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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
Many times during exploration of the galaxies, commanders find themselves looking for a quick way to get to a certain destination planet. Route planning over long distances can be tedious and is often prone to trial and error: In some cases, distance between consecutive stops on the way to destination may be very close to the 7.0 LY fuel limit, creating uncertainty in regards to the feasibility of the trip. In other cases, destinations may be simply unreachable.
Many times during exploration of the galaxies, commanders find themselves looking for a quick way to get to a certain destination planet. Route planning over long distances can be tedious and is often prone to trial and error: In some cases, distance between consecutive stops on the way to destination may be very close to the 7.0 LY fuel limit, creating uncertainty in regards to the feasibility of the trip. In other cases, destinations may simply be unreachable.
The Advanced Navigational Array is a navigation computer software upgrade, designed to assist commanders in planning long routes on the galactic map. In its current implementation, it allows commanders to view the Galactic Connectivity Grid for the galaxy they are currently in, plus an overlay of the shortest route to their selected destination. It should ne noted that shortest route refers to minimum number of jumps required and not necessarily shortest journey time. It also allows for a quick and easy way to spot unreachable destinations on the current galaxy.
The Advanced Navigational Array (ANA) is a navigation computer software upgrade, designed to assist commanders in planning long routes on the galactic map. In its current implementation, it allows commanders to view the Interplanetary Connectivity Grid (ICG) for the galaxy they are currently in, plus an overlay of the shortest route to their selected destination. For versions of Oolite prior to 1.74, shortest route refers to minimum number of jumps required and not necessarily shortest journey time. Oolite versions from 1.74 onwards feature the shortest journey time route as well. The ANA allows in addition for a quick and easy way to spot unreachable destinations on the current galaxy.
== Usage ==
== Usage ==
The ANA is activated by pressing '!' (Shift + 1), while on the galactic chart screen. The GCG and route to destination will be displayed for as long as '!' remains pressed and will switch off upon key release. See images below for examples:
The ANA is activated by pressing ‘'''^'''’ (Shift + 6) – or ‘'''!'''’ (Shift + 1) for Oolite versions before 1.69 – while on the galactic chart screen. The ICG and route to destination will be displayed for as long as ‘'''^''' remains pressed and will switch off upon key release. See images below for examples:
Image goes here
* [[Image:GalChart.png]]
Galactic chart screen selected.
Galactic chart screen selected.
Image goes here
'!' pressed and held. ANA is now active showing GCG and route to selected destination.
Image goes here
* [[Image:ANA_display2.png]]
Selected destination is unreachable. Only GCG is plotted in this case.
'^' pressed and held. ANA is now active showing ICG and route to selected destination.
* [[Image:ANA_destinationUnreachable.png]]
Selected destination is unreachable. Only ICG is plotted in this case.
* [[Image:ANA_display3.png]]
Starting with Oolite version 1.74, it is possible to display also the '''shortest travel time route''' to the selected destination. To do this, press 'Shift+6' while the ANA is activated (from version 1.82; for versions 1.74 to 1.80, press 'Ctrl').
Starting with Oolite version 1.84, it is possible to display the different systems along a plotted route on the '''F7 screen''' by using the left/right arrow keys.
== Availability ==
== Availability ==
The Advanced Navigational Array is buyable equipment, available at any planet of Tech Level 7 or higher. Cost: 2250 Cr.
The Advanced Navigational Array is buyable equipment, available at any planet of Tech Level 7 or higher. Cost: 2250 .
This equipment is not supported in Oolite versions earlier than 1.67.
== OXPs ==
*[[GalacticSatNav]] continually updates your options (shortest/fastest) as you travel along your plotted route.
*[[Vimana HUD]]'s Travel Module shows the list of systems en route on your HUD.
*[[Diplomancy OXP]] requires ANA to show the War and Peace maps.
== Links ==
*[http://www.aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20340 plot long range course - possible?] The difficulties in plotting a course different from ANA's two options (2019)
{{NavBox - Oolite Equipment}} [[Category:Equipment]]

Latest revision as of 04:15, 27 December 2021


Many times during exploration of the galaxies, commanders find themselves looking for a quick way to get to a certain destination planet. Route planning over long distances can be tedious and is often prone to trial and error: In some cases, distance between consecutive stops on the way to destination may be very close to the 7.0 LY fuel limit, creating uncertainty in regards to the feasibility of the trip. In other cases, destinations may simply be unreachable.

The Advanced Navigational Array (ANA) is a navigation computer software upgrade, designed to assist commanders in planning long routes on the galactic map. In its current implementation, it allows commanders to view the Interplanetary Connectivity Grid (ICG) for the galaxy they are currently in, plus an overlay of the shortest route to their selected destination. For versions of Oolite prior to 1.74, shortest route refers to minimum number of jumps required and not necessarily shortest journey time. Oolite versions from 1.74 onwards feature the shortest journey time route as well. The ANA allows in addition for a quick and easy way to spot unreachable destinations on the current galaxy.


The ANA is activated by pressing ‘^’ (Shift + 6) – or ‘!’ (Shift + 1) for Oolite versions before 1.69 – while on the galactic chart screen. The ICG and route to destination will be displayed for as long as ‘^’ remains pressed and will switch off upon key release. See images below for examples:

  • GalChart.png

Galactic chart screen selected.

  • ANA display2.png

'^' pressed and held. ANA is now active showing ICG and route to selected destination.

  • ANA destinationUnreachable.png

Selected destination is unreachable. Only ICG is plotted in this case.

  • ANA display3.png

Starting with Oolite version 1.74, it is possible to display also the shortest travel time route to the selected destination. To do this, press 'Shift+6' while the ANA is activated (from version 1.82; for versions 1.74 to 1.80, press 'Ctrl').

Starting with Oolite version 1.84, it is possible to display the different systems along a plotted route on the F7 screen by using the left/right arrow keys.


The Advanced Navigational Array is buyable equipment, available at any planet of Tech Level 7 or higher. Cost: 2250 ₢. This equipment is not supported in Oolite versions earlier than 1.67.


  • GalacticSatNav continually updates your options (shortest/fastest) as you travel along your plotted route.
  • Vimana HUD's Travel Module shows the list of systems en route on your HUD.
  • Diplomancy OXP requires ANA to show the War and Peace maps.


Oolite Equipment
Standard Equipment
Astrogation ConsoleCargo HoldCompassEnergy banksEngine/Main Drive • HUDIFF ScannerLife Support SystemsMissilePulse LaserShieldsShip's HullTorus Jump DriveView Screen • Witchspace/Hyperspace Drive
Optional Equipment
Advanced Navigational ArrayAdvanced Space CompassCargo Bay ExpansionDocking ComputersE.C.M. SystemEscape PodExtra Energy UnitExternal Heat ShieldingFuel ScoopsGalactic HyperdriveIntegrated Targeting SystemMilitary Shield EnhancementMulti-Targeting SystemNaval Energy UnitPassenger BerthScanner Targeting EnhancementShield BoostersTarget System Memory ExpansionWitchdrive Fuel InjectorsWormhole Scanner
Beam LaserECM Hardened MissileEnergy BombMilitary LaserMining LaserMissilePulse LaserQuirium Cascade MineTwin Plasma Cannon