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Z-ships OXP

by Zieman

This OXP adds 4 ships (+ variants) to the Ooniverse.

Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


The Ships

Note: the links below go to individual Ship Data pages.

Z Asp Explorer sm.png
Asp Explorer
Z Cobra Commodore sm.png
Cobra Commodore
Z Porcupine sm.png
Z Python Courier sm.png
Python Courier

Asp Explorer - Available to player.
Far Arm shipyards stationed in Deneb system (G7) redesigned the famous Asp mk. II to incorporate fuel scoops and some cargo/passenger carrying capacity. This resulted in a slightly larger hull, but the new Asp Explorer still retains the flight characteristics that made its predecessor so well known. GalCop authorities have adopted the new design to police and navy operations, and civilian versions are slowly spreading to every corner if GalCop controlled area - and beyond, exploring the unexplored.

Cobra commodore - Available to player.
Cobra Commodore is designed as improvement of the Cobra mk. III - at least in fighting department. Increase in speed, extra energy bank and better energy recharge come at the inevitable expense of cargo space.

Porcupine - Available to player.
Far Arm shipyard's answer to calls for cheap but sturdy cargo hauler. Costs no more than Cobra mk. III. What you lose in looks and speed, you gain in cargo capacity and endurance.

Python Courier - Available to player.
Redesign of the aging space trading corner stone, Python. Python Courier is faster, has more missile slots, comes with fuel scoops fitted and at the same time retains the shape and sturdiness of the original design. Fitting all that in identical-sized frame inevitably results in slightly decreased cargo space.



Zieman's Oolite OXPs Website

Download OXP direct from Zieman's website and apply this bug fix afterwards by unpacking the .zip & replacing the shipyard.plist in the folder ..\Oolite\AddOns\Z-ships_v1.0.oxp\Config with its content

Download OXP from Box.com and apply the above bug fix afterwards