Hotrods OXP
Gang Warfare! Plus various custom ships / paint jobs to add variety to the ooniverse.
This Oolite expansion pack adds a collection of classic Elite ships with custom paint jobs. Includes also a large number of custom and standard racing vehicles, gang warfare and an anarchic gang of pirates with tiger stripes that somehow don't like the player.
There are ships from the Bloods, Jjaggeds & Grims gangs, but they do not yet operate as "gangs" in the way that the Tigers do.
This OXP requires version 1.65 of Oolite for the extra ships, or version 1.75+ for the scripted encounters.
- Hotrods v0.53 can be downloaded by clicking on the link.
- OXP old
- Place the folder Hotrods.oxp inside the Oolite\AddOns folder, restart Oolite. See OXP for more information (if needed).
Hotrods v0.53
- Update for Custompaints&Racers_v2_0b.oxp & custpaint1.oxp.
- Replaces (and fixes) Custompaints & Racers by Arexack Heretic (before 2007).
This OXP contains:
- -No dependencies (unintended or otherwise) on other OXP's.
- -Is written in legacy (pre-Javascript) style.
- -graphic material and models based on G.Williams' redux set.
- -several new models and associated textures designed by me, the author.
- -a small test script.plist, that sets up an ambush for the player. This file is for exposition purposes only, take this out as soon as possible. Later versions will include a more involved script.
Future plans:
- -more expanded gang shiplists and behaviour, communications.
- -some AI scripted racer behaviour.
Compatible with Oolite v1.65 and above. Gang warfare available on Oolite v1.75 and above.
Note should be made that cbr has come up with some new textures for Hotrods (see opposite!)
Gang warfare info: After the player's kills score gets to 30, the gang warfare begins.
At the moment there's only one gang: the tiger gang, and it doesn't like the player. The tiger gang should show itself in numbers in about a third of the systems. They'll have a go at the player the next 5-10 times the player encounters them, then things will quiet down again. (but for how long?)
Individual tiger gang members can also - occasionally - be spotted just about anywhere, but they're not especially singling out the player. Keep this expansion in the AddOns folder to add variety to the Ooniverse.
The author is extremely prone to type, syntax, copy-paste, and other programming errors. My excuses in advance should you encounter the inevitable (non-thargoid) bugs. Please communicate these to me via the boards (
- Gangs scripting & models cleanup by Kaks.
- Custompaints & Racers by Arexack_Heretic.
- v1 version Plist support by Murgh.
- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
- Notes on license from ReadMe:
- Oolite was created by Giles Williams under creative Commons Licence.
- As such all derived material, including this Oolite Expansion Pack are subject to the same license.
- Oolite has been moved under another more commercial license recently, however I feel mentioning the former license suffices. (I need to get some coffee)
- BB Thread (2008-13, 2021)
- Table of all OXPs. Since edited off the page!
- Oosat - see Arexack's section - listed as (Oct 2006)
- Jjagged Bbanner - background to Jjagged ships in Hotrods (but from Frontier, not Oolite)
Gameplay and Balance Indicator
Tougher - and the gang does not just hang out purely in the anarchies either... they travel! A good oxp.