[hide]- 1 Overview
- 2 Properties
- 2.1 ambientSounds
- 2.2 fxSounds
- 2.3 logging
- 2.4 stationMusic
- 2.5 bgsChatterPause
- 2.6 bgsCountOffset
- 2.7 bgsDelay
- 2.8 bgsDisableChatter
- 2.9 bgsDisableCrowd
- 2.10 bgsDisableJump
- 2.11 bgsDockingFX
- 2.12 bgsHyperFX
- 2.13 bgsHyperFXWormhole
- 2.14 bgsHyperMove
- 2.15 bgsImageSwitch
- 2.16 bgsJitterRemove
- 2.17 bgsOff
- 2.18 bgsQPatch
- 3 Methods
- 4 player.ship.script
- 5 shipdata.plist
- 6 missiontext.plist
- 7 Additional features
- 8 For artists
BGS-M is the script for ambient sounds, music and image switches.
Cabal Common Library
BGS checks existance of Cabal Common Library and the internal version. If the requirement is not fullfilled the script gets completely disabled.
The timed countdowns are using single soundfiles for the countdown. BGS checks the keys in customsounds.plist ([galactic-hyperspace-countdown-begun]
and [hyperspace-countdown-begun]
) to see if another soundpack is using them. If so BGS disables its own countdown.
Additionally BGS checks the duration of the countdown (declared by OXPs via hyperspace_motor_spin_time
for playerships) and adjusts it's own countdown.
On startUp
BGS checks the shader support level. If it's switched off or no shader support is available all effects are disabled. See also Docking FX.
The script ships functionality to display more infos on the LongRangeChart via overlay if the player has bought the Advanced Navigational Array. It adds the named regions and lanes from ClymAngus vector maps (see Oolite_planet_list).
BGS uses Cabal_Common_2DCollision() to check if the cursor is inside a specified polygon or on a specified line. Methods for inserting the datatsets are available (see addToLRCSpecial() and addToLRC()).
OXPC - Marked properties can be configured via OXPConfig.
- Boolean. Switches ambientSounds on/off. This switch affects the crowd layer in stations and engine mumble inflight. Default is true.OXPC
- Boolean. Switches fxSounds on/off. This switch affects the screen based sounds in stations and engine up/down inflight. Default is true.OXPC
- Boolean. Switches extended logging on/off. Default is false.OXPC
- Boolean. Switches music in stations on/off. Default is true.OXPC
- Number. Max pause for chatter in game seconds. Default 24.OXPC Added in v1.7
- Number. Switches the nextTime for the countdown timer to clock.absoluteSeconds+offset (0...0.3). This can help to ‘correct’ the countdown if the displayed messages are not in sync with the spoken countdown. Default 0.OXPC
- Integer. Defines the delay in milliseconds between mission screens before BGS re-enables its features. Default 600.OXPC
- Boolean. Disables radio chatter when in station aegis. Default false.OXPC
- Boolean. Disables crowd noise in stations. Default is false.OXPC
- Boolean. Disables spoken jumpcountdown. Default false.OXPC
- Boolean. Shader effect on docking/launching. Default true.OXPC Added in v1.9
- Boolean. Shader effect for hyperjumps. If no shader support available the script sets it to false. Default true.OXPC
- Boolean. Wormhole exit point effect. Default true.OXPC
- Number. Move the playership forward to get rid of the breakpattern rings. Set to 0 to disable it. Ignored if bgsHyperFX is false. Default 500.OXPC Removed in v1.6.
- Boolean. If true BGS handles 'player died while on F5', bgsDisableCrowd and script_info bgs_nocrowd and adds interface backgrounds. Default true in BGS-A, false in BGS-M. BGS-I sets it to true in startUp.
