Military Ray
ship name::Military Ray | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 41m×ship height::11m×ship length::47m |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::N/A |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::N/A |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.43 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 2.8 Pitch: 2.1 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::6 |
Energy recharge rate |
Good (ship energy recharge::4.0) |
Gun mounts | Fore |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::2 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::Yes |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::Yes |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::No |
Base price | ship base price::N/A |
The Communist Military also use the ubiquitous Ray, patrolling extra-systemic space to counter the threat of Thargoid attack. Their Rays tend to be upgraded with advanced weapons and systems and crewed by highly-trained Spetsnaz pilots, they are more than a match for most experienced pilots and, when deployed in numbers, are a dangerous proposition for even Elite-rated spacers. It is perhaps with some satisfaction that the Premiers of the Communist States can rest easier in their beds knowing that the regions of space beyond their Witchpoint Beacons are well watched and that that the watchers are trained to fight to the death before dishonouring their planet and training. It is this 'Death or Victory' attitude that encouraged the Party Commissars to assign Military Rays to their Commissariat Limousine escort details, knowing full well that the pilots would fight and die against even overwhelming odds rather than fail in their assignments.
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This ship is part of the Commies OXP.