[hide]System: Alioth
Capital of the Alliance.
The now famous capital of the Alliance of Independent Systems. This system was the subject of many battles between the Federation and the Empire over many years, until in 3230 the Alliance was formed in a massed insurrection against both sets of invaders.
The Alliance has now spread over many worlds, and so Alioth is now an important political centre.
Government Type
Alliance Democracy
Economy Type
1-10 Billion
Sector Code
(0,4), System number 0
System overview
Stable system with 20 major bodies
Primary star: Bright giant star
Spaceports and orbiters
Mackenzie's Legacy: Small barren sphere of rock
Major starport: Brisbane Town
Ousey Rock: Rocky planet with a thin atmosphere
Major starport: Curie Park
Orbiter: Irkutsk
Miller Rock: Rocky planet with a thin atmosphere
Major starport: Vancouver City
Orbiter: Melbourne Park
Turner's World: Terraformed world with introduced life
Major starports: Edinburgh, Lisbon, Belfast City, Melbourne
Orbiter: Casablanca Town
Argent's Claim: World with indigenous life and oxygen atmosphere
Major starports: New Rossyth, Fortress Culloden
Orbiter: Gotham Park
Wicca's World: Small sustained terraformed world
Major starports: Ghandi, Widow Citadel, New Chernobyl
Orbiter: Aachen Town
Camp Molotov: Small barren sphere of rock
Major starport: Lisbon Park
Major imports
Minor imports
Major exports
Minor exports
Illegal goods
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