- Number. In case uers have problems with their Joystick deadzones for throttle (resulting in playing engine sounds even at full stop) a finetuning option is available. Default 0.OXPC
- Boolean. Disables some BGS functions (all when docked, chatter when inflight). It is primarily meant for mission OXPs and stations where no additional functions are available or if the features would interfere. Scripts are responsible to reset it when used, but BGS resets it on its own on shipWillLaunchFromStation, playerCancelledJumpCountdown, playerJumpFailed and playerStartedAutoPilot. Default false.
worldScripts["BGS-M"].bgsOff = true; |
- Boolean. QMine monkeypatch. If true, implement sound for QMines. Only processed on startUp. Default false.OXPC
addToLRCSpecial( obj ) |
Inserts a overlay for the special keys. Make sure that the object is extensible and not sealed or frozen.
- obj
- Object with the following properties
- gal
- Number. Required. Galaxy number in range 0...7.
- ov
- String. Required. Filename for the overlay with extension.
- txt
- String. Required. Text to be displayed.
- check
- String. Optional. worldScript name to be checked.
- bool
- Boolean. True on success.
addToLRC( obj ) |
Inserts a overlay as route or region. 4 different types can be used (circle, rectangle, npoly and route). BGS creates a bounding box based on the used type and positions to speed up the processing. Make sure that the object is extensible and not sealed or frozen.
- obj
- Object.
- type
- Number. Required. Range 1...4.
- gal
- Number. Required. Galaxy number in range 0...7.
- disp
- String. Required. String for .findOnLRC.
- ov
- String. Required. Filename for the overlay with extension.
- bool
- Boolean. True on success.
Additional properties are required for the different types:
Type 1 (Circle):
- posx
- Number. Position of the center. X coordinate in LY.
- posy
- Number. Position of the center. Y coordinate in LY.
- radi
- Number. Radius.
Type 2 (Rectangle):
- posx
- Number. Position of the center. X coordinate in LY.
- posy
- Number. Position of the center. Y coordinate in LY.
- w
- Number. Width.
- h
- Number. Height.
Type 3 (nPoly):
- nvert
- Number. Number of points.
- ax
- Array. X coordinates in LY.
- ay
- Array. Y coordinates in LY.
- con
- Boolean. Optional. Concave shapes may need to set it.
Type 4 (Route):
- pos
- Array. Pairs of coordinates in LY in x,y format, e.g. [[8,34.6],[...]]
findOnLRC( pos ) Added in v1.10 |
Collects matching map entries .disp properties which are added through .addToLRC and returns array.
- pos
- Can be a Vector3D, Array with 3 numbers, Object with properties x,y,z or a Number (system.ID) in range 0...255.
- matches
- Array. Format [ [areas], [lanes] ].
Some properties are checked on every launch. They have priority above specified script_info entries.
- bgs_engine
- String/Filename. Playership - engine mumble sound.
- bgs_engineUp
- String/Filename. Playership - engine acceleration sound.
- bgs_engineDown
- String/Filename. Playership - engine deceleration sound.
Additional keys for specific entities are available and can be specified via script_info dictionary.
- bgs_chatter
- String. Station - Chatter sound files for mainStation. Multiple files can be separated by “|”.
- bgs_countonly
- Boolean. Playership - spoken countdown only.
- bgs_engine
- String/Filename. Playership - engine mumble sound.
- bgs_engineUp
- String/Filename. Playership - engine acceleration sound.
- bgs_engineDown
- String/Filename. Playership - engine deceleration sound.
- bgs_music
- String/Filename. Station - music file for specific station.
- bgs_nocrowd
- Boolean. Station - disables the crowd sounds and switches images on F5.
- bgs_nomusic
- Boolean. Station - disables the music.
