orbira is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
39. '''Aedis''', (116,116), TL: 6, Yellow Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''This planet is notable for its great tropical forests and mud tennis.''
40. '''Anri''', (133,253), TL: 6, Harmless Slimy Lobsters, Democracy, ''The planet Anri is very noted for its unusual casinos but beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
41. '''Orlaaror''', (122,128), TL: 12, Red Horned Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous cuisine.''
42. '''Edandi''', (89,234), TL: 7, Blue Bony Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is fabled for its unusual dense forests.''
43. '''Intearbe''', (194,141), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
44. '''Quedbiqu''', (147,42), TL: 10, Green Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This planet is notable for its unusual oceans and the Quedbiquian evil poet.''
45. '''Orqure''', (122,134), TL: 4, Fat Humanoids, Multi-Government, ''The planet Orqure is a n unremarkable dump.''
46. '''Arqubi''', (225,46), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is most fabled for Arqubiian Es brandy but cursed by dreadful solar activity.''
47. '''Maisrais''', (171,198), TL: 4, Small Blue Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''Maisrais is famous for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by unpredictable solar activity.''
48. '''Reonar''', (61,244), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Reonar is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
49. '''Xeceon''', (216,138), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Xeceon is fabled for its fabulous vicious It gargle blasters and its exotic fish cutlet.''
50. '''Maatxeri''', (38,127), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This world is a tedious little planet.''
51. '''Enbeza''', (30,34), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is a dull world.''
52. '''Geen''', (234,132), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Geen is mildly notable for Geenian lethal brandy.''
53. '''Soisqu''', (213,224), TL: 10, Fierce Blue Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The planet Soisqu is mildly notable for Soisquian vicious brew.''
54. '''Veerbidi''', (223,90), TL: 8, Yellow Furry Insects, Anarchy, ''The planet Veerbidi is mildly notable for Veerbidiian vicious water.''
55. '''Getiusza''', (173,198), TL: 3, Large Green Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and killer Re gargle blasters.''
56. '''Zaatquat''', (164,40), TL: 8, Fierce Yellow Fat Birds, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
57. '''Riarquge''', (81,250), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Riarqugeian evil talking treeoid.''
58. '''Esusla''', (99,90), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is fabled for its unusual oceans.''
59. '''Zainat''', (134,245), TL: 8, Fierce Harmless Bony Lobsters, Corporate State, ''Zainat is well known for its inhabitants' unusual silliness but cursed by deadly civil war.''
60. '''Onisain''', (17,76), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Onisain is mildly noted for its pink oceans but scourged by dreadful solar activity.''
61. '''Orlatein''', (204,111), TL: 3, Green Bony Birds, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its exotic cuisine but plagued by a lethal disease.''
62. '''Onusra''', (172,60), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
63. '''Edsoan''', (123,20), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Edsoan is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
64. '''Onveat''', (123,123), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is fabled for its weird exuberant forests and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
65. '''Rebite''', (102,241), TL: 10, Black Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This world is mildly famous for its vast dense forests and its great volcanoes.''
66. '''Belebi''', (81,220), TL: 8, Green Furry Rodents, Corporate State, ''The planet Belebi is very noted for its unusual sit coms but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
67. '''Xezaxees''', (251,166), TL: 5, Large Furry Insects, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious place.''
68. '''Aanra''', (201,98), TL: 7, Harmless Bony Felines, Feudal, ''The world Aanra is reasonably fabled for Zero-G cricket and Aanraian evil brandy.''
69. '''Erzara''', (224,84), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This world is a tedious place.''
70. '''Gexeala''', (137,52), TL: 6, Large Green Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The world Gexeala is reasonably famous for the Gexealaian evil poet.''
71. '''Usreinxe''', (21,79), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Usreinxe is most noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and its great volcanoes.''
72. '''Isdidied''', (130,204), TL: 8, Insects, Democracy, ''The planet Isdidied is a boring planet.''
73. '''Enedge''', (152,141), TL: 5, Yellow Furry Insects, Confederacy, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
74. '''Artelaan''', (46,99), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Artelaan is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
75. '''Inisbi''', (123,213), TL: 7, Felines, Dictatorship, ''The world Inisbi is a boring planet.''
76. '''Ramaa''', (208,166), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Ramaa is fabled for its ancient mountains and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
