Oolite JavaScript Reference: World script event handlers
This page provides a list of event handlers which can be implemented inside world scripts JavaScript scripts for Oolite. Additionally, ship script handlers called on the player's ship will cause an equivalent world script event.
Most event handlers can be used both in world scripts and in ship scripts. Generally speaking, handlers starting with "ship" can be used for both scripts and those starting with "player" are meant only for the player (= can only be used in a world script). Exceptions on this rule are mentioned with the individual handlers below.
World scripts can be either found inside Config\script.js, or be distinctly named .js files inside the Scripts directory - in the latter case, the worldScript.plist will list the active world scripts.
World scripts are always active.
The list of event handlers will change from version to version (usually additions of extra handlers). For this reason, any variables or functions you create as this.variable
should have a name beginning with '_' or '$' - e.g. this._variable
or this.$variable
- to avoid potential conflicts with future event handlers (which will never start with '_' or '$').
[hide]- 1 Game State
- 2 Docking
- 2.1 shipWillDockWithStation
- 2.2 shipDockedWithStation
- 2.3 shipWillLaunchFromStation
- 2.4 shipLaunchedFromStation
- 2.5 playerStartedAutoPilot
- 2.6 playerCancelledAutoPilot
- 2.7 playerDockingClearanceCancelled
- 2.8 playerDockingClearanceExpired
- 2.9 playerDockingClearanceGranted
- 2.10 playerDockingRefused
- 2.11 playerRequestedDockingClearance
- 2.12 playerRescuedEscapePod
- 2.13 playerCompletedContract
- 2.14 playerEnteredContract
- 3 Witchspace Jumps
- 4 Enter/Exit Aegis
- 5 Combat
- 5.1 alertConditionChanged
- 5.2 playerTargetedMissile
- 5.3 shipAttackedOther
- 5.4 shipAttackedWithMissile
- 5.5 shipBeingAttacked
- 5.6 shipBeingAttackedByCloaked
- 5.7 shipKilledOther
- 5.8 shipReleasedEquipment
- 5.9 shipTargetDestroyed
- 5.10 shipDied
- 5.11 shipFiredMissile
- 5.12 shipTargetLost
- 5.13 shipTargetCloaked
- 5.14 weaponsSystemsToggled
- 6 Equipment and Cargo
- 6.1 equipmentAdded
- 6.2 equipmentDamaged
- 6.3 equipmentRemoved
- 6.4 equipmentRepaired
- 6.5 playerBoughtCargo
- 6.6 playerBoughtEquipment
- 6.7 playerBoughtNewShip
- 6.8 playerChangedPrimedEquipment
- 6.9 playerReplacedShip
- 6.10 playerSoldCargo
- 6.11 shipScoopedFuel
- 6.12 shipScoopedOther
- 6.13 playerWillBuyNewShip
- 6.14 playerWillReplaceShip
- 7 Other
- 7.1 chartHightlightModeChanged
- 7.2 compassTargetChanged
- 7.3 dayChanged
- 7.4 escapePodSequenceOver
- 7.5 guiScreenChanged
- 7.6 guiScreenWillChange
- 7.7 infoSystemChanged
- 7.8 infoSystemWillChange
- 7.9 mfdKeyChanged
- 7.10 missionChoiceWasReset
- 7.11 missionScreenEnded
- 7.12 missionScreenOpportunity
- 7.13 reportScreenEnded
- 7.14 selectedMFDChanged
- 7.15 shipCollided
- 7.16 shipSpawned
- 7.17 shipLaunchedEscapePod
- 7.18 systemInformationChanged
- 7.19 viewDirectionChanged
- 8 System population
- 9 Defunct
- 10 Missing Events
Game State
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
This event is called when the game is paused. This is mainly useful for pausing sound playback which should not continue while the game is paused.
this.gamePaused = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
This event is called when the game is resumed from pause. This is mainly useful for resuming sound playback paused in a gamePaused
this.gameResumed = function() { // Your code here }
The playerWillSaveGame
handler is called whenever the player saves a game. The transferred message is one of the following strings: 'standardSave', 'autoSave' or 'quickSave'
this.playerWillSaveGame = function(message : String) { // Your code here }
Using this event is useful for storing temporary variables in missionVariables, just before the game gets saved. missionVariables are slow in use compared to normal JS variables, therefor their use should be minimised for efficient code. The main benefit of using missionVariables is that they are saved in a saved game.
