Talk:Joystick problems (Linux)

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Revision as of 05:29, 1 October 2015 by Diziet Sma (talk | contribs)

While not oolite-specific, another common linux joystick problem :

Since xorg started using evdev driver (around xorg-server 1.12 iirc) , default settings for evdev joystick caused it to be seen as a mouse and keyboard also. This can be solved by installing xf86-input-joystick package, then adding /etc/X11/xorg.conf-d/50-joystick.conf with this content :

Section "InputClass" Identifier "joystick catchall" MatchIsJoystick "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Driver "joystick" Option "StartKeysEnabled" "False" Option "StartMouseEnabled" "False" EndSection

The StartKeysEnabled and StartMouseEnabled options are the ones that change that behaviour, rest is X defaults for joystick driver.

Thanks for the above. I've added this to the page.