77. '''Aresgeti''', (143,175), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
78. '''Zariorte''', (183,163), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
79. '''Raaran''', (124,25), TL: 4, Furry Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The world Raaran is a boring world.''
80. '''Laace''', (122,251), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Laace is a dull world.''
81. '''Areran''', (101,239), TL: 5, Small Horned Birds, Corporate State, ''Areran is cursed by killer edible poets.''
82. '''Inorle''', (59,80), TL: 12, Harmless Bony Lobsters, Dictatorship, ''This world is very fabled for the Inorleian edible poet.''
83. '''Geintiso''', (7,33), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Geintiso is scourged by killer edible poets.''
84. '''Ininlequ''', (231,247), TL: 6, Blue Slimy Rodents, Confederacy, ''The planet Ininlequ is most noted for the Ininlequian evil arts graduate and its fabulous cuisine.''
85. '''Uszasora''', (90,161), TL: 10, Small Yellow Bony Lobsters, Communist, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
86. '''Teat''', (116,231), TL: 0, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Teat is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
87. '''Teteus''', (174,17), TL: 9, Harmless Insects, Multi-Government, ''The world Teteus is most famous for its vast oceans.''
88. '''Biered''', (33,232), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is most notable for Bieredian A'il water but scourged by a evil disease.''
89. '''Tirige''', (78,56), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Tirige is very noted for its unusual sit coms but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
90. '''Anedin''', (185,3), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Anedin is a revolting little planet.''
91. '''Ceenti''', (160,44), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Ceenti is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional loathing of food blenders.''
92. '''Orus''', (207,55), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Orus is notable for its unusual tropical forests and its exciting sit coms.''
93. '''Arlale''', (193,72), TL: 11, Small Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Democracy, ''The world Arlale is fabled for its ancient Arlaleian Enalno banana plantations and its hoopy night life.''
94. '''Edtetiin''', (1,97), TL: 8, Red Slimy Rodents, Multi-Government, ''The planet Edtetiin is most famous for its pink oceans and its unusual sit coms.''
95. '''Ceened''', (172,215), TL: 2, Large Red Bony Lobsters, Communist, ''This world is plagued by frequent earthquakes.''
96. '''Ertebira''', (56,114), TL: 7, Yellow Horned Lizards, Communist, ''The world Ertebira is mildly fabled for the Ertebiraian edible poet but scourged by deadly civil war.''
97. '''Tiatisbi''', (212,134), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Tiatisbi is very fabled for the Tiatisbiian edible grub.''
98. '''Laorlaza''', (230,221), TL: 8, Blue Bony Birds, Corporate State, ''The planet Laorlaza is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists and the Laorlazaian edible arts graduate.''
99. '''Bedice''', (68,149), TL: 1, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Bedice is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but cursed by deadly civil war.''
100. '''Orcece''', (70,69), TL: 3, Blue Bony Birds, Feudal, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
101. '''Erteenon''', (69,197), TL: 1, Green Slimy Rodents, Anarchy, ''The planet Erteenon is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but cursed by vicious killer monkeys.''
102. '''Dirima''', (159,114), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
103. '''Legean''', (119,11), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Legean is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
104. '''Onanqu''', (128,123), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is notable for the Onanquian edible arts graduate and its fabulous cuisine.''
105. '''Maantege''', (117,250), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''Maantege is cursed by killer mountain goats.''
106. '''Tetete''', (3,60), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Tetete is reasonably fabled for its fabulous vicious Enetil gargle blasters and its exotic fish meat.''
107. '''Diriledi''', (244,252), TL: 5, Black Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''The world Diriledi is scourged by a evil disease.''
108. '''Reisorza''', (13,1), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Reisorzaian deadly Loarenusoid but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
109. '''Aneded''', (100,57), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Anededian spotted leopard.''
110. '''Isxein''', (140,120), TL: 10, Fat Humanoids, Democracy, ''The world Isxein is a boring world.''
111. '''Istixeti''', (13,76), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The planet Istixeti is reasonably noted for its fabulous goat soup and mud tennis.''
112. '''Atmala''', (183,226), TL: 8, Red Furry Felines, Anarchy, ''This world is most fabled for Atmalaian Re brandy but scourged by killer edible Reoids.''
113. '''Beanle''', (178,181), TL: 8, Red Lizards, Corporate State, ''This world is ravaged by unpredictable civil war.''
114. '''Releleat''', (81,129), TL: 9, Blue Slimy Lizards, Dictatorship, ''This planet is noted for its exotic fish meat.''