The startUp
handler is called after all OXPs have been loaded. This also means that it is called every time the player loads a game, begins a new game or presses space after dying. It can be used to do one-off initialisation such as copying mission variables into this.*
properties for efficiency or setting up data arrays to be used by the script in other handlers. (world script only)
this.startUp = function() { // Your code here }
Note that from Oolite 1.79 onwards the player will be in the main station while this function is run, but may be moved from there to another station soon after.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
The startUpComplete
handler is run at game startup after the initial population of the system has been complete, and after the player has been moved to the station recorded in their save game. The order of world events at game start is therefore:
(or an alternative handler specified by the system info)startUpComplete
The shipWillDockWithStation
handler is called at the beginning of the docking tunnel effect.
this.shipWillDockWithStation = function(station) { // Your code here }
At this moment "ship.dockedStation == null", "ship.docked == true", "ship.status == STATUS_DOCKING"
The shipDockedWithStation
handler is called at the end of the docking tunnel effect.
this.shipDockedWithStation = function(station) { // Your code here }
At this moment "ship.dockedStation == the station", "ship.docked == true", "ship.status == STATUS_DOCKED" and "gui_screen" is either GUI_SCREEN_STATUS or GUI_SCREEN_REPORT. However, any identical handler from an other oxp could have changed those values. Never count on it but double check when important.
The shipWillLaunchFromStation
handler is called at the beginning of the launch tunnel effect.
this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function(station) { // Your code here }
At this moment "ship.dockedStation == the station", "ship.docked == false", "ship.status == STATUS_LAUNCHING".
The shipLaunchedFromStation
handler is called at the end of the launch tunnel effect. The argument passed to the handler function is the station entity from which the ship was launched.
this.shipLaunchedFromStation = function(stationLaunchedFrom) { // Your code here }
At this moment "ship.dockedStation == null", "ship.docked == false", "ship.status == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT".
The playerStartedAutoPilot
handler is called when the player starts autopilot docking. It is not called for the instantaneous dock command. The handler is called with an argument containing the station entity that is the docking target.
this.playerStartedAutoPilot = function(stationForDocking) { // Your code here }
The playerCancelledAutoPilot
handler is called when the player cancels autopilot docking.
this.playerCancelledAutoPilot = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The playerDockingClearanceCancelled
handler is called when the player withdraws their request to dock at a station.
this.playerDockingClearanceCancelled = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.83.
The playerDockingClearanceExpired
handler is called when the player exceeds the two minute window without requesting an extension
this.playerDockingClearanceExpired = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The playerDockingClearanceGranted
handler is called when the player is given permission to dock at a station. If the player is given immediate clearance to dock, this event will be called immediately after the playerRequestedDockingClearance
event. If, however, the station is unable to give immediate clearance, then there will be some delay between the request to dock and permission being granted. This event will be called when the station actually gives docking clearance.
this.playerDockingClearanceGranted = function() { // Your code here }
The playerDockingRefused
handler is called when a station refuses to provide autopilot docking instructions.
this.playerDockingRefused = function() { // Your code here }
The playerRequestedDockingClearance
handler is called when a station answers on a docking request of the player by targeting the station and pressing L (shift-l).
