Console HUD
Azure themed semi-transparent HUD image with balanced array of flight and combat indicators. Four directional vector control for pitch, roll, and yaw. The scanner background color provides for sharp contrast of all scan classes. Cloak indicator on status light is enabled. Remember, you will be able to see objects beneath the HUD image so if you don’t like that feature then this OXP may not be for you. Version changes noted below.
Video Displays
Best at 1024 X 768 and 1280 X 1024. Not recommended for widescreen monitors.
Minimum Requirements
This OXP should work with Oolite 1.65 and onward. No dependencies.
After unzipping, move or copy the folder, "Console_HUD.oxp" into your AddOns folder. Where that resides depends on your Oolite installation.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0
version 1.1 - December 2011
Changes: HUD image cleaned up and re-organized. Pylon area expanded and config spacing reduced to accommodate up to 10 missiles or other pylon mounted equipment.
Version 1.0 - July 2011
- Console_HUDv1.1 OXP.
- Console_HUD OXP. (version 1.0)