115. '''Bebima''', (177,1), TL: 10, Slimy Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This planet is notable for the Bebimaian tree grub and its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
116. '''Vebixe''', (229,75), TL: 8, Rodents, Confederacy, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Vebixeian mountain poet but cursed by unpredictable earthquakes.''
117. '''Esmara''', (159,194), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Communist, ''Esmara is reasonably notable for its unusual oceans but plagued by occasional civil war.''
118. '''Arustea''', (9,212), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is most fabled for Arusteaian No brandy but cursed by unpredictable solar activity.''
119. '''Laxesori''', (111,60), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
120. '''Usrelain''', (158,135), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is fabled for its unusual tropical forests and its fabulous cuisine.''
121. '''Aatdire''', (12,213), TL: 1, Green Bug-Eyed Birds, Feudal, ''Aatdire is mildly well known for Aatdireian vicious brew.''
122. '''Inusge''', (14,13), TL: 7, Green Bony Lobsters, Confederacy, ''Inusge is mildly well known for killer Soza gargle blasters.''
123. '''Bigexein''', (121,67), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Bigexein is a boring planet.''
124. '''Enxeleti''', (140,2), TL: 9, Red Rodents, Corporate State, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness and its fabulous vicious Noenthnu gargle blasters.''
125. '''Anrasoti''', (119,129), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Anrasoti is well known for the Anrasotiian spotted cat but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
126. '''Enerqu''', (87,231), TL: 4, Slimy Lizards, Multi-Government, ''The planet Enerqu is well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions but scourged by deadly tree grubs.''
127. '''Esxear''', (158,122), TL: 9, Small Yellow Fat Humanoids, Communist, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
128. '''Xexean''', (246,74), TL: 9, Large Harmless Fat Felines, Communist, ''The world Xexean is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
129. '''Isri''', (1,123), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Isri is reasonably fabled for its fabulous cuisine and its ancient Isriian Ouetonle banana plantations.''
130. '''Tiatza''', (123,62), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''Tiatza is cursed by deadly civil war.''
131. '''Zaveusge''', (77,100), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Zaveusge is well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions but cursed by vicious killer cats.''
132. '''Geatiar''', (195,8), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Geatiar is mildly notable for Geatiarian lethal water.''
133. '''Atbea''', (106,151), TL: 2, Yellow Furry Felines, Anarchy, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting Zero-G cricket.''
134. '''Tiqubied''', (180,15), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is plagued by frequent solar activity.''
135. '''Oredaris''', (152,166), TL: 4, Green Insects, Democracy, ''This planet is notable for the Oredarisian edible grub and the Oredarisian tree snake.''
136. '''Leesusen''', (125,10), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''The planet Leesusen is a boring planet.''
137. '''Zarila''', (18,200), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Zarila is cursed by deadly civil war.''
138. '''Ditegere''', (217,117), TL: 2, Blue Fat Humanoids, Feudal, ''The planet Ditegere is most well known for its hoopy night life.''
139. '''Rete''', (46,3), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Rete is most famous for its vast oceans and its fabulous goat soup.''
140. '''Soaxe''', (75,60), TL: 8, Fierce Harmless Lizards, Dictatorship, ''This world is very well known for Soaxeian lethal water and the Soaxeian tree grub.''
141. '''Mausdile''', (249,34), TL: 7, Small Yellow Bony Felines, Multi-Government, ''The planet Mausdile is most famous for the Mausdileian deadly goat and its pink Mausdileian Xeal Xealweed plantations.''
142. '''Tibiri''', (97,173), TL: 6, Blue Fat Insects, Democracy, ''This world is very notable for the Tibiriian tree snake and its unusual casinos.''
143. '''Cecees''', (94,96), TL: 7, Fierce Yellow Insects, Anarchy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for the Ceceesian spotted cat.''
144. '''Gexequon''', (244,169), TL: 4, Large Harmless Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''The world Gexequon is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
145. '''Tevebebi''', (191,218), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is notable for the Tevebebiian tree grub and its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos.''
146. '''Eres''', (102,19), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Eres is very noted for its unusual sit coms but plagued by occasional solar activity.''
147. '''Zaonrixe''', (26,192), TL: 12, Fierce Yellow Horned Lizards, Confederacy, ''The planet Zaonrixe is scourged by killer edible arts graduates.''
148. '''Legece''', (226,126), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Legece is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric shyness and Zero-G cricket.''
149. '''Arenxeon''', (165,67), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Arenxeon is most famous for its vast oceans.''
150. '''Belaus''', (159,34), TL: 8, Blue Furry Rodents, Anarchy, ''Belaus is reasonably well known for the Belausian tree ant but ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
