How do I ...
From Elite Wiki
[hide]Help & Advice Pages on this wiki and elsewhere
How do I ... dock / succeed in trading / win a fight / configure my controller/joystick etc
- Oolite Instruction Manual: links to other pages
- Pilot's Reference Manual
- Mr Gimlet's Advice for New Commanders
- Oolite FAQ
- Ship's Library OXP includes an in-game readable Ship's Manual explaining how to trade, dock, prime optional equipment, etc
- Combat (Tactics):
- Oolite Tactics: a couple of essays, advice for beginners, intermediate & advanced pilots, long list of OXPs
- Laser tactics: pulse, beam & military lasers
- Missile tactics: different missiles, ECM, MTS & STE
- Using weapons of mass destruction (Quirium cascade bombs)
- Pre-Oolite combat for Classic Elite, FE2 & FFE
- Dealing with Thargoids
- Dealing with piracy
- Docking: How to Dock
- Priming Equipment for .oxp's & MFDs
- Trade: Trade (Oolite)
- Elite/FE2/FFE: For advice on trading & combat see AFE FAQ4, Trade (Classic Elite), Trade (FE2/FFE).
- See also the OoliteRS (Reference Sheets) and AdviceforNewCommanders which came as .pdfs in your original game download. Probably worth printing out!
- Career Options: Trader, Smuggler, Courier, Chauffeur, Miner, Bounty Hunter, Pirate, Rescuer
- also includes OXP Careers: Rescue Stations, Galactic Navy Reservist, Salvage Operator, Ship Escort Services, Jouster.
You might find it helpful to reconfigure your keyboard: Some people find it helpful to either move the position of the fire laser key, or to transpose the yaw & roll keys. Other people find that their standard Gaelic-language keyboard fails to allow them to use their Torus drives, for example.
See Keyboard Issues for links to solutions, discussions, OXPs and more!
- There are a handful of links at the bottom of the Joysticks and Gamepads page.
- Joysticks: Guide to Setting Up Controllers & Joysticks
- Dizzy's guide to Setting up Joystick Axis Profiles
The Dark Side
ie: programming. For those untutored in these mysteries, one often starts with tweaking and then progresses further.
- How to tweak OXZ's
- OXP howto create them - with another dozen links at the bottom