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AI States and Messages
When an AI state machine is started it is always put into the state GLOBAL, and it will be sent an ENTER message.
The following table describes some of the messages the game engine might send to an AI state machine.
AIs might be passed these message as a matter of routine, in which case the AI will wait until its next cycle before reacting, or it might be asked to react to the given message immediately.
When an AI reacts to a message it examines the state it is currently in: if the state has an entry for a given message it responds by performing the corresponding list of actions, if it has no corresponding entry the message is discarded and ignored.
ACCEPT_DISTRESS_CALL AEGIS_CLOSE_TO_PLANET AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE AEGIS_LEAVING_DOCKING_RANGE AEGIS_NONE APPROACH_COORDINATES APPROACH_START APPROACH_STATION ATTACKED CARGO_SCOOPED COLLISION CONDITION_GREEN // Lowest alert status of station entity, next level: Condition_Yellow. CONDITION_YELLOW // Second level of station entity alert status, next level: Red_Alert. COURSE_OK DEPLOYING_ESCORTS DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED DOCKED DOCKING_ABORTED DOCKING_COMPLETE DOCKING_REFUSED DOCKING_REQUESTED ECM ENERGY_FULL ENERGY_LOW ENTER // Always sent to the new (now current) state of the AI state machine // after switching to a new state. ENTERED_WITCHSPACE ESCORTING EXIT // Always sent to the current state of the AI state machine before switching to a new state. EXITED_WITCHSPACE FACING_DESTINATION FIGHTING FLEEING FRUSTRATED GONE_BEYOND_RANGE GROUP_ATTACK_TARGET HOLD_FULL HOLD_POSITION INCOMING_MISSILE LANDED_ON_PLANET LAUNCHED MOTHER_LOST // sent if an escorting ship, or a group of ships, loses its Leader. NO_STATION_FOUND NO_TARGET NOT_ESCORTING NOTHING_FOUND ODDS_BAD ODDS_GOOD ODDS_LEVEL // Odds determined by CheckGroupOdds method. REACHED_SAFETY // Sent when the ship controlled by the AI is fleeing its primary_target // and is at least desired_range kms from it. RED_ALERT // Entity attacked. RESTARTED // Sent when an AI state machine is made the current AI state machine by // becoming the top of the AI state machine stack for a particular entity. STATION_FOUND TARGET_CLEAN TARGET_DESTROYED TARGET_FOUND // Sent when searching for a target and something suitable is found. // The found_target can be made the primary target by calling setTargetToFoundTarget // in response to this message. TARGET_FUGITIVE TARGET_LOST TARGET_MARKED TARGET_MINOR_OFFENDER TARGET_OFFENDER THARGOID_DESTROYED TRY_AGAIN_LATER UPDATE // This message is sent to the current state each time the AI gets a chance to "think". WAIT_FOR_SUN WAYPOINT_SET YELLOW_ALERT // Hostile craft in scanner range.
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