this.playerRequestedDockingClearance = function(message) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
The playerRescuedEscapePod
handler is called when the player rescues an escape pod which does not have scripted content (all consequences of scripted content escape pods are assumed to be dealt with by the specified script instead). It has three parameters:
- the rescue fee, in decicredits
- the fee reason, which can be "insurance", "bounty" or "slave" (in the latter case, the fee will always be zero)
- a dictionary like those in the
property describing the pod occupant
this.playerRescuedEscapePod = function(fee, reason, occupant) { // Your code here }
This method is called after the escape pod has been processed, but slightly before the arrival report screen giving the results of the processing is displayed to the player.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
The playerCompletedContract
handler is called when a passenger, parcel or cargo contract ends, either successfully or by defaulting on it. It is not called when all contracts are cancelled on a galactic jump. It has four parameters:
- The type of contract, which can be "cargo", "parcel" or "passenger"
- The result of the contract, which can be "success", "late", "failed", or for cargo contracts only "short"
- The fee paid for the contract in decicredits
- The contract information dictionary
Note that the fee actually paid for the contract will often not match the originally agreed fee in the contract information dictionary, as penalties for late delivery or bonuses for good service are included in the fee parameter.
this.playerCompletedContract = function(type, result, fee, contract) { // Your code here }
This method is called after the contract has been processed, but slightly before the arrival report screen giving the results of the processing is displayed to the player.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
The playerEnteredContract
handler is called when a passenger, parcel or cargo contract starts, just after the items have been transferred to the player ship. It has two parameters:
- The type of contract, which can be "cargo", "parcel" or "passenger"
- The contract information dictionary
this.playerEnteredContract = function(type, contract) { // Your code here }
Witchspace Jumps
The playerStartedJumpCountdown
handler is called when the user starts a witchspace or galactic witchspace jump countdown. The type
parameter is a string specifying which type of jump is occuring; currently, the possible values are “standard” and “galactic”. Other values may be added in future. The seconds
parameter is a number specifying the number of seconds the countdown is running for.
this.playerStartedJumpCountdown = function(type, seconds) { // Your code here }
The playerCancelledJumpCountdown
handler is called when the user cancels a witchspace or galactic witchspace jump countdown.
this.playerCancelledJumpCountdown = function() { // Your code here }
The playerJumpFailed
handler is called at the end of a witchspace or galactic witchspace countdown, if the jump is not possible. The reason
parameter is a string specifying why the jump failed. The current values are:
- "insufficient fuel" - the ship no longer has enough fuel to make the jump (e.g. injector use or fuel leak).
- "blocked" - a heavy ship is near the player (specifically
object mass
/object distance
2 >= 10.0, andobject distance
<= scanner range). - "malfunction" - the jump malfunctioned in a way that leaves the player ship in the current system.
- "malfunction" - the Galactic Hyperdrive is damaged or removed during a galactic jump countdown.
Also theoretically possible but unlikely in current Oolite:
- "too far" - the jump destination is outside the 7LY range (but wasn't when the countdown started).
- "no target" - the jump destination is the current location (but wasn't when the countdown started).
this.playerJumpFailed = function(reason) { // Your code here }
The shipWillEnterWitchspace
handler is called immediately before a witchspace jump, while the player is still in the starting system. The cause
parameter is a string specifying what sort of jump is occuring; currently, the possible values are “standard jump”, “galactic jump” and “wormhole”. Other values may be added in future.
// 1.80 or earlier this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function(cause) { // Your code here }
In 1.81 or later the handler gains a second parameter, describing the jump destination. For standard and wormhole jumps, this will be the system ID of the destination system. For galactic jumps, this will be the galaxy ID of the destination galaxy. (As player.ship.galacticHyperspaceBehaviour may be changed during shipWillEnterWitchspace
, it is not possible to predict in advance of a galactic jump being made what the resulting system ID in the destination galaxy will be)
// 1.81 or later this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function(cause, destination) { // Your code here }
The shipWillExitWitchspace
handler is called as a witchspace jump concludes. When it is called, the player is (from a program perspective) in the destination system, but the tunnel effect has not yet been shown. Use this event to set up elements which need to be present in-system after the player exits witchspace.
this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function() { // Your code here }
The shipExitedWitchspace
handler is called after a witchspace jump has concluded and the tunnel effect has been shown.
this.shipExitedWitchspace = function() { // Your code here }
The playerEnteredNewGalaxy
handler is called just before shipWillExitWitchspace.
