Difference between revisions of "Oolite JavaScript Reference: Ship"
(→spawn: Clarification on spawn vs. addShip*) |
Line 495: | Line 495: | ||
* <code>spawn()</code> does not set up escorts for the new ships, or generate witchspace effects, or do any special AI handling. |
* <code>spawn()</code> does not set up escorts for the new ships, or generate witchspace effects, or do any special AI handling. |
+ | spawn() has a bunch of special semantics. In particular: |
+ | |||
+ | * The generated ships have a random position inside the parent ship’s collision radius, and initially face outwards. |
+ | * The generated ships inherit 85 % of the parent’s temperature. |
+ | * If the parent is a missile and the spawned ship has the is_submunition property set, the spawned ship inherits the parent’s owner and target and is flagged as a missile. (Special case for smarter |
+ | cluster missiles) |
+ | * Unlike addShip family methods, spawn() does not set up escorts, and does not handle auto-selection of trade routes and witchspace jump effects when it happens near a wormhole. |
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | In short, spawn() is the right thing if bits are falling off or out of a ship, and wrong for everything else. |
=== <code>spawnOne</code> === |
=== <code>spawnOne</code> === |
{{oolite-method-added|1.71}} |
{{oolite-method-added|1.71}} |
Revision as of 22:35, 23 February 2010
Prototype: Entity
Subtypes: Station
, PlayerShip
This class was added in Oolite test release 1.70.
The Ship
class is an Entity
representing a ship, station, missile, cargo pod or other flying item – anything that can be specified in shipdata.plist. A Ship
has all the properties and methods of a Entity
, and several others.
s and the Player
are types of ship. Note that these more specific types have additional properties and methods.
[hide]- 1 Properties
- 1.1 aftWeapon
- 1.2 AI
- 1.3 AIState
- 1.4 availableCargoSpace (deprecated)
- 1.5 beaconCode
- 1.6 bounty
- 1.7 cargoCapacity (deprecated)
- 1.8 cargoSpaceAvailable
- 1.9 cargoSpaceCapacity
- 1.10 cargoSpaceUsed
- 1.11 contracts
- 1.12 desiredSpeed
- 1.13 displayName
- 1.14 entityPersonality
- 1.15 equipment
- 1.16 escorts
- 1.17 escortGroup
- 1.18 forwardWeapon
- 1.19 fuel
- 1.20 group
- 1.21 groupID
- 1.22 hasHostileTarget
- 1.23 hasSuspendedAI
- 1.24 heatInsulation
- 1.25 isBeacon
- 1.26 isCloaked
- 1.27 isFrangible
- 1.28 isJamming
- 1.29 isMine
- 1.30 isMissile
- 1.31 isPirate
- 1.32 isPirateVictim
- 1.33 isPolice
- 1.34 isThargoid
- 1.35 isTrader
- 1.36 isWeapon
- 1.37 lightsActive
- 1.38 maxCargo
- 1.39 maxSpeed
- 1.40 maxThrust
- 1.41 missileCapacity
- 1.42 missiles
- 1.43 name
- 1.44 passengerCapacity
- 1.45 passengerCount
- 1.46 passengers
- 1.47 potentialCollider
- 1.48 primaryRole
- 1.49 reportAIMessages
- 1.50 roleProbabilities
- 1.51 roles
- 1.52 savedCoordinates
- 1.53 scannerRange
- 1.54 script
- 1.55 scriptInfo
- 1.56 shipDescription
- 1.57 shipDisplayName
- 1.58 speed
- 1.59 subEntities
- 1.60 target
- 1.61 temperature
- 1.62 thrust
- 1.63 weaponRange
- 1.64 withinStationAegis
- 2 Methods
- 2.1 abandonShip
- 2.2 awardContract
- 2.3 awardEquipment
- 2.4 awardPassenger
- 2.5 commsMessage
- 2.6 deployEscorts
- 2.7 dockEscorts
- 2.8 dumpCargo
- 2.9 ejectItem
- 2.10 ejectSpecificItem
- 2.11 equipmentStatus
- 2.12 explode
- 2.13 exitAI
- 2.14 fireECM
- 2.15 fireMissile
- 2.16 hasEquipment
- 2.17 hasRole
- 2.18 reactToAIMessage
- 2.19 remove
- 2.20 removeEquipment
- 2.21 selectNewMissile
- 2.22 setAI
- 2.23 setEquipmentStatus
- 2.24 setScript
- 2.25 spawn
- 2.26 spawnOne
- 2.27 switchAI
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
aftWeapon : EquipmentType(read-only)
The currently equipped aft weapon, or null. Identical to the equivalent PlayerShip property.
