Difference between revisions of "Oolite JavaScript Reference: System"

From Elite Wiki
(Updated formatting. Added properties and methods for finding entities.)
(<code>filteredEntities</code>: Removed “doesn’t work” notice.)
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=== <code>filteredEntities</code> ===
=== <code>filteredEntities</code> ===
<div class="boilerplate metadata" style="margin: 0 5%; padding: 0 7px 7px 7px; background: #EDF1F1; border: 1px solid #999999; text-align: left; font-size:95%;">'''This method currently doesn’t work.''' It is intended that it be available in Oolite 1.70, but there are technical problems which may require it to be removed.</div>
'''filteredEntities'''(this : Object, predicate : Function [, relativeTo : [[Oolite/Development/Scripting/Class/Entity|Entity]] [, range : Number]]) : Array
'''filteredEntities'''(this : Object, predicate : Function [, relativeTo : [[Oolite/Development/Scripting/Class/Entity|Entity]] [, range : Number]]) : Array
A list of the entities for which <code>predicate</code> returns <code>true</code>. If <code>relativeTo</code> is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to <code>relativeTo</code> (i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If <code>range</code> is also specified, entities further than <code>range</code> metres from <code>relativeTo</code> will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.
A list of the entities for which <code>predicate</code> returns <code>true</code>. If <code>relativeTo</code> is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to <code>relativeTo</code> (i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If <code>range</code> is also specified, entities further than <code>range</code> metres from <code>relativeTo</code> will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.

Revision as of 20:03, 9 October 2007

Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none

The System class represents the current system. There is always one System object, available through the global propery system.

Attempts to change system properties are ignored in interstellar space (i.e., the place you end up in after a witchspace malfunction).



allShips : Array (read-only)

A list of the ships in the system. If there are none, an empty list.

See Also: shipsWithPrimaryRole(), shipsWithRole(), entitiesWithScanClass(), filteredEntities().


description : String (read/write)

The description of the current system, as seen on the planet info screen.


economy : Number (integer, read/write)

The type of economy in the current system, ranging from 0 (Rich Industrial) to 7 (Poor Agricultural). (See also: economyDescription)


economyDescription : String (read-only)

A description of the economy type, for example, “Mostly Industrial”. (See also: economy)


goingNova : Boolean (read-only)

true if the system’s sun is in the process of going nova, false otherwise. (To do: this should be a propery of the sun.) (See also: goneNova, setSunNova())


goneNova : Boolean (read-only)

true if the system’s sun hase gone nova, false otherwise. (To do: this should be a propery of the sun.) (See also: goingNova, setSunNova())


government : Number (integer, read/write)

The type of government in the current system, ranging from 0 (Anarchy) to 7 (Corporate State). (See also: governmentDescription)


governmentDescription : String (read-only)

A description of the government type, for example, “Democracy”. (See also: government)


ID : Number (integer, read-only)

A number identifying the system. 0 to 255, or -1 for interstellar space. Equivalent to planet_number in plist scripts.


inhabitantsDescription : String (read/write)

The description of the inhabitants of the current system, such as “Slimy Blue Frogs”.


isInterstellarSpace : Boolean (read-only)

true if the current system is in interstellar space, false otherwise.


mainPlanet : Planet (read-only)

The system’s main planet, or null if there is none.


mainStation : Station (read-only)

The system’s main station, or null if there is none.


planets : Array (read-only)

A list of the planets in the system. If there are none, an empty list.


population : Number (integer, read/write)

The population of the current system.


productivity : Number (integer, read/write)

The productivity of the current system.


sun : Planet (read-only)

The system’s sun, or null if there is none.


techLevel : Number (integer, read/write)

The technology level of the current system, ranging from 0 to 15.



addMoon(planetInfoKey : String)

Adds a moon to the system, using the specified entry in planetinfo.plist. A moon is the same as a planet, except that it has no atmosphere. (See also: addPlanet())


addPlanet(planetInfoKey : String)

Adds a planet to the system, using the specified entry in planetinfo.plist. (See also: addMoon())


countShipsWithRole(role : String) : Number (integer)

Returns the number of ships with the specified role in the system; equivalent to checkForShips: in plist scripts.


entitiesWithScanClass(scanClass : String [, relativeTo : Entity [, range : Number]]) : Array

A list of the entities in the system whose scan class is scanClass. If relativeTo is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo (i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range is also specified, entities further than range metres from relativeTo will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.

See Also: shipsWithPrimaryRole(), shipsWithRole(), filteredEntities().


filteredEntities(this : Object, predicate : Function [, relativeTo : Entity [, range : Number]]) : Array

A list of the entities for which predicate returns true. If relativeTo is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo (i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range is also specified, entities further than range metres from relativeTo will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.


this.findIdlePoliceInScannerRange = function() 
    function isIdlePolice(entity) 
        return entity.isShip && entity.isPolice && !entity.target 
    return system.filteredEntities(this, isIdlePolice, player, 25600) 

See Also: shipsWithPrimaryRole(), shipsWithRole(), entitiesWithScanClass().

legacy_addShips etc.

legacy_addShips(role : String, count : Number)
legacy_addSystemShips(role : String, count : Number, position : Number)
legacy_addShipsAt(role : String, count : Number, coordscheme : String, where : vectorExpression)
legacy_addShipsAtPrecisely(role : String, count : Number, coordscheme : String, where : vectorExpression)
legacy_addShipsWithinRadius(role : String, count : Number, coordScheme : String, where : vectorExpression, radius : Number)
legacy_spawn(role : String, count : Number)
legacy_spawnShip(shipDataKey : String)

Various ways of causing ships to appear. Each of these corresponds to a legacy scripting method. A new, more flexible addShips() function will supersede all of them.



Makes all ships hyperspace out of the system.



Sets the system’s sun to go nova after the specified time interval. Time is specified in game real time.


shipsWithPrimaryRole(role : String [, relativeTo : Entity [, range : Number]]) : Array

A list of the entities in the system whose primary role is role. If relativeTo is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo (i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range is also specified, entities further than range metres from relativeTo will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.

See Also: shipsWithRole(), entitiesWithScanClass(), filteredEntities().


shipsWithRole(role : String [, relativeTo : Entity [, range : Number]]) : Array

A list of the entities in the system whose role set contains role. If relativeTo is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo (i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range is also specified, entities further than range metres from relativeTo will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.

See Also: shipsWithRole(), entitiesWithScanClass(), filteredEntities().