Oolite JavaScript Reference: System
Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none
The System
class represents the current star system. There is always one System
object, available through the global property system
Attempts to change system properties are ignored in interstellar space (i.e., the place you end up in after a witchspace malfunction).
[hide]- 1 Properties
- 1.1 allShips
- 1.2 allVisualEffects
- 1.3 ambientLevel
- 1.4 breakPattern
- 1.5 description
- 1.6 economy
- 1.7 economyDescription
- 1.8 government
- 1.9 governmentDescription
- 1.10 ID
- 1.11 info
- 1.12 inhabitantsDescription
- 1.13 isInterstellarSpace
- 1.14 mainPlanet
- 1.15 mainStation
- 1.16 name
- 1.17 planets
- 1.18 population
- 1.19 populatorSettings
- 1.20 productivity
- 1.21 pseudoRandom100
- 1.22 pseudoRandom256
- 1.23 pseudoRandomNumber
- 1.24 stations
- 1.25 sun
- 1.26 techLevel
- 1.27 wormholes
- 1.28 waypoints
- 2 Methods
- 2.1 addGroup
- 2.2 addGroupToRoute
- 2.3 addMoon
- 2.4 addPlanet
- 2.5 addShips
- 2.6 addShipsToRoute
- 2.7 addVisualEffect
- 2.8 countEntitiesWithScanClass
- 2.9 countShipsWithPrimaryRole
- 2.10 countShipsWithRole
- 2.11 entitiesWithScanClass
- 2.12 filteredEntities
- 2.13 legacy_addShips etc.
- 2.14 locationFromCode
- 2.15 scrambledPseudoRandomNumber
- 2.16 sendAllShipsAway
- 2.17 setPopulator
- 2.18 setWaypoint
- 2.19 shipsWithPrimaryRole
- 2.20 shipsWithRole
- 3 Static Methods
allShips : Array (read-only)
A list of the ships in the system.
See Also: entitiesWithScanClass()
, filteredEntities()
, shipsWithPrimaryRole()
, shipsWithRole()
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
allVisualEffects : Array (read-only)
A list of the visual effects in the system.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
ambientLevel : float (read/write)
Adjusts the level of ambient light in the current system. Values should typically be between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 is the default) but can be higher for a flat lit, cartoon-like effect. This is will override the "ambient_level" setting defined in Planetinfo.plist. The change is not permanent and will be reset when the system is reloaded.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
breakPattern : Boolean (read/write)
If true
(the default state set on entry to a new system), the break pattern will be shown to the player as they exit witchspace. While this property may be set from places other than the shipWillExitWitchspace
world script event, it is pointless to do so.
Unlike all other system properties, this one may be changed on entry to interstellar space.
description : String (read/write)
The description of the current system, as seen on the planet info screen.
economy : Number (integer, read/write)
The type of economy in the current system, ranging from 0 (Rich Industrial) to 7 (Poor Agricultural).
See Also: economyDescription
economyDescription : String (read-only)
A localized description of the economy type, for example, “Mostly Industrial”. Since this string is localized, it should only be used for display purposes.
See Also: economy
government : Number (read/write, integer)
The type of government in the current system, ranging from 0 (Anarchy) to 7 (Corporate State).
See Also: governmentDescription
governmentDescription : String (read-only)
A localized description of the government type, for example, “Democracy”. Since this string is localized, it should only be used for display purposes.
See Also: government
ID : Number (integer, read-only)
A number identifying the system. 0 to 255, or -1 for interstellar space.
info : SystemInfo (read/write)
Allows access to system properties, using the same keys as planetinfo.plist.
system.info.description = "This is a dull planet.";
inhabitantsDescription : String (read/write)
The description of the inhabitants of the current system, such as “Slimy Blue Frogs”.
isInterstellarSpace : Boolean (read-only)
if the current system is in interstellar space, false
mainPlanet : Planet
The system’s main planet, or null
if there is none.
mainStation : Station (read-only)
The system’s main station, or null
if there is none.
name : String (read/write)
The name of the system.
planets : Array (read-only)
A list of the planets in the system.
population : Number (integer, read/write)
The population of the current system.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
populatorSettings : Dictionary (read-only)
The current populator settings. This is only useful to read during while system population is being prepared. After that point further changes are meaningless.