See also: forwardWeapon
AI : String (read-only)
The name of the ship’s current AI. (See also: AIState
, setAI()
, switchAI()
, exitAI()
AIState : String (read/write, read-only for player)
The ship’s AI’s current state. (See also: AI
, reactToAIMessage()
, hasSuspendedAI
availableCargoSpace (deprecated)
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
availableCargoSpace: Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s free cargo space, in tons. Deprecated in favour of cargoSpaceAvailable.
beaconCode : String (read-only)
If the ship is a beacon, an identifying string. The first character is used for identification on the Advanced Space Compass. For non-beacons, this property is null
. (See also: isBeacon
bounty : Number (read/write integer)
The bounty on the ship. In the case of the player, it is halved at each witchspace jump.
It is actually the legal status of the ship that is shown here and not the bounty. For all ships both are the same but for anything with scan class Thargoid the legal status is only based on the ships mass and has no relation to its defined bounty.
cargoCapacity (deprecated)
cargoCapacity: Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s cargo capacity, in tons. Name introduced with version 1.72. Old name was maxCargo. Deprecated in favour of cargoSpaceCapacity
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
cargoSpaceAvailable : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s available cargo space, in tons. Name introduced with version 1.74. Replaces availableCargoSpace.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
cargoSpaceCapacity : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s cargo capacity, in tons. Name introduced with version 1.74. Old names were maxCargo, cargoCapacity.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
cargoSpaceUsed : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s current cargo, in tons. Any ship carrying less than
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
contracts : Array (read-only NSDictionary)
The ship’s contracts. (For now only available for the player). Each contract contains the entries: commodity: string, quantity: integer, description: string, start: integer, destination: integer, startName: string, destinationName: string, eta: integer, etaDescription: string, fee: Integer, premium: Integer
For example, the information of the first contract can be obtained by:
player.ship.contracts[0].commodity player.ship.contracts[0].quantity player.ship.contracts[0].description player.ship.contracts[0].start player.ship.contracts[0].destination player.ship.contracts[0].startName player.ship.contracts[0].destinationName player.ship.contracts[0].eta // Estimated Time of Arrival. player.ship.contracts[0].etaDescription player.ship.contracts[0].fee // The profit of the contract, paid out on successful delivery. player.ship.contracts[0].premium // The sum paid to obtain the goods and paid back on successful delivery.
start and destination contain system ID numbers for planets in the current galaxy chart, eta is in clock seconds, fee is the amount that the player will receive when delivering this contract, and premium was the amount the player had to pay to secure this contract.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
desiredSpeed : Number (read/write nonnegative, read-only for player)
The speed the AI will attempt to maintain. The AI core and AI script may change this from time to time. The corresponding AI method is setSpeedFactorTo:
; a speed factor of 1.0 corresponds to a desiredSpeed
equal to maxSpeed
displayName : String (read/write, read-only for player)
The name of the ship as seen by the player. By default it is the same as name(name
key in shipdata.plist). This property is changed from shipDisplayName in 1.72
entityPersonality : Number (read-only integer)
A random number in the range 0..32767 which is generated when the ship is created. Equivalent to the entityPersonalityInt
uniform binding.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
equipment : Array of EquipmentInfo (read-only)
The equipment a ship is carrying.
escorts : Array (read-only array of Entitys)
The ship’s deployed escorts.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
escortGroup : ShipGroup (Class added with Oolite 1.73)
The ship’s deployed escorts.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
forwardWeapon : EquipmentType(read-only)
Identical to the equivalent PlayerShip property.
