From Elite Wiki
Frame joined the Oolite community in 2007, shortly after Aegidian stepped down.
Frame's contributions suffered from the continual to-ing and fro-ing with new unstable versions of Oolite after Aegidian's v.1.65 in 2006 before the eventual MSNR (Mythical Stable Next Release) half a decade later in Dec 2011.
- Ambience Random Docking Music OXP plays a random music track from a pre-set list on activating docking computers (2010)
- Ambience Solar Systems OXP (2008+) - and watch this
- Equipment Bounty Scanner adds bounty details (if any) to the targeting lock-box display when locked onto other ships (2010)
- Equipment Fuel Collector scoops fuel from killed ships and collects fuel while cruising, even in witch space. With Commander McLane (2011)
- Equipment Rock Hermit Locator adds equipment to locate Rock Hermits (2011)
These have since been incorporated into the Vanilla game
- Mechanics Save Anywhere allows you to save your game at any OXP Station (2011)
- Retextures RegistrationID adds ID tags to all Oolite standard ships (2010)
Frame also provided the original idea and coding for Gates
Works in Progress
Babylon 5 ships (2017):
- Showcasing Babylon 5 Olympic class cruiser/corvette (2017)
- Oolite Capital ships (2009) 2 Babylon 5 Omega Destroyer inspired Capital ships slugging it out with a super laser and pulse weapons as seen in the Babylon 5 series.
I'm currently actively developing the OXP that includes lots of other ships from the Babylon 5 universe.(Life interupted me in various stages). The thing is, it would be easy just putting a ship into the game, but once the novelty wears off, they are just that, ships. Instead I'm devloping the OXP to start with minor version of the Babylon 5 universe. I know it is a big chunk to bite over but in the last 6 months I developed a star system-system. A way for a Star-fury to fell a little star fury like. Plasma Weaponry for players. A way to fly between planets that are really far apart. I plan for players to enter the Babylon 5 universe in 2170. When EA just got hold of the Jump-gate Technology according to various different canon and non-canon sources. Either this will be as a scenario or an OXP. At the moment I don't know. I know how to make all of these things work. Making a ship from scratch however can take a month until I'm fully satisfied with it while I also make other things like scripting. |
([Oolite Capital Ships (2017 response)]) |
- BB Thread mention (2017)
- Pictures (2010)
Frame's Babylon 5 2017 oeuvre
(list taken from the BB Thread mention above)
- Zephyre, player ship (starter ship), 4 tonnage cargo, Weapons either just laser or Bolters (Babylon 5)
- Olympic class cruiser (awaiting targeting system)
- Hyperion class Heavy Cruiser
- Some 2 canon and 3 semi-canon(AOG) star furies, and some made up ones (my device)
- Narn Frazi fighter
- Centauri Standard Station.
- Jumpgate(in the video if you look for it)
- Ch'lonas Cruiser and various small ships
- EA standard station
- Human Independant made up stations
- STG19 crewshuttle
- Nova Dreadnaught (being updated polywise)
- Shadow Battlecrab
On Classic Elite
- Awesome Moments in Oolite (2009)