the sequence of events for a player jumping to a different galaxy is as follows:
shipWillEnterWitchspace (world event)
playerWillEnterWitchspace (NPC ship event)
playerEnteredNewGalaxy (world event)
shipWillExitWitchspace (world event)
shipExitedWitchspace (world event)
this.playerEnteredNewGalaxy = function(galaxyNumber) { // Your code here }
Enter/Exit Aegis
The shipEnteredStationAegis
handler is called when the player enters the aegis of the main-station (2x scanner range from main-station). Other stations than the main-station don't give aegis messages.
this.shipEnteredStationAegis = function(station) { // Your code here }
The shipExitedStationAegis
handler is called when the player leaves the aegis of the main-station (2x scanner range from main-station).
this.shipExitedStationAegis = function(station) { // Your code here }
The shipEnteredPlanetaryVicinity
handler is called when the player enters the planet aegis (3x planet radius).
this.shipEnteredPlanetaryVicinity = function(planet) { // Your code here }
The shipExitedPlanetaryVicinity
handler is called when the player leaves the planet aegis (3x planet radius).
this.shipExitedPlanetaryVicinity = function(planet) { // Your code here }
The shipApproachingPlanetSurface
handler is called when the player is very close to the planet (crosses a border ± 500 meter above the surface).
this.shipApproachingPlanetSurface = function(planet) { // Your code here }
The shipLeavingPlanetSurface
handler is called when the player leaves the planet (crosses a border ± 500 meter above the surface).
this.shipLeavingPlanetSurface = function(planet) { // Your code here }
The alertConditionChanged
handler is called when the player’s alert status (player.alertCondition
) changes. Only the player and stations have an alert condition. (world script and station scripts)
this.alertConditionChanged = function(newCondition, oldCondition) { // Your code here }
The playerTargetedMissile
handler is called when the player targets the nearest missile by pressing T (shift-t) on the keybord.
this.playerTargetedMissile = function(missile) { // Your code here }
The shipAttackedOther
handler is called when the player hits another with a laser shot. other
is the identity of the ship being hit.
this.shipAttackedOther = function(other) { // Your code here }
The shipAttackedWithMissile
handler is called when a missile is fired. missile
contains the missile entity and whom
the identity of the ship that launched the missile.
this.shipAttackedWithMissile = function(missile, whom) { // Your code here }
The shipBeingAttacked
handler is called when a laser shot hits. whom
the identity of the ship that attacked.
this.shipBeingAttacked = function(whom) { // Your code here }
The shipBeingAttackedByCloaked
handler is called when a laser shot from a cloaked ship hits. Guess what, there is no parameter because he is cloaked!
this.shipBeingAttackedByCloaked = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.75.
The shipKilledOther
handler is called when a ship kills an other ship. whom
the identity of the ship that was killed. damageType
is the type of damage.
this.shipKilledOther = function(whom : ship, damageType : string) { // Your code here }
The shipReleasedEquipment
handler is called when a ship launches a mine (a pylon-mounted equipment item whose key ends with "_MINE"). mine
contains the launched mine entity.
this.shipReleasedEquipment = function(mine) { // Your code here }
The shipTargetDestroyed
handler is called when the target gets destroyed by the player. target
contains the destroyed target entity. This command is always preceded by the shipTargetLost
this.shipTargetDestroyed = function(target) { // Your code here }
The shipDied
handler is called when the ship or player dies. Expect a reset()
shortly when it is the player ship.
this.shipDied = function(whom, why) { // Your code here }
whom contains the entity that caused the kill. why is the cause written as string and is one of: "removed", "hit a planet", "energy damage", "scrape damage", "heat damage", "cascade weapon".