See also: aftWeapon
fuel : Number (read/write)
The ship’s current fuel capacity, in LY. The game will limit this to the range 0..7, and round it off to the nearest tenth. (See also: Player.fuelLeakRate
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
group : ShipGroup (Class added with Oolite 1.73)
Contains ship’s belonging to each other. Added pirate groups are an example or a station with its launched defenders.
A group is an individual object that can be linked to several ships belonging to the same group. When a ship dies and the group object has still owners, the group stays active as object. The group is only removed from memory after the last ship that had this group as property is removed.
Adding a group to a ship does not automatic puts that ship in the group. For that to happen you need also use the addShip() command.
this.ship.group = new ShipGroup(); this.ship.group.addShip(this.ship);
Removed in 1.73. Use group
hasHostileTarget : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship’s AI is trying to kill something, false
otherwise. Always false
for the player.
hasSuspendedAI : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship has suspended AIs, false
heatInsulation : Number (read/write)
The ship’s heat insulation factor. 1.0 is normal, higher values mean more resistance to heat.
isBeacon : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a beacon (i.e., can show up on the Advanced Space Compass with a character indicating its identity), false
otherwise. (See also: beaconCode
isCloaked : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship has a cloaking device which is currently active false
otherwise. If the ship has a cloaking device and sufficient energy to use it, you can activate it by setting isCloaked
to true
isFrangible : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is frangible (i.e., its subentities can be destroyed separately from the main ship), false
otherwise. (See also: subEntities
isJamming : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship has a military scanner jammer which is currently active false
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
isMine : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a mine, false
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
isMissile : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a missile, false
isPirate : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a pirate vessel, false
otherwise. Currently equivalent to primaryRole == "pirate"
isPirateVictim : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship’s primary role is listed in pirate-victim-roles.plist, false
otherwise. This is the same test used by the pirate AI to select victims.
isPolice : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a police vessel, false
otherwise. Currently equivalent to scanClass == "CLASS_POLICE"
isThargoid : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a Thargoid vessel, false
otherwise. Currently equivalent to scanClass == "CLASS_THARGOID"
isTrader : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a merchant vessel, false
otherwise. Currently equivalent to primaryRole == "trader" || isPlayer
. Note: isPirateVictim
may be a better choice in many cases.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
isWeapon : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is a weapon, false
otherwise. Currently equivalent to isMissile || isMine
, but new categories of weapon could be added in future.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
lightsActive : Boolean (read-write)
Setting this property to true
turns on all the entity’s flashers, and setting it to false
turns them off. Setting it sets the lightsActive
property for all subentities, but subentities’ setting can also be manipulated separately. In addition to affecting flashers, the value can be used by shaders.
Note: lightsActive
is always true
when a ship is spawned, although individual flashers may be off because they have initially_on
set to false in their shipdata.plist declarations.
maxCargo : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s cargo capacity. This property is renamed to cargoCapacity in 1.72.
maxSpeed : Number (read-only)
The ship’s maximum speed under normal power. Note that speed
may exceed this when witch fuel injectors or hyperspeed are in use. (See also: speed
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
maxThrust : Number (read-only)
The ship’s maxThrust. This value is the one defined as thrust in shipdata.plist.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
missileCapacity : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s maximum number of missiles it can carry.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
missiles : Array (read-only array of EquipmentInfo's)
The ship’s loaded missiles.
name : String (read/write, read-only for player)
The name of the ship type (name
key in shipdata.plist). This property was changed from shipDescription in 1.72
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
passengerCapacity : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s maximum passenger capacity.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
passengerCount : Number (read-only integer)
The ship’s current number of passengers.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
passengers : Array (read-only NSDictionary)
The ship’s passengers. (For now only available for the player). Each passengers list contains the entries: name: String, start: integer, destination: integer, startName: string, destinationName: string, eta: integer, etaDescription: string, fee: Integer, premium: Integer
For example, the information of the first contract can be obtained by:
player.ship.passengers[0].name player.ship.passengers[0].start player.ship.passengers[0].destination player.ship.passengers[0].startName player.ship.passengers[0].destinationName player.ship.passengers[0].eta player.ship.passengers[0].etaDescription player.ship.passengers[0].fee // The final fee, paid out on successful delivery. player.ship.passengers[0].premium // The advance fee, already paid on acceptance of the contract.
