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Revision as of 12:26, 25 January 2006 by Aegidian (talk | contribs) (Trumbles™ by GenFun: fixed trademark - use html entities rather than unicode)

Humble origins

First discovered on the newly colonised planet *** by an exploration team in the early 2900's, the trumbloids were at first a scientific curiosity thanks to their curious biology. That is untill the trumbloid rodent-equivalent was discovered. They were an instant success with the (human) female members of the team. Although at first shy and timid, Trumblie (as it was called) adapted to it's captors quite quickly and became a lovable pet.

Back at the fledgling colony, Trumblie was loved by all who laid eyes on it, but alas, there was only the one. Fortunately soon after returning the creature began feeling at home around people, and not long after that there were two trumblies. Somehow it must have called to a mate and attracted it to the town. More appeared regularly and the trumblie became a covetted luxury export-product of ***.

Trumblies are gold!

The first harvests failed as the result of an unforseen appetite of the local fauna for earth-derived cultivars. Morale plummeted when it was discovered that the colony emergency foodsupplies had also been plundered. An investigation was started, but the culprits were never caught. Thanks to the booming trumblie-export however, enough money was made to support the importation of foodstuffs from neigbouring systems and life was good on ***.

Trumble in the Jungle

Luck soon ran out however, when agrarian systems accross the sector were overrun by escaped, feral trumblies. Without natural enemies and with ample food available their multiplication rate was exponential.

Anarchy broke out like a rash across galaxy 5. *** was blamed for the calamity and warfleets set out from various afflicted planets to effect revenge on the human colonials of ***. Only a few of them survived by converting a few old, battered Adders and making a galactic hyperspacejump.

Gal Con

In the midst of this mayhem, GalCop reacted decisively by forming a pest-containment unit, dubbed GalCon. In the end it was decided to nuclear destruct severely afflicted planets from orbit. (***) itself was spared this end by relentless lobbying by the environmentalist 'friends of the land' to preserve the unique ***ian lifeforms. After the few emaciated colonials remaining were evacuated, a quarantine blockade was set around *** to prevent any other ***ian species escaping their gravitywell.

Trumbloid physiology and biochemistry

Part of their appeal as pets is the endless variety of furry coats the critters have, 255 distinct varieties have so-far been documented. In their hayday, trumblie breeders would collect and swap specimens endlessly and every planet had it's annual trumble conventions.

Trumblies emit a purring sound, which is part of their defence mechanism. Somehow the creatures have adapted their sound organs to produce sound harmonics that infuence brainwaves of nearby potential predators. How Trumblies attune their purr to such varying and alien species is still unknown.

Trumbloids are scavengers and will not eat anything that moves. They can, and will, digest virtually anything of organic origin, and will reproduce rapidly when sufficient food is available to them.

Trumbloids can reproduce asexually, by devision. An adult trumbloid has a quadruple number of internal organs, when it's time comes to reproduce, the skin becomes a hard husk. Inside this coccoon, the trumbloid will reorganise itself into two seperate individuals with one pair of organs each. External features, like the eyes will also be duplicated during this reorganisation. Genetics of trumbles are defined by the organs. Trumbloids are not individual creatures in the genetic sense, each organ-structure has it's own set of geneticdata. Genetic recombination occurs when the organs of a juvenile trumbloid duplicate: the two parent-organs of the same type will exchange and mix their genetic material before duplication. This exchange is random and thus the great variety in trumbles despite their asexual reproduction.

There is some genetic evidence for sexual reproduction between juveniles, but how this occurs is still a mystery. It certainly does not occur between adults or adults and juveniles.

Present day

Only scientists and officials with special permit are allowed to visit the planet. Trumbloids now pervade all inhabited space, but even on anarchic worlds customs officers scan immigrants and cargo for trumbloid-purrs. It is illegal to transport a trumboid lifeform to an inhabited planet surface. On agrarian worlds the usual penalty is death by meat-grinder or some other similarly gruesome method of termination.

Trumbles™ by GenFun

Guaranteed to be safe and non-prolific. Trumble™ are a de-novo created species. Trumble™ have been made to reproduce under laboratory conditions only. GenFun has copyright on Trumble™ and approval has been granted to transport and market them as toys.

Native inhabitants of GalFive will know that all this is a flagrant lie, and will stamp one on sight. (DIE! is sooo cute, it would be a pitty to kill this lonely one, one can't hurt, it's so soft and sweet, etc)