Any world script registered as providing trading permit definitions for New Cargoes through registerPermit must contain all of these functions. Permits can include things which make goods more illegal than they would otherwise be (e.g. a trade embargo)
Look at the Scripts/cargotypepermits.js script of the New Cargoes OXP for a simple example.
[hide]Required functions
int checkImport(CargoID good, int quantity, bool dryrun)
Returns the per-TC legal penalty which these "permits" would apply to that good for docking at a Galcop-rules station. This will be added to that provided by other permit extensions and the base import penalty of the good to calculate the overall legal penalty.
If dryrun is true, then the check is for a "what-if" scenario, and the state of the permit must not be changed by the check (e.g. for a limited use permit)
int checkPermit(CargoID good, int quantity, bool dryrun)
Returns the per-TC legal penalty which these "permits" would apply to that good for launching from a Galcop-rules station. This will be added to that provided by other permit extensions and the base import penalty of the good to calculate the overall legal penalty.
If dryrun is true, then the check is for a "what-if" scenario, and the state of the permit must not be changed by the check (e.g. for a limited use permit)
String describePermits()
Returns a short string describing the legality modifications currently applying to the player in this system as a result of this world script.
String? permitGossip()
If you wish there to be gossip in the trader bars of this system about this permit script, return it here. Gossip should be at most 80 characters in length, and start with the string "* ".
Otherwise return false.