start and destination contain system ID numbers for planets in the current galaxy chart, eta is in clock seconds, fee is the amount that the player will receive when delivering this passenger, and premium shows the amount the player received when the passenger boarded the ship.
potentialCollider : Entity (read-only)
The entity the ship is currently trying not to crash into, if any.
primaryRole : String (read/write, read-only for player)
The main role of the ship; the role for which it was created. For instance, if a ship’s shipdata.plist entry specifies the roles “pirate trader(0.5) escort”, and a ship of that type is spawned to be a trader, its primaryRole
is "trader"
, its roles
is ["escort", "pirate", "trader"]
and its roleProbabilities
is { "escort":1, "pirate":1, "trader":0.5}
See also: roles
, roleProbabilities
reportAIMessages : Boolean (read/write)
Debugging facility: set to true
to dump information about AI activity to the log.
roles : Object (read-only)
The probabilities for each role in roles
. Example:
this.pirateProb = ship.roleProbabilities["pirate"]
See also: primaryRole
, roles
roles : Array (read-only array of Strings)
The roles of the ship. This consists of the roles specified in the ship’s shipdata.plist entry, as well as the primaryRole
if it is not among those.
See also: primaryRole
, roleProbabilities
, hasRole()
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
savedCoordinates : Vector (read-write)
The savedCoordinates of the ship in system co-ordinates. The savedCoordinates vector is only used by AI scripting to store a coordinate that can be used by other AI commands like setDestinationToCoordinates
. It are the same coordinates that are set by the AI command: "setCoordinates: X Y Z"
scannerRange : Number (read-only)
The range of the ship’s scanner.
script : Script (read-only)
The ship’s script.
scriptInfo : Object (read-only)
The contents of the script_info
key in the ship’s shipdata.plist entry, if any. This may be any property list object, but the reccomended approach is to use a dictionary whose keys have a unique prefix (such as you should be using for file names, ship names etc.). A property list dictionary is converted to a JavaScript object with properties corresponding to the dictionary’s keys. All other property list types used with Oolite have directly corresponding JavaScript types.
shipDescription : String (read/write, read-only for player)
The name of the ship type (name
key in shipdata.plist). This property is changed into name in 1.72
shipDisplayName : String (read/write, read-only for player)
The name of the ship as seen by the player. By default it is the same as shipDescription(name
key in shipdata.plist). This property is changed into displayName in 1.72
speed : Number (read-only)
The ship’s current speed. (See also: maxSpeed
subEntities : Array (read-only array of Ships)
The ships subentities, or null
if it has none. Special subentities such as flashers and exhaust plumes are not included. (See also: isFrangible
target : Ship (read-write)
The ship’s primary target, i.e. the entity it will attempt to shoot at. This value is automatically co-ordinated between a ship and its subentities.
Starting with 1.74 a current target can be deselected by setting "target = null". (Before defining null resulted in an error)
temperature : Number (read/write)
The ship’s temperature, normalized such that a temperature of 1.0 is the level at which a ship starts taking heat damage.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
thrust : Number (read/write (For player read-only))
The ship’s thrust. This value is maximised by maxThrust. This value determines how fast the ship accelerates or decelerates. Speed-change in m/ses per sec.
weaponRange : Number (read/write)
The maximum range of the ship’s primary weapon. For the player it is the range of the weapon that fired as last, even when the view direction changed.
withinStationAegis : Boolean (read-only)
if the ship is within the aegis of the system’s main station (i.e., no more than 51 200 game metres from the station, or twice scanner range).