151. '''Resobi''', (241,72), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Resobi is reasonably fabled for Zero-G hockey and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
152. '''Esinen''', (28,6), TL: 2, Small Horned Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is noted for its unusual casinos.''
153. '''Uszave''', (137,210), TL: 7, Small Yellow Bony Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is very well known for Uszaveian wolf cutlet and the Uszaveian edible arts graduate.''
154. '''Riedanen''', (99,118), TL: 7, Blue Furry Insects, Confederacy, ''This world is very well known for its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions and Riedanenian vicious brew.''
155. '''Birare''', (18,59), TL: 10, Fierce Harmless Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Corporate State, ''This planet is a dull world.''
156. '''Inzaan''', (73,174), TL: 6, Insects, Corporate State, ''The planet Inzaan is cursed by vicious killer beasts.''
157. '''Inbein''', (236,27), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
158. '''Inceisa''', (172,204), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Inceisa is famous for its inhabitants' ancient loathing of discos but ravaged by lethal spotted batoids.''
159. '''Enonlebe''', (79,253), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Enonlebe is a boring planet.''
160. '''Raeserre''', (179,1), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This world is most fabled for Zero-G hockey but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
161. '''Ususoner''', (238,208), TL: 11, Small Harmless Felines, Dictatorship, ''The world Ususoner is beset by dreadful earthquakes.''
162. '''Oresrati''', (16,255), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The world Oresrati is very famous for its unusual casinos but plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
163. '''Rain''', (23,20), TL: 5, Harmless Bony Lobsters, Feudal, ''This world is a tedious place.''
164. '''Diquus''', (65,172), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''Diquus is mildly famous for its vast rain forests and the Diquusian tree grub.''
165. '''Enarines''', (79,200), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Enarines is ravaged by dreadful civil war.''
166. '''Tile''', (201,12), TL: 6, Large Furry Humanoids, Communist, ''The world Tile is fabled for its weird exuberant forests and its inhabitants' eccentric shyness.''
167. '''Endiqu''', (121,33), TL: 10, Red Slimy Lizards, Democracy, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G cricket.''
168. '''Xetila''', (122,122), TL: 10, Large Slimy Lizards, Democracy, ''The planet Xetila is famous for Xetilaian wolf cutlet but plagued by a lethal disease.''
169. '''Texeare''', (111,245), TL: 8, Green Horned Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Texeare is a dull place.''
170. '''Ontear''', (174,15), TL: 3, Red Bug-Eyed Birds, Feudal, ''This world is most fabled for Ontearian Onrese water but scourged by deadly tree ants.''
171. '''Aletius''', (39,234), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Aletius is most noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry and its inhabitants' unusual silliness.''
172. '''Lelemaa''', (136,87), TL: 2, Large Green Rodents, Dictatorship, ''The world Lelemaa is reasonably famous for the Lelemaaian deadly goat.''
173. '''Tetige''', (79,107), TL: 8, Black Fat Birds, Multi-Government, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' unusual silliness and Tetigeian lethal water.''
174. '''Atmabe''', (54,67), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Atmabe is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine and its inhabitants' ingrained shyness.''
175. '''Reenaten''', (112,83), TL: 4, Green Bony Humanoids, Anarchy, ''The world Reenaten is a dull world.''
176. '''Laedon''', (50,81), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Laedon is mildly noted for the Laedonian mountain lobstoid but beset by deadly earthquakes.''
177. '''Ceenza''', (141,95), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''The planet Ceenza is a n unremarkable planet.''
178. '''Enenonge''', (123,4), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''This planet is noted for its exciting sit coms.''
179. '''Laedat''', (67,95), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Laedat is a dull world.''
180. '''Arance''', (223,145), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Arance is most famous for its vast dense forests.''
181. '''Arqua''', (106,37), TL: 6, Small Blue Frogs, Communist, ''This world is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained shyness and its fabulous lethal At water.''
182. '''Islebeen''', (52,207), TL: 0, Bony Birds, Anarchy, ''Islebeen is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
183. '''Biinceor''', (50,51), TL: 7, Fierce Blue Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly fabled for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness but beset by a lethal disease.''
184. '''Maarabi''', (153,101), TL: 4, Small Fat Insects, Multi-Government, ''The planet Maarabi is a boring world.''
185. '''Letioned''', (198,47), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Letioned is fabled for its fabulous cuisine and the Letionedian mountain lobstoid.''
186. '''Eresen''', (184,63), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The world Eresen is most famous for the Eresenian spotted shrew.''
187. '''Soceorbi''', (107,18), TL: 12, Fierce Red Bug-Eyed Birds, Corporate State, ''The world Soceorbi is a dull place.''
