Military Shields Ships
This OXP sets military shields for NPC-ships with large monolithic mass.
This OXP is based on the N-Shields OXP. Thanks go to Ngalo for his N-Shields code.
[hide]Overview (WIP)
This OXP sets military shields for NPCs with large mass. This ship upgrade includes in-built shield boosters and energy grids (grid technologies).
(!) This OXP is only for NPCs, as:
- - player has many equipment OXPs for upgrade: Energy Capacitors, Naval Grids, Shield Cycler and Ship Configuration.
- - also it will solve a compatibility with equipment OXPs, these grid technologies will be available for player ships.
For NPCs with the highest energy recharge rates (more than 10 - simulated NEU), this OXP will replace the usual shield boosters with NPC Shield Boosters and NPC Shield Enhancers in order to simulate correctly and avoid an overfitting recharge rate.
Military Multiply Shields Enhancement (MMS) = grid technologies = (?). //WAIT
The label 'MMS' from ship names should be deleted before public release.
Recommended OXP's
(WIP) The following OXP is recommended:
- NShields (v0.7.1). //WIP: create a simple script mechanics (like that used in vanilla oolite)
The following OXP's are listed as recommended, in that additional ships will become available if they are installed.
- gsagostinho's Texture Packs
- Added 3 ships: Cobra Mark IV (2 textures), Python (v1.1, 1 texture).
- Griff's Retextures : TODO
- Added 2 ships: Cobra Mark III (v1.04, 2 textures).
- wildShips's Shipset (v0.9.1) : TODO
- Added 3 ships: Chatu, Duma (2 ships).
- Laser Cannons (v1.12)
- Rebalance addition ships with laser cannons. Added 17 ships: Anaconda(4 ships), Boa(3 ships), Boa Class Cruiser(3 ships), Cobra Mark III(2 ships), Python(5 ships).
- Sniper Gun (v1.3)
- Added 2 ships: Python, Python BattleCruiser.
- Staer9's Shipset (v1.12)
- Added 1 ship: Python ET Special.
Optional OXP's
- NPC Equipment Damage
- Helps balance this OXP by allowing NPC equipment to be damaged when shields are down.
- NPC Energy Units
- Allowing NPCs to fit extra energy units is important for fairness if they have proper Military Shield Enhancers.
- TODO: Need upgrade for correct set a recharge rates for ship with simulated EEU and NEU.
- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
- Author: Rustem
- This OXP is discussed at this forum link:
- NShields OXP
- Military Shield Enhancement
Version History
TODO : /Military_Multiply_Shields
- 0.2.0
- - Adds the Naval Energy Unit for NEU simulated.
- - Adjustments a max shields and shield recharge rates.
- - Upgrade of the main script (thanks go to Ngalo for his N-Shields code).
- 0.1.0
- - Added the script for spawn of the military ships without N-Shields OXP.
- - Added a recharge rate in the script info.
- 0.0.3
- - Added a ships with with laser cannons : anaconda-pirate-lasercannon and anaconda-lasercannon(4 ships), boa-pirate-lasercannon2, boa-mk2-lasercannon(3 ships), python-lasercannon(3 ships).
- - Reduced military shield vars : python-sg, python-battlecruiser.
- - Renamed and resorted a some roles.
- 0.0.2
- - For experimental testing added script_info vars: cargoext, recharge.
- - Added a ships with with laser cannons : python-blackdog-lasercannon and python-lasercannon.
- - Deleted a word 'MMS' from ship names.
- - Added a optional oxps to manifest.
- 0.0.1
- - Initial beta release.
The Dark Side
As with all of Rustem's work, there is a lot more detail in his ReadMe.
Gameplay and Balance Indicator
Makes the tougher McNasties much tougher.