Ambience Collection
Install many graphical packs (all at once) for a better look and feel for your game without changing the gameplay.
[hide]Ambience Collection
Designed to be suitable for all commanders. (downloaded 10583 times)
Asteroid_Storm BetterBuoys BackGroundSet BGS Soundset by P.A. Groove Cabal Common Library Camera Drones Captain Solo's Good Fortune Combat MFD Commanders Log Communications Pack A Contracted Goods Reminder Delightful Docking Display reputation Email System Explorers' Club Extracts from the Tre Clan Famous Planets Fireworks Flight Log Freighter Convoys Gallery Griff Station Bundle HD Backgrounds HD Backgrounds Image Pack A HD Backgrounds Image Pack B Headlights HUDSelector Hyperradio Icesteroids LogEvents MarketObserver MFD - CommsLog MFD - Manifest MFD - Navigation Randomshipnames Random Player/Ship Name Satellites Snoopers Ship Respray Ship Storage Helper Ship's Library Ship's Library Book - Mutabilis Ship's Library Book - Status Quo System Features Rings System Features Sunspots TrackerCam Trails Trophy Collector OXPConfig
Ambience OXPs affect the look of the galaxies on your viewscreen, they do not make things tougher or easier in terms of game play.
This meta-OXP will add the OXPs listed above to your collection.
In a nutshell,
Enhancing astronomical bodies in solar systems
- Asteroid Storm - more asteroid varieties
- Famous Planets - adds planetary descriptions to your F7 screen
- Icesteroids - variety of asteroid
- Satellites - added to planets
- System Features: Rings & Sunspots
Adding to stations & ships
- BetterBuoys - the newest ones are probably nicer than these now - Chacun a son gout!
- Communications Pack A - brings the other ships to life!
- Fireworks
- Freighter Convoys - more sophisticated NPC behaviour
- Gallery - compare different ships
- Griff Station Bundle - alternative textures for the basic orbital stations
- HD Backgrounds - better backgrounds for interactions inside stations
- Randomshipnames - not quite as random as it sounds. One of the best OXPs created for the game.
- Ship Respray
- Trails - trails behind NPC ship engines
Adding to your ship/gameplay
- BackGroundSet & BGS Soundset by P.A. Groove - much improved launch/dock & hyperspace jump sequences, in-station chatter, etc.
- Camera Drones & TrackerCam if you are into photography
- Commanders Log & Flight Log - remember some of what you have done
- Contracted Goods Reminder - useful for courier jobs
- Delightful Docking - better music for the Blue Danube docking experience
- Display reputation - how well known a courier you are
- Email System
- Explorers' Club - shows where you have visited!
- Hyperradio - music!
- Market Observer - vital tool for trading. Vital!
- HUD Selector with a selection of MFD's: Combat MFD, CommsLog, Manifest, Navigation
- Random Player/Ship Name
- Snoopers - news about the Galaxy!
- Ship Respray
- Ship's Library with the added books: Extracts from the Tre Clan, Mutabilis & Status Quo, Captain Solo's Good Fortune
- Trophy Collector - a record of your victories!
Needed for the above to work
- Cabal Common Library - a resource needed for eg. Hyperradio
- LogEvents - allows tracking down of errors when things go wrong!
- Ship Storage Helper - needed for Ship Respray
- OXPConfig - allows tweaking some of the options of the above
Several of the above have since been replaced with newer OXPs which the Expansions Manager will ask you to allow it to add to the list: GNN replaces "Snoopers", and Library replaces "Cabal Common Library".
License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Author: Norby
Gameplay and Balance Indicator
Normally ambiences have little or no effect on gameplay. Norby has snuck in Market Observer and his Combat MFD which each have a marked effect, and make life decidedly easier!