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function abandonShip() : Boolean
Returns true
when the ship has an escapepod. It will launch all escapeposd on board leaving the ship behind as a empty hulk. (scanClass = CLASS_CARGO). This command does nothing when no escape-pod is present.
Pressence of an escapepod can be tested with: hasEquipment("EQ_ESCAPE_POD")
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function awardContract(quantity: Integer, commodity: String, start: Integer, destination: Integer, eta: Integer, fee: Integer) : Boolean
Adds a contract to the ship. (Currently only for the player). eta
is in seconds and must be greater than the current time. start
and destination
are the ID numbers of the system.
It returns false when there is no room for the cargo or the eta is chosen wrong or there is not enough money to accept the contracts.
player.ship.awardContract(12, "Food", 34, 67, clock.seconds+7*24*3600, 5000)
If successful - and in galaxy chart 1 - the player will have 12 more food containers on board, the manifest will show that the cargo was picked up at Inus, to be delivered at Cemave, within exactly 7 days from now, and the player will be given 5000 credits if the cargo is delivered on time (early or late delivery will affect the amount paid). N.B. Normally to get a contract, the player will have to buy the cargo at the local market price. Using this method, no inital payment is made.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function awardEquipment(equipmentKey : String)
Adds the given piece of equipment to the ship. Example: ship.awardEquipment("EQ_ECM")
(before 1.74 this command was only available for the player's ship)
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function awardPassenger(name: String, start: Integer, destination: Integer, eta: Integer, fee: Integer) : Boolean
Adds a contract to the ship. (Currently only for the player). eta
is in seconds and must be greater than the current time. start
and destination
are the ID numbers of the system.
It returns false when there is no room for the passenger or the eta is chosen wrong.
player.ship.awardPassenger("cmdr Jameson", 34, 67, clock.seconds+3*24*3600, 1500)
If successful - and in galaxy chart 1 - the player will have cmdr Jameson as a passenger, his documents will show that he boarded the ship at Inus, to go to Cemave, within exactly 3 days from now, and the player will be given 1500 credits if he gets there on time (early or late arrival will affect the amount paid). N.B. Normally a passenger will pay the captain a small advance upon boarding. Using this method, no inital payment is made.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
function commsMessage(message : String) : Ship
Make the ship type entity broadcast the specified message. Works on buoys and subentities as well as normal ships and stations.
function deployEscorts()
Launch the ship’s escorts, if any.
function dockEscorts()
Dock the ship’s deployed escorts, if any.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.
function dumpCargo() : Ship
Ejects one item of cargo from the ship, and returns the cargo item. Returns null
if the ship has no cargo, anything has been ejected in the last 0.5 seconds, or if sent to the player while docked.
See Also: dumpCargo
, ejectSpecificItem
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.
function ejectItem(role : String) : Ship
Spawns a ship of role role
immediately behind the ship, with a slight backwards velocity. (Note: an equal and opposite reaction is applied to the parent ship, so doing this with large ships is rarely useful. player.ejectItem("station")
may seem funny, but don’t come running to me if you have someone’s eye out.) Returns the generated ship, or null
if no ship is generated. The scanClass of the ejected item will always be CLASS_CARGO.
See Also: dumpCargo
, ejectSpecificItem
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.
function ejectSpecificItem(itemKey : String) : Ship
Spawns a ship with the shipdata.plist key itemKey
immediately behind the ship, with a slight backwards velocity. The scanClass of the ejected item will always be CLASS_CARGO.
See Also: dumpCargo
, ejectItem
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function equipmentStatus(equipmentKey : String) : String
Tests whether the specified type of equipment is installed, and whether it is functioning. Returns one of the following strings: "EQUIPMENT_OK"
. (was before 1.74 only available to the player)
See also: setEquipmentStatus()
function explode()
Like it says. Works on otherwise-indestructible main station, and everything else too.
function exitAI()
Exit the current AI, restoring the previous one. Equivalent to the exitAI:
AI method. May not be used on player. Will generate a warning if there are no suspended AI states.