188. '''Bibirale''', (6,57), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is a revolting dump.''
189. '''Teenatle''', (33,20), TL: 7, Yellow Furry Humanoids, Democracy, ''The world Teenatle is very famous for its unusual casinos but beset by a lethal disease.''
190. '''Biorle''', (1,17), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''This planet is mildly noted for the Biorleian mountain lobstoid but plagued by unpredictable civil war.''
191. '''Anteed''', (192,97), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is notable for the Anteedian tree grub and its inhabitants' ancient mating traditions.''
192. '''Biabi''', (112,152), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The world Biabi is a boring world.''
193. '''Atbele''', (155,134), TL: 6, Red Furry Felines, Dictatorship, ''This world is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
194. '''Quxege''', (166,33), TL: 12, Green Frogs, Corporate State, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
195. '''Ceesari''', (160,163), TL: 5, Fierce Red Bony Birds, Feudal, ''This planet is beset by a lethal disease.''
196. '''Vezaorla''', (190,47), TL: 3, Yellow Bug-Eyed Lobsters, Feudal, ''Vezaorla is a revolting little planet.''
197. '''Belees''', (245,89), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''The world Belees is beset by a evil disease.''
198. '''Arbetequ''', (222,105), TL: 10, Small Red Frogs, Communist, ''Arbetequ is a revolting dump.''
199. '''Mageesti''', (26,124), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Mageesti is most famous for its vast oceans and its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
200. '''Zabixedi''', (119,201), TL: 12, Fierce Felines, Democracy, ''The planet Zabixedi is a n unremarkable planet.''
201. '''Laceus''', (141,130), TL: 9, Red Rodents, Confederacy, ''This planet is very notable for its inhabitants' weird silliness and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
202. '''Atisen''', (131,8), TL: 9, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Atisen is a n unremarkable planet.''
203. '''Axebe''', (224,178), TL: 7, Horned Humanoids, Dictatorship, ''This world is most fabled for Axebeian Itit water but beset by a evil disease.''
204. '''Anrara''', (197,83), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The planet Anrara is most famous for its pink Anraraian Il Ilweed plantations.''
205. '''Dibiedin''', (100,20), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Dibiedin is a dull place.''
206. '''Maabile''', (12,56), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This world is fabled for its exciting vicious Dioureer gargle blasters.''
207. '''Tioned''', (65,38), TL: 2, Black Lizards, Anarchy, ''This world is fabled for its ancient Senole plant plantations.''
208. '''Sorezaqu''', (111,216), TL: 8, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting sit coms.''
209. '''Didilaer''', (26,68), TL: 9, Insects, Corporate State, ''Didilaer is very notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
210. '''Bequri''', (144,85), TL: 4, Red Furry Rodents, Dictatorship, ''This planet is very well known for its inhabitants' unusual mating traditions and its hoopy casinos.''
211. '''Biatzate''', (44,222), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''The planet Biatzate is scourged by killer edible poets.''
212. '''Belabia''', (220,132), TL: 6, Black Slimy Lobsters, Confederacy, ''The world Belabia is reasonably fabled for Belabiaian evil juice and its inhabitants' eccentric love for poetry.''
213. '''Maletees''', (239,102), TL: 6, Small Yellow Bug-Eyed Birds, Communist, ''The planet Maletees is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos.''
214. '''Sodiri''', (201,220), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''Sodiri is a revolting little planet.''
215. '''Onatce''', (51,254), TL: 5, Green Furry Rodents, Multi-Government, ''The planet Onatce is scourged by deadly edible arts graduates.''
216. '''Diesdi''', (22,165), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Diesdi is mildly well known for its hoopy casinos and its great parking meters.''
217. '''Qumaus''', (195,237), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Qumaus is mildly notable for its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
218. '''Xeoresce''', (14,104), TL: 12, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This planet is most fabled for mud hockey but ravaged by occasional earthquakes.''
219. '''Ustiza''', (133,201), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
220. '''Esdi''', (196,164), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This world is most notable for Esdiian lethal water but beset by a lethal disease.''
221. '''Dienve''', (22,109), TL: 7, Green Bony Birds, Democracy, ''Dienve is mildly famous for its hoopy casinos and its vast oceans.''
222. '''Ondizaat''', (86,182), TL: 4, Black Slimy Lobsters, Multi-Government, ''This world is mildly well known for its exotic cuisine and its inhabitants' ingrained silliness.''
223. '''Gequadi''', (241,164), TL: 6, Large Yellow Furry Rodents, Communist, ''The planet Gequadi is mildly well known for its exotic night life.''
224. '''Tilaanes''', (45,15), TL: 3, Green Horned Humanoids, Communist, ''The planet Tilaanes is cursed by deadly civil war.''
225. '''Qurixean''', (9,155), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''Qurixean is very fabled for its unusual oceans.''
