Cabal Common Library Doc SpecialMarkets
From Elite Wiki
This is the main class for the special markets with its members and part of the Cabal_Common_Library.
The script gives another option for trading in special goods and calculates prices and availabilities for inserted items.
A calculator (OpenOffice format) for OXP developers is available: (21.3 KB).
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_SpecialMarkets.registerLocation(obj); |
Scripts can specify systems where items can be bought or sold. Only one object with a few properties has to be passed.
Properties of obj:
- item
- String. Required. Unique Name. Max length 40 chars.
- galaxy
- Array. Required. Galaxy [0...7].
- buyID
- Array. Required. System.IDs [0...255].
- sellID
- Array. Required. System.IDs. If sold (and no contract) callback [0...255].
- stationID
- Array. Required. Specified stations for buy and sell, e.g. [["main"],["MyStation"]].
- cb
- String. Required. worldScript name for callback.
- cbb
- String. Required. Function that handles the delivery if !contract.
- priceclass
- Number. Required. Base priceclass. The higher the lower the production. [5...100].
- refresh
- Number. Required. Units produced every day [0...1].
- desc
- String. Required. Description.
- block
- Boolean. Blocks cargohold on purchase. If true disables contract.
- contract
- String. If !block it turns it into a cargo contract to a random system in sellID.
- offset
- Number. Sell multiplier for calculated price [1.3...5]. Default 1.3.
- avail
- Number. Starting availability [0...25]. Higher values will lower the prices. Default 0.
- times
- Number. Start time [clock.days-1000...clock.days]. Default clock.days.
- decrease
- Number. Affects prices and produced units over time [0.01...0.5]. Default 0.1.
- legal
- Boolean. Legality of this item. Default true.
- model
- String. Role. Default "cargopod".
- oneShot
- Boolean. One shot deal. If true item will be removed after selling.
- success
- Boolean. True on success.
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_SpecialMarkets.removeTradeItem(item); |
Removes the specified item.
- item
- String. Item to be removed.
- nothing.
worldScripts.Cabal_Common_SpecialMarkets.checkPSHold(item); |
Convenience check if player has a specific item in his hold.
- item
- String. Item to be checked.
- n
- Number. Amount.