Oolite is modelled on Classic Elite - a very simplistic but very playable game published in 1984. Realism is often seen as conflicting with playability.
[hide]Issues with Physics/Science/Economics in Oolite
Classic Elite was written for early computers. David Braben's Frontier series (written a decade later for more powerful computers) tried to import more real-world physics and astronomy into gaming. But Oolite, being a copy of Classic Elite, suffered from the simplicity inherent in the early game. Thus the astronomy, the physics and the economics are all unreal simplifications which, however, combine to make a much more playable game.
As the years have gone by, there have been those pushing for a more realistic approach (originally, some who came to Oolite through Frontier), and other pushing for a more game-focused approach (perhaps those who preferred Classic Elite - Frontier had playability problems). The arguments on each side are good, and the open nature of Oolite means that there are a plethora of OXPs which modify the game in one's desired direction.
Realistic Solutions
- Strangers World attempts to sort out a large number of these: to whit, some of the issues of scale/distance, astronomy, fuel-less travel etc.
- Ship Configuration OXP implements the impact of equipment volume, weight, heat production and breakability.
- The Rescaling experiment attempts to sort out some of the distance/size issues.
- Guide to Ambience OXPs details a number of OXPs addressing issues of astronomy.
- Astrobe's Inertia.oxp (2017)
- See Economics for a number of attempts to sort out issues with trade and markets.
Playing the game
- Penalize Death.oxp Making death hurt (2012). By Spara.
Here on the wiki
On the BB
- Oolite essay: game lore, features and mechanics Stranger's Essay for Roolite (the Russian Oolite web-site)
- Is it possible to add in Gravity/Inertia? (2017) ...with Astrobe's .oxp link
- GAME CHANGER - A little overlooked law of aerospace science. (2011) The dynamics of travel in space. Friction, cosmic ray secondary muons, Bermuda Triangle, absolute zero, achilles' heels in ship designs, Uberships...
- Artificial Gravity and Space Stations (2012)
- Selezen's take on physics - leading on to Captain Hesperus on the courses at Lave Academy (2008)
- Commodity sub-types (2015+): note Redspear's powerful defence of the Oolite trade model.