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Lib_Config (part of [[Library]]) is a Interface to give AddOns the possibility to let users change settings in the game. It's really easy to implement the data and usually only needs a few lines of code.
Lib_Config (part of [[Library]]) is a Interface to give AddOns the possibility to let users change settings in the game. It's really easy to implement the data and usually only needs a few lines of code. AddOns can also register multiple entries if they need some more options.
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==Full Dataset==
==Full Dataset==
The members:
The members:
:;Name: Required. String. worldScript name, usually simply this.name.
::Required. String. worldScript name, usually simply this.name.
:;Display: Required. String. Identifier for this specific settings Object, e.g. "Planets". Name and Display are used to sort and group settings Objects.
:;Alive: Required. String. Path to settings Object, e.g. "$mySettings".
::Required. String. Identifier for this specific settings Object, e.g. "Planets". Name and Display are used to sort and group settings Objects.
:;Notify: Optional. String. Path to global notification function when user leaves the OXP screen.
:;Reset: Optional. Boolean. If set allows "Reset to defaults" option.
::Required. String. Path to settings Object, e.g. "$mySettings".
::Optional. String. Path to global notification function when user leaves the OXP screen.
::Optional. Boolean. If set allows "Reset to defaults" option.
and at least one of
and at least one of
:;Bool: Boolean handling.
::Boolean handling.
::;B0: Up to 9 unique Objects.
:::;Name: Required. String. Path to boolean property, e.g. "$switchOn".
:::Up to 9 unique Objects.
:::;Def: Required. Boolean. Default value.
:::;Desc: Required. String. Short description, e.g. "Add planets".
::::Required. String. Path to boolean property, e.g. "$switchOn".
:::;Hide: Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
:::;Notify: Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
::::Required. Boolean. Default value.
::::Required. String. Short description, e.g. "Add planets".
::::Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
::::Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
::;Info: Optional. String. Description for the boolean settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
:::Optional. String. Description for the boolean settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
::;Notify: Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the boolean screen.
:::Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the boolean screen.
:;SInt: Number handling. Integer or Float. Used values can be in range -16777215...16777215 (or -0xffffff...0xffffff).
::Number handling. Integer or Float. Used values can be in range -16777215...16777215 (or -0xffffff...0xffffff).
::;S0: Up to 9 unique Objects.
:::;Name: Required. String. Path to integer or float property, e.g. "$amountMoons".
:::Up to 9 unique Objects.
:::;Def: Required. Number. Default value.
:::;Min: Required. Number. Minimum value, e.g. -43.
::::Required. String. Path to integer or float property, e.g. "$amountMoons".
:::;Max: Required. Number. Maximum value, e.g. 0xfffffe.
:::;Desc: Required. String. Short description, e.g. "Max planets".
::::Required. Number. Default value.
:::;Float: Optional. Boolean. If true floating point input allowed.
:::;Hide: Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
::::Required. Number. Minimum value, e.g. -43.
:::;Notify: Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
::::Required. Number. Maximum value, e.g. 0xfffffe.
::::Required. String. Short description, e.g. "Max planets".
::::Optional. Boolean. If true floating point input allowed.
::::Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
::::Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
::;Info: Optional. String. Description for the number settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
:::Optional. String. Description for the number settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
::;Notify: Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the number screen.
:::Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the number screen.
:;EInt: Bitmask handling. Positive Integer. Used values can be in range 0...16777215 (or 0x0...0xffffff).
::Bitmask handling. Positive Integer. Used values can be in range 0...16777215 (or 0x0...0xffffff).
::;E0: 1 object.
:::;Name: Required. String. Path to bitmask property, e.g. "$myBitmask".
:::1 object.
:::;Def: Required. Number. Default value.
:::;Min: Required. Number. Minimum value.
::::Required. String. Path to bitmask property, e.g. "$myBitmask".
:::;Max: Required. Number. Maximum value.
:::;Desc: Required. Array. Contains Strings, describing the single elements.
::::Required. Number. Default value.
:::;Hide: Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
:::;Notify: Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
::::Required. Number. Minimum value.
:::;OneOf: Optional. Boolean. Selects only one bit at a time.
:::;OneOfZero: Optional. Boolean. Selects only one bit or none at a time.
::::Required. Number. Maximum value.
::::Required. Array. Contains Strings, describing the single elements.
::::Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
::::Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
::::Optional. Boolean. Selects only one bit at a time.
::::Optional. Boolean. Selects only one bit or none at a time.
::;Info: Optional. String. Description for the bitmask settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
:::Optional. String. Description for the bitmask settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
::;Notify: Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the bitmask screen.
:::Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the bitmask screen.

Revision as of 15:13, 4 August 2016



Lib_Config (part of Library) is a Interface to give AddOns the possibility to let users change settings in the game. It's really easy to implement the data and usually only needs a few lines of code. AddOns can also register multiple entries if they need some more options.



_registerSet: function( obj )

Register a data set on .startUpComplete or later.


Object. See Full Dataset for its members.


Number. Errorcode. If OK 0 (zero).


_unregisterSet: function( obj )

Unregister a data set.


Object. See Full Dataset for its members.


Number. Errorcode. If OK 0 (zero).


A very simple one with 1 boolean property to stare at:

 this.$log = false;
 this.$myOXPC = {Name:this.name, Display:"Example A", Alive:"$myOXPC",
      B0:{Name:"$log", Def:false, Desc:"Blurp."},

Full Dataset

The members:

Required. String. worldScript name, usually simply this.name.
Required. String. Identifier for this specific settings Object, e.g. "Planets". Name and Display are used to sort and group settings Objects.
Required. String. Path to settings Object, e.g. "$mySettings".
Optional. String. Path to global notification function when user leaves the OXP screen.
Optional. Boolean. If set allows "Reset to defaults" option.

and at least one of

Boolean handling.
Up to 9 unique Objects.
Required. String. Path to boolean property, e.g. "$switchOn".
Required. Boolean. Default value.
Required. String. Short description, e.g. "Add planets".
Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
Optional. String. Description for the boolean settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the boolean screen.
Number handling. Integer or Float. Used values can be in range -16777215...16777215 (or -0xffffff...0xffffff).
Up to 9 unique Objects.
Required. String. Path to integer or float property, e.g. "$amountMoons".
Required. Number. Default value.
Required. Number. Minimum value, e.g. -43.
Required. Number. Maximum value, e.g. 0xfffffe.
Required. String. Short description, e.g. "Max planets".
Optional. Boolean. If true floating point input allowed.
Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
Optional. String. Description for the number settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the number screen.
Bitmask handling. Positive Integer. Used values can be in range 0...16777215 (or 0x0...0xffffff).
1 object.
Required. String. Path to bitmask property, e.g. "$myBitmask".
Required. Number. Default value.
Required. Number. Minimum value.
Required. Number. Maximum value.
Required. Array. Contains Strings, describing the single elements.
Optional. Boolean. Hide from display.
Optional. String. Path to notification function when user changes this property.
Optional. Boolean. Selects only one bit at a time.
Optional. Boolean. Selects only one bit or none at a time.
Optional. String. Description for the bitmask settings. If prefixed with '^' points to a missiontext key.
Optional. String. Path to group notification function when user leaves the bitmask screen.