("cascade weapon" is new in 1.74 and "removed" / "energy damage" were accidentally switched in 1.73)
The shipFiredMissile
handler is called when a missile is fired. missile
contains the missile entity and target
the identity of the target. The handler is send to the ship that launched the missile.
this.shipFiredMissile = function(missile, target) { // Your code here }
The shipTargetLost
handler is called when the target gets lost. target
contains the lost target entity.
this.shipTargetLost = function(target) { // Your code here }
The shipTargetCloaked
handler is called when the target cloakes.
this.shipTargetCloaked = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The weaponsSystemsToggled
handler is called whenever the player toggles their weapons systems on or off. The state
parameter contains the new state of the weapons systems
this.weaponsSystemsToggled = function(state : boolean) { // Your code here }
Equipment and Cargo
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
The equipmentAdded
handler is called whenever the player ship gains an item of equipment. This includes "gaining" of EQ_SOMETHING_DAMAGED
is damaged. This event will fire regardless of the reason for the equipment being added to the ship.
this.equipmentAdded = function(equipmentKey) { // Your code here }
This is often more convenient than monitoring both equipmentRepaired
and playerBoughtEquipment
, and will also detect equipment addition by script.
The equipmentDamaged
handler is called when equipment gets damaged. (world script only)
this.equipmentDamaged = function(equipment) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
The equipmentRemoved
handler is called whenever the player ship loses an item of equipment. This includes "losing" of EQ_SOMETHING_DAMAGED
is repaired. This event will fire regardless of the reason for the equipment being removed from the ship.
this.equipmentRemoved = function(equipmentKey) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
The equipmentRepaired
handler is called when equipment gets repaired. (world script only)
this.equipmentRepaired = function(equipment) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
The playerBoughtCargo
handler is called when cargo is bought at the market screen. commodity
contains the non-localised name for the cargo. You can get the localised name using expandDescription("[commodity-name "+commodity+"]");
. price
is price per unit in tenths of a credit.
this.playerBoughtCargo = function(commodity, units, price) { // Your code here }
The playerBoughtEquipment
handler is called when equipment is bought at the outfit screen.
this.playerBoughtEquipment = function(equipment, paid) { // Your code here }
The 'paid' parameter is added from 1.89 onwards. This is the amount of credits the player paid for the equipment, including any refunds that might have been applied during the purchase (eg when purchasing a laser and installing it in a position where a laser is already fitted, the cost of the current laser will be refunded to the player during the purchase).
The playerBoughtNewShip
handler is called when a new ship is bought. May be needed to re-evaluate the old equipment as buying a new ship does not trigger equipment removal.
this.playerBoughtNewShip = function(ship, price) { // Your code here }
The 'price' parameter is added from 1.81 onwards. It is the cost of the ship (not counting any trade-in value of the player's old ship) in credits, or zero for changes using player.replaceShip
Note: In a future release of Oolite, playerBoughtNewShip
will no longer be fired when the ship is replaced using the player.replaceShip
function. Instead, the playerReplacedShip
event should be used. At the moment, both events (playerBoughtNewShip
and playerReplacedShip
) will fire.
See also: playerWillBuyNewShip
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The playerChangedPrimedEquipment
handler is called whenever the player changes the currently primed equipment (either with shift-n or ctrl-shift-n). The equipment key of the newly primed equipment will be passed as an argument.
this.playerChangedPrimedEquipment = function(equipmentKey) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.89.
The playerReplacedShip
handler is called when the player ship is replaced via the JS method player.replaceShip
. May be needed to re-evaluate the old equipment as replacing a ship does not trigger equipment removal.
this.playerReplacedShip = function(ship) { // Your code here }
See also: playerWillReplaceShip
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
The playerSoldCargo
handler is called when cargo is sold at the market screen. commodity
contains the non-localised name for the cargo. You can get the localised name using expandDescription("[commodity-name "+commodity+"]");
. price
is price per unit in tenths of a credit.
this.playerSoldCargo = function(commodity, units, price) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
The shipScoopedFuel
handler is called whenever the player's ship transfers 0.1LY of fuel from the scoops to the tank.
this.shipScoopedFuel = function() { // Your code here }
The shipScoopedOther
handler is called when a ship scoops cargo. The scooped item is transferred as argument.
If the cargo is scripted cargo, but not otherwise, then the scooped cargo itself gets the handler shipWasScooped
with the scooper as argument.
this.shipScoopedOther = function(whom) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.89.
