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Revision as of 14:09, 13 August 2006 by Arexack (talk | contribs) (Listing of common racer-conversions)


Racing had always been popular with the kids, however the Thargoid war severely supressed this behaviour at first. Nowadays however most kids don't even remember that there was a time when Thargoids were just a legend. This blasé attitude of youngsters has lead to a revived thrill-seeking culture. Sun-diving and harrassing Hognose pilots, are the 'tame' activities of pubescent boyracer owners.

Not all racers choose (or have the funds for) the shiny new racer models, many tinker in local ship-workshops on the old decrepid corpses of Adders and Mambas, turning them into LM-devouring deathtraps.

Racing is once again big-business!

Manufacturers turn out new racer models, like the Cribo, by the dozens. Magazines like What Spaceship ? and LightSpeed! regularly publish DIY articles on custom modifications and bestbuy comparisons of the new model racers.

Racing competitions

Racing competitions can be devided into several general categories.

  • Dodge derbies: Close quarters maneuvring and high-G turns, racers must pass through rings to get fuel points, often held in asteroid belts. It is not uncommon that only a third of the starting vessels survives into the second lap.
  • Drag races: Starting at the station, one loop around the planet, sun and back to the station for the finish. These ships are usually fitted with fuelscoops to replenish their tanks at the 'bend' (the loop around the sun).
  • Marathons: marathons are interstallar affairs, sometimes the racers are free to choose any route they please, more often though the racers are obliged to visit certain waypoint-stations. This is more exiting for the fans.

Work in progress

Races are not yet possible in Oolite, but we are working on it.

Giles introduced several new timekeeping routines and checks into the code, and also created a beautifull waypoint ring.

We the fans, have worked on racer-ships. Murghs productionline has been most fruitfull. My ships are mostly still in the workshops, unfortunately.

Listing of common racer-conversions

Purpose built racers

  • Cribo chicaneer MkII - medium racer
  • Cribo chicaneer MkIV - medium racer
  • Kukri MkI dragster - dragster
  • Kukri MkII dragster - dragster
  • BoyRacer - light racer
  • Hood - dodge derby racer
  • Vampire - light racer
  • Dodger - dodge derby racer
  • Tokay_Speedstar - light class marathon racer
  • Slider_Clipper - heavy class marathon racer



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