Separated Lasers

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Revision as of 16:32, 6 March 2016 by Norby (talk | contribs)


Multiple Lasers producde multiple heat by default, degrading the effectiveness to the level of a single laser after a few seconds due to overheat. This addon allow to heat up as slow as single lasers if there is at least 30m space between all mount points in 3D.

A serious advantage in combat if used well (both for you and your enemies) due to these are real multiple lasers, without the heat penalty of ships with multiple but close mounts.

Large ships can earn up to 5x firepower on broadsides!

Energy usage is still multiplied, an 5x burst could empty your energy banks pretty fast so use wisely.

Ships with separated mounts

Separated multiple laser mounts are available on Anaconda (aft and sides), Boa II (aft), Caduceus, Cat, DTT War Lance, Ghavial, Hornet, Iguana, Krait, Pitviper II, Stormbrewer, Vector, Wolf I, Wolf II (aft) and more.

See the full list in Multiple Lasers where there is an S or W mark in the lasers column of ship tables.

Broadsides (5 lasers on sides): DTT Atlas, DTT Heart of Gold, Serpent Class Cruiser.

Forward broadsides (5 separated forward lasers): Far Arm Corsair, Far Arm Hunter.

Broadsides in all 4 views: Kirin, Maelstrom.

Wide multiple mounts

Ships with at least 50m space between mounts can separate Eco Artillery, Eco Reactor, Plasma Ray and Twin Cannons so use these without multiple heat.

Ships with wide mounts: Anaconda (on sides), Krait, Caduceus, Cat, Far Arm Corsair, Far Arm Tanker SE, Pythons (on sides).

Eco Lasers

New Economical Lasers are developed for separated mounts with low energy usage.

Compare Economical Lasers with Sniper Guns, standard lasers and separable Laser Cannons:

Name Minimal
Mass (t)
need (m)
Range (km) Damage/s Damage
Delay Heat
Tech Cost Color
Eco Laser 30 30 5 120 5 1200 0.3 15 0.125 3 5 4000 Red
Eco Cannon 130 30 5 200 7.5 2250 2 150 0.75 20 10 40000 Green
Plasma Ray * 130 50 6 80 4 1240 0 40 0.5 10 12 40000 Orange
Eco Artillery 400 50 20 267 10 2800 0 50 0.1875 5 12 400000 Blue
Eco Reactor ** 250 50 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0.1 5 8 10000 Black
Sniper Gun 30 50 20 100 5 1560 1 40 0.4 8 12 20000 Blue
Heavy Sniper Gun 250 100 25 200 10 2720 1 40 0.2 4 12 200000 Blue
Pulse Laser 0 30 12.5 30 2.14 810 0.8 15 0.5 7 4 400 Red
Beam Laser 0 30 15 60 1.88 480 0.5 6 0.1 3.2 5 1000 Yellow
Military Laser 0 30 30 120 2.82 700 1.1 12 0.1 4.25 11 6000 Magenta
Mini Cannon 30 30 5 60 3 960 10 60 1 20 6 1000 Red
Military Cannon 130 30 10 100 3 900 7 75 0.75 25 8 8000 Magenta
Twin Military Cannon 400 50 10 200 1.5 600 14 150 0.75 100 8 10000 White
Vulcan Cannon 250 30 15 120 6 1860 5 60 0.5 10 12 24000 Cyan
Artillery Cannon 130 30 20 67 5 1950 5 50 0.75 10 12 50000 Blue
Twin Artillery Cannon 400 50 20 133 5 1500 10 100 0.75 20 12 100000 Light Blue
* Plasma Ray has some chance to make critical damage which eject the pilot if Laser Cannons OXP is installed.
** Eco Reactor is not a weapon but restore energy when 'fire'. Easy to use on side mounts.

Laser Cannons

Some Laser Cannons can be separated also (low damage/shot only): simple Mini Cannon, simple Military Cannon, Vulcan Cannon, and simple Artillery Cannon.

Plasma Ray need at least 50m space between mounts to avoid multiple heat. Especially useful regardless of the low damage due to works without energy usage, which is the main limiter at 3 or more mounts - you can split the heat between your forward and aft lasers if you use these alternately, but you can not split the energy usage.

Sniper Gun

Sniper Gun need more space than most lasers due to provide better cooldown. Standard Sniper Gun need 50m space to be separated, Heavy Sniper Gun need 100m which can be hard to satisfy in common ships, but a help if weapon_positons are shifted in z axis also (the third number in position vector). Python SG use this trick to separate guns in wingtips within the 74m width of the ship hull.

Sappers are not separable.


Anaconda with Eco weapons, only the forward mount is not separated.


Far Arm Corsair offer 5 wide (50m) separated forward mounts.



Do not unzip the .oxz file, just move into the AddOns folder of your Oolite installation.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0. If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to norbylite at


Separated_Lasers_1.0.oxz (downloaded 113 times).

Separated_Lasers_0.3.oxz (downloaded 144 times).

Separated_Lasers_0.2.oxz (downloaded 133 times).

Separated_Lasers_0.1.oxz (downloaded 143 times).


2016.02.13. v1.0   Updated for Sniper Gun v1.1.
                  Twin Military Cannon and Twin Artillery Cannon are separable.
                  Fixed for Gatling Laser which is not separable.
                  Fixed if Laser Cannons OXP is not installed.
                  Separation is disabled regardless of distances if script_info contain separatedlasers=-1;
                  Separation need an empty side mount if script_info contain separatedlasers=1; and two if 2.
2016.02.13. v0.3  Exclude multiple weapons from equipment list which not fit into any side.
                  Replace weapons to fit to the weapon multiplication defined in shipdata.
2016.02.12. v0.2  Sniper Gun separation supported.
                  Eco Artillery and Eco Cannon are set to mining lasers.
2016.01.31. v0.1  First release.

Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.0 2016-03-06 CC BY-NC-SA 4 Real multiple lasers Weapons OXPs Norby BB-Link