Laser Mount Switching System OXP
The Laser Mount Switching System, or LMSS, gives pilots the ability to have a choice of lasers at each of their laser mounts, and easily switch between them. This allows pilots to have multiple configurations of their ships, to cater for different roles.
Sales Pitch
Xenon Industries is proud to announce the release of the Kaiser X5115 Laser Mount Switching System, otherwise known as the LMSS. This system gives you, the pilot, complete control of the configuration of your ship. Gone are the days of having to make a painful, and potentially fatal, decision about what laser to install in what position. Maybe you'd like to do a bit of mining on the side, but shooting out of the rear or side mounts is awkward. Now you can install your favoured beam or military laser in the front mount, and using the LMSS, also install a mining laser. When you're fighting off some pirates, your main laser is installed. When you're chewing up asteroids and scooping the bounty, you can switch to your mining laser.
Or perhaps you prefer to use the beam laser for close quarters fighting, but you also like to snipe using the military laser. With the LMSS, switching between the two is easy. Any laser can be fitted into the secondary laser mount, providing the pilot with unlimited options for arming his or her vessel.
LMSS Installation
There are two components to the LMSS system: the assembly, plus an additional laser. The assemblies can be purchased at any system with a techlevel of 8. If the pilot wants switchable lasers in all four laser mounts, then four LMSS systems must be purchased. After the assembly is installed on a laser mount, the pilot can then choose what additional laser they want to install. First, they must switch the current laser to the secondary position via the "LMSS Dockside Configuration" F4 interface screen. Once the primary laser is moved into the secondary position, additional lasers can be purchased in the primary position in the normal way.
An additional piece of equipment, the LMSS Actuator Upgrade, can be purchased at techlevel 13 systems. This upgrade speeds up the switching process, almost halving the time it takes to switch between lasers.
The LMSS can be used with all lasers, including all the built in ones (pulse, beam, mining and military lasers), plus any lasers provided by OXP's.
Secondary lasers can't be viewed on the F5 ship equipment list. To see all secondary laser installations, go to the F5 F5 Manifest screen, where the secondary lasers will be listed under the heading "LMSS Secondary Laser Installations".
Flight Operation
Once the assembly and secondary lasers are installed, the process to switch lasers is as follows:
- Select the view where the assembly is installed (front, aft, port, or starboard).
- Select the primable equipment "LMSS Activator"
- Activate the equipment by pressing "n" on the keyboard.
There will be a delay between dismounting the current laser and mounting the secondary one. During that delay no laser can be fired in that position.
LMSS and Laser Temperature
The LMSS installs an additional laser mount beneath the existing mount, and includes an assembly and actuator to switch the mounts around. However, the heat dispersal system is shared between both mounts. Heat that is accumulated on one laser still needs to be dispersed even if the secondary laser is activated. Switching lasers does not give the pilot more firepower.
If the LMSS assembly is damaged while it is switching lasers, the laser mount will be unavailable until the next time the ship docks. Upon docking, the primary laser will be restored to its mount, but the switching mechanism will be unavailable until repaired.
Third Party Lasers
Some OXP lasers use a condition script to determine whether the laser can be purchased at a particular system. Because the LMSS may switch between lasers at any system, the condition script needs to be aware of when the LMSS is in operation and allow the switch to take place. To do this, just add the following code to the top of the condition script:
// for compatibility with Laser Mount Switching System (LMSS) var lmss = worldScripts.LMSS_Core; if (lmss && lmss._switching == true) return true;
LMSS Assembly Cost: 3,600 Cr. per mount point Techlevel: 8 LMSS Actuator Upgrade Cost: 4,200 Cr. Techlevel: 13
OXP Installation
Place the 'LaserMountSwitchingSystem.oxz' into your 'AddOns' folder and when you start the game, hold down 'Shift' until you see the spinning Cobra.
Alternatively, you can download the expansion using the expansion pack manager in the game itself.
Download LaserMountSwitchingSystem.oxz v2.5 (downloaded 4747 times).
Download v2.5 (extract OXP folder to AddOns)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Sound files taken from "Large Industrial Robot" WAV file, created by Mike Koenig and sourced from Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
The expansion pack was developed by phkb.
Version History
- Added a message to go along with the sound when lasers cannot be switched.
- Added a sound for when the player attempts to switch lasers and it cannot be switched (either because there is no secondary laser, or no actuator in that view).
- Removed some debug messages.
- Fixed issue that was preventing lasers from being switched successfully.
- Added links for integration with planned OXP's.
- Integration with Laser Arrangement.
- Code refactoring.
- Improved integration with latest version of Xenon HUD.
- Automatically remove the LMSS Activator when the assembly is removed.
- Code refactoring.
- Bug fixes.
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
2.5 | 2020-06-24 | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 | Weapons | Equipment OXPs | phkb | Oolite BB |
Gameplay and Balance indicator
Oolite Equipment