The playerWillBuyNewShip
handler is called just before a new ship is bought. May be needed to re-evaluate the old equipment as buying a new ship does not trigger equipment removal.
this.playerWillBuyNewShip = function(dataKey, shipyard, price, tradeIn) { // Your code here }
is the shipdata.plist dataKey
for the ship being purchased.
is a dictionary object containing details about the ship being purchased, with information similar to the following:
{ short_description: "Python: Plus Galactic Hyperdrive. Extra Energy Unit. Docking Computers. E.C.M. System. Forward weapon upgraded to military laser. Price 215 000 ₢.", shipdata_key: "python-player", id: "675b6b-c60a74", price: 215000, ship: { ...shipdata.plist details of ship... }, personality: 9807, extras: ["EQ_GAL_DRIVE", "EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS", "EQ_ENERGY_UNIT", "EQ_FUEL_INJECTION", "EQ_DOCK_COMP", "EQ_ECM"] }
is the amount being paid the for ship.
is the trade in value of the current ship.
See also: playerBoughtNewShip
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.89.
The playerWillReplaceShip
handler is called just before a ship is replaced using the player.replaceShip
function. May be needed to re-evaluate the old equipment as buying a new ship does not trigger equipment removal.
this.playerWillReplaceShip = function(dataKey) { // Your code here }
is the shipdata.plist dataKey
for the ship being purchased.
See also: playerReplacedShip
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.87.
The chartHighlightModeChanged
handler is called whenever the highlight mode of the galactic chart is changed, either manually (from player input), or programmatically (by code setting the mode with player.ship.chartHightlightMode
. "newMode" is the new mode of the chart highlight, and will be one of the following:
this.chartHightlightModeChanged = function(newMode) { // Your code here }
The compassTargetChanged
handler is called when a new target is selected. Mode can be any of the following:
script example
this.compassTargetChanged = function(whom, mode) { log(' Now targeting ' + whom); // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
The dayChanged
handler is called each time a new day starts. At very low frame rates while the clock is updating, it is possible for this handler to be called twice in the same frame. Therefore, clock.days will not be correct for one of the calls. Use the day number passed to the function instead.
this.dayChanged = function(newday) { // Your code here }
The escapePodSequenceOver
handler is called at the end of the escape pod sequence, after the shipLaunchedEscapePod
event and just prior to the shipWillDockWithStation
and shipDockedWithStation
Use this function if you need to override the destination for the escape pod with the player method player.setEscapePodDestination()
this.escapePodSequenceOver = function() { // Your code here }
The guiScreenChanged
handler is called when the guiScreen changes. "from" is the screen it is changing from and "to" is the screen were it initially switched to. Note that the screen can have changed again in the meantime by the action of other oxps. Therefor, it will generally better to test for the global guiScreen
to see which page is really on display instead of using the "to" parameter. (world script only)
This handler will not fire for every screen the player can switch to, but only when switching to any of the following screens:
this.guiScreenChanged = function(to, from) { // Your code here }
The guiScreenWillChange
handler is called when the guiScreen is about to change. It only fires for the screens: GUI_SCREEN_EQUIP_SHIP, GUI_SCREEN_MANIFEST, GUI_SCREEN_MARKET, GUI_SCREEN_SHIPYARD
(in 1.77, also GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
). On these screens a script could change the content of the page to be displayed. (world script only)
this.guiScreenWillChange = function(to, from) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.83.
The infoSystemChanged
handler is called when the system displayed in F7 is changed, e.g. by moving the small blue cursor along the planned route in the chart.
this.infoSystemChanged = function(to, from) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The infoSystemWChange
handler is called just before the system displayed in F7 is updated, e.g. by moving the small blue cursor along the planned route in the chart.
this.infoSystemWillChange = function(to, from) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The mfdKeyChanged
handler is called whenever the player changes the content of an MFD slot. The activeMFD
parameter identifies which MFD slot is being changed, and the mfdKey
specifies the key code now in use in this slot.
