Sector2/Kobs Ladder (Region)

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Revision as of 14:21, 26 January 2011 by Treczoks (talk | contribs)

The region Kobs Ladder in the center of Galaxy Sector 2 consists of the systems Cerare, Esrece, Arines, Solaed, Quenle, Usdive, Beused, Diuste, and Usedge.

ID Name HC Position Gov. Eco. TL Prod. Pop. Inhabitants
0132:13 Cerare 6 (116,154) 4Logo64 Communism.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 08Logo TL8s.png 001792017920 MCr 3.5 Bln. Human Colonials
0292:29 Esrece 10 (109,151) 4Logo64 Communism.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 00046084608 MCr 2.4 Bln. Small Harmless Horned Lobsters
0972:97 Arines 8 (114,143) 6Logo64 Democracy.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00081608160 MCr 3.4 Bln. Human Colonials
1022:102 Solaed 7 (124,145) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 1Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png 10Logo TL10s.png 002786427864 MCr 4.3 Bln. Human Colonials
1492:149 Quenle 6 (116,132) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 02Logo TL2s.png 00014081408 MCr 1.1 Bln. Blue Slimy Lizards
1242:124 Usdive 6 (132,131) 4Logo64 Communism.png 3Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png 07Logo TL7s.png 001433614336 MCr 3.2 Bln. Human Colonials
0812:81 Beused 6 (124,120) 6Logo64 Democracy.png 0Logo64 RichIndustrial.png 11Logo TL11s.png 003760037600 MCr 4.7 Bln. Red Fat Insects
0202:20 Diuste 8 (134,117) 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 03Logo TL3s.png 00015361536 MCr 1.6 Bln. Human Colonials
1232:123 Usedge 6 (131,108) 1Logo64 Feudal.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00044804480 MCr 2.8 Bln. Human Colonials
Routes and Regions in Galaxy Sector 2
Spaceway L1 - Spaceway L2 - Spaceway L3 - The Tomoka Run - The Maorin Pass - Erlage Corridor
The Qucedi Bottleneck - The Equilibrium - Redline Stars - The Teonan Web - The Citadels of Chaos - Galcenter G2 - Kobs Ladder - The Fertile Crescent - The Zaedvera Pocket - Fiddlers Green - Ramaans Keep - Takla Makan