
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 20:19, 6 November 2013 by Norby (talk | contribs) (direct download links removed)

First played Elite on Commodore +4 in 1987. This was the best game in my eyes at that time.

Found Oolite in jan 2013 and enjoy not only the game but OXP programming also as a hobby which can give me the feeling of the freedom. I hope the result will entertain my sons and you also. :)



  • Detectors - show your energy on the HUD and more target informations.
  • Telescope - extended targeting and scanning features, auto steering, sniper ring and more.
  • Towbar - make money from derelict ships.


  • HardShips - all ship get 6 side armour, Hard ships get Hard Armour, new defensive equipments and Drones.
  • SellAll OXP - sell all cargo with one keypress and can sell to an alternative cutomer if the market is full.
  • ShipVersion - all ship get version numbers, NPCs get extra equipments scaled with the version.


  • HudRequests - tech demo to make dynamic HUDs, requests for core improvements and a mini-game to earn highscores.
  • LogEvents - write messages into Logs/Latest.log using all event handlers to help debugging OXPs and review battles.


  • RocketMiner - can dock without rolling if well centered due to the barrel form (requested by my little son).


My contributed folder filled with OXPs from others with my extensions.


Some OXP placed into the betatest folder before released. Can suffer serious changes, use for test play only.

  • RocketShips - 8 new ship, can fly faster for some cost, get secondary autofire weapons and malfunctions. ;)
  • ShipGallery - browse all installed ships in-game (need the new Ship.keys() method arriving in Oolite v1.79).

Recommended OXPs

I like about 400 OXPs so I made an OXP Collection which aim to can download many OXPs in one step to save lots of installation time. There are many small OXPs what you probably missed if you do not read through the OXP List, this can help you to enrich your Ooniverse in an easier way.

In addition to the following OXPs you should choose your favourite HUD, Planet and Ship OXPs.

Harmless (look&feel)


See in OXP Collection

These will not change the game mechanics but polish the game.

Contain libraries also and the following OXP packages assuming the Basic package is installed, else you must fix dependencies manually.


See in OXP Collection

Beautiful ships and stations from Griff, Staer9 and Z_GrOovy.

If you do not want to replace the original ships then remove the Griff_Shipset_Replace_v1.34.oxp folder or rename to ending with something else than .oxp, for example to .oxp- .


See in OXP Collection

Large OXPs for better ambience, separated to keep down the size of the Basic.oxp package.

You can choose a HUD from the wiki and replace the included Numeric HUD.

You can choose and download another planet OXP and replace the included Deep Horizons Systems (but it is not necesary, Deep Horizons looks well also):

Povray Planets - 5GB(!)

System Demux - 40MB

System Redux - 16MB

Mostly harmless (extended game)


See in OXP Collection

These OXPs will step over the functions of the original Elite but within a limited range, aimed to get more fun and possibilities but without large changes in the game balance.

You can skip anything what you do not want usually by simply ignoring it or by renaming the end of the specific folder name from .oxp to .oxp- .


See in OXP Collection

Additional player ships with high resolution textures and effects.

Most of them need shaders and several MB of disk space.

Should not be powered so far from the original ships in raw performace.


See in OXP Collection

See details in Oolite Missions Overview.

Galactic Navy and Military Fiasco placed into the Powerup.oxp due to used by InterstellarTweaks OXP.


See in OXP Collection

Fill up solar systems with dockable objects to increase your trading and other possibilities.

Competent (advanced players)


See in OXP Collection

These give much more power to the NPCs and some to the player also, use after you gathered some combat experience.

If you use a replacement shipset from Griff or Smivs then you must make a change in ToughGuys OXP which is described in the TG4-readme.txt in ToughGuys folder.

If you rename shipdata.plistforcustomshipsets to shipdata.plist in the Config folder of HardShips OXP then you get the hard versions of replacement ships.

Other OXPs

These are usually older than my favourites but you can complete your collection with these also.


See in OXP Collection

Several musicpacks detailed in Hyperradio_Musicpacks page.


See in OXP Collection

Addition (non-replacement) shipsets which make more variants from the original ships with different lookouts but without aiming to change ship parameters.

Contain the No Shaders ShipSet from Griff, shaded versions pulled out to the Griff.oxp package.

DeepspaceShip OXP contain a new font, but currently in neutralized state. To turn it on remove the "-" from the end of the filename DeepspaceShip.oxp/Config/oolite-font.plist- .

DeepspaceShip, Neolite and Shady Sungs buoys and stations are removed from the default rules in shipdata.plists due to addition shipsets should not replace default buoys and stations.

Details of most common shipsets:

Griff Industries

Smivs' ShipSet + Accessories

Neolite Ships

Deepspace Ships

Shady Sungs

The Installing multiple retexture OXPs guide says that you should install one Replacement Shipset only and the addition release of other shipsets.


See in OXP Collection

Various ships except those that are in the previous OXP packages.

Can be far from the original sets in power and lookout also, you should check and remove what you do not like.


There are some Elite-related writings in my Documents folder:

  • Board Games
  • Fictions
  • Oolite keys and galaxy maps
  • Paper Models of Oolite ships
  • Shader tutorial

