Moray Medical Boat 02
ship name::Moray Medical Boat | |
Size (W×H×L) | 59 m×ship height::29 m×ship length::70 m |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::10 TC |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::15 TC |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.30 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Pitch: 1.5 Roll: 2.5 Yaw: 1.5 Thrust: 32 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::4 |
Energy recharge rate |
Medium (3.0) |
Gun mounts | Fore: 2x |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::N/A |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::Yes |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::Yes |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::No |
Base price | ship base price::145000 Cr |
When an update of the GalCop interstellar conventions prohibited medical ships from carrying heavy weaponry some modifications to the Moray Medical Boat (Oolite) became necessary. The layouts of Medical Designs Technology won the bidding of Marine Trench Co. and the production of the series 02 started. Different to series 01 the missile pods were removed in exchange for 2 front Pulse Lasers, some more cargo space and a possible enhancement with Military Shield Enhancement.
The combination of weak armament and a load of medical supplies make them a preferred victim for piracy. For safety reasons therefore these ships usually fly in convoys and are protected by escorts. Most hospital ships like the Medical Anaconda and the Lambda Hospital T5-F01 are using them for assistance when they are on a mission.
Compatible equipment for this ship. Factory standard equipment is marked in bold, all other equipment can be added by the player. | ||
Misc. Equipment | Cargo Bay Expansion • Fuel Scoops • Passenger Berth • Escape Capsule • Docking Computers • Witch Fuel Injectors • Scanner Targeting Enhancement • Multi-Targeting System • Galactic Hyperdrive • Advanced Space Compass | |
Weaponry | Pulse Laser | |
Defence | E.C.M. System • Extra Energy Unit • Naval Energy Unit • Shield Boosters • Military Shield Enhancement • External Heat Shielding |
Known Issues
These textures were designed for V 1.88, the latest Oolite V 1.90 is using a much brighter light model and therefore rendering the appearance of the ships. If you prefer the previous light here is a tip from another_commander: modifying shaders
This ship could be found in the star_wars_remake.OXP (coming soon), its not a part of the core-game.
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