- bgs_tunnel_off
- Boolean. Station - disables the tunnel effect. (New in v1.9.1)
- bgs_tunnel_shape
- Number. Station - range 0.38 - 5.0. If not specified the script takes the ratio of the first found dock bounding box x/y to get the shape. See also Docking FX. (New in v1.9)
- 0.5 - square 45 degrees rotated with aspect ratio
- 1 - circle with aspect ratio
- >1 - squircle...rectangle (>1.1 with decreased aspect ratio to get a wider tunnel)
- bgs_tunnel_texture
- String/Filename. Station. See also Docking FX. (New in v1.9)
Playership (with preloaded sounds):
script_info = {bgs_engine = "[vector_engine]"; bgs_engineUp = "[vector_engineUp]"; bgs_engineDown = "[vector_engineDown]";};
Playership (without preloaded sounds):
script_info = {bgs_engine = "myEngine.ogg"; bgs_engineUp = "myEngineUp.ogg"; bgs_engineDown = "myEngineDown.ogg";};
script_info = {bgs_music = "buoyRepair_music.ogg"; bgs_nocrowd = true;};
Additional keys specially for other soundpacks are available.
Please note that these options have been removed in v1.6.
- String. Chatter sound files to be added to the soundPool. Keys “BGS-CHATTER_1” ... “BGS-CHATTER_5” are examined. Multiple files can be separated by “|”.
- String. Defines used countdown in range 1-10.
- String. Defines names for used countdown. [BGS-COUNT] is required! The filenames will be build -> name+[BGS-COUNT]+’.ogg’ and counted down to zero! So BGS expects [BGS-COUNT] + 1 files!
- String. Defines name of ambient part for galactic and standard jump. BGS looks for name+”g.ogg” and name+”h.ogg”.
- String. Bypasses ambient sounds for jumping, but leaves the countdown. Set to “No” to avoid deactivation.
- String. Disables timed jumpcountdown (overrides this.bgsDisableJump). Set to “No” to avoid deactivation.
- String. Ambient music files to be added to the musicPool. Keys “BGS-STATIONMUSIC_1” ... “BGS-STATIONMUSIC_5” are examined. Multiple files can be separated by “|”.
"BGS-COUNT" = "5"; "BGS-COUNTDOWN" = "bgstest"; "BGS-COUNTLAYER" = "bgstest"; "BGS-COUNTONLY" = "No"; "BGS-DISABLEJUMP" = "No"; "BGS-STATIONMUSIC_1" = "myMusicA.ogg"; // Without preloading "BGS-CHATTER_1" = "myChatterA.ogg"; // With preloading "BGS-CHATTER_1" = "[myChatterA]";
Additional features
BGS ships some ‘hidden’ features.
- hidden sounds
- The alternative trumble sounds are outcommented. To activate them remove the comment (“//”) for both keys (“[trumble-idle]” and “[trumble-squeal]”) in customsounds.plist.
- messages
- If you want to disable some onscreen messages BGS ships now a “_descriptions.plist” that cleans them out. Rename this file to activate it. This might be useful for eSpeak users.
- silence
- If you want to disable a specific customsounds sound set the value to “bgs-m_silence.ogg” in customsounds.plist.
For artists
Docking FX
The effect is done via VisualEffect entity. The model is a plane and gets scaled to fullscreen (with z = -1).
The input texture (figure 1.1) gets wrapped around via abs(atan(y,x)) (figure 1.2). You can imagine this as a cylinder with infinite length and you are looking into it, with a mirror axis along x. As the shape can be adjusted we can reach square, circle and squircle (figure 1.3).
The shader applies then some glowing lines and adds a opening door. Artists don't have to care much about it - the shaders does it on it's own. The interesting bit though is the coloring of the door. It's taken from the input image and walks counter-clockwise (figure 1.4). The shader rotates it and zooms in, so we get a gradient (figure 1.5). Finally it gets mixed with the glowing lines to some extend to get a smoother transition between tunnel and door and a standard tint gets applied (rgb: 0.5626,0.3587,0.0858).
All in all it does some computation (atan, length, pow and sin/cos and 2 texture lookups), but still runs smooth even on my old GeForce Go 7950. The compiler in spits out 118 instructions, 5 R-reg and 1 H-reg, so it's not really cheap - later cards drivers may cut this down, based on the optimizations they are able to do.