See Also: setPopulator
productivity : Number (integer, read/write)
The productivity of the current system.
pseudoRandom100 : Number (integer, read-only)
A random number between 0 and 99 that is always the same for a given system. Important: this method has the undesirable side effect of resetting the system random number generator. It should only be used for backwards-compatibility. For new development, use scrambledPseudoRandomNumber()
or pseudoRandomNumber
pseudoRandom256 : Number (integer, read-only)
A random number between 0 and 255 that is always the same for a given system. Important: this method has the undesirable side effect of resetting the system random number generator. It should only be used for backwards-compatibility. For new development, use scrambledPseudoRandomNumber()
or pseudoRandomNumber
pseudoRandomNumber : Number (read-only)
A random number between 0 and 1 that is always the same for a given system. In general, you should avoid using this number directly and call scrambledPseudoRandomNumber()
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
stations : Array (read-only)
A list of the stations in the system.
sun : Sun (read-only)
The system’s sun, or null
if there is none.
techLevel : Number (integer, read/write)
The technology level of the current system, ranging from 0 to 15.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
wormholes : Array (read-only)
A list of the wormholes in the system.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
waypoints : Array (read-only)
A dictionary of the waypoints in the system by key and value.
See Also: setWaypoint()
function addGroup(role : String, count : Number [, position:vectorExpression
] [, radius: Number]) :ShipGroup
Like addShips()
, but puts the ships in a group and returns the group.
See Also: addGroupToRoute()
, addShips()
function addGroupToRoute(role : String, count : Number [, fraction: Number] [, route: String]) : ShipGroup
Like addShipsToRoute()
, but puts the ships in a group and returns the group.
See Also: addGroup()
, addShipsToRoute()
function addMoon(planetInfoKey : String) : Planet
Adds a moon to the system, using the specified entry in planetinfo.plist. A moon is the same as a planet, except that it has no atmosphere.
See Also: addPlanet()
function addPlanet(planetInfoKey : String) : Planet
Adds a planet to the system, using the specified entry in planetinfo.plist.
See Also: addMoon()
function addShips(role : String, count : Number [, position: vectorExpression
] [, radius: Number]) : Array
Adds ships to the system and returns the added ships in an array. Position is in absolute coordinates. When no position is given, the witchpoint is assumed. When no radius is given, the maximum scanner range is used. Ships added in range of the witchpoint automatically create a witchpoint entry cloud.
When you want to use coordinates from the legacy "pwp" system you can use the function fromCoordinateSystem to convert legacy type coordinates to absolute coordinates.
If you wish to add ships of a specific shipdata key, pass the key as the "role" parameter, enclosed in square brackets.
See Also: addGroup()
, addShipsToRoute()
function addShipsToRoute(role : String, count : Number [, fraction: Number] [, route: String]) : Array
Adds ships to the system on certain common routes and returns the added ships as an array. The routes are the two character codes wp
, pw
, ws
, sw
, sp
, and ps
, where w
stands for the witchpoint, p
for the planet and s
for the sun.
When no route is defined, the route witchpoint → main station is assumed.
The position is a fraction of the route and must be between 0 and 1. Unlike the legacy commands the fraction takes planetary radii in account, so it does not start counting in the centre of sun/planet but from its surface. When no fraction is defined, a random fraction is chosen. Ships are added within scanner range of this position. Ships added in range of the witchpoint automatically create a witchpoint entry cloud.
var ships = system.addShipsToRoute("myShips", 2, 0.7, "sw") var pirates = system.addShipsToRoute("pirate", 3, Math.random(), "sp")
The first line adds 2 ships near each-other on the route from sun to witchpoint and puts the added ship in the array ships
, and the second line adds a group of 3 pirates at a random position along the sun to planet route and returns the array pirates
Note: this method will fail and return null
if either of the route end points doesn’t exist. No valid routes exist in interstellar space.
See Also: addGroupToRoute()
, addShips()
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
function addVisualEffect(effectKey : String, position: vectorExpression
) : VisualEffect
Adds a new visual effect with the effectKey in effectdata to the system, at the specified position, and returns the added effect. If the effectKey does not exist, or creation was otherwise impossible, this method will fail and return null
Note that unlike the functions for adding ships, addVisualEffect
returns a single entity, not an array.
function countEntitiesWithScanClass(scanClass : String [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Number (integer)
Returns the number of ships with the specified ScanClass in the system.
function countShipsWithPrimaryRole(role : String [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Number (integer)
Returns the number of ships with the specified primary role in the system.
function countShipsWithRole(role : String [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Number (integer)
Returns the number of ships with the specified role in the system. Counts not only the primary role the ship is added with but all roles a ship can have.
function entitiesWithScanClass(scanClass : String [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Array
A list of the entities in the system whose scan class is scanClass
. If relativeTo
is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo
(i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range
is also specified, entities further than range
metres from relativeTo
will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.
