Torus Drive
[hide]Torus Jump Drive
The so-called Torus Drive, also known as a flux distortion drive or simply a Jump drive, physically changes the inertial mass of an object by projecting a gravitic field around it. This means that any vessel fitted with one can achieve an insanely higher speed than normally achievable with the system drive - depending on proximity of other gravitatinal objects (see The downside of this is that the ship is vulnerable to collision with asteroidal bodies that penetrate the gravitic field. The field itself is disrupted by the passage of other system drives within the field, resulting in the vessel being 'dumped' back into normal space. Masslock interferes with the operation of this drive.
The standard control for activating or deactivating this drive is marked j on the astrogation console.
The Torus drive does not use any fuel (unlike the Witch fuel injectors if installed). It is the second of the three drives installed in the standard Cobra Mk III (with the slower Engine/Main Drive and the faster Witchspace drive/Hyperspace drive).
Speed changes whilst in Torus Drive, depending on proximity to large powered bodies such as stars, planetary bodies, other ships, and large stations.
Note that only a handful of the newer HUDs indicate changes in speed whilst in Torus Drive. These include the Vimana HUD and the Deeper Space HUD.
Guide to the Perplexed: Inhibitions
The Torus Drive and the Witchspace drive/Hyperspace drive work differently. The Torus drive is inhibited by Masslock: the disabling of the Torus Drive by the presence of mighty mass (not an asteroid or Rock Hermit, but rather a powered ship, or something "massier") in the vicinity. It is an inheritance from Classic Elite. Since this is the fastest method of travel within a star system, masslock can slow travel down greatly.
This is not to be confused with the negation of witchjump/hyperspace jump due to proximity to a massive mass such as an orbital station, planet, star or a moon. The confusion is easy enough to fall prey to, because the massive masses inhibit both!
- Bullet Drive by Wildebloode causes one to only travel in a straight line and disallows manoeuvering
- Shaky Drive by Astrobe causes one to wobble infuriatingly when the Torus Drive is employed
- Torus to Sun Drive by Norby vastly increases the speed of the drive (especially when weapons are disarmed)
- Breakable Torus Drive allows your Torus Drive to be disabled by a direct hit in combat
- Synchronised Torus OXP by Fritz for synchronising your Torus drive with those of others.
- SOTL Altmap by Cim: an alternative game where the NPCs also have rather scenic Torus Drives!
- FarPlanets by Norby introduces Micro-G Torus equipment & FTL Torus equipment to cope with the immense distances.
- Variable Masslock by Norby reduces the masslock radius depending on the mass of the ship
- Masslock Compensator by Redspear passive (neutral) masslocks are less inhibitory than active (combative) masslocks.
- Traffic Redistributer by Redspear changing the speeds of different ships helps reduce mass-lock
- Hard Way by Stranger causes the Torus to use up Quirium Fuel which can be replenished by scooping Solar Wind Flux.
Oolite Equipment