this.mfdKeyChanged = function(activeMFD : integer, mfdKey : string) { // Your code here }
See also: PlayerShip.setMultiFunctionDisplay()
The missionChoiceWasReset
handler is called when the mission choice is set to null via script (either using the legacy script method resetMissionChice, or using mission.choice = null; in javascript)
this.missionChoiceWasReset= function() { // Your code here }
The missionScreenEnded
handler is called when the missionscreen ends. Note that an other script may have put up a new missionscreen in the meantime. (world script only)
this.missionScreenEnded = function() { // Your code here }
The missionScreenOpportunity
handler is called if there are no mission / report screens active, and the player is docked to a station. It gets fired at game startup, upon docking, and after a docking report or previous mission screen has ended. (world script only)
this.missionScreenOpportunity= function() { // Your code here }
This handler works a bit different as other handlers. It fires for every installed oxp, until an oxp creates a mission screen during this handler. Than it stops. When the mission screen ends and there is no callback function that created a new mission screen, than the missionScreenOpportunity is send again to all installed oxps, starting with the oxp that used the mission screen as last one. All this means that when this handler fires, it is safe to show a mission screen and no further test are needed.
The reportScreenEnded
handler is called when the last arrival-report screen ends. This is a screen that should not be written by a missionscreen. The code should wait until this eventhandler fires. Note that an other script may have put up a new missionscreen in the meantime. (world script only)
this.reportScreenEnded = function() { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
The selectedMFDChanged
handler is send whenever the player selects a new MFD slot (normally using the default keypress ";"). The activeMFD
paramater is the index of the MFD which is now active.
this.selectedMFDChanged = function(activeMFD : integer) { // Your code here }
The shipCollided
handler is send after a collision with otherShip.
this.shipCollided = function(otherShip) { // Your code here }
The shipSpawned
handler is called after an NPC ship has been added to the system. After a witchspace jump it means that first all ships are added to the system, then all the relevant shipSpawned events are triggered.
This handler for the worldScript is new since Oolite 1.74. After the event is sent to the shipScript, it is now also send to the worldScript with the added entity as argument.
this.shipSpawned = function(ship) { // Your code here }
The shipLaunchedEscapePod
handler is called when the player bails out. This will be followed by the escapePodSequenceOver
event, and then a shipWillDockWithStation()
pair after a few seconds.
this.shipLaunchedEscapePod = function(escapepod) { // Your code here }
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
The systemInformationChanged
handler is called when system information is modified. It is passed the galaxy and system ID which were changed, and the key and new value in the SystemInfo object.
To avoid problems with recursion, attempting to change the value of any system information property from within this function will fail and log an error. Also note that changes which take place while Oolite is not running (from OXP planetinfo.plist files) will not cause this handler to be called when the game is reloaded.
this.systemInformationChanged = function(galaxy,system,key,newValue) { // Your code here }
The viewDirectionChanged
handler is called when the player view changes, with a string to indicate which view the player is facing. Amongst its possible values are "VIEW_FORWARD", "VIEW_AFT", "VIEW_PORT", "VIEW_STARBOARD",
this.viewDirectionChanged = function(viewString) { if (viewString == "VIEW_PORT") { // Your code here } }
System population
In Oolite 1.79 and later, functions are called to populate and repopulate the system. These functions do not have fixed names, as they depend on the system, but otherwise act like normal worldscript functions. The populator page has more documentation on these functions.
Handler no longer exists in current stable version 1.80
The equipmentDestroyed
handler is called when equipment gets destroyed completely beyond repair. (in strict mode, 1.77 or earlier only) (world script only)
this.equipmentDestroyed = function(equipment) { // Your code here }
(removed in 1.77)
The tickle
handler is called periodically-ish, whenever the old plist scripts are updated. tickle()
is deprecated. In new code, use appropriate event handlers or timers instead.
Missing Events
All the initially planned events have been implemented in 1.74.
If there are other events you would like to be able to respond to, please write a request on the forum.
See also: ship script event handlers
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.81
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.79
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.85
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.83
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.75
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.77
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.89
- Updated JavaScript features in Oolite 1.87
- Oolite JavaScript Reference