See Also: shipsWithPrimaryRole()
, shipsWithRole()
, filteredEntities()
function filteredEntities(this : Object, predicate : Function [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Array
A list of the entities for which predicate
returns true
. If relativeTo
is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo
(i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range
is also specified, entities further than range
metres from relativeTo
will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.
this.findIdlePoliceInScannerRange = function() { function $isIdlePolice(entity) { return entity.isShip && entity.isPolice && !entity.target } return system.filteredEntities(this, $isIdlePolice, player.ship, 25600); }
See Also: shipsWithPrimaryRole()
, shipsWithRole()
, entitiesWithScanClass()
legacy_addShips etc.
function legacy_addShips(role : String, count : Number) function legacy_addSystemShips(role : String, count : Number, position : Number) function legacy_addShipsAt(role : String, count : Number, coordscheme : String, where :vectorExpression
) function legacy_addShipsAtPrecisely(role : String, count : Number, coordscheme : String, where :Planet
) function legacy_addShipsWithinRadius(role : String, count : Number, coordScheme : String, where :Planet
, radius : Number) function legacy_spawnShip(shipDataKey : String)
Various ways of causing ships to appear. Each of these corresponds to a legacy scripting method. For more info about the coordScheme
, look at Oolite coordinate systems. These methods are kept for backwards-compatibility; for new development, addShips()
is preferred.
Important: legacy_spawn
, previously listed here, never worked as intended and has been replaced with Ship.spawn()
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
locationFromCode(code) : Vector
Returns a random location in the region specified by the code string. The code strings are the same as used by the Oolite populator
function scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(salt : Number (integer)) : Number
Returns a number that’s greater than or equal to zero and less than one. It will always return the same value for a given salt
value and system. Crucially, the relationship between systems and numbers is effectively completely different for each salt value, so scripts making similar decisions based on scrambledPseudoRandomNumber()
but using different salts will get uncorrelated results. For example, if two different OXPs add a certain type of station to 25% of systems using if (system.pseudoRandomNumber < 0.25)
, the two station types will always be found in the same system; using scrambledPseudoRandomNumber()
with different salts avoids this.
function sendAllShipsAway()
Makes all ships hyperspace out of the system.
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
setPopulator(key : String, definition : Object)
Sets the populator settings for the specified key to the given definition, or deletes them if the definition is null. Calling this outside of the system population set up is possible but useless. See the populator settings page for more information on the format of the definition
See Also: populatorSettings
This method was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
setWaypoint(key : String, position : VectorExpression, orientation : QuaternionExpression, parameters : Object)
Adds a waypoint to the system with the given key
, placed at the specified position
and orientation
. parameter
is an object with the following optional keys:
- size: the radius of the waypoint in metres
- beaconCode: the beacon code (default "W")
- beaconLabel: the beacon label (default "Waypoint")
Waypoints will be visible only when the player has a working Advanced Space Compass.
setWaypoint(key : String)
Removes the waypoint with the specified key
, if it exists.
In Oolite 1.81, waypoints can either be oriented (the 1.80 default) or unoriented. Unoriented waypoints do not display the directional arrows. To create an unoriented waypoint, set its orientation to the zero quaternion (0,0,0,0) either on creation or later.
See Also: waypoints
function shipsWithPrimaryRole(role : String [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Array
A list of the entities in the system whose primary role is role
. If relativeTo
is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo
(i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range
is also specified, entities further than range
metres from relativeTo
will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.
See Also: shipsWithRole()
, entitiesWithScanClass()
, filteredEntities()
function shipsWithRole(role : String [, relativeTo : Entity
[, range : Number]]) : Array
A list of the entities in the system whose role set contains role
. If relativeTo
is specified, the list will be sorted in order of proximity to relativeTo
(i.e., the first element of the list is closest). If range
is also specified, entities further than range
metres from relativeTo
will be excluded. If no matching entities are found, an empty array is returned.
See Also: shipsWithRole()
, entitiesWithScanClass()
, filteredEntities()
Static Methods
function infoForSystem(galaxyNumber: Integer, systemID : Integer) (write-only)
Overwrites existing info of the given system. As properties it uses the planetinfo.plist keys. e.g.
System.infoForSystem(0, 55).description = "This is a dull planet."
sets the description of planet nr 55 in galaxy 0 to "This is a dull planet."
Starting from Oolite 1.73, all system Info for the present galaxy is also readable. Even though any galaxy system info property is fully settable, due to engine limitations other galaxies' data is not accessible. In other words
System.infoForSystem(0, 55).description
would return "This is a dull planet." if called from galaxy 0, and throw an exception if called from the other galaxies.
Of particular note the spelling of the techlevel property when using the infoForSystem function to extract it. While the property of system.techLevel is spelt using camelCase, System.infoForSystem(0, 55).techlevel is using all lower case. This is because planetinfo.plist has always had the techlevel key spelt this way.
function systemIDForName(systemName : String) : Integer
Returns the ID number of a system in the current galaxy based on the system name.
Note: in galaxy 8, there are two systems named “Inzaan”. systemIDForName()
will return the lower ID, which is 22.
function systemNameForID(systemID : Integer) : String
Returns the name of a system in the current galaxy based on the given ID number.