Murgh, an oldtimer of the first wave of the Oolite era who briefly showed traits of intense and profligate industry, before he suddenly vanished into the soupy fog of a distant nebula.
Initially scouted from the factory floor of GenFun by the august benefactor Aegidian, who saw beyond the excessive exuberance of the young sycophant and took notice of his sickly cute tweaks to the latest genetic modifications of the Trumble menace. He was taken from obscurity and given the means to try his hand on material construction in a few diverse fields. A brief but chaotic reign running the Murgh Shipyards saw the construction of several ships and stations, as well as running a space-taxi service and an advertising firm on the side, with varying success.
Perhaps fundamentally unsuited to the pressures of such widespread consumer demands, his career came to a sudden halt in the middle of the production of a new announced racing league, as shoddy work was found strewn about, dumbfounded investors left empty-handed, and the supposed creator nowhere to be found.
Decades since, accounts of a creature going by the name of Old Murgh indicate this may be the same individual having made a diametric occupational shift. Presently be located somewhere in the Teveri system, trading wine and other evil juices and describing himself as a humble wine-wallah, he consults patrons on complementing grubs and exotic foods with Ribilebian burgundies, Ditizaian sherries, and Leestiian tokays, for a fee.
Station constructions
Irresponsibly toying with implementing alternate shapes to the classic cuboctahedral Coriolis, the Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron, Murgh found funding to go ahead with the construction of an Octahedron B2 prototype at Diso. As the money and enthusiasm dissipated, no further such stations were ever built.
Consumed by egocentricity, Murgh's only response to this failure was to steam forward in a yet grander scale. The Globe station was promptly constructed, but also this project failed to capture the imagination of the public. Possibly due to the station bearing little distinguishable difference to a common planetary body, no further stations were ordered. A huge financial blow to Murgh Industries, spiteful tongues have for unknown reasons referred to the Globe station as a "death star".
Deep in a funk following repeated failure, Murgh happened upon a rare stroke of genius with the construction of the Torus station. Drawing inspiration from ancient cinema of unknown origin, this station was impressive to behold, but its true brilliance was found in the inexpensive nature of construction. Small modular pods were fabricated separately and programmed to auto-join, making the assembly phase the cheapest and safest station construction in the business. The triumph was short-lived however, as the tori proved equally easy to disassemble, causing mass casualties, obviously negating the previously set safety records. Upon foreclosure of Murgh Industries, other companies amended these issues, and the design may occasionally be seen in planetary systems.
List of OXPs

Murgh Shipyards were based at Teorge
- Old Ships and Wolf Mk.2 (with detachable fangs), some painstaking model transcribing from unearthed ancient blueprints.
- M-Pack or "rusties" populating the spaceways with the sadly deteriorated ships of destitute pilots, also for sale!
- Transports, Liners Coral and CoachWhip, and fuel transport Woma.
- NuVipers, increased GalCop might with the GalCop Viper Mark II and the GalCop Viper Cruiser.
- Murgh's xShips, introduced the odd models Bandy-Bandy, Taipan, and the gruesome Rattle Cutter.
- Cobra Clipper SAR, a search-and-rescue pimp job.
- Racers, the shamefully unfinished prototypes for the FormulaOo racing models. An entire league left stood expunged.
Ships with idiosyncratic AI
- Hatchling BoyRacers and their obnoxious owners.
- Frog Space Rickshaw, a chatty taxi service.
- Hognose Tugships towing various ships, with experimental touchy rudeness
Planetary systems
- Diso OXP - the first second planet in Oolite. Also the first second orbital station. With extra added nebulae!
- Lave OXP - inspired addition of the lore from The Dark Wheel - advertising Droidships, restaurants, the moon Basta, incompetent student pilots.
- HoOpy Casino - Primitive space gambling in the spirit of the classic street con "shell game" or "cups and balls".

- Military Fiasco - a call to duty by Col. Docherty adds a sticky mission and some nasty navy vessels including carrier class starship, The Leviathan...
Permission to update his .oxp's
...of course you may feel totally free to update any of the old OXPs or otherwise make use of the old scraps if they can still hold appeal. It would be very cool for me if something from so long ago could even in a small part manage to survive through the ages, along with the simple and brilliant concept of Oolite... Old Murgh 2021 |
BB post 2021 |
BB posts...
- On pitching the OoTrumble look (2005)
- On first finding Elite (2006)
- On a potential Norwegian translation (2006)