226. '''Tequenes''', (59,162), TL: 12, Blue Bug-Eyed Frogs, Corporate State, ''This planet is a tedious little planet.''
227. '''Veenen''', (233,18), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The planet Veenen is most well known for its hoopy casinos.''
228. '''Rear''', (59,146), TL: 9, Large Red Bug-Eyed Frogs, Feudal, ''The planet Rear is scourged by a evil disease.''
229. '''Beorsora''', (90,74), TL: 7, Black Slimy Lobsters, Anarchy, ''This world is mildly well known for Beorsoraian wolf cutlet and its unusual oceans.''
230. '''Raaed''', (244,39), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''The planet Raaed is most famous for the Raaedian deadly goat and its vast rain forests.''
231. '''Zaeded''', (124,184), TL: 10, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''Zaeded is reasonably notable for its great parking meters but cursed by occasional earthquakes.''
232. '''Biraa''', (117,248), TL: 11, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is fabled for its ancient Biraaian Geer banana plantations.''
233. '''Reusleed''', (106,111), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Confederacy, ''This world is mildly famous for its pink Reusleedian Th Thweed plantations and its unusual casinos.''
234. '''Geisor''', (88,97), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Feudal, ''The world Geisor is a boring planet.''
235. '''Ergerexe''', (89,89), TL: 9, Black Slimy Rodents, Dictatorship, ''This world is very well known for Ergerexeian lethal water and the Ergerexeian tree snake.''
236. '''Labirior''', (2,46), TL: 5, Human Colonials, Dictatorship, ''The world Labirior is scourged by a deadly disease.''
237. '''Riladi''', (57,30), TL: 3, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The planet Riladi is cursed by dreadful civil war.''
238. '''Zabeor''', (225,141), TL: 6, Fierce Fat Birds, Democracy, ''This planet is beset by deadly earthquakes.''
239. '''Inonin''', (210,217), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is plagued by deadly earthquakes.''
240. '''Edzaar''', (172,63), TL: 0, Blue Bony Lobsters, Anarchy, ''Edzaar is a revolting little planet.''
241. '''Veusbi''', (103,138), TL: 12, Yellow Furry Insects, Corporate State, ''This planet is fabled for its exciting Veusbiian evil brandy.''
242. '''Laxerive''', (166,6), TL: 5, Slimy Frogs, Dictatorship, ''This planet is fabled for its fabulous cuisine and its unusual tropical forests.''
If you read through the source code and/or binary for either Elite or Oolite, you will not find any text containing the list of planets and their properties. The entire universe (including the famous [http://www.frontier.co.uk/games/older/elite/faq.html edible poet]) is constructed programmatically (using a truncated Fibonacci function) from a handful of seed numbers and the strings "ABOUSEITILETSTONLONUTHNOAL" (used by the planet description string) and " ' 'LEXEGEZACEBISOUSESARMAINDIREA'ERATENBERALAVETIEDORQUANTEISRION" which is used both by the planet description string and to generate all the system names in the 8 Galaxies (the single quotes indicate placeholders where the planet name generation can be terminated early). The algorithm was reverse-engineered from the original BBC disk by [[ Christian Pinder]], and implemented in Objective-C for Oolite. Further details are given in the discussion of Elite's [[Random_number_generator|random number generators]].
243. '''Vemaed''', (214,62), TL: 6, Harmless Slimy Lizards, Confederacy, ''The world Vemaed is notable for the Vemaedian tree grub and the Vemaedian spotted wolf.''
* In this [http://bit.ly/OoliteGalaxiesSpreadsheet spreadsheet] (please note that this spreadsheet is in OpenDocument format) you can see some of the algorithms in action where they are used to calculate the names, positions, inhabitants and other parameters for all 256 planets for a selected Galaxy plus a plot of the Galaxy (Sorry, but no links between worlds are plotted). You can also use this to view what could have been if a different seed number was used for the Galaxies. UPDATE: It now calculates the planet descriptions and there is now a statistics sheet.
244. '''Isaso''', (218,88), TL: 12, Horned Lobsters, Confederacy, ''This world is most notable for Isasoian lethal water but plagued by frequent solar activity.''
* A related spreadsheet showing useful trading routes is also available for [http://www.box.net/shared/bchkkloi32 download].
245. '''Inuses''', (52,7), TL: 2, Human Colonials, Communist, ''This planet is a dull world.''
* There is also an [http://bit.ly/OoliteInteractiveMap2 interactive map] of the Oolite Galaxies including route finding (by PhantorGorth). Also includes a 3D option. Works in Firefox, Chrome, IE9+, Safari (but not v6 on a Mac), Opera (the quick zoom has a side effects caused by Opera).
246. '''Atoresra''', (94,73), TL: 6, Human Colonials, Anarchy, ''This planet is reasonably famous for its inhabitants' exceptional love for tourists.''
* The files used to build the vector maps are all available online for download [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_toolkit.zip HERE]. These require adobe Illustrator 10 to open.
247. '''Edtizabe''', (244,169), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''The world Edtizabe is beset by a lethal disease.''
248. '''Asoarle''', (147,196), TL: 7, Human Colonials, Multi-Government, ''Asoarle is well known for its inhabitants' weird silliness but cursed by deadly civil war.''
== Marcooose's Maps ==
