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This expansion pack adds a log of all communications received by the player and displays them in a multi-function display. As comms chatter can happen quickly in a battle situation, it can be easy to miss communications. The CommsLog MFD (Multi-Function Display) keeps all communications indefinitely, until either the log hits its maximum size (around 32k), or the user themselves clear the log. You can also view all communications received when docked, by going to the ship interfaces and selecting the "Communications Log".

Not to be confused with BroadcastComms MFD which allows you to communicate with NPCs.


You can purchase this MFD from any tech-level 3 systems for 250₢. Once purchased, the MFD is available while in flight, and the Communications Log becomes available in the ships interfaces. The MFD comes with some primable equipment "CommsLog MFD" (use shift-N to prime a piece of equipment). When primed, use the mode key (default "b") to select a mode. The available modes are (in order):

  • Scroll back mode
  • Scroll forward mode
  • Scroll to previous launch
  • Scroll to next launch
  • View current
  • View oldest
  • Clear log mode
  • Write comms to latest log
  • Switch between message-by-message or line-by-line scrolling

After a mode is selected it can be activated (default "n").

If log is scrolled and left for 90 seconds, log will automatically revert to viewing the current message.

To aid in usability, if the "scroll forward" function is selected, and then activated, the next mode will be "scroll back". This allows easier scrolling backwards and forwards. The same thing happens with the scroll to next launch and scroll to previous launch modes.

When "view current" is activated, the mode will be automatically switched to "scroll back". When "view oldest" is activated, the mode will automatically switched to "scroll forward".

When docked, a "Communications Log" item will appear in the Interfaces (F4) screen. When opened, all messages received by the player will be listed, in date order (oldest first, newest last). From this screen there are several options:

  • Previous Page: Move the list back one page.
  • Next Page: Move the list forward one page.
  • First Page: Go to the first page of the list.
  • Last Page: Go to the last page of the list.
  • Write comms to latest log: Write all messages to the latest log file.
  • Clear the log: Clears all messages from the log.
  • Set log size: Allows the user to define how big the log file will be. You will be asked to enter a number between 1 and 32.
  • MFD currently in Active mode: This means the MFD will be scrollable during flight using the primable equipment. Select this item to change the mode to Passive (see next item).
  • MFD currently in Passive mode: This means the MFD will not be scrollable during flight. There will be no primable equipment. Select this item to change the mode to Active (see previous item).
  • See MFD for more details on managing MFDs. See Priming Equipment for details on how to prime OXP equipment such as CommsLogMFD!


Place the 'CommsLogMFD.oxz' into your 'AddOns' folder and when you start the game, hold down 'Shift' until you see the spinning Cobra.
Alternatively, you can download the expansion using the expansion pack manager in the game itself.


This expansion pack relies on having multi-function displays available in your HUD. You must at least be using Oolite version 1.79, and your HUD must have at least 1 MFD defined.


Download CommsLogMFD.oxz v1.7.7 (downloaded 11516 times).


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
The expansion pack was developed by phkb.

Image from

Version History


  • Code refactoring.


  • Using an escape pod was showing "(adjusting)" in the log.
Show older


Quick Facts


Minimum Oolite versionCPU usage lowMemory usage lowGPU usage low

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.7.7 2021-02-12 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Hud MFD HUDs OXPs‏‎ phkb Oolite BB

Gameplay and Balance indicator
