From Elite Wiki
Be aware that in some cases Redspear placed a major essay in his threads explaining the justification for eg Re-imagining Laser Combat or Redistributing traffic.
Ambience (done with collaborators: Spara etc)
- Additional Planets SR Base Redspear, Spara, PHKB The in-game mechanism providing the base for the following texture packs.
- Additional Planets Redux Pack Redspear, Spara and collaborators Textures from the old Redux pack
- Additional Planets Demux Pack Redspear, Spara and collaborators Textures from the old Demux pack
- Additional Planets SR Demux Volcanic Pack Redspear, Spara and collaborators More Demux textures.
- Additional Planets SR Others Gas Giants pack Redspear, Spara and collaborators
- Additional Planets SR: Alien Worlds Redspear, Spara and collaborators
- Additional Planets SR: Earthlike Redspear, Spara and collaborators
- Additional Planets SR: free bitmaps dusty Redspear, Spara and collaborators
- Additional Planets SR: free bitmaps icy Redspear, Spara and collaborators
- Additional Planets SR: free bitmaps rocky Redspear, spara and collaborators
- Additional Planets SR: Ocean Worlds Redspear, Spara and collaborators
Equipment & Weapons
- Laser Combat Reimagined: pulse laser gets longer range, several new laser types, not all ships can carry all lasers.
- Missile Combat Reimagined: fragile ECMs & 4 types of missile
- New lasers 21 new lasers: availability depends on which species inhabits the planet!
- Weapon Laws means that the government system now affects availability (not just the TL)
- Cargo Scoop as Standard (note: cargo scoop not fuel scoop!)
- Equipment by Ship Class: Size of ship, tech level and grade all affect equipment performance
- Equipment by Ship Role: Role of ship determines the extra equipment it might have
- Escape Pod As Standard
- Hyperdrives: size, tech level & equipment (eg the EEU) all affect countdown time & maximum distance of witchspace jumps
- Indestructible Injectors
- Masslock Compensator: passive (neutral) masslocks are less inhibitory than active (combative) masslocks.
- Power To Engines: 50% speed boost when weapons are off-line
- Star Fuel: speed bonus for fuel scooped from larger stars
- Traffic Redistributer: changing the speeds of different ships helps reduce mass-lock
- FdL Lightspeeder: a sleeker, faster, Fer-de-Lance
- Jane's Galactic Shipset: Resizes and reattributes core shipset based on primary Classic Elite sources. In many cases changes one or more of mass, speed, energy, recharge, missiles, cargo, pitch and roll statistics.
- Demand Driven Economy: new profitable runs which involve other commodities than just furs and computers
- Paddling Pool: Turns the Leesti - Diso milk run into a much safer route for the beginning player.
Redspear has been working with Diziet Sma in trying to rescale the sizes in Oolite to come out with something that is more realistic - but also playable.
- See Rescaling experiment for a description of the issues
- See Discussion thread on the BB with links to his code for compiling
- Redspear has been working on differentiating stations according to species for some years now