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-000.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 1]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 1|Galaxy 1]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G1.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G1.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G1.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector1/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-001.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 2]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 2|Galaxy 2]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G2.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G2.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G2.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector2/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-002.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 3]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 3|Galaxy 3]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G3.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G3.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G3.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector3/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-003.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 4]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 4|Galaxy 4]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G4.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G4.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G4.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector4/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-004.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 5]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 5|Galaxy 5]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G5.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G5.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G5.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector5/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-005.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 6]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 6|Galaxy 6]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G6.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G6.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G6.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector6/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-006.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 7]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 7|Galaxy 7]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G7.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G7.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G7.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector7/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
# [[Image:StarChart-Galaxy-007.png|50px|Jump route chart of galaxy 8]] [[Oolite planet list/Galaxy 8|Galaxy 8]] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/OOmap_G8.pdf Vector Map] -- [http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/gOOmap_G8.pdf print version] -- [http://s248731467.onlinehome.us/OOmap_G8.pdf US Mirror] -- [[Sector8/Index|The New Galaxy Guide]]
249. '''Enrienge''', (129,10), TL: 7, Blue Bony Humanoids, Feudal, ''This world is ravaged by occasional solar activity.''
[https://www.box.com/s/ex98vikozd2gm2vsztme Zipped set of all 8 Vector Maps]
250. '''Bees''', (99,242), TL: 11, Yellow Bug-Eyed Birds, Confederacy, ''This planet is noted for Zero-G hockey.''
[https://www.box.com/s/sy991cllk135hqvewpnm Zipped set of all 8 Vector Maps (print versions)]
251. '''Esusale''', (94,96), TL: 13, Human Colonials, Corporate State, ''This planet is fabled for its ancient Esusaleian A'nuet tulip plantations.''
[https://app.box.com/s/bz2x62qfo6pbaz6se2ef9wbf7fgjksmt Zipped pack of simplified version of "The New Galaxy Guide" in HTML format] (all sectors, for offline usage). Requires a browser that handles HTML5.
252. '''Ormabiin''', (129,239), TL: 5, Black Insects, Corporate State, ''Ormabiin is reasonably notable for its great volcanoes but plagued by lethal spotted batoids.''
== Links ==
*[[Random number generator]]
*[[Planet description tables]]
*[http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3347 Hilarious planet description] (2007)
*[http://www.aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=18422 Hoqlinq's goat soup analysis] - see end of first post (2016).
*[[The Eight]]: disquisition on the 8 galaxies
*[[Maps]] - links to in-game and out-game Maps of the Ooniverse
*[https://github.com/thepleiadian convert_planetinfo (GitHub)] Just a small PHP file importing Oolite's solar system information into a database of your choosing. Pleiadan (2017)
253. '''Riattein''', (204,38), TL: 4, Human Colonials, Democracy, ''This planet is plagued by occasional solar activity.''
=== Oolite Planet List ===
*[[:Category:Oolite planet list]] links to lists of planets in each galaxy with a brief analysis of types
254. '''Orleso''', (172,188), TL: 4, Yellow Slimy Frogs, Multi-Government, ''Orleso is reasonably well known for its great tropical forests but scourged by deadly civil war.''
=== Galaxy Guide ===
The wiki's ''Galaxy Guide'' has individual pages on each solar system as well as details of each sector (maps, regions, trade routes ''etc''):
255. '''Intiso''', (227,199), TL: 5, Blue Fat Birds, Communist, ''The planet Intiso is most famous for the Intisoian spotted shrew and the Intisoian edible poet.'
[[Category:Oolite]][[Category:Classic]][[Category:Oolite planet list| ]]