See Also: AI
, setAI()
, hasSuspendedAI
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
function fireECM()
activates an ecm burst, identical as the AI command.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function fireMissile([missile]) : Ship
fireMissile() will try and fire the first available missile and will return the missile fired, or null if no missiles can be fired at this time. It can take the optional missile identifier parameter, to allow for a specific missile to be fired. Missiles cannot be fired if the NPC ship hasn't got a valid target, or if the previous missile was launched less than missile_load_time seconds before. If a missile type was specified, and not found on the ship, no missile will be fired.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.73.
function hasEquipment(equipmentKey : String [, includeWeapons : Boolean]) : Boolean
Returns true
if the given piece of equipment is present on/in the ship, false
if it is not. If includeWeapons
is false, primary weapons (lasers) and secondary weapons (missiles and mines) are excluded. If includeWeapons
is not specified, true
is assumed.
Prior to Oolite 1.73, hasEquipment()
is only available for the player’s ship and includeWeapons
is ignored (treated as always false).
Example: if (player.hasEquipment("EQ_TRUMBLE")) log("Oh noes, I has a trumble!")
function hasRole(role : String)
Returns true
if the ship has role
among its roles, false
See Also: roles
function reactToAIMessage(AIState : String)
Immediately execute the ship’s AI in the specified state.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.72.
function remove()
Like it says. Works on otherwise-indestructible main station, and everything else too. Same as explode except for the explosion itself
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function removeEquipment(equipmentKey : String)
Removes the given piece of equipment from the ship. Example: ship.removeEquipment("EQ_ECM")
. (before 1.74 this command was only available to the player)
This function can also be used to remove missiles (and mines). If more than one missile of the same type is found on board, only one of them will be removed.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function selectNewMissile() : equipmentKey
selectNewMissile() will automatically select a missile for a specific ship. It uses the missile_role shipdata.plist key to find out which missiles to select. As with the system populator, there's a small chance that missiles other than the missile_role specified in shipdata will be selected. e.g.
will automatically add the 'right type' of missile to a ship, i.e. one that its captain would normally choose.
function setAI(AIName : String)
Set the current AI, leaving the old one suspended. Equivalent to the setAITo:
AI method. May not be used on player.
See Also: AI
, switchAI()
, exitAI()
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
function setEquipmentStatus(equipmentKey : String, statusKey : String)
Changes the status of the given piece of equipment from the ship. The two only valid status keys are "EQUIPMENT_OK"
. (was before 1.74 only available to the player)
See also: equipmentStatus()
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.
function setScript(scriptName : String)
Set, or completely replace, the javascript code associated to a ship entity.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.
function spawn(role : String [, count : Number]) : Array
Attempts to create count
(maximum: 64) ships of role role
close to the ship – specifically, inside the ship’s collision radius. (Since creating ships may fail, the number created may be less than count
). The created ships are returned in an array. If count
is not specified, one will be assumed.
is intended for cases when a ship splits into multiple parts or drops parts. In particular, it has the following special behaviour:
- The spawned ships inherit most of the temperature of the parent.
- If the parent is a missile and a child has the
property, the child will be considered a missile, its target will be set to that of the parent and the child’s owner will be set to the parent. spawn()
does not set up escorts for the new ships, or generate witchspace effects, or do any special AI handling.
spawn() has a bunch of special semantics. In particular:
* The generated ships have a random position inside the parent ship’s collision radius, and initially face outwards. * The generated ships inherit 85 % of the parent’s temperature. * If the parent is a missile and the spawned ship has the is_submunition property set, the spawned ship inherits the parent’s owner and target and is flagged as a missile. (Special case for smarter cluster missiles) * Unlike addShip family methods, spawn() does not set up escorts, and does not handle auto-selection of trade routes and witchspace jump effects when it happens near a wormhole.
In short, spawn() is the right thing if bits are falling off or out of a ship, and wrong for everything else.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.71.
function spawnOne(role : String) : Ship
Convenience method which calls spawn(role)
and returns the first element of the resulting array, or null
if spawn()
function switchAI(AIName : String)
Set the current AI, exiting the old one. Equivalent to the switchAITo:
AI method. May not be used on player.