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The Adder Mk II is found in the [http://oosat.alioth.net/files/marett_vol1.zip ''Marett Space Corporation''] OXP.
The Adder Mk II is found in the [http://oosat.alioth.net/files/marett_vol1.zip ''Marett Space Corporation''] OXP.
[[Category:Oolite Ships]] [[Category:Ship OXPs]]

Revision as of 23:42, 29 September 2008

Adder Mk II
Adder MkII sm.png
Size (metres, W×H×L) 45 × 8 × 30
Cargo capacity 7 TC
Cargo bay extension Available
Maximum speed 0.400 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.8
Pitch: 1.5
Energy banks 1
Energy recharge rate Poor (2.0)
Gun mounts Fore, Aft
Missile slots 2
Shield boosters available Yes
Military shields available Yes
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard OXP
Available to player Yes
Base price 1150000 Cr


An enhanced, larger version of the Adder Mk I with more missile pylons and more power. Complete with Fuel Injectors as standard. Still slightly too small to be viable for serious trading, the Mk II is large enough to be useful as a selective pirate or assassin vessel able to make a single kill and scoup any valuables left behind.


A list of compatible equipment: Adder_II_EQ


The Adder Mk II is found in the Marett Space Corporation OXP.