Church of Giles the Creator

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Also known as CGC

Saint Giles

Saint Giles was Immanent when he created The Ooniverse. As his Creation matured, his guiding hand was needed less and less and he eventually occultated. He spent some aeons in Minimal Occultation, guiding the Holy Jens, his Vicar of The Eight, Co-ordinator of the Celestial Codes of Creation, but then eventually transcending even this, attaining the Maximal Occultation which he now enjoys (this was the time when the Holy Jens achieved the Minimal Occultation, before he was reunited with Giles the Creator in the Transcendental Glorious Galaxy (known to the inner initiates as The Ninth) when he too attained Maximal Occultation).

Significance of the term "Saint"

"Saint" was a term used in the halcyon era on Sol. It depicted one imbued with spiritual force and who would help those existing in the immanent realms.


  • The Ooniverse evolved, evolves and will evolve, but was created by Giles out of the Elite Precursor (EP).
  • The Elite Precursor, a term laden with mystical innuendo (mostly of the ineffable variety: it may or may not refer to the Halcyon Era), was centric. The Blessed Giles created a Ooniverse which is not centric (mostly) - hence the Octagonal Reality of The Eight.
  • Giles was there at the beginning, Giles will be there at the end!


  • The Pool of Pellucid Placidity: The End, that which transpires at the End of Days. One's goal in Life is to attain the PPP, under the guidance of the Fundamental Tenets of the Church of Saint Giles the Creator. The term "Pool", of course, alludes to the collative nature of the end: All are collected together there under the watchful eye of Saint Giles. The Pellucidity refers to its translucence - Saint Giles can see through to the depths - and those sinking in them, to lend a watchful hand and bring them to the surface. The Placidity naturally refers to the placid nature of the sempiternal cessation of strife and woe, in the Transcendental Glorious Galaxy at the end of time.
  • The Blessed Barque: this is the vessel which is guided by Saint Giles through the eternities of time, bringing the deceased to their eternal tranquil rest in the Transcendental Glorious Galaxy. The Blessedness refers both to the blessed fact of its manipulation by the Blessed Creator - and to the blessed nature of the souls, driven personally by the Blessed Creator to the Transcendental Glorious Galaxy.
  • Holy Relics:
Alleged remnant of Sol Proof that Saint Giles precedes The Eight, and existed in the halcyon era before the creation of time. The Holy Hermeneuticists of the Church argue that there is much of symbolic import in this Remnant:
First Level of Hermeneutics: The figure which moves with care, concern and consideration is Saint Giles, tending compassionately for the bereaved souls on board the barque, which he ministers with such loving care.
Second Level of Hermeneutics (the Contrast): The river is, naturally, a metaphor for the stream of life. The living move along, guided by the Saint, and comes to obstacles which the Saint navigates for you.
Third Level of Hermeneutics (the Contradiction): The rising and lowering levels of river is naturally managed by Saint Giles. This is a reference to the supreme control which the Creator exerts over the minutiae of the lives of the living
  • It will be noticed that some of the graves at the Tionisla Orbital Graveyard are Spaceships. It is some of these which are the final resting place of the devotees of the Church of Saint Giles the Creator.
  • Symbolism of Ivory & Walnut
  • Use of walnut: Bemearan or other?

Applied Theology

  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • Dice rolling
  • Aronar description
  • Loathing of OXZ's - encourage meddling/tweaking

Fundamental Tenets of the Word of Giles

  • Giles was there at the beginning, Giles will be there at the end!
  • Giles is the Boatsman who directs the Barque of Bereavement through the River of Life.


  • Which species go for it?
  • Links with Aegidian Industries?