Cylon Raider Mark 1
ship name::Cylon Raider Mark 1 | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 37.5m×ship height::7.0m×ship length::29m |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::N/A |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::N/A |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.365 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 2.4 Pitch: 2.2 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::4 |
Energy recharge rate |
Medium (ship energy recharge::3.0) |
Gun mounts | Fore |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::0 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::No |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::No |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::No |
Base price | ship base price::N/A |
The Cylon Raider Mark 1, produced by The GalTech Industries Corporation, forms the backbone of the Cylon Empire’s fighter force. Designed to combine agility with a fearsome strike capability a Cylon Raider Mark 1 is more than a match for many opponents. With a crew of three centurions, (commander, pilot and co-pilot), a combination of tasks can be undertaken whilst in combat.
These strengths combined with the standard Cylon tactic of deploying these ships in small attack groups have proved devastatingly effective against humankind in resent times.
Standard Equipment
Forward Military Laser and ECM.
Ship Variants
The ship is available as a NPC ship only.
Minimum Requirements
The OXP was designed to work on Oolite 1.76 but should also be compatible with future versions (The shipdata.plist is incompatible with versions prior to v1.75 because of the use of scan_class and escort_ship keys). No additional OXPs are required to be installed in order for this OXP to run.
Move the OXZ file to the AddOns directory of your Oolite installation. Start the game up while pressing the "SHIFT" key until the rotating ship appears. The ship should than be added to your game.
- 05/07/12 - Version 1.00 - Release version.
- 09/07/12 – Version 1.01 – Emission_map filename and shipdata.plist updated.
- V1.00 - With thanks to Svengali for providing detailed comments and advice on all aspects of the pre-release test version and Smivs for advice regarding the emission_map. Thanks also go to Universal Studios for producing the original movie in the first place.
- V1.01 – With thanks to Wildeblood and Griff for advice regarding specifying individual emission_maps in order to avoid possible incorrect use of the emission_map.
Play Testers
Svengali and Solonar.
This ships is available on the Expansions Manager and additionally here: CylonRaiderMk1-1.01.oxz
An update of the Cylon Raider Mark 1 (fixes problems and adjusts to later Oolite versions) is available on the Expansions Manager or additionally here: Cylon Raider Mark 1 Fix
Further Info
- Cylon Raider Mark 1 on the BB
- Cylon Raider Mark 1 Fix on the BB