Latest revision as of 04:28, 19 November 2021

OOliteInfo 3D from Maaarcooose


Although this list was taken from Oolite the data applies well to the BBC Micro version of Classic Elite, and some other versions.

The format of the entries is:

# {system ID}. {name} ({coordinates}), { {IDs of nearby systems} } within 7.0 LY. Radius {radius of main planet} km.
{government}, {economy}. Pop. {population} B, Prod. {productivity} MCr. HC: {hub count}, TL: {tech level}, {inhabitant description}.
{system comments}

for example

# 7. Lave (20,173), {39,46,55,129,147,255} within 7.0 LY. Radius 4116 km.
Dictatorship, Rich Agri. Pop. 2.5 B, Prod. 7000 MCr. HC: 6, TL: 5, Human Colonials.
Lave is most famous for its vast rain forests and the Laveian tree grub.
  • Downloadable vector graphic PDF's of the 8 charts have also been created and can be downloaded from the links below.
  • Online interactive maps.
    • OOlite Interactive Map courtesy of PhantorGorth. It does 2D & 3D modes for displaying the planet map and the planet data. Also there is a superb jump route calculator.
    • OOliteInfo from Maaarcooose is also available which not only displays the galaxy maps and all planet data, but also allows modification of the seed numbers used to generate the galaxy data. Note: The economy descriptions for a lot of planets are not accurately described on this resource.

Notes on values

  • For OXP writers, note that references to a particular galaxy in Oolite (in a Planetinfo.plist entry for example), should subtract 1 from the galaxy number – Galaxy 1 is referred to as 0, etc. The Technology Level numbers shown in the lists are the numbers displayed to the player (range 1-15), and again subtract 1 from this number (range 0-14) to get the value entered into planetinfo.plist.
  • The "hub count" is the number of systems reachable from this system in a single jump: it will always match the number of systems in the "IDs of nearby systems" list.
  • The radius of the main planet as an in-game object is 1/100th of that listed by the system description.
  • The coordinates are in X, Y format, ranging from 0,0 (top left corner) to 255,255 (bottom right corner). When translated to the galactic maps, because they are rectangular rather than square, this means that an X coordinate step is 0.4 LY, but a Y coordinate step is only 0.2 LY

Where do these crazy names come from?

If you read through the source code and/or binary for either Elite or Oolite, you will not find any text containing the list of planets and their properties. The entire universe (including the famous edible poet) is constructed programmatically (using a truncated Fibonacci function) from a handful of seed numbers and the strings "ABOUSEITILETSTONLONUTHNOAL" (used by the planet description string) and " ' 'LEXEGEZACEBISOUSESARMAINDIREA'ERATENBERALAVETIEDORQUANTEISRION" which is used both by the planet description string and to generate all the system names in the 8 Galaxies (the single quotes indicate placeholders where the planet name generation can be terminated early). The algorithm was reverse-engineered from the original BBC disk by Christian Pinder, and implemented in Objective-C for Oolite. Further details are given in the discussion of Elite's random number generators.

  • In this spreadsheet (please note that this spreadsheet is in OpenDocument format) you can see some of the algorithms in action where they are used to calculate the names, positions, inhabitants and other parameters for all 256 planets for a selected Galaxy plus a plot of the Galaxy (Sorry, but no links between worlds are plotted). You can also use this to view what could have been if a different seed number was used for the Galaxies. UPDATE: It now calculates the planet descriptions and there is now a statistics sheet.
  • A related spreadsheet showing useful trading routes is also available for download.
  • There is also an interactive map of the Oolite Galaxies including route finding (by PhantorGorth). Also includes a 3D option. Works in Firefox, Chrome, IE9+, Safari (but not v6 on a Mac), Opera (the quick zoom has a side effects caused by Opera).
  • The files used to build the vector maps are all available online for download HERE. These require adobe Illustrator 10 to open.

Marcooose's Maps

  1. Jump route chart of galaxy 1 Galaxy 1 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  2. Jump route chart of galaxy 2 Galaxy 2 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  3. Jump route chart of galaxy 3 Galaxy 3 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  4. Jump route chart of galaxy 4 Galaxy 4 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  5. Jump route chart of galaxy 5 Galaxy 5 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  6. Jump route chart of galaxy 6 Galaxy 6 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  7. Jump route chart of galaxy 7 Galaxy 7 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide
  8. Jump route chart of galaxy 8 Galaxy 8 -- Vector Map -- print version -- US Mirror -- The New Galaxy Guide

Zipped set of all 8 Vector Maps

Zipped set of all 8 Vector Maps (print versions)

Zipped pack of simplified version of "The New Galaxy Guide" in HTML format (all sectors, for offline usage). Requires a browser that handles HTML5.


  • The Eight: disquisition on the 8 galaxies
  • Maps - links to in-game and out-game Maps of the Ooniverse
  • convert_planetinfo (GitHub) Just a small PHP file importing Oolite's solar system information into a database of your choosing. Pleiadan (2017)

Oolite Planet List

Galaxy Guide

The wiki's Galaxy Guide has individual pages on each solar system as well as details of each